Wednesday, January 18, 2012

over here again. humbled.

Can you imagine the stench?

Joseph has walked and Mary ridden 90 miles in the scorching sun, the wind whipping around their faces and caking them with dust from the dirt road. More sweat pours from Mary’s brow as she experiences the pains of labor for the first time. The stable is packed with all the travelers’ animals. Flies buzz around them in the heat and the air is heavy with the smells of sickly sweet hay and kmanure.

And into this, a baby enters.

I have witnessed this kind of birth before. Woman sighs and baby falls right into the dirt and in the dark of a tiny mud hut with the light of just a thin candle our eyes search for something, anything, sharp to cut the cord. Water is a luxury and too far to fetch at this hour so we wrap the baby in whatever filthy rag-scraps we can find without even wiping her off first.

Joseph, still merely a child himself, searches for anything he can find in the dim light to cut the cord and swaddle his child, probably rags carrying the afore mentioned stench and the dirt of the journey. Trembling and exhausted they wrap Him as best they can, and swatting flies away lay him in the same trough out of which these animals have been eating.

Behold, the Savior.

And in this moment God fulfils every promise and every prophecy. This, God’s perfect time. God does not wait for the world to get ready, He enters right into the mess.

He makes Himself very least, no more status or opportunity than an easily overlooked infant in the slums where I spend so many hard hours. Very least so that He can commune with the very most desperate – you and me. He doesn’t mind that I am not ready yet and He doesn’t mind the wretched condition of my heart or the stench of my sin. God’s time is now and He enters into the mess, ready or not.

His perfect timing, now. Now is where He has called us. And we are just not ready yet. We need to clean up the house a bit and pray a little more and seek more counsel and we don’t know how to do that yet and oh, we have our excuses. And God says, “I’m here now, and I am ok with the mess because I am here for the messy.”

God doesn’t need us to be ready for Him; He has been ready for us since the beginning of time and the Messiah is here calling us to commune with the Holy One, to eat at His table.

I want the house to be organized and kids to be clean and nicely dressed and I want dinner to come out of the oven on time, but at the end of the day they laundry still piles and there are still crumbs in the corner and can anyone remember if I brushed my teeth today? And it can’t be the New Year yet because I am just not ready for it to be a new year yet.

But I remember when I wasn’t ready to move to Uganda. I remember when I wasn’t ready to kiss the people I loved the most goodbye. I remember when I didn’t have enough money to start a ministry, and I remember when I wasn’t old enough to be a mother, and I remember when I didn’t know how to parent. I remember when I couldn’t cook for fifteen people and when I didn’t want to share my house and my things and my life with sick people and addicts. I remember when I was afraid of the slum community that now holds hundreds of friends and when I was terrified that my daughter would never walk and when I was scared that we would never heal after tragic loss. And I remember that never, not once, was I really as ready as I wanted to be. And I remember that God kept all His promises, every last one, in His perfect time.

This new season looms and I don’t know what is next. But He doesn’t need me to be ready for this season because He is ready. He just needs me to be clinging to His feet.

Now, God’s perfect time.


  1. Just plain solid. SUCH a good reminder.

    'But He doesn’t need me to be ready for this season because He is ready. He just needs me to be clinging to His feet.'

    SO true. I love this picture.

    The more I immerse myself in relationship with God, the less I feel the need to be 'ready.' Its so great that all we need to do is cling to him and his promises.

    Praying for you and all your little (and some bigger) ones!


  2. This was really encouraging, Katie.

    Often times I always want things to be ready. I don't want to start something when I don't feel like I can do it well enough.

    However, I just need to trust in God and lean on Him, because if He wants it to happen, if He wants me to do something even when I feel incapable, He will be right there ready to bring me along.

    Thank you for this reminder that He is ready.


    P.S. I just started reading your book and I am really enjoying it. Just know that it's a real encouragement and I'm learning a lot. Thank you so much for sharing what God is doing in your life.

  3. He is so faithful to provide for us right now if we would just let Him. Thank you for allowing Him to use you in such a big way. You are an inspiration to me as I too wait for His PERFECT timing.

  4. A beautiful and thought-provoking perspective.

    Thank you for sharing it with us.

    You are in my prayers.

  5. Crying as usual. Thank you for being such a great inspiration for me. When I feel like I just cannot do it anymore, I think of you often and God reminds me that He uses inadequate people like US and with faith the size of a mustard seed, I carry on. Thank you for your words and your heart. You are a blessing beyond words.

  6. Blessings to you and your beautiful girls... I have been reading your book and blog... I'm INSPIRED by your life at the service of God.
    I have been a missionary for the last 10 years and agree with you that THERE IS NOTHING BETTER than to Serve God, and to Be WHEREVER He wants us to be, doing What he has CALLED US to do... there is nothing better than to give our Life, even in our youth to HIM.
    Even when it is DARK Forward, GOD will Amaze You with His Power and Love!
    Jonathan Salomon

  7. You are a breath of fresh air Katie, thank you again for sharing.

  8. wow katie! well spoken. God has his perfect timing for all things in our lives. He knows our needs and at the very minute we need them. We must have the faith in Him to trust and obey. I have read your book and it has helped me so much to want to grow closer to our Lord and Savior. Thank you for sharing you thoughts.

  9. Beautiful!!! And what a poignant reminder of His ABSOLUTE love for us to arrive and want to arrive in the mess... We hear the story of Jesus' birth every year, but I think in our clean, prettily-decorated for Christmas churches (here in America at least) we are so far removed from what it was actually like... but how filled with LOVE. And how I wish I could go back in time and witness such a thing...
    xoxo J

  10. Dear Precious Katie ~ Your heart speaks such beauty to souls far away. Your words soothe and rip and convict and heal. Your words motivate, mesmerize and stir up a zesty passion. Thank you Katie, for being a tool of God's love and letting Him use you to move mountains and rock worlds. I just finished your book and will never be the same. Planning a trip through Visiting Orphans to visit Amazima! With Love & Prayers to you & your precious babies! ~ Brian & Carol Duarte

  11. I am new to your blog, Just started following today. I am loving what I am seeing.You do wonderful things. Feel free to follow my blog and I will spread the word of all the wonderful things you do to other.

  12. {Amazing}..... theres so much we take for granted! I have read your book, and look on your blog alot. I enjoy it all! Keep on doin what God called you to do!:)

  13. After following your blog for at least 2 years I am finally coming out of the woodwork to comment:) Your life and every word you share is an inspiration, but today I am especially grateful for your post. Thank you so much for sharing!

  14. This is my first visit to your site. And it's reminding me that God's grace is simply astounding! How he's using you, how he's enabling you and how he loves the least of these through you. Beautiful post today. Your life is a testimony. What a privilege to read. And I think I'm the first to comment. Yeah! Thank you!

  15. Beautiful! I just finished your book and I'm strongly encouraging the teen girls I teach to read it also -- thanks for your willing heart!

  16. Your post causes me to reflect on all I wasn't ready for in the last 6 years and how it was HIS time and He carried me as He is carrying you and your girls. You're right, Katie. We don't know what this season holds, we just cling to Him. And remembering His faithfulness...that is always pleasing to Him. How many times did Moses tell the Israelites to REMEMBER? 'Cause God knew they (we) would get comfortable and forget.
    Thanks for inspiring us to remember...reading your posts really points me to HIM and I love that because it is not about Katie Davis but about CHRIST. Praise be to God!!!!!

  17. It's only when we stay in His presence long enough, and when we let Him lead us long enough, that we will see all the reasons to be grateful to Him (because the end results will be obviously victorious). Beautiful post.

  18. You humble me Katie...thanks for being so open to our good Father, and pointing past yourself, only to Him. Prayers...

  19. thank you for the reminder. Hi IS and He is faithful! Thanks for reminding me that I don't have to be ready, life is messy, and I CAN take another baby in even though I'm not feeling ready. God is ready. Blessing today :)

  20. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I desperately needed this word. Praying for y'all.

  21. God's words pour so beautifully out of you, Katie! So thankful each day that God is willing to enter into the "mess" of our world. So thankful He is ready and willing to love each and everyone of us even when we are not ready.

  22. Oh you have NO earthly idea how BADLY I needed to hear all of this! I am struggling with being imperfect, with an imperfect house, when God has called us to foster and parent these 3 additional children and some days I'm just overwhelmed with getting it all done PERFECTLY! So insane now....and so silly.

    THANK YOU for lifting my spirits and allowing me to see myself and my silliness! I just need to continue what God has already started....and trust Him.

    I love your sweet heart!

  23. Thanks for the reminder to remember. I forget all too easily.

  24. EXACTLY what I needed to read today....and to be reminded of.....thank you sweet Katie!

  25. Thank you. Thank you for being His vessel to me today and speaking to me the words He wanted me to hear. It seems that, barring His miraculous healing, my mom is living her last few weeks here before she begins her Eternal life. I will never be ready for her to leave me, but thankful for our Savior's feet to cling to as He walks me through it in His perfect timing.

    In His love,
    ~ Lisa ~

  26. Hi Katie, Your book and story have moved me more than I can explain. Thank you. I had the book from the library, but now my copy has arrived via Amazon. We are in New Zealand) What a blessing. It will be shared around and read by many. Tell all your girls that we love them.

  27. Oh wow......this is seriously soo true! THANK YOU!!!!! This has touched my heart today. We are taking on a new child soon with many very special needs. And there are moments when I hear doubts in my mind- can we do this? Are we out of our mind? And I totally know that God has planned this and this is HIS WILL, but loved your post. :)

  28. Katie,
    I am in awe of your faith. I recently read your book and just started reading your blog. I am inspired by your compassion and love for others. You make me want to know my precious Savior more and hear when He calls me to move.
    Thank you,
    Atlanta, GA

  29. Finished reading your book a couple of days ago. No words to fully express my thoughts and feelings about your story. I know you give all credit to God, and rightly so, but your obedience and availability to God is nothing less than amazing. And you are amazing.
    I prsy each day now for you, your children, and your ministry. Thank you for sharing your story, and thank you for your blog posts....,I know your posts take time that you probably do not have!

  30. Amazing! So well said,just what I needed to be reminded of!

  31. I needed to hear this... Right at this very moment. Thank you.

  32. YES YES YES. Thank you for this katie.

  33. I need to remember too, that God only gives us each moment right when we need it\can handle it. Forgetting that He is in control, without Him we can't even pretend to have a semblance of control. *sigh* I worry too much about the "perfectness" (is that a word?) and not enough about submission.

  34. Hey Katie,
    I've been following your blog recently, and I just want to say God Bless! I will be heading to Africa this summer for the first time, and you have been so encouraging :) Thanks for helping out, even if you didn't know it. :)

  35. I love this it is true for all of us if we can only see it.

  36. I was definitely blessed by that post, thank you sister. Praise the LORD for His great love for us! And prayers are coming out for you!

  37. To God be all the Glory!♥

  38. Katie - Thank you for embracing the mess, the stench, the uncertainity and the long journey of faith. I pray that you will feel and experience an extra portion of God's ability to turn stench into an appealing fragrance and mess into order. To God be the glory for your daily witness, constant care of those in need and an infectous love for others. - Hal Simmons

  39. Hey Katie, I just heard your story a few weeks ago. Wow. I've read your book, and now I am going through your blogs, talked to my sister, Linda Alexander, who remembers you from Holy Family and ordering some necklaces. Thank you for your faith and witness. You are very inspirational for me. Thanks, Greg Beem

  40. Thank you, yes He is faithful to all that are called by Him.

  41. No matter how much we don't like it, God's time is always the best.

  42. You are amazing! I just found your blog and watched your video online. I can't wait to read your book! You are inspiring! Looking forward to reading more of your life on this blog!

  43. You are an inspiration to me. It seems to me that God had a plan for me to find your book and blog and to hear the amazing work you are doing. It gives me chills to read your words and the way HE has worked through you to touch so many peoples lives. Katie, keep up the GREAT work! GOD IS GREAT!!!

  44. Dearest Katie,
    I'm reading your book right now.
    I'm in love with Africa. In love with your daughters.
    In love with our Savior, in a deeper level.
    Thank you for sharing your heart in the pages of your book.
    Many prayers & love for you and your family and your obedience to Father.

  45. Oh my goodness. Thank you so much Miss Katie. That is exactly what I needed to hear right now. I am 14 years old and think that God is telling me to go on a mission trip this summer to Uganda. And everyone thinks I can't raise all the money and I can't get my parent permission. But I know I can. And if God allows it, I know I will go on that trip and raise all the money that is needed. Thank you so much. The Lord is using you in magnificent ways!

  46. Thank u. It is ahhh inspiring ur words and depiction of scripture is music to my ears. Thank for taking the time to share.

  47. aeyes. Now is God's perfect time. thank you.

  48. 100% True. God has a perfect timing for everything, no matter how much we don't like it or agree with it.

  49. Katie,
    Your blog and your book have been very encouraging and inspiring to me. In fact, I bought every lady on my Christmas list your book and a Amazima necklace! I read your book and then read it aloud to my family. We laughed, cried, and continue to pray for you. Thank you for writing your beautiful story, the Lord certainly used it to impact my family.
    This week I had the pleasure of meeting Senator Santorum who is running for President. I gave his precious daughter a copy of your book. Maybe she will read it in the White House? :)
    Thank you for taking the time to write the book and to blog. Our family has been challenged, convicted, repented, moved, changed, and striving for obedience.
    Hold fast Katie!
    All for Christ,

  50. I just want to say thank you - thank you for reminding me that it's's not about me and me being "ready" (or not), but Him.

    May you have a blessed day, Katie, that overflows with His grace!

  51. Thank you so much for taking the time to write on the blog and keeping us up to date as to what God is doing. You are truly an inspiration. God bless you and keep you.

  52. I just started reading your book, and your blog. I am so glad God sent you to inspire others, and I am so glad that you said yes to his calling.

    At first, I was jealous of you, jealous that God hadn't called me to do the same. But, to be honest, he probably knew that it was your purpose and has his own plan for me. I am going to give birth to my own child and I know that God had it in His plans for me to be a mother. And right now, I am saying yes to this gift to nuture one of God's children and trying to do the best I can.

    You are in my prayers, and all of your blessed beautiful children. From one mom to another, Good luck and good hope and THANK GOD!

    A Friend.

  53. Thank you thank you thank you ! I needed to hear that word today, and be reminded that Now is the perfect time! Bless bless bless You

  54. I am getting ready to share your book with a friend who is only a few years older than you, single, and loves children in Africa. She spent the last year of her life serving children in South Africa. She went through times of loneliness and adjustment like you did - and God has grown her, increased her compassion and caused her to "fall in love" with Africa. She is going back in five days - to what she considers "home" now -for at least another year. Thank you for sharing your stories. I know it will be such an encouragement to my friend - she knows about feeling "the eyedropper and the ocean."

    May God bless you. I will add you to my prayer list.

  55. Isn't it wonderful that no matter what-HE is Ready!!! Thank God for that. Your posts always inspire me and give me hope. Prayers and Blessings to you and your Children.

  56. Sweet sister in Jesus Christ, thank you for sharing your heart and what He is teaching you! I am so encouraged! It is He who works in and through us for His good purposes and He can't work through us if we are not clinging to His feet. Thank you for that reminder today...sharing your stones of remembrance and pearls...praying as you grow His kingdom.


  57. I remember when I wasn't ready...

    Thank you for posting! I'm moving to West Africa in the next few months, in a very similar place as you...female, w/no others from my own culture but plenty of friends in my village and surrounding villages.

    Your posts are encouraging and when I find myself in a funk, I check in here.

    God is doing incredible things through your life! As I remember you, I'll pray for you and your girls! May God continue to bless you!!!

  58. Thank you so much for these encouraging words today. I needed to hear them. Praying for you and your family, and the lives of the people that you are there for.

  59. LOVE!

    Brought this song to mind -

    Standing on this mountaintop
    Looking just how far we’ve come
    Knowing that for every step
    You were with us

    Kneeling on this battle ground
    Seeing just how much You’ve done
    Knowing every victory
    Was Your power in us

    Scars and struggles on the way
    But with joy our hearts can say
    Yes, our hearts can say

    Never once did we ever walk alone
    Never once did You leave us on our own
    You are faithful, God, You are faithful

  60. Thank you for sharing yourself with us and with His precious ones.

  61. Katie. May God continue to lift others up through you. May you continue to be a (mostly) willing limb in His body. Every time I read your words I'm blown away. May I be willing to leap in too... to be brave enough to just take one step. Much love and prayers for you and your family.

  62. I just finished reading your book...awesome and very inspiring are the first words that come to mind. I could not wait to get to this website so I could continue to follow your work. You are an awesome person. Thanks for sharing your journey with us all. You have rekindled a fire in my soul and I cant wait to see what other amazing things God has in store for you and your precious family!! Prayers going up for you all!!!

  63. Thanks, Katie. I needed to hear that. Praying for you, your family, and your ministry.

  64. WOW. That about sums up my reaction to your blog. :) Awesome. I am new to your blog; looking forward to more.

  65. Katie,
    I loved to read the story of christ birth in your words. In U.S. society we make even the birth of christ- born in a barn- to perfect, sweet, and romanticized.. but it was REAL and it was messy and filthy. Christ, the creator of all kind humbled himself so much that he lived a real authentic life that most of us would consider beneath ourselves. We consider ourselves to be better than the birth christ received, and most likely the life he lived. Thank you for remind me the true conditions of christ birth, not the one we see in christmas plays.
    You may think that you are only making a difference in Uganda but I promise you are impacting people's lives all over the word.

  66. I have not yet read the book, but I have read the blog for a long time. When I first came across it years ago I remember thinking "Lord I wish you could use her words more. . . let more people hear what you are telling her." It was a prayer of mine. I am glad it is now happening. But I will pray that you can remain humble under the pressure of it.

    Praying for your safety and that you walk deeper with Him everyday dear sister.

  67. hey katie
    just wanted to say taht you are a blessing to everyone.
    p.s. i read your book and loved it

  68. What an awesome post! Thanks for sharing your heart and your life story. I pray God will continue to use our life to the fullest and motivate all of us to do the same. Blessings, Jackie

  69. What a beautiful reminder that God has a plan for each and every one of His children and He is just waiting for us to open up our eyes and finally give Him a moment to speak. We need to be clinging to His feet. This is essential in the faith walk. What an example Katie is to me.

  70. As I prepare my heart and mind for a mission trip to a third world country...I am gratefully reminded...that yes...I am ready. God is ok with messy. Thank you for this awesome reminder. God bless you Katie. I pray for you and the Ugandan people frequently! After the book, I feel like you are all part of my family!!!

  71. Thank you Katie. This was very encouraging to me right now. Much unknown in my life and so much of what you said I could say. I continue to pray for you and that I will glorify God as you do each day in my mess and my things I'm not sure I can do. You are a great blessing to me. THANK YOU!!

  72. dear katie,
    i just read your book in less than 2 days with four children hanging on me. In other words i read it quickly even though i was really busy because i just could put it down! i am blessed by it, by your testimony and your beautiful children. i feel the Lord leading me to do more. Lord, give me strength to say yes! Katie thank you for your inspiration! :), kimberly

  73. Just finished reading your book and am amazed and encouraged by your spirit and determination. God bless you and all the people you've helped.

  74. I looked at your blog mistaking it for someone else's but before I discovered my mistake, I read your manger post and it was sooo what I needed to hear from God. Praise the Lord and may He bless you abundantly in your continued work for Him.

  75. I looked at your blog mistaking it for someone else's but before I discovered my mistake, I read your manger post and it was sooo what I needed to hear from God. Praise the Lord and may He bless you abundantly in your continued work for Him.

  76. Really powerful, thanks. I feel I often hold God to my silly tests and agendas..."Lord if u want this, then show me that." Of course the Lord is not the God of confusion and yet not knowing is the place where our faith begins to deepen and mature. I too will live in the now, trusting our Heavenly Father for His beautiful plans of tomorrow.

  77. Thank you for doing what God called you to do. People, I'm sure told you you were to young. I am 53 and feel old. You are helping me to see that God can use me even when it feels impossible.
    Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his jugements, and his paths beyond searching out!Who has know the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counselor? Who has ever given to God that God should repay him? For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen
    God bless you, Katie

  78. Amen!

    It is an encourage words that your wrote. God blessing you to be his servant and serving in Uganda with people you love.

    Praying for you and kids.

    In Christ,

  79. Katie,

    I just finished reading your book and I wanted to say thank you for being faithful to write it.

    I have been on mission trips around the world, but I feel that it wasn't until now that my eyes have been opened to the sick, the hungry, the orphan, and the neighbor who needs Christ.

    I have a one year old daughter and hope to have many more children, either biologically or through adoption. I pray that we can be a family who lives like Jesus' hands and feet on a daily basis, not just for a week in the summer.

    But I don't believe God is calling my family to move to a third world country right now, and I am not sure what steps to take. Please pray for me!


  80. Amen. We tend to limit God based on own limitations. He is faithful from beginning to end.

  81. Was just wondering if I should extend my one week trip to Haiti. I have to make the decision before we leave on Feb 10th. The only reason I could think of not to was, "I'm not ready yet, not prepared." Hearing your words make me realize that if I do things in my time instead of God's, I won't ever get anything done! He's ready. I hear him calling me. I trust him. What I need to be truly ready, he'll provide. Thanks for your encouragement and inspiration.

  82. Gods perfect timing......again humbled by your post.

  83. Love, love, LOVE!!! A friend from church gave me your book for Christmas and I just couldn't put it down - captivating and messing up my categories - in the best way! We want to help! I went online to find out how to sponsor children & it is in process, overwhelmed with requests! How awesome is that? Praying for you and your sweet family - how best to serve you? Tricia

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. My name is Jenesis and i am so inspired by u :)...I have a blog am going to Johannesburg in June. I want to reach as many people as possible. Love what the Lord is doing in your life :)
    Jenesis De Pablo

  86. Wow. You encourage my walk with Jesus over and over and over again Katie.

    Your sunflower post- God used to speak to my heart in power ways.

    Love and prayers from Michigan... all the way to Uganda. -Alisha

  87. Hi my name is Jenesis. I'm just so influenced by what you do for the Lord. I have a blog
    and its for a missions trip I'm going on in June :) I and going to Johannesburg, South Africa :) So excited cant wait to see what God is going to do!
    Jenesis De Pablo

  88. I'm sure you've heard this a hundred times. A friend shared your blog with me today and I just cannot tell you what a blessing it has been to me. You truly live a life poured out, and seeing God's love and grace shine through you is such an encouragement.
    Praying for your beautiful family. Following you on this journey.

  89. There is nothing more satisfying than walking in the Spirit. You are a blessed woman and I'm encouraged by you. Cont to be blessed as you bless these children. Your cup overflows... prayers and blessing to you.

  90. You posted this on my birthday - and I just read it. I needed this so much. Thank you. Thank you.

    I am praying for you, and your family, and I am praying that God will use me and my family even though we "aren't ready".

  91. i read and tears streamed... Katie... Thank YOU for letting Jesus speak through you!! He is o so FAITHFUL...

  92. i read and tears streamed... Katie... Thank YOU for letting Jesus speak through you!! He is o so FAITHFUL...

  93. Bless you, bless you dear Katie. You can't imagine what incredible conviction and joy you bring to my heart.

    When I feel overwhelmed by the task at hand, the one that I feel called to, I visit your blog.

    He is strong. He is able. He is mighty. And through Him we live and move and have our being!

    I pray that God would bless you with whatever your heart needs today.

  94. Katie - I saw your story through another link and was so inspired by your selflessness and charity. I am not a Christian, but feel that you embody the best of Christ's mission, and have truly challenged me to do better with my own life.

  95. I love your book and your story. It helped me through a time when I was looking for God. You and your friends in Uganda taught me that I should pray first. I'm putting that into action. I'm reading thee Word and praying and I'm working hard to see Him. And He does work in perfect timing.

  96. Katie,
    I realy love your blog, and everyting you do. I know that when I am older I want to be a missionary I fell God is leading me to Africa. I hope you and your family are all feeling well. Thank you for every thing you do!

  97. Been wrestling all day with how deep and how far God is calling me. How can I do more? Fit more? Love more? Why I have I been chosen to write the words? Your post has encouraged me to continue to practice, practice, practice hospitality. To practice and be a good steward with what I have been given, so that when the time comes for more, I will be able through Christ who strengthens me.

    Love and prayers for your ministry (which often comes to mind),


  98. I've made it about half way through your book. And I've laughed with you and I've cried with you. Because I experienced a lot of that when I went to haiti. But that's not what I wanted to say.
    I wanted to say thank you. I love and am inspired by your life and reading this little chapter was exactly what I needed to hear today. You knew what it was like to be in high school. Sometimes it can be the toughest thing in the world. But your last paragraph hit home.
    God's always ready. Patience is definitely a learned thing, as you know. Ha. But please keep posting! Amazing how you're half way around the world from here in TN and the rest of the U.S. but God is using you to impact lives even here. Bet you didn't know that your post from a month ago would speak directly to this 16 years old's life, tonight. Brings joy to my heart and tears to my eyes.
    Expanding the kingdom, For His Glory.
    Wangè wangè Jèsus wangè.

  99. Thank you, thank you, thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

  100. This is beautiful.

  101. Wow! This was really encouraging! He is so faithful!

  102. dear amazing is your story. It is real and raw and deep and sorrowful. I am still being fed with milk and I can only imagine the grace that gets you thru each day. I am a 65 year old grandmother and I have so much to learn. God Bless you

  103. I'll be there with you someday to usher in God's instant healing power on those who need healing, those who are blind, oppressed, and passed away. Until then, may God himself grant you continued favor on this day and forever.

  104. Hey Katie,

    Your blog has deeply encouraged me. I know that He wanted me to stay among the refugees here in Thailand and Burma border... I am not ready to say goodbye to my loved ones... I am not ready financially either.. ALso I am not ready to leave the job I love, too... but it really encourages me to see your honesty on how you felt.. makes me feel like I'm not alone in this... thank you.


  105. Dear katie, my name is solana I am almost 15 and trying to figure out what god wants me to do with my life I have just started to read your book but I have wanted to work in a ministry with children for a few years now because I love kids so much. But I would love to talk to you and ask you for some advice. If you read this could you please email me at it would be amazing if I could talk to you.

  106. Dear katie, my name is solana and I am 15 I have started to read your book and a few years ago I really felt like i wanted to work or start a ministry for kids. I am not sure what god has called me to do yet but I am trying to figure it out I really love kids and want to do something to change things I just want to open a house or work at an home for orphaned kids and just love on them and help them. I would love it if you read this and would email me at because I would really like some advice from you :) I will be praying for you.

  107. I love your blog-- have for a long time. It's so good, and you don't write so often that it's overwhelming. :)

    I will say, please PLEASE only use sterilized things to cut those umbilical cords. You probably do, and probably already know this, but infection can very easily travel up the umbilical cord into the newborn and be fatal. So... take a few extra moments to put that knife over a flame or dunk it in rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to disinfect it before using it to slice the cord (preferably once it stops pulsing). You can also not cut the cord until well after the placenta is delivered.
