Wednesday, April 13, 2011


  1. I will pray for you and for them!

  2. This is such a beautiful and poignant post. What an amazing life you lead as you surrender your life each day every minute to Jesus. I know it has to be a struggle, keeping your eyes and heart fixed in such trying circumstances. Will pray for Nancy to be born again, and for healing and for provisions for your work there. Much love and Jesus anoint you with fresh mercy and grace. Give strength to the weary and hold up the arms that are weak... how lovely are the feet of them that bring good news.

  3. Such positive words for those who need them the most.

  4. "now is all we have" - thank you for writing this. it made me cry but also realize that I need to praise Him NOW, right NOW, not in 5 years, not tomorrow, but NOW.
    thank you.

  5. I read this post and see nothing but Jesus. Beautiful, beautiful writing!

  6. And that is all that matters. :)

    Your blog gave me goose bumps. I love you, Katie!! You have become a staple in my home....your blogs/encouraging words a balm for my long days. I covet them......look for reading them and hearing about all that God is doing in and through you!!! My prayer is to someday meet you....and tell you face to face just how much you have blessed this life!

  7. Thank you for always sharing Katie. I know it must be hard to carve out the time and sometimes it's probably difficult, but I am always blessed by all that you share. Some (most) days I really REALLY need to hear what you have to say also, even if it's something that in my heart I already know :) Praying for you, your beautiful family, and the work you do.

  8. You are such an amazing woman and a gift from God to these people. You are certainly building up your treasures in heaven. God bless you today.

  9. thanks so much for sharing! i'm a pretty new to your blog, and have been praying often for your precious family! praying still...

  10. Thank you for sharing you life with us.

    Thank you for being the hands of Jesus to the needy.

    Thank you for allowing us to be a small part of the work that you do ... by praying for you as you work.

    I am always blessed to see/hear what God is doing in you and through you.

    Laurel :)

  11. a beautiful post. euchristeo. in everything. for everything. all the time.

  12. People just need to be seen and heard. I'm glad that you are in a place to do that and I'm glad to be reminded that I can do that right here, right now.

    I appreciate every time you share your heart with us. Although separated by water and land, I remember you to our God.

  13. His perfect light pours out of you...



  14. Thank you for sharing Jesus Katie, that was amazing. Beth

  15. You've got me weeping again, humbled, and praying! Thanks for sharing your life with us and for giving such a rich and fulfilling perspective! Jesus is enough! Blessings--dianne :)

  16. My eyes well up with tears every time I read your entries. You are such a fine example of the way Jesus served...a beautiful example to me. Thank you for helping to motivate me to share my abundance of blessings.

  17. You are the most amazing woman I know of. This post brought tears to my eyes. I must have missed the one that you told of Jane returning. I think of you daily and pray for Gods guidance in all you do.

  18. but....what happened in court with you daughters? did all go well ? you are such an amazing person, and we all sit in wait to hear the next chapter online.....
    love, grace and happiness for you all !!

  19. Praying for his leg to heal. Praying for you and all you do. Praying for your girls and their precious little lives you have given them. You are doing the work of Jesus. You are a blessing to these people. I keep reading through your posts and I am so humbled.
    God Bless,

  20. Praising Him with you and praying for you and your family in your awesome work.


  21. I've wondered this for quite some time but have never posted it...would you like us to pray that God will send a doctor to help guide the physical ministry you currently have to do alone?

  22. Oh Katie, how your posts touch my heart. I am praying for you.

  23. Praise him anyhow! Thank you.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Oh what a treasure you are. Giving hope and life and gauze and love. Thanks you, Katie. Thank you for taking the time to write and share with us.

  26. Wow. AMAZING. Thank you for this!

  27. Katie,
    You continue to amaze me and challenge me. I am in awe of how God speaks to me through you. You are an amazing woman with an amazing Maker!

    Blessings to you and yours...

  28. Oh, are simply amazing. While this is a hard post to read, I rejoice in Jane being home. I missed that somehow. Praise God. It must be SO hard, but OH such a rejoicing to have her where she is meant to be.

  29. I am lying in my bed reading your words and just in awe of your strength. Sometimes I think you will stop amazing me with that heart of yours and spirit of Surrender. But I doubt it : ) Thank you for being Jesus to that sweet man and so many others. Luv u.

  30. Katie...I am fairly new to your blog- been reading back through the years of journaling for a couple of weeks now. I often find you on my mind throughout the day and pray for you and your precious girls. Even now as I slip into bed and your family is getting ready to rise I pray that you wake with renewed purpose, renewed strength for the day's tasks, and a day filled with Jesus moments all day through. You are walking the tough, narrow road...but you are walking it with such grace and wisdom. It's all Jesus, I can tell. What a blessing you are to me, though we have never met.
    Walk tall today in His strength!

  31. Amen! what a great opportunity to speak Life...speak Jesus wherever you go, praying for you and your princesses Kate, God bless!

  32. Thank you Katie x

  33. Joyful beautiful post. Perfect for this last week of lent. Bless you dear girl.

  34. My heart swells with sorrow and frustration for all that the people you minister go through, but then the sweeping power of God's love and mercies come in and I see Christ's light in a world so full of darkness and devestation.

    You are a true vessel of all that God has called His children to be.

  35. Each of your posts leaves a poignant fingerprint on my heart, as if God speaks through you - and sometimes I do believe that to be the case. Your selflessness and devotion to loving others is an example I want to follow in all my life.

    I am thankful to God that He made you, that He put your family together and put you in a place where you help and heal and love so many.

  36. I don't even know what to move me beyond words.


  37. Katie,

    I have been following your blog for the past few weeks and am amazed at how you do it. Of how you whisper into each and every person the will of God and what he wants for their life. Of how much you and your family have gone through, because you know this is what God wants you to do. The song "Amazing Grace" comes to mind as I type out this comment. Keep up the good work! And thank you for being one of the few people that actually follow God because they love him too!

  38. constantly praying blessings over you Katie. Thank you for all you do, May God bless you and may his tangible presence envelope you and your precious girls every day.

  39. We'll be serving on a mission trip to Uganda in June, would love to take y'all to dinner. Ok so maybe that's not a possibility, but we are seriously exploring and praying about ways to drop by and say hi.
    Many thanks for the inspiration you continue to be to so many

  40. Anthony Evans "I Choose Now" lyrics

    I don’t want tragedy to be the only
    Thing that leads me to your throne
    With every moment of my life
    With pain or joy I will cry
    You are God alone
    You’ve given me the choice to kneel or walk away
    I’ve struggled with surrender long enough to say

    I choose now
    To be humbled in your presence
    I choose now
    To fall on my face
    Cause one day
    Every knee will bow but Jesus
    I choose now.

    I have the scars I can’t deny from
    Thoughtless words and foolish times
    But you still forgave
    I wondered down a thousand roads
    Lost my way but you led me home
    Where I was safe
    I know heaven is a gift of your grace
    But until I see your face

    To glorify your name
    That’s why I was made
    To worship and obey
    I won’t wait

  41. I know you probably won't see this, but I thought I'd comment and tell you how much your blog has touched me. I have been locking myself up in my room reading your blog- crying, praying..
    Your story makes my heart burst out of my chest. Love.
    I'm 15, and Jesus has called me to Haiti. I've been there 5 times. I long to go "home" to Haiti everyday but being 15 and still in high school, I can't- not full time at least.
    There is a little girl who called me "mama" and ran to me the first time I came, and she was the reason I first fell in love with Haiti. I wish she could be mine.. but again I'm 15.
    seeing that you're the mother to a 15 year old daughter at 22 really made me smile. 'my' little girl is 5 now... 10 years younger.
    ever since then, so many children call ME mama. a 15 year old freshman, American girl.

    Its been so amazing to read your story, thank you so much for being the Hands and Feet of Jesus in Uganda. <3 I am praying for you, your ministry and your girls.

  42. I am launch on the World Race in September and I have been praying about how to connect with people who have no earthly reason to hope...this post is an answer to prayer. I wouldn't put my kid (if I had one) on the cross, but God DID because He KNEW it was good. I can trust Him. THANK YOU! Praying.

  43. your posts take my breath away -- youve heard the words "your amazing" "your so strong" "i couldnt do what your doing" -- so i wont repeat those but KNOW u r all these things and MORE..much MORE. may God bless you, your children, your home, and all those sweet souls you help each and every day.

  44. I am awe-struck by all that you do. I am married with three little girls, serving as missionaries in Southern Mexico. Many days, that feels like a heavy load to bear. Until I read one of your posts! Then I realize that Jesus is supplying all of your needs just as He is supplying ours. No matter who, no matter where, His grace is sufficient... so long as we allow it to be.
    Praying for you today!

  45. Thankyou so much for the work you do for the least of these. It is truly a blessing to read your posts. I pray for you and your beautiful children. Keep up the good work!

  46. What a wonderful post. I cried at the pain I hear in their stories. I praise Yah for the words you are privileged to speak to them and I will be prying for those who visit with you, praying for their needs and praying for you and your children. Blessing and hugs to you. We love you!

  47. My friend just sent me your blog link and when my "littles" go down for a nap I plan on reading all through it.

    This post brought me to tears and I am grateful to God that those people have you.

  48. Thank you for being the healing hands of Jesus for these people. One day, there will be no more tears. God bless you!

  49. Katie,
    I have been following your blog for almost one year now.
    It is hard for us to imagine, Jesus coming into our busy lives right now and saying drop everything and follow me, no questions asked, as He asked His disciples.
    It is rare to see someone do this, you did just very that. You left your life in America, your family, your friends, to follow Him.

    Thank you for being you♥

  50. "...that thoughts out of many hearts may be revealed." - Lk 2:35

  51. "...that thoughts out of many hearts may be revealed." - Lk 2:35

  52. You have no idea how many lives and hearts you have touched with your hands and your words. Thank you. :)

  53. Truly God is glorious. And did not leave us comfortless. Rejoicing in Him. Rejoicing in what He is accomplishing in the world today.

    God give you strength and joy.

  54. I need to tell you that you have brought me to a relationship with Jesus that I never imagined for myself. For the last few years, you had been the only bible I had ever read, the only church I had ever attended. The only source of the word for me. But in January I finally found the courage and committment to find and join a church and have become like a sponge, craving and longing for his word like I have never felt before.....I got this longing from you. Thank you, for now I am filled, where once I was empty. Bless you for the work you do in Uganda and the work you do here, unknowingly being the vessle that carries God's WORD to so many and to me.....thank you.

  55. Katie,
    I have never written a comment before, but I have been reading your blog for over a year now. I am an Army wife with two children. During my husbands deployment to Afghanistan I read your blog and cried out to the Lord for you. I am moved and so humbeled by your servanthood. I see the face of God in your words, in your pictures, in the life that you show us through your blog. Thank you for being a bond-servant to our God. Thank you for encouraging me to go deeper, to give more, to believe more, to see with the eyes of my heart. I pray that the Lord speaks his blessings over you and your children. I pray that the Lord will stand beside you like he did Paul and say, "Dont be afriad, have courage, I am near". Thanks for furthering the kingdom. I pledge to support your ministry.

  56. I am going to a very, very dangerous county in the next year for a year in order to serve the Lord. I have been experience both incredible joy at seeing people being so generous in provide financially for me to go, but experiencing deep fear that it is possible that I will never come home. You're blogs remind me why it is so worth it to follow the Lord. They remind me of His grace and strength, and of the hope that I have for the people I will be serving in the Middle East. Thank you for being obedient, it inspires me to be as well.

    To the Lord be the glory forever, Amen.
