Hello and this is Mary Pat Davis, proud mama and Jjajja (grandmother) to 14 beautiful coffee colored children and also jlovie or Josie Love (my friend's new daughter and my soon to be neighbor)! Amazima Ministries supporters, prayer warriors and blog followers this has been a fun filled ride of 7 weeks in Bukaya. Upon arriving, I had asked Katie where all my street friends of Jinja were as I had not been called Muzungu (white person). She said, "Mom those are the Karamajongs." Oh, I thought... the Karamajongs are the village tribe comparable to the lepers Mother Theresa took care of, that Amazima Ministries is now feeding 5 days a week plus providing food to their families. The parents of these children are not sending them into the streets of Jinja to beg. Thanks for providing approx 8,000 meals a week!! Also, thank you Brittany's Hope Foundation for the feeding grant. Amazima Ministries now sponsors 400 children. They attend school, recieve medical care, and come to Katie's home on Saturday for lunch, Bible study and play time. Amazima Ministries is providing this thanks to your continued support! Thank you, thank you for improving the quality of life for GOD’s beautiful children. It is only possible with you!!
Favorite things while visiting Uganda…
14 children singing christian songs on the way to church
the blue Nile river (the only one flowing south to north...only GOD could make this possible)
nkwagala nnyo “I love you” constantly heard in this household
ordering the standard 20 pizzas for Friday night dinner and the restaurant calling and asking if we have any pizza boxes!??
no TV
outside Sunday sermon at Acacia church with the most incredible view and the wind gently blowing
riding a piki to town for 1,000 shillings (50 cents)
ordering cream for my coffee and the confused server scurrying politely around in the kitchen and arriving 20 minutes later with sour cream
no power so dinner, bath, and bedtime by candlelight
Katie’s children totally excited about a new light bulb in their bedroom! or new toothbrushes
and Katie’s newest family addition, adorable Patricia, named after her Jjajja
Friends and blog readers, my love, blessings, and most of all thanks for making Amazima Ministries International grow and prosper so quickly. These beautiful children thank me all the time and I am sending their thanks to each of you! Also thank you for loving my daughter Katie, who has taught me to live a more faith filled life without a specific plan!!! That is not my greatest strength. Continue to love, love, and love people that touch your life daily, as that is our greatest gift to GOD, our creator who make all things possible!! Katie, you are totally amazing and I love you so much. Love to my dearest husband, Scott and my strong son Bradley. I can hug and kiss you on Monday!! xoxoxo

It is wonderful that your Mom was with you for so long!
I am praising God for her hands and feet side by side with you!
Praying over her trip home and your time when she leaves!
I love you and big hugs!
what a precious insight into a mother and jjajja's heart. such a beautiful family!
Hugs and kisses to you all. You all are such an inspiration to me. Love you guys :)
How sweet to be able to hold each of your grandchildren. I love your list of favorite things.
Katie must be enjoying your stay with her. What a blessing.
Katie, I can see now where you get your beautiful features...from your beautiful Mother! Thank you Patricia for the synopsis of all (or at least most) of what Amazina does, as sometimes I am not clear on the breadth of the ministry. It might be helpful to provide a brief synopsis on the blog headline that newcomers can read to "see" what Amazina encompasses. I send many readers to the site, but don't always know how to explain the variety of ministries that are provided.
Thank you Patricia for having the courage and faith to release your lovely daughter into the hands of the Almighty! I have a daughter her age and I can only imagine how the Lord has grown you to enable that release.
Love and Prayers,
Absolutely BEAUTIFUL post!!!! What an amazing mama to an amazing girl!! Praying for all of you!
With tears in my eyes, I read every word, imagining how a grandmother must feel in the home of her 14 beautiful grandduaghters.
Thank you for sharing your heart!
safe travels home! those babies are blessed to have you and katie!
As a mother, I can only imagine how proud you must be of Katie and the way she is allowing God to work through her to change lives both in Uganda and here at home. My family is blessed and changed by her ongoing story. Thank you for posting today...we always love an update so we can pray specifically for the needs of these precious people.
wow that is great. Sounds like someone had a wonderful time. I love the first picture. katie seems on top of the world in that one. Beautiful. So good to hear from you again. It seems like it's been forever since I've read anything. See I do get withdrawls from lack of news = 0)
So glad to know all is well with everyone there. Do take care and know that I hold you in my prayers always. God Bless
Awesome post. It made me smile. Keep up the good work, Katie. I am praying for you.
I can only imagine how wonderful it was to have your mama with you...serving along side you...how beautiful! Continually praying for you and your amazing ministry...your amazing ministry that is stirring my heart in ways I can't even put words to yet...God is moving in our family, that's for sure! Blessings, stacy
What a blessing! Momma and Grandmomma!
The blessing I know go out to you!
Thank you for the updates!
Thank you for this update! Patricia, as a mom of 4 and a planner, I can relate to how you must feel. But what joy when we can release all our plans to Him. May He comfort both of you as you both return to your "normal" schedules.
What an amazing mom you are to release your daughter to do something that God has so clearly called her to ... even though it seems crazy through the world's eyes. And now to join her with your whole heart. I pray that I am that courageous when the time comes. AmyE
Yay for mammas! Yay for God's provision! Yay for God!!!!
blessings from Oklahoma,
Katie and Mary Pat, you have both been on my mind constantly! Mary Pat, I know you are glad to be coming home and i look forward to seeing you here! But i bet you will also be missing your sweet time with all your girls in Bukaya! I know I did, and I was only barely there compared to you! You are blessed, sweet woman of God! And Katie...I miss you! I got spoiled to knowing what was going on with you, and I miss that! I hope you are adjusting well to your mom's leaving, but I know you will miss her! And your girls will surely be so sad without her there! Please give all of them a big hug of love from me! Hope you got your stuff I sent! Think of you and pray for you OFTEN!
Love you,
How wonderful to "meet" Mary Pat Davis. I've wondered about the person who could raise a daughter like Katie. I know that she gets her smile and spirit from Jesus, but I see that same smile and spirit in you. A beautiful blessing for you and for Katie to spend those weeks together, ministering together, and loving and enjoying each other. I'm not very good at turning loose of my expectations and even worse at turning loose of those I love. God bless you and show his favor to you for being so faithful. Our children are "borrowed blessings" who ultimately belong to their Heavenly Dad...I needed that reminder! I am continually blessed by your daughter and her heart and faith. We pray for her often and the people whose lives she blesses. I am so very glad you were able to spend that time with your precious daughter!
God Bless,
Mary Pat, Thank you so much for sharing...it is SO much fun to hear from all members of the family! Observing from the outside what has transpired over the past two-plus years is truly astounding--what God will do with a life surrendered to Him. I'm glad He has invented the internet, so that we are able to read about as it happens! Loved reading about the Karamajong children no longer having to beg on the streets. THAT IS INDESCRIBABLY AWESOME.
Dear Katie, We, your cyber supporters, miss you! It's been over two weeks since we heard from you. Be assured that we continue to pray for you, your family, your ministry and all those whose lives you have touched. We lift you up before our precious Father, for him to refresh and renew you, to heal your hurts and dry your tears - In Jesus name!
Katie, we are so glad you could spend all of that time with your Mom.Prayers are always with you and your family. Have a very Happy Birthday! May you always be blessed by Gods amazing grace. Love, Uncle Denny & Aunt Vicki
How wonderful that your mother is there with you!!!!!!!! That is awesome! I am sure you are soaking in every minute and second you have with her!!!
I continue to pray for you,the children and the ministry God has annointed you with in Uganda!
God bless,
I am always SUPER encouraged by your blog and wrote a little snippet about it and put your link on there. Thought you may want to check it out {as if you have nothing else to do}.
I awarded you a blog award today.
You can retrieve it at www.unitedhere.blogspot.com
Many blessings to you.
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