Monday, October 17, 2011

It is after midnight and I lay her in yet another new bed in another new place. Strangers-turned-friends have opened their home up to us, the wanderers, during this quick trip throughout the United States.

As I lay her head on what seems the twentieth different pillow in three weeks it occurs to me that once again she will wake up in a place that is not where she fell asleep. And as soon as I realize this I realize something else: she will wake up happy as long as I do not get out of bed first. I know this to be true after over 2 years of mothering this precious soul. If she can wake up and see my face their next to hers on the pillow, she will not mind the new place.

I am overwhelmed at that kind of trust.

I want that kind of trust.

The last three weeks have been a whirlwind that my publishing team calls “promoting the book.” For me it has been a sanctifying and stretching time of testifying over and over and over again His faithfulness in our lives. A time of noticing the little surprises that He puts in front of me every single day.

I am the Israelites, forgetting so quickly. Just so not wanting to be in this foreign place away from my children, not wanting to be looked at or praised or criticized, I am tempted to grumble, even to worry, even to forget. But I can’t because in front of thousands, it is my turn to testify. And in testifying, I remember. I remember the miracles and I remember all the long way that He has carried us. And as I remember, He continues to surprise and carry still. I share our story. And each time, with each word, I know it a little deeper: God IS who He says He is.


And slowly but surely I am learning to trust my Father in the way that my three year old trusts me. Learning to just allow Him to carry me, take me where He wants me and know that I will still wake up in His arms, and in His arms it is safe. Even when I wake up in unfamiliar territory.

In an effort to really sink in deep into His safe and loving arms, I am unplugging. The last three weeks have been a time of being “on”, sharing our story with many and praying and believing that they will be encouraged and God will receive all the glory. And so now it is time to be quiet. Time to listen instead of speaking. Time to trust fully in Him instead of worrying about silly comments on silly articles. Time to turn “off” – both my mind and my computer.

I will be back in Uganda with my girls on Wednesday and we will spend this month enjoying each other, enjoying our Father, and trusting Him to do whatever He wishes with this book and this testimony. He has done big things and we have wonderful stories and I cannot wait to share them with you in November.

He is behind and before. We trust Him. To Him be the glory.


  1. Enjoy your reunion with your family! I just received your book in the mail today and am already captivated by your account of how the Lord has worked in and through your life in Uganda. Thank you for helping to open our eyes to the needs of souls all around us.

  2. We were reading your book and praying for you when you posted this. Wish we could have met while you were in the States but know you are anxious to get back home to your girls. We are in the process of adopting two little girls but sure have us praying about adoption from Uganda down the road. We are reading your book to our kids during our family devotion time each evening after dinner. What a testimony you are. Blessings and grace to you and your girls!
    The Pruiksma Family
    Fayetteville, GA

  3. Katie,
    I was one of those watching you tell of God’s work, God’s provision and God’s glory this weekend, although I did not meet you. You need to know that the lives you have touched and that God has touched through you are only the beginning of what He has planned.

    As you return to your children and to those who have come to trust you and need you, please remember that there are many who will be praying for you—friends you never had before—friends you haven’t met. God will continue the work He has begun in Uganda. He will complete the work He has begun in you.

  4. Katie,
    I was one of those watching you tell of God’s work, God’s provision and God’s glory this weekend, although I did not meet you. You need to know that the lives you have touched and that God has touched through you are only the beginning of what He has planned.

    As you return to your children and to those who have come to trust you and need you, please remember that there are many who will be praying for you—friends you never had before—friends you haven’t met. God will continue the work He has begun in Uganda. He will complete the work He has begun in you.

  5. Thank you...may God continue to bless, encourage, and love you so you can continue to share it with others..He is using you in ways you will never see or now while on have given me motivation when I get tired and exhausted from my travels..thank you for allowing Him to use you..praying for you always and hope to get back heart is still at the karamajong village. Through His love..xoxo

  6. Thank you, Katie. It's so amazing how our God works. He has been teaching me to trust Him through this trial... and I'm having a hard time with that. To read your post was so encouraging!
    Just so you know, you are making a huge impact... God used you to call a comfortable girl in the States to step out in faith and surrender her life. This girl received her calling to be a medical missionary through your story. This girl loves you though she's never met you and prays for you, your girls, and your ministry. I would love to meet you, just to say thank you, someday... Until then, we will both trust our Savior, who is so much bigger than our circumstances! Even if we don't understand where we are in this season, waking up in the arms of Jesus is enough.

  7. this is mom sent me your book in the mail last week. All the way to Dartmouth where I go to college. I used to be great friends with Connor Broadbent so I have hung out with Brad a couple of times. You have to know that you are a total inspiration to me, and I pray for you and your children often.

  8. Katie,

    We miss you and can't wait to have you back in Uganda. You are missed at church and I know your precious girls have missed you lots. I hope you are able to bring back some copies of your book with you. I would love to purchase a copy:) See you soon. Praying for safe travels and for health.


    Dana Bogan

  9. Katie, thank you for coming...I watched your inspiring story online and have since read some of your blogs and been very encouraged in my can I say thank you? I appreciate all you say. thank you for sharing your Hope.

  10. i appreciate knowing you are real and you love Jesus. Thank you.

  11. Good Morning ~
    I just recently came to know about your organization and I wish so much to have known about it last December when I took my daughter, age 11 and our foster daughter, age 17 to Uganda. We spent time in a village in Kyenjojo. At an orphanage on Bussi Island. In Kadama, and two orphanages in Kampala. We spent a couple hours in Jinja but didn't know anyone there.
    I wanted them to be introduced to children their own age in another part of the world. I challenged them to continue to serve Christ by seeking ways to help others who have no resources to fall back on. The youngest wants to return as a doctor so she can help in orphanages and the oldest is planning on getting into nursing school soon and wants to do many more missions trips.
    As I pray for our orphans there I will now be including you and your family. I understand how hard life is there and I admire you greatly! The Ugandans were a very loving people and we will never forget them. When we make it back again I will try to look you up. God Bless You!
    As my little boy loves to say, "Group Hug!!!"

  12. Katie, I've had your book on pre-order for months and last week it arrived on my doorstep here in the UK. I read it in a day or so (no mean feat for a mom of three small kids!) and I just wanted you to know it is changing my life, daily. I'm looking at my situation with completely new eyes and feeling called to offer all my resources to Him in a way I've never done before. Let's hope your wonderful obedience infects everyone who reads the book. May He continue to hold you all in the palm of His hand.

  13. God bless you and your family, Katie. Thank you for loving Him like you do and testifying for Him like you do!

  14. Katie, you are amazing because God is amazing! Thanks for knowing and sharing who God really is! You are a testimony of true faith to everyone who meets or hears your story. I read your book and am sharing it at work. I enjoyed meeting you at Catalyst and will pray for your journey back home.

  15. Katie - you are wonderful...God is wonderful In and Thru you! So enjoyed hearing you at Lipscomb last week. May God be praised and glorified thru everyone that reads your book, and may lives be changed. On earth as it is in heaven. Love you and your godly, wonderful parents, Karen Barnes Snyder

  16. Hello Katie,

    I read your book in a day and as soon as I was finished, gave it to another new-Christian friend of mine. To God be ALL the glory, honor and praise. I am praying for you, your children, your family and friends and Amazima daily. I pray God's Blessings and Abundance and Safety upon your life. May you always remember, as you have stated in this blog, He is that was, that is, and is to come. I love you deeply, from one member of the body of Christ to another. Know that 23 yr. old Diane, from Connecticut will always be uplifting you in prayer. May God direct you and may you be in the center of His will in all things. This, I am learning too-to trust, obey and stand in awe of His might work.
    In love and in Him,

  17. I'm praying for you, Katie. The limelight can be such a difficult place to be. Asking God to give you strength as you climb out of your comfort zone to bring him glory.

  18. Safe travels to you all, Katie. It was SO wonderful to get to see your sweet face and hear your sweet stories of our Father's love! (We were so blessed to be at Brook Hills Sun. night)
    My kiddos especially were affected by your incredible for them to hear firsthand from "Katie in Uganda"....the one they pray for everyday! May His seed take root in many hearts and His Kingdom grow for His glory!!!!
    We won't stop praying...

  19. Katie, I pray that God will give you a time of rest and replenishing. I know that you have missed the girls and that they have missed you. Thank you for walking with God and sharing His love.... I have your book and am enjoying getting to know your family and your mission a little better!

  20. Rest. Rest in Him, Katie. Enjoy your daughters.

    We'll be here ready to hear you when you come back.

    Hugs and Prayers

    So thankful He IS who He says He IS.

  21. love, love, love your heart, Katie. There is a quiet respect for you growing. Don't be afraid to sit and be silent so you can listen - you know that silent has the same letters as listen!!

  22. Thank you for allowing God you use you. We have recently moved to Mobile, AL to be youth pastors here I bought your book last week, and there are already two girls who have each purchased one... God is moving quickly and is definitely capturing the hearts of those who read your book. (One of those girls has a heart for adoption; I'm loving her spirit) Thank you again, and we're praying for safe travels as you return home to your girls. -Allyson

  23. Looking forward to the time you can share all that God is doing and has done during the past few weeks! But in the meantime, praying for rest and rejuvenation and a sweet sweet reunion with your girls!

  24. Just found your blog through another blogger who heard you at Brookhills in AL. So glad to find and follow your blog and the journey you are on. I just ordered your book and am very anxious to read it. God bless you and your precious family!

  25. To Him be the glory. Always.

    Love your book, Katie. Love your heart. Thankful Jesus continues to mold it into His image, as He does mine.

    So glad you will be with all your girls soon! Prayers for safe travels.

  26. Thank You... being still hard... waiting is hard.... but I am learning to take comfort in knowing that God is the one I am waiting on, and what He gives is exactly what I need


  27. I found your post today . . . visiting from sixinthesticks. . .here is fresh air. . .real life. . .unfettered. . .will be back. . .you are in my prayers, dear one.

  28. You did a beautiful job sharing your testimony, your life, and the book. The public can be difficult...even amongst believers. You were faithful, exactly what God intended. The rest is up to Him...He will water and bring the increase. Rest in His peace.

  29. I "found" you a few weeks ago and I have never had a human inspire me as you. My connection to Him has strengthened from reading your journey. I finally feel a purpose inside myself as well as my mothering role swelling to great depths. The last few days my soul has been quenching for personal guidance and I find your blog entry today so very necessary. I thank you for this. For reminding me that sometimes the road is scary, untouched, but ultimately we are able to trust in Him completely. Thank you dear. From a fellow mother.

  30. beautiful, katie. Thank you for this. Praying for a safe flight and a happy reunion. xoxo

  31. Amen, Katie! Soak deep into the Father's love and have a lovely reunion with your girls. Hang on to who Christ says you are and let all naysayer comments fall on deaf ears. You could not be more in the center of the Father's will.I shall be praying for truth to reign in your families minds. Blessings,Kim

  32. Praying for what God has in store!

  33. Sorry to have missed you in the US Katie, safe journey back! God bless you and your fellow workers, the reward is in Heaven, definitely not here :)

  34. Katie, I know you are turning off and that I understand. I just want to let you know someone in Shelbyville, TN is praying for you, lifting up your hands when you are week, standing for you when you can't, and rejoicing with you when you rejoice. I'm a 37 year old mother of 2 and one on the way from Korea. But even at my age you have taught me to SEE with spiritual eyes daily and not to take one moment for granted. Thank you Katie!

  35. Wishing you the best! Your testimony is an inspiration to all beleivers! It was a combination of your blog and the book by Francis Chan, Crazy Love, that got us started on the adoption journey:) Love your faith! Keep on doing what you're doing and don't listen to tne nay sayers. May God bless all your ministries.

  36. Katie, I am continually encouraged by your life and your testimony. I will pray for a joyous return home for you and that God be glorified in all of your efforts to share His love. I know He is... I heard you speak, and it was wonderful. Your humble demeanor in such a spotlight is beautiful. Praying for you and your children.

  37. Katie, I hope that your book is able to bring many blessings for your ministry.

  38. Katie, I have followed your blog for almost 2 years and I check it at least once a week, hungry for an update about your life and beautiful family.

    I am so thrilled that you have written a book and can't wait to read it. Your faith is unshakable at times and as a mother of three and a woman twice your age, I pray for that faith daily.

    God is using you as an inspiration to all of us and maybe even a kick in the pants to those who lose sight of how blessed we are in our lives.

    Thanks for all you do and hugs to all your children.

  39. Blessings to you and your family as you travel back to your home! I am almost finished with your book and it is incredible! Thank you so much for obeying God and following Him to the dark places and bringing His light to everyone you touch! I am beyond inspired by your life and I hope God has something similar for me in the near future.

    Love and blessings to you!

  40. I ordered your book this week and it is currently on its way to my house.

    I hope your trip to the US has been a good one, and that you have been able to enjoy it.

    Thank you for sharing your story.

  41. You have a gift, the gift of pure love, given without reservation. The gift that is returned to you by your children. As I look into the tiny black and white faces I hold and kiss, I too see exceptance and love from complete strangers. God is good and He showed that same love to us sinners through His Son. Bless you sweet child!!

  42. I just want to say thank you for saying Yes to the Father, for your story has helped in the process of renewing my faith, but more than that, to focus on looking through the eyes of those in need. I have proudly donated to sponsor a child in your educational program at Amazima, and look forward to hearing about the wonderful opportunities this will open up for him or her.

    Take care and God Bless,
    Greg Pyne
    Orlando, FL

  43. Katie, I came to Catalyst to hear you speak because your story is so precious and inspiring and God-breathed. I could say so much, but let me sum it up by saying, Thanks for being a vessel that God uses to spread His redemptive story. You are a blessing!

  44. God bless you, Katie... and He has! You have done the things that many of us wish we could do but have not...either because of inability or fear. Though financially I am unable to help, you and your children will always be in my prayers! Thank you for putting faith into action!

  45. I have been following your blog for about a year, my friend Amy Block told me about you. She adores your heart. I bought the book last week and have began sitting with my 10 year old son and 7 year old daughter reading it to them nightly. They are in awe of you..they are in awe of Jesus. My daughter says she will move to Uganda as well and serve with you. I told her she should do what the Lord places on her heart :) Thank you o much for all you do to inspire me and others to step out in faith and live uncomfortably.
    ~Brandy Windham

  46. Amen. Rest and enjoy your family. Well done good and faithful servant.

  47. Dear Katie,
    My name is Kaylee Smith and I'm a ten year old girl who wants to be a missionary in Rwanda. I finished your book today and loved it. You describe God's word so good and understandable and easier to grasp for a 10 year old like me. When I visited Rwanda I saw the need and need to help. You are inspiring me as I see what you blog about. Keep it up!
    God Loves You more than you can imagine,

  48. To say that Katie is an inspiration to our world, is a enormous understatement. God be with her and protect her. She is truly a testament that God lives.

  49. Katie, I saw you @ Brookhills and really enjoyed hearing how the Holy Spirit is moving through you. We have served in Uganda and LOVE it there and may retire there one day. We are also adopting from Ghana. Thank you again for listening and having curage to continue to step out of the boat. Our blog is if you have time to read it.

  50. Enjoy that unplug time. Your sacrifice is yielding fruit. God IS using your testimony to draw others closer to Him and urging them on, myself included, to live more radically for Him and for His least of these.

    My husband and I are moving our family to Africa to live and love. Your story is helping me prepare for some of the issues we will face and helping to remind me that just as God can give courage to an inexperienced 18 year old, He can give courage to each of us, even a middle-aged mama.

    Praying for you all!
    Elysa Mac

  51. I have followed your blog for some time and my husband brought home your book from Catalyst. It is wonderful and awesome to hear your story and your heart. Thank you for your obedience to Jesus. Thank you for sharing your testimony, for saying it and writing it over and over, even though it's exhausting... I believe He is and has and will continue to receive the glory. Blessings to you as you return to your family.

  52. You are such a example to me, Gods story in your life and the life of your girls is truly amazing, cant wait to get the book!

  53. God Bless you,Katie.

    I just heard your testimony through the Dave Ramsey Podcast.I'm absolutely blown away by what I just heard. What you've accomplished by God's grace and His power working in your life is absolutely incredible.Wow ! Just amazing !
    You asked for prayers first,well that is the least I could do.And I'm certain God will enable me to support your calling throughout my life as I'm able.


  54. Heard you on Dave Ramsey today! I spoke with my 18 yr old daughter about you. I am hoping she will read your book. Prayers with you, thank you for your testimony!

    Michael - Newark, Ohio

  55. Katie,

    I am in awe of your story and what God has done through you. I almost can't contain what He has accomplished through one willing person. I have felt for a long time that God wants me to do a missions trip, especially to help children and women in need. I want to be used by Him and you are my most inspiring example of what He can do! I bought your book and read it in a couple of speaks to me of sacrifice, of giving up our rights to a loving and faithful God, of trusting Him in the direst of places. I have longed for a pure and unselfish approach to Christianity because so much of what we hear and read concerning the Chritian walk is about what we can get from God as opposed to how can we bless Him for what He has ALREADY done for us!! Thank you for this. Thank you for your example and your faithfulness.

    How I would love to come and help and volunteer at Amazima! I pray for God's blessing on your continued work and thank you for sharing your story in this most compelling book.

    A sister in Christ,

  56. Katie, you have have been such an encouragement to me. I just recently started following your blog a couple of months ago. I have already found so much truth in your actions and your words. Thank you for be obedient. I pray for the clarity, boldness, and obedience that you have been given.

  57. Thanks so much for sharing this, Katie! Our Jesus is so trustworthy and it never ceases to amaze me how he chooses to remind of us that. Sometimes He uses the smallest of His precious children to show us the greatest of truths.
    Right now I'm learning a lot about just allowing Him to carry me, to take me where He wants me and simply knowing that when I wake up each day He's still there to carry me and give me strength for whatever plans He holds for me for each day.
    God has put a huge burden on my heart for children, and especially the children of this world. My heart is overseas with my precious children in Peru, but for right now God's placed me in an awesome school, Moody Bible Institute, to prepare me for whatever He has for me in the future. Your transparency and boldness has been such a huge encouragement to me. Thanks for sharing your heart, and your story. May our Jesus bless you in this time of unplugging. I'll be praying for you and your beautiful girls.

  58. Thank you, Katie. Thank you, Lord.

  59. Praying for you and your family as you unplug. Be still and wait upon the Lord. Keep your heart and mind focused on Him alone. Also, enjoy your girls. Love and be loved. Thank you for being vulnerable to so many during your book trip . . . you did indeed humbly testify to the Lord's love, power, and goodness. Thank you for being an obedient vessel through which the Lord can work . . . and, yes, may our Father receive all the glory. And may more of us hearing and reading your story not just continue in our daily lives merely stirred and not changed. May we be faithful to hear and follow the Lord where He has us or wants to take us, being obedient to love the next person He brings into our path. The Lord is calling His children to truly live out His love (through your story as well as Renee Bach's work in Uganda, David Platt's Radical book, Francis Chan's Crazy Love book, and countless others). The Lord is using all of these examples to raise up and encourage believers who will abandon themselves to follow Him and not the culture. Exciting! The Lord is so good! What a day it will be when we all get to Heaven . . . and may we each take as many as possible with us. Amen! :)

  60. I am so sorry I missed you when you were in the Seattle Area:(
    God Bless you and your children!

  61. Good for you Katie for knowing when it's time to unplug and then doing so!

  62. Katie, I totally agree with you. I have been a missionary in Haiti for 9 years and God has been so faithful and so amazing. It is embarrassing to receive the compliments and the words like "hero" and "angel" and "sacrificial" even though I know they are said with good intentions. The truth is we are the blessed ones that live among heroes, angels, and people who truly know sacrifice! Enjoy your sweet girls back home!

  63. Beautiful, Katie. God and your English instructors from high school built within you a way with words that touches souls and leaves us knowing He is here and He has a plan. Keep running the race, Dear One. We cheer you on!


    MARK 9:36-37:KJV
    36 And he took a child, and set him in the midst of them: and when he had taken him in his arms, he said unto them, 37 whosoever shall receive one of such children in my name, receiveth me: and whosoever shall receive me, receiveth not me, but him that sent me.

  65. I just finished reading your book. Thank you for taking the time to tell your story. It will inspire many to do more. I will definitely recommend it to others.

    May the Lord bless you and keep you; may the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you; may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26

  66. Thank you. Have a wonderful time with your family over the next month. :)

  67. Hello Katie,

    Can't find the words to express how touched I’ve been and continue to be in reading your writing, your blog. Oh Goodness (and it is), you feel like a kindred spiritual friend. .. .. while I don't think my body wants to make a trip to Uganda, I must tell you that a few days ago I fantasized coming to your many children and taking fun photos, painting, singing and writing with them (them with me). I wear these hats in my life daily.

    What I'm sharing is that I can empathize with these precious children and feel connected with them already. Words never quite do it, but I wanted you to know that I appreciate that you're here now doing what you doing and letting others know so they can 'see' you and support you.

    Most Warmly a big hug God Bless us All,

    Paul, Arizona

    (aka. Paul Michael, a non-denominational wedding minister for the last 18 years).

  68. Your blog and book have encouraged me with missions and writing. You have made it clear that God has done all these amazing things, and you are just a willing servant. Your attitude is inspiring. Thank you for letting God use you. Thank you for being so vulnerable with strangers. Thank you for sharing your fears and hard lessons learned so that we can see God glorified through all of it.

  69. I love your heart, I see God in it. I am praying for you and you encourage me! This is what it is to live a christ centered life!

  70. Praying for safe travels so that your precious family can once again reunite. I have already finished reading your book and loved every minute of it.What an amazing voice for Jesus you are. God's grace and love just pours out of you.

  71. I heard you speak at Brook Hills. You are SUCH an inspiration and have given me a want to serve God overseas. Thank you for being one of few that follow wherever He leads you.

  72. Received this book yesterday in the mail from a dear, dear friend. Intentions of reading a chapter this morning soon turned into putting all other plans aside as each turned page beckoned me to the next. Hours later as I finished the last chapter I am praising God for your sharing His story thru your life. I Cor. 13:13 as paraphrased in the Message "...we have three things to do to lead us toward that consummation: Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly..." Press on Katie Davis, beautiful daughters, family and friends of Uganda.

  73. Hi Katie, it is good to hear from you again. Knowing that you are well. Can't wait to read more. Take care of yourself and your girls and enjoy them today. Hugs and prayers

  74. I just finished reading your book. I purchased it on Friday night. I finished it by Monday. I could not put it down. Your book has really ministered to me. My daughter is part African with family from Sierra Leon. I have always felt a tug to do something in Africa. I am hoping that I will have the opportunity one day. I am now going to read excerpts from your book every day just to encourage me. When I am in my darkest hour, I will remember the encouraging words that were in your book. I have never read anything like this before. Thank you so much! -Mary

  75. April Jiles FortenberryOctober 19, 2011 at 4:35 PM


    I finished your book yesterday
    ( and there is a story about how it even came about that I "bumped" into your book as I had never heard of you before). I paused more times than I can count to dry my eyes. I read half the book in one sitting and finally had to walk away as I felt like I had consumed an over the top Thanksgiving meal. I truly needed time to digest what I had read.

    May God continue to be with you and guide your footsteps. We are weak but He is strong...

    As a side note, is there a way to send you a private message?

    April Fortenberry

  76. Hi Katie,
    My name is Brianna. I have read your book and all of your blog posts from where your book left off. I have been inspired to do things very similar to things as you are since I was about three. I hope to go to Africa soon because that is what I have felt God calling me to do. I graduate high school this coming June and I can not wait to see what He has in store for me at that point. I thank you so much for telling your story. I love your girls just through reading about them and I wish all of you the best! I have been and will continue to pray for you, and maybe at some point in our lifes, our paths could cross. Thank you again!

  77. I stumbled on you story by accident last week, thinking it was going to be about something else. I was sitting in my driveway, reading your story on my phone, and I found myself in tears. I am nearly 20 years your senior, and I am in awe of the meanIng you have already found in your life. I subscribed to your blog right away because I found your words so inspiring. Your children are so blessed to have found an angel to be their mother, and you are equally blessed, I'm sure, to have these little lights in your life. God bless you in everything you are doing, please don't let anyone detract from your work with foolish comments, and please allow Him to continue to shine through your writing.

  78. I found your blog via Ginny's Yarn Along...I admire your faith in God and hope to read your book soon!

  79. Katie,
    I agree that it is amazing... the level of trust that children have in their parents! What a wonderful connection you make to our need to trust our Heavenly father despite the circumstances! My family and I will continue to lift you, your family, and Amazima up in prayer. My 5th grade class knows more about Uganda because of the impact your book has had on me.
    God bless you,

  80. We heard some of your story at Brookhills and bought the book so we can hear the rest...Thank you for traveling, sharing and giving to so many on your journey. We are love you and are praying for you Amazima, you and your girls. Have fun celebrating at home with them!!

  81. Praying for safe travel home...thank you for sharing your incredible and inspiring journey of faith with us...

  82. Katie,

    Stinks that we missed you while you were here!

    Unplugging is so necessary and so hard. I'm proud of you my sweet friend.


  83. Hi Katie,
    Thank you for trusting the Father in such a pure and beautiful way and being an example to me. My husband just leaned over and asked me what I was reading and why I was crying and I tried to explain who you are and how you follow Jesus so blindly and that it makes me cry everytime I read your words. Thank you for sometimes being the only Bible that I read. Love and light, April Cunningham

  84. Katie, my eyes overflow with tears each time I read your blog...and I have been completely 'undone' as I read through your book. You have been added to my daily prayer list. I pray, also, that I will stop 'praying' that God will send 'someone' to feed, love, comfort, clothe and give shelter to those 'I' see in need - that I will stop to help one, then one more, then one more. I love to read God's Word. I heard His voice on the pages of your book. God is GOOD, and everything He gives us is for good whether we 'get it' or not. You are precious.
    May God continue to richly bless you with His favor,
    Tina Marie

  85. Thank you, Katie. Your post just gave me strength. God spoke to me through it. I understand what you say when you say you don't want to be "looked at, praised, criticized"... I am struggling so much with that right now. My testimony is not my own. It is His. I know my journey with Him is just beginning, and I am almost fearful of where He will take me, even though I know He will never put me somewhere I can't handle. With Him I can handle anything. Thank you for what you are doing and for allowing Him to use your life. He has used your life and your love to give me strength to follow where He is taking me.
    Your heart is beautiful.
    To Him be the glory.
    Agape <><

  86. Rejoicing with you in that you should be home now. Praying for you. Encouraged by you.

  87. We wanted to meet you on your tour so badly, but we are in the middle of following God's leading for our family in a cross country move. We pray for you every day and you have inspired my 17 year old daughter to sign up for her first overseas mission trip. Your heart of love, grace, and trust is (every word I can think of is too small) - but, you inspire me. Many blessings to you and your precious girls.

  88. Your blog ROCKED me! God bless you and keep you! I am encouraged!

  89. Katie,
    It's strange that this may be the first time I'm writing to you since I feel like I know you a little from reading your writing this past year. And perhaps because you are my sister in Christ and I have been praying for you and your precious girls since I first found you. So much of what you write resonates with me. It has blessed me again and again. The first time a friend showed me your blog I stayed up until 4 am reading and crying. The truth is Katie, my heroes growing up were missionaries. I thought someday I WOULD be doing something like what you're doing. The thing I struggle with now is that I married at 21 and have four children from 7 down to 6 months. My family is the richest blessing from God but I still feel this longing to obey Gods call on my life more literally. I am "uncomfortable" in my own comfort and have felt that disconnect for a long time. I long for the opportunity to serve God on the mission field but realize that my decisions at this point are not just my own. I have a husband and four littles that are much of my ministry. I guess I just wanted to write to thank you for telling your story which always points to Jesus our First Love. I hope and pray that someday I will be able to come to Uganda, meet you and perhaps join in your effort to love the least of these. With much gratitude,

  90. Praise God for your sweet, transparent soul. I am going to take this unplugging rest with you...Father restore us all and bring us closer to Him each day!

  91. oops, something else I forgot to mention to you when I wrote to you last night. I started reading your book last night and my seven year old little boy wanted me to read it to him. We both didn't want to put it down. After we read he said, "mommy, I feel a stirring in my heart like this is what I always wanted to do." I totally understand how he feels. Now to understand how to live this more fully. Much love to you and your family.

  92. Katie,
    You have such a heart for Jesus, and people. God bless you and your beautiful family :)

  93. My husband heard you at Catalyst in Atlanta, Katie. He brought home your contagious spirit and your story...I cannot put it down. You are now a part of our journey, whatever God has planned for that to be from here. Thank you for your obedience to Him. As our first daughter prepares to graduate from high school this spring, your life is the example before us...a faithful surrender to His beautiful plan.

  94. I love your new post. I'm so excited to read your book. I was thrilled to chat with you briefly on Hugh's show in Riverside, CA. I just wish I'd had more time with you because you are such a treasure from heaven. I truly believe your crown will be so abundantly full. And you make me want to be more like Jesus... so just know that you are reaching out and all around the world, just by being you... just by loving Jesus every day. Hugs--dianne :)

  95. Amen. Learning to trust too, as God leads me to uncharted territory. Uncomfortable. Unfamiliar.

    Faith like a child. Thanks for sharing - this post, and your life.

    Blessings as you recharge with your family.

  96. Katie,
    I have been blessed by your book. I have adopted an african daughter from within the US. I plan to spread the news of your organization and all you are doing, so hopefully this will allow you to care for more people/ children.

    May God bless you and your family! Thank you for going where God called you to go.
    I am humbled.


  97. Katie, Thank you again for inspiring our family to get outside of ourselves and live for God..."every breath" for Jesus. As we sit and wait for our two beautiful Ethiopian babies to come home, we pray for you and Amazima. I am hosting a giveaway of "Kisses from Katie" this week on my blog.

  98. Katie
    I feel the Lord is speaking to me through your book. I think He is leading me to sell / quit everything and move to Ethiopia. If, indeed, it is His agenda, He will have to change the heart of my wife. She is not feeling it yet. We have 5 kids (one we adopted from Ethiopia two years ago). I just returned home to Memphis a month ago and my heart is still there with the cildren and people. I praise God for your capacity to Love and feel He is giving me a greater capacity as well. He is totally amazing and I thank you for being willing to share it with random people like me. Shalom. Blessings to you and those precious ones.

  99. You are truly amazing and a blessing! May God continue to bless your journey

  100. I have been a silent blog reader and when I saw you had a book out I was so excited. Your writing in the blogs has always touched my heart and now the thought of a book! I ordered the book and picked it up yesterday. I finished it today. Written so beautiful just like you. God has gifted you writing that reaches and touches the heart. I thank the Lord for you and we will continue to keep your family in our prayers. Our family will be helping a child!The book will now go to my husband to read, I hope it touches his heart like it did mine. Your are beautiful in His eyes!

  101. God bless you! I will keep you in my prayers.

  102. I can't wait to hear more from you!
    I haven't read this post until today, but I needed to to read it today...not any other be reminded that telling our story over and over again reminds me of His goodness.

  103. Just finished reading your book. Wow! It has challenged me, encouraged me, and created a great longing in me to do more. I am a 60 year old mother of 7 adopted children. Three are still at home (15, 14, and 11). When I turned 50 I prayed for a baby, at 51 we got our 3 month old baby daughter and her 4 siblings. After 4 years of court, on May 24, 2006, we finally adopted 4 of the children, and on May 26, 2006, just two days later, our precious baby, Ashley, now 4 died of cancer. My faith was nearly destoyed, but through it may faith grew. Your book was so what I needed to move forward to do some things in Ashley's honor. I am praying for your ministry and believe God is going to grow to grow it beyond anything you can imagine. Blessings. Evelyn Scheiman

  104. Katie, your book has touched my soul. I devoured it! Though a believer all my life, over the past few months I am finally beginning to understand 'I surrender all', and what it means to live in Him and through Him. So many stories I have loved over the years of Christian heroes, like you, left me wondering... What's wrong with me? What did they have that I don't? I want my life to be used by God like that, but how? Your personal testimony of God's provision and guidance as you trust in Him and daily surrender to His Spirit tells the untold secret!!! It's ALL God, not us! He changes our hearts and our desires to become like His! Thank you, not just for the blazing sacrifice/joyful blessing of your life, but also for telling your story in your words. I needed to hear it straight from the heroes mouth. :)

  105. Praying for you and your family! Yes, to Him be all the glory. Eph 3:20-21

  106. Katie
    I heard you on the Dave Ramsey show a few days ago and that same day a friend of mine told me she had ordered me your book.I had only read a few pages when I read,
    "The children would run to me with gifts of stones or dirt and I saw myself filthy and broken, offering my life to the God of the universe and begging Him to make it into something beautiful."
    Those words broke in to my heart at that moment and I began to sob.I wasn't crying softly ! I was laid across my bed sobbing with my heart breaking because of God's wonderous love for me.
    I now have a passion I have not felt in years to reach out and help others. I want to show Christ' love and I will start by supporting your ministry.
    Thank you for being obedient. Thank you for showing others that that's all He is asking us to do.
    I'll be praying for you and all the precious ones in Uganda.

  107. Katie, today is October 29- I was reading the end of your book and read that a year ago today, you were forced to give up your precious Jane to her mother. My heart ached for you. I will pray for you today as I know how anniversaries are hard days. We had custody of my niece for 4 months as her mother was dealing with her personal issues. DSS decided to give her back and it was so hard. I knew she would have better care and a Christian environment with us. However, 18 months later I can see God is working in the mother's life and and although it was extremely painful, my prayer is that one day we will see a miracle in that situation. I pray that for you too...God loves Jane, her mother, and you .You are a special person with incredible faith- a gift. God bless you!

  108. Thank you for sharing your time with those in the USA, Katie! As a mother I know how hard it is to leave your babies behind and travel without them. My husband heard you speak at Catalyst in Atlanta and was so inspired by your story. He bought your book, he read it, and has passed it on for me to read! I'm in the middle of your story and I am so humbled by your faith and obedience to Jesus. May your story move many more people to take steps of obedience wherever their mission fields may be. Thank you.

  109. I just received your book for my birthday on 10/21 and read it in three days!! Today is the 29th, and I was reading about how 10/29/10 was so terrible for you and the girls. My prayers are with you this day, one year later exactly, my sister in the Lord. I prayer that the Lord of all comfort will surround and uphold you this day and that you are once again reminded of the faithfulness of our sweet Jesus! Sandy

  110. A friend preordered your book for me since we both are adoptive moms. Your story has touched me deeply and I thank you sharing it and mostly for being an example of being faithful to God's call. I run a non profit organization and would love to have our students be part of projects to bless others through your organization. Prayers for you and your precious girls!

  111. Katie,
    I just finished reading your book. God was glorified! We are starting the adoption process in Uganda. Lord willing maybe we can meet when He deems the right time for us to come to Uganda. Thank you for what you do.
    To Him be the glory,

  112. Katie, just finished reading your incredibly inspiring book. I've followed your blog for quite some time and couldn't wait to read your book. The wisdom and spiritual maturity from your young heart is incredible. Thank you for sharing your testimony, His story in your life. Maybe He continue to bless and guide.
    Jocelyn in Missouri

  113. I am on the 12th chapter of your book and wow, God is using you in Mighty ways for His Kingdom's sake and in my life. I am so thankful for what you do and that you put it out there for others to read, hear, and see. I'm growing and I'm thankful. I am praying for you and your family and ministry team. God bless you all so much!

  114. Came across your story this morning, and it hit me like a bucket of cold water had been dumped on me unexpectedly. I'm inspired, convicted, and wow'd by the intensity that Christ is shining through your story.

    Know that prayers are being lifted up for you from California.

  115. I have been reading your blog for several years...(it seems like?!) and I love your story. Because God writes stories so much more beautiful than we could orchestrate. I lost a baby last year and I am adopting from Ethiopia this year, and I just had a baby biologically...I also know firsthand that pain is not something to be taken lightly. It is often just a journey to know the Lord and his promises more intimately...

    My husband and I pray we will be called to work and minister overseas. We are just entering into a ministry position at our church, but hoping that in the next couple of years we will be working overseas...maybe even in Ethiopia.

    Praying for your daughters as I am in the word today...and praying for the people of Maese...
