Monday, March 21, 2011

Wishing with all my heart right now that the internet was not the internet and was a safer place for me to share the specific cries of my heart.

Right now though, we are just asking for prayer.

I am so thankful for the Body of Christ who will lift us up during this especially difficult season.

I am so thankful for the Spirit who intercedes on my behalf before I even have the words to pray.

I am so thankful for God’s grace that never runs out and is enough for today and enough again tomorrow.


  1. We will pray. I am thankful our God is able, not only to do exceedingly more than we can even ask, but also to intercede when we do not know what to ask.

  2. We will pray. I am thankful that our God is able, able to do even more than we can think of or imagine, and knows what we should pray, especially when don't know what to pray. Your blog is a tremendous encouragement to me, and I share it with others who love our Lord (and Uganda). Blessings

  3. Praying for Gods blessing and way forward.

  4. From Rwanda, we are praying for you!

  5. We will pray. I am thankful that our God is able, able to do even more than we can think of or imagine, and knows what we should pray, especially when don't know what to pray. Your blog is a tremendous encouragement to me, and I share it with others who love our Lord (and Uganda). Blessings

  6. Katie...I am praying, sister.


  7. I will pray for you and your sweet family...xox

  8. "This life therefore is not righteousness, but growth in righteousness, not health, but healing, not being but becoming, not rest but exercise. We are not yet what we shall be, but we are growing toward it, the process is not yet finished, but it is going on, this is not the end, but it is the road. All does not yet gleam in glory, but all is being purified."
    — Martin Luther

    In your night watches and prayers for your family, your loved ones and your community, may our Lord purify you, comfort you and give you peace.

  9. "This life therefore is not righteousness, but growth in righteousness, not health, but healing, not being but becoming, not rest but exercise. We are not yet what we shall be, but we are growing toward it, the process is not yet finished, but it is going on, this is not the end, but it is the road. All does not yet gleam in glory, but all is being purified."
    — Martin Luther

    During your every trial, may our Lord comfort and purify you, strengthen you and give you peace. You are never alone.

  10. Dear Katie, those are wonderful things to be thankful for, especially when your heart is hurting! We don't know each other, but are bound in Christ. I will join the Spirit in prayer for you today. May He quiet you in His love. Your heart is safe with Him.
    In His Grace, Heather

  11. Just started reading your blog and have been so blessed by your adventure with God. I am definitely praying for you and all the beautiful people you are touching with His love.

  12. praying for you and all that's involved in this...

  13. I've got plenty of time to lift you up today, Sister. Circumstances don't need to be told, for God knows! He is good! I pray that you and your family feel His presence and comfort!

  14. i need no specifics to bring your request to the throne. i will pray for you as often as you are on my mind. may you know His peace in this trial. phil 4:7-8
    rachel hood (aberdeen, uk)

  15. Lord, be near! We praise your Holy Name -I pray Katie, her babies, and friends feel your sweet presence.

    Your will be done, Father.

    Keep your head up, sweet Katie!

  16. Praying!!!! He is not only able, but willing to help!!! He WILL help!!! [Pauls says this somewhere in one of his epistles]
    Just trust in HIM. TRUST.
    In Christ!!! Love. -Emily

  17. Lifting you and yours up in prayer from Hong Kong!
    Love & Blessings,

  18. Katie, I'm definitely praying for you and your family. One thing I do like about the internet and blogs, etc. is that it gets the prayer requests out there quickly. I'm such a strong believer in the power of prayer and so thankful that you are too. We are all praying to God to intercede in your situation. I feel so blessed to be able to call you a sister in Christ. Blessings...

  19. Praying knowing He will care for you all.

  20. "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express." [Romans 8:26]

    my Spirit is groaning on your behalf.
    <3 Kelli

  21. LIfting you up Katie and all of your precious treasures. May the peace of Christ be with you as you struggle.

  22. My heart is heavy for you. We will bear your burdens with you, Katie. we're praying!

  23. Praying for peace and strength and a Godly joyful outcome, Katie and your sweet family.

    Heather (in Scotland)

  24. Katie...I've never met you in person, but I know we will meet someday, either here on earth or in heaven. I pray for you all the time and will lift up these recent burdens which the Lord knows about. TRUST HIM! WAIT ON HIM! PRAISE HIM! He truly is enough! Hugs--dianne

  25. Katie, I know that you don't know me, but I'm definitely praying for you and your girls! Oh, that God would bless you and your family so richly!

  26. It is an honor to pray for you, having been SO BLESSED by your life and by your words.

  27. praying! you'll be on my heart extra, i'm sure & more prayers to come. so grateful for you. praying to be back so soon & hope we will cross paths! so much love to you.

  28. I am praying for you.
    I wish you could get visas, and come home to the U.S. and bring all of your girls with you.

  29. My dear is an honor to be asked to lift you and your precious family up in prayer. May God pour out his blessings upon you as you continue to bless so many in Uganda and around the world.

  30. praying and believing with you. He alone is good and worthy of praise, He alone is our refuge, with Him alone does the impossible cease to exist.

  31. Definitely will be praying for you Katie.

  32. Praying and thinking of you, Katie...

  33. Consider it done. I'm praying for you and the girls right now even as I'm typing this and will continue. I see from your post that you are already in a spirit of thanksgiving and it is a beautiful teaching and example to us of how to go to God, even when we're hurting. Thank you

  34. Its ok to say-I'm exhausted, spiritally and physically. That your coming home and and letting someone else take over.
    Your still a kid-life goes so quickly but there is plenty of time to be back in Africa without being there now. I feel God has been putting this on my mind to tell you for months now but your post really made me feel I had to post this.
    No probs if you don't want this comment published.

  35. I love your blog and felt led to pray for you. Prayed for His encouragement, strength, rejuvenation in your spirit and wisdom for your decisions. Read Isaiah 53; like the root in dry ground, He was and is familiar with anything and everything we struggle with in missions and ministry. He promises to walk the struggles with us as He guide our hearts more and more towards a likeness of His.

  36. all the love i can send your way.

  37. always praying sister ...will be there soon to help you lift you up !!

  38. Katie's blog readers-

    Will you pray and fast with me for Katie, her girls, Amazima, that God's will will be done, and that his name will be glorified in and through this difficult time, on Wednesday, March 23?

  39. Kate, there aren't very many days that go by that I don't think about you and the girls and all things Uganda. During my alone time with God you come to the forefront of my mind and I plead with him on your behalf. I was just looking at some recent pics of Jane and my heart breaks for you. That was after I looked at the recent pics of Angela with her birth mom. It hurts so bad and I still don't even know how to come to terms with those feelings of loss for for them and Clayton and Cory and even Marcos. But like you, I know the lovingkindness of our God, and I know that he is good and knows more than we could ever try to. So we cling to that, right! I love you girls so much. I wasn't the greatest friend while I was there; I didn't even know how to be in the midst of all the things happening around me. I'm sorry for that. Truly. I love and miss you all like crazy and I am begging God to light your path and hold you close. Please please send my love to all the girls. Tell them that Christopher talks of them and dreams of them and asks me nearly every day when we are going back to his house. I hope to see you again this side of heaven! Until then know that you have my prayers. xoxo sweet friend.

  40. Dear Katie
    We dont know each other but i found your blog through a friend at work today (when i was supposed to be working) I was just fill with a joy i cant not describe. To read all of your adventures i could barely stop to scroll down! I went back to 2007 and read about the sleep over you had and when you tried to make the beans lol its was so funny. You see God has called me to the mission field and specifically to Africa. I have so many questions to ask you!! Do you have anyway that i can mail you a letter? Or an email i can connect with you through? I will be praying for you and the girls. Keep following Christ and i cant wait to here from you!! My email is
    God Bless!!!
    Your sister in Christ
    Devin Longenecker

  41. My prayers are with you! I just found your blog and it has been such an inspiration and a blessing, thank you for writing.

  42. Im praying for you and your girls!

  43. Praying for you, sweet "internet friend," especially in those times when you feel too weary to pray yourself. Praying that through whatever storm you're facing, God will come close and hold your heart. I know He will. Praying that you'll trust Him more and more each day and know that He will always be faithful. And, most of all, I'm praying that God will reveal His glory through this (whatever "this" is) and show you and anyone else involved just how very much He loves you.

    “I remember my affliction and my wandering, the bitterness and the gall. I well remember them, 
and my soul is downcast within me. Yet this I call to mind 
and therefore I have hope:

    Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, 
for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; 
great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:19-23

  44. praying...

    Father Christ's precious name, life and power...

  45. Praying!!! Our God hears us and will answer. All things work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. The ingredients by themselves can be sososo hard, but I know He's going to work it all together to be a masterpiece.

    Psalm 91

  46. I just prayed before hitting "publish". Please know I will continue to do so.



  47. I have read your blog from beginning to end and know that when you need prayer and are unable to say for what that I just pray. He hears and he knows what the prayer we pray is for , even when we don't. He hears and will answer. Trusting in him for you and your family. God Bless.

  48. Peace and grace over you and your family... You have such a beautiful heart!
