Monday, August 23, 2010

I have been sitting here staring at my computer screen for ten minutes trying to come up with adequate words to describe to you my dear friend Renee. But there just simply aren’t any words good enough. She emulates the heart of Christ more than anyone I have ever met. It is always a blessing to be in her presence and to call her my friend.

Renee lives with purpose. She is intentional about loving people with the love of Christ. She stops for one person and loves that person as if they were Christ Himself in her living room. She spends her days nurturing children who we all swear will surely die back to health, preparing awful smelling high calorie milk, and mopping vomit up off the floor and herself. And she doesn’t complain. Because she knows she is doing it for Jesus. My childhood hero was Mother Teresa. My today hero is Renee, because she might as well be Mother Teresa, just without the outfit and all the publicity. Renee is the kind of person I want to be when I grow up.

Nabakoza and Betty who I blogged about earlier are both in her care and because of that, and my trust in an incredible Savior, I have every reason to believe that they will not only survive, but thrive. Renee is daily doing the impossible, because she follows Jesus into situations that only He can get her out of. My children and I just love watching people come alive under her care.

Renee runs Serving His Children, a non profit ministry that predominantly rehabilitates severely malnourished children while also teaching the children’s mothers or family members to care for them. They visit these mothers both during and after the child’s stay at the SHC house. Most of these children are so sick because they live in remote villages where healthcare is inadequate, that is, if it is even available.. Because of this, Serving His Children does a lot of medical and HIV treatment in these villages.

All of this work requires a lot of traveling, as the villages are usually several hours away from Renee’s house. It requires a dependable vehicle that can handle the insanely bumpy dirt roads of Uganda that often turn into a swamp when it rains. My point: Renee needs a car. And good one. The kind we are looking for costs between 10 and 12 thousand dollars that Serving His Children currently just doesn’t have. All the resources that they do have are spent on food and medicine for these precious children that Renee cares for and their communities.

If I could, I would buy Renee a car tomorrow. But I am asking for your help. I cannot think of any organization I would rather give to, or any individual I would rather support. You can donate and learn more at or or you can click that little button right there on the sidebar and donate here noting Renee’s car.

I can’t wait to see God move here…

Also, Nabakoza is improving TREMNDOUSLY. It is nothing short of a miracle, and no doubt due to Renee and Shana’s devoted, round the clock care and a God who more awesome than I can fathom. I am so blessed to call these incredible ladies two of my best friends!


  1. Interesting that you said you want to be Renee when you grow up. I recently blogged the very same statement about wanting to be YOU when I grow up. ((hugs)) to both you and Renee for shining so brightly.

  2. I will spread the word thru my corner of the world and pray!

  3. Thank you for sharing about this amazing role model! <3

  4. I've just read Renee's entire blog recently and are so moved my her service. Money is tight for us now, but I'm going to scrounge some up ASAP. Thanks for making her need known.

  5. I am so lucky to have two sweet sisters in Christ like you and Renee to look up to as we are starting Ekisa. Love you both and will be praying!

  6. I too will spread the word in my little corner. I too have said, I want to be Katie when I grow up. Praying continued strength for the obedience all 3 of you walk in each and every day. (i was in the group from Sonrise that stopped by July 17th :)

  7. Oh Kaite, I'm praying!!! And I so want to be there with you right now. I want to help personally, not just with my donations.... A while ago my mom told me I should look into missions, or at least go on a mission trip. Just because she loves me and notices that I love helping others and speading the joy and love of Christ. Is this where God is leading me????
    I might e-mail you soon.
    -Emily W.

  8. Thank you for your request for help for Renee. My wife are sending our check today.

  9. Thank you for sharing Renee's need. My wife and I are sending a check today.

  10. OH thank you for the update on Nabakoza.This is so wonderful. How amazing is our Elohim. Thank you for letting us know. I will pray for Renee as well as fo nabakoza and betty.This is also a wondeful thing you're doing , helping her get the vehicle she needs. Blessings to you from Adonai Elohim

  11. I just read your last update before going to bed, and then saw your new one with an update on Nabakoza. I couldn't stop thinking about her afterward and prayed for her til I fell asleep and then today as well. How awesome our God is!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for being His hands and feet there with her and for letting us be a tiny part through prayer. <3 Lindsay

  12. Dear Katie...

    My 14 year old daughter Rebekah met you when she was on a short term mission trip in impacted her life greatly! Thank you for being a mentor & role model.

    I was so impacted by your recent blog & photos that I wrote about it on my personal blog (with over 800 subscribers) - I challenged them to help with this need and I am praying for abundant generosity.

    I hope you can let us know that they are soon able to get the vehicle that is needed.

    Prayers & blessings to you dear sister in Christ

  13. I will pray and tell everyone! Cannot wait to hear how the Lord provides!!!

  14. My prayers are with all tonite. Another incredible testimony we are so grateful to hear.

  15. Awesome. Thank you for the update.

  16. I just read about a local church here in the Dallas area having a contest to give away a car to someone in need. I just submitted Renee's name and the link to your blog post. Praying that by some miracle, she is awarded the new car!

  17. Thank you for always sharing the needs, it is the only way many of us can help you right now...I will pass the info along, and we too will help as we can. God bless the lot of you!

  18. Thank you for telling us about Renee and her ministry. I have donated directly through her site and I am praying for her and for you as well!

  19. Katie,
    I'm praying, praying, praying for you every day!
    I have been reading your posts for a few weeks now and I must tell you that I am so humbled, and yes, embarrassed by all that we seem to have in comparison to all that you and yours don't have. I know it's not enough, but I hope to be able to send more.

    I also have started to pray and I'll ask you to pray with me about adopting and whether this is right for our family. I am trying to listen to God and let him lead this decision.

    God bless you!

  20. Hi. I used paypal to donate for her car. Thank you for what you are doing.

  21. Thank you for sharing the needs and triumphs of this amazing woman. I will be giving my "creative tithing" to her this month.

  22. Praise God for these two strong ladies! Praise the Lord!

  23. God bless all of you that read these posts and listen to the Lord's leading. It gives me such joy to hear how God is working in all of your lives. What a great family we have in Christ. Brothers and sisters thanks for the encouragement!

  24. Hi Katie,
    Praying about how to meet Renee's needs. The work you are all doing there is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

  25. What a powerful reminder of why we are here. Thank You.

    Matt 25:45"Then he will answer them, saying, 'Most certainly I tell you, inasmuch as you didn't do it to one of the least of these, you didn't do it to me.' 46These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life."

  26. Thank you for posting about Renee. We are supporting you with prayers and donations and have spread word about your blog to many. Now I will do the same for Renee! I just posted about you on my blog last week in hopes of bringing awareness and support. I will do the same about Renee. Thanks again for posting.

  27. Spreading the word and giving. Thank you

  28. Katie -
    I just wanted to let you know that I mentioned you on my blog today. You are such an inspiration. May God bless you for using your life for Him. :)

  29. Just got tuned in to your ministry and blog and am so inspired by your service. My husband and I have adopted six Ugandan children and live in the states—and after learning of your 14 girls, I have resolved never to feel overwhelmed or stressed again!!! : ) I just love what Jesus is doing through you. Would love to meet the next time we make a visit. We're part of an organization similar to yours that sponsors orphans in school—

    Larisa Brass
    Lenoir City, Tenn.

  30. Thank God for using you guys in such a marvelous way. Will keep u in prayer.

  31. praying...wishing I was with you. So grateful for your heart and what the Lord is doing in and through you.

  32. I just found your blog and I am inspired... I hope one day to talk with you and come see what you are up to and who you interact with everyday. We seem to have very similar life stories, except I am still in school and haven't made that massive step yet. Thanks for doing what is so hard for so many to fathom, keep it up.


  33. So glad to read on her blog, that Renee and her crew were able to purchase the vehicle they needed! God is amazing!

  34. I am stunned and awed and I praise God to read today on Renee's blog that Renee got the car!! How wonderful how God moved people's hearts through your blog appeal!

    I am praying for you and Renee. What incredible ministry you both do.

  35. Katie! Just to let you know, what God is doing in Uganda has reached Samford University in Birmingham Alabama. We talked about your ministry in English class today. Weird huh? Also thank you for being a good role model! Your blog led me to Brook Hills and I think that is where God wants my church home to be!

  36. Praying for Renee's car and donating too!

  37. This is my first time coming across your blog. Wow. I am blown away at the goodness of God. I will be back to read more...the Lord is most definitely graciously stretching me to do things I would never thought I would do....thank you for sharing so candidly and passionately. May the Lord continue to overwhelm you with His presence.
