Sunday, July 10, 2011

“There is no event so common place but that God is present within it, always hidden, always leaving you room to recognize Him or not to recognize Him.” - Fredrick Buechner

laying low.

learning lots.

thank you, thank you, thank you for your prayers and encouragement.

photos by Tina Weir


  1. lamentations 3:22-28, 32,33

    matthew 19:29

    may He well up in you with joy and restfulness.

  2. LOVE the pics. we pray for you and the people you serve. May God continue to bless you in everyway.

  3. Beautiful pictures! Thx for sharing! Praying for you all the time and passing your blog on to encourage and challenge others. Blessings--dianne :)

  4. was driving yesterday and heard the NPR story about Katie in Uganda... I got really excited b/c they were talking about "my Katie" the one we support :) Keep doing God's work and give those girls a hug from me.

  5. I read the NPR article and comments and wanted to share a few thoughts meant to glorify Him. The journey is knowing the path you follow is not about what someone might comment on for you but what He has provided for you beginning with the apostles and with the same meaning today allowing for free choice and faith. Peace be with you and your family.
    Matthew 10:13 If the house is worthy, let your peace come upon it; if not, let your peace return to you.

  6. Love these pictures and your beautiful work and joy! :)

  7. I love these pictures, and the work God is doing in your home and community. Prayers for you & the girls. :)

  8. Somewhat new follower to your blog, and so loving reading it. Sending blessings!

  9. ...we are always praying for you Katie. Sometimes laying low is the way He wants us to go...
    Captivating, beautiful people...

  10. Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    "I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

    "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen."

    - Ephesians 3:16-21

  11. you are a true inspiration katie!

  12. Love your pictures of the beautiful children...praying for you....for the ministry God has called you to....and for HIS PEOPLE!!

  13. Our struggle is not againt flesh and blood, but against he rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly relm. Put on the full armor of God Katie and stand firm! You are precious to our Lord and you are precious to me. I'm praying for you and your sweet girls.

  14. Katie thank you for your obedience in answering His call. So inspired by what you are doing. Just started reading a new book, 'Orphanology" which explores adoption and orphan care not as a fad movement but a robust response to God's first love of us. "We are not mere humanitarians. Adoption is a real-life illustration of the gospel. It shows us how God transforms spiritual orphans into family members. He changes our names, identities, and families by His grace. Orphan care is acts of mercy that flow from the heart of one who has been changed by the gospel." You are shinning for His kingdom!

  15. Katie!
    When I see these pictures, I see joy. I see joy radiating from the smiles of the kids. Joy in their bent heads and folded hands. Joy in the dishes. Joy for everything in the midst of poverty. Its emanating from your face as you bend at God's feet to serve, and it is influencing those around you. Its bringing hope and love.

    I see it in you, Katie, and it inspires me, a 16 year old girl, to bend low and serve my parents and my siblings. It encourages me to love unconditionally and to always rejoice amidst the trials. It strengthens the fire within me to finish school strong. To passionately pursue wherever He leads, hopefully to the mission field as a doctor. It teaches me to wait and serve where I am. To fill myself with His love so its overflows into my daily life, as I see it doing in yours.

    Thank you for these blogs, Katie. I look for them often, and find encouragement in them. You and your girls are in my prayers daily. May God continue His work in you!


  16. I'm glad you've posted. I miss it when you don't but your life is so full I don't know how you post at all. Bless you and prayers to you my sweet saint. I know you don't feel like a saint but the Lord sure is using the vessel that you are. I will continue to be praying for you that His provision will continue to be present as you take care for His precious little ones.

  17. Praying as ever. Be blessed, lovelies.


  18. I really love that quote. It shows the magnificence of God as well as his gentleness. I applaud your mission and your life.

  19. Love reading your posts. Pray for your ministry. We have a ministry in Uganda called Mercy Uganda.....

  20. Let Him shine His light through you for His glory! It's okay. We're praying with you and support all of you!

    PS - did you know that McDonalds is advertising on your website? After it goes through your song list a man comes on advertising smoothies - unexpected & funny!

  21. The other day my husband and I made a financial decision that probably didn't appear very wise in the eyes of the world, but one we felt strongly called to make. We were chatting about it later and I said, "We are not called to be smart, we are called to be obedient." I didn't mean we shouldn't think about our decisions, but that we shouldn't second guess them when the world calls them into question--because we can be confident in the one we are following!

    The circumstances were different than those you are experiencing, but the principle is the same. I hope you are clinging to the knowledge that what makes God smile often isn't what brings the support or admiration of the world!

  22. God bless and keep you and your family \o/

  23. Prayers for you and your loving family going up constantly. I hope you have the support and peace from the Lord and others at this time.

  24. Hi Katie! You don't know me, but I'm the daughter of Vicki Who is one of your dad's really good friends. I just wanted to let you know that what you are doing is extraordinary. You are such a bright person at such a young age. You're taking care of 14 little girls all by yourself. I just think that's amazing. It's wonderful that you can live your life exactly how God wanted you to live it. Millions of people are probably wishing they could be you right now. You live life to the fullest and find your happiness within these girls. I will be sure to get my mom to get a book from your dad so I can read all about your gracious ways. I hope that I will get to meet you one day!!! :) You will be in my prayers.

  25. Beautiful ... His beautiful in every photo. Such simple beauty. Thank you for sharing Him.

  26. Just wanted you to know I'm praying for you today Katie. I'm new to your blog (came over from and while spending time in the NICU this week with my youngest, I started at the beginning and have read your entire journey. All I can say is, God has used you mightily and my life is not the same. Thank you for sharing your life and your hope with us. Since I'm up at all hours with 4 little ones...I pray for you and your beautiful family often.

    Praying Isaiah 40 for you today.

    Do you not know?

    Have you not heard?

    The Lord is the everlasting God,

    the Creator of the ends of the earth.

    He will not grow tired or weary,

    and his understanding no one can fathom.

    He gives strength to the weary

    and increases the power of the weak.

    Even youths grow tired and weary,

    and young men stumble and fall;

    but those who hope in the Lord

    will renew their strength.

    They will soar on wings like eagles;

    they will run and not grow weary,

    they will walk and not be faint.

    Love from a sister in Christ in Missouri

  27. When learning time is a quiet, hidden time it is the best time. So appreciate your faithfulness in laying low. Thankful for the spaciousness that surrounds you in order to see.

  28. Praying for you sweet Katie.

  29. Praying for you!! You're doing the right thing, and more importantly what God wants you to do.

  30. Thanks Katie for sharing these pictures!

  31. Love these pictures and your beautiful work and joy! thank you!

  32. are amazing!!! I have no words that can compare to your usual posts. I'm so exited to read your book. Praying for you!

  33. I just want you to know that I and my family are praying for you and yours!

  34. Hello, just wanted you to know that I am praying for you.

    Eph, 3:16 and on.

    Love and prayer-

  35. You make me want to be a better person.

  36. Oh all those beautiful, beautiful faces! How I long to be surrounded by faces like those, one day.


  37. are so courageous and truly living as we're meant...I'm in awe

  38. Beautiful photographs!

  39. Always BLESSED by your pictures.

    : ) :) :)

  40. katie,
    your heart is amazing.
    your love for Jesus apparent.
    your service for others so inspiring.
    i found your blog many months ago and somehow lost it...and have now found my way back again... i shall be praying for you, your children, and every person with whom you come in truly are being the hands and feet of God.

  41. You are doing a truly amazing and beautiful job of serving our God. My prayers are with you. You are a true witness of the word of God. God bless you

  42. I think your doing a terrific job Katie. Im going to Ghana Africa for 3 months and am really looking forward to serving there! God bless you and the mission work you are doing! Will be praying for you~
