Thursday, February 14, 2013

 I can’t believe that it has been over a month now since I patted my sweet friend’s head as I said goodnight to her small frame on my couch. I can’t believe it has been over a month since I sat behind her in the hospital bed holding her body in the only position that was comfortable in those final hours.

And truth be told, in the late night hours alone with the Father on the cold, hard floor of my bathroom, I have beat my fists against the smooth tile and against my strong Father’s chest and I have sobbed it until the words won’t come, “I can’t believe she’s dead.”

We fought so hard.

It is her little boy’s sixth birthday. We had talked for weeks about the party we would have, with a cake, but that was when they still lived here, when his mother still lived. Instead, I drive across the bridge to where he is now being raised by his aunt and a kind neighbor. We bring the cake. We sing Happy Birthday and he is ok and the kids have fun and are happy. And as we drive away and all smile and wave, I cry.

I didn’t want the story to end this way.

I wrote the ending in my head and it was the ending where my friend gets better, becomes strong and healthy, and is able to move out with her children. It was the ending where they get to sign their names on the bottom of our table to be remembered as friends who lived here and fellowshipped with us and we would all cry happy tears as we served them their last meal before they headed out to their new life healthy and whole. In the ending I wrote, I didn’t have to look 4 children under the age of ten in the eyes and tell them that their mother died in the night as I bounce their baby sister on my knee to keep her quiet. In my ending I didn’t spend every hour of 5 consecutive days fighting and fighting and fighting for a mother to get well and end up clinging to my best friend as we lower a body into a casket.

But His voice comes strong, steady, clear, “Child, this is not the end.”

And behold, some men were bringing on a bed a man who was paralyzed and they were seeking to bring him before Jesus, but finding no way to bring him in because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and let him down with his bed through the tiles into the midst before Jesus. And when He saw their faith He said, “Man, your sins are forgiven you.”

First, He forgave their sins. First, He secured the eternal. Because really, what is a few more years of walking in comparison to an eternity of worship and sins all forgiven?

Death is not the end. Then end was when He hung on a cross and rose from a tomb and I asked for life, and Life is what He gave. Better, glorious, eternal Life. In those final hours, I held my friend’s head, and I watched her chest heave as her soul first laid eyes on His face and I could nearly feel His breath on mine. And no, I do not know His ways, but I know Him. I know Him. And I do not just lay my friends before Jesus for physical healing but that they might know Him too, that they might be saved. And Katherine, she knows Him.

We fought so hard. And still we won. He won.

This week I take a two-month-old baby to the doctor to confirm that he has a terminal skin condition that causes burn-like blisters to cover his entire body and will ultimately lead to his death. There is no treatment. I wrap and dress the wounds because I know how. Because keeping them clean will prevent infection and anemia from blood loss and prolong his life. But I recognize that prolonging his life will ultimately prolong his suffering.

I take a grandfather from our community in for a check-up. Cancer. It is everywhere. They give him a few months, weeks maybe. We try to make him comfortable, and keep him company. We tell stories of a Father who would send a Son, the only sacrifice that could absolve all this sin, the only blood that could wash us snow white. But part of me still wants to fight. Still wants to research, still wants to explore other options, still will not believe that this is it.

There is something so sacred about the fight for life. I believe that God wants us to fight. There is a focus that comes from being so close to death, a clarity, a purpose. My heart that still fought for Katherine and believed for her healing even when my mind knew there were no more options cries out that this can’t be it, this cannot be the end, there must be something else.

This is the audacity of hope.

We fight and we wait and a watching world says, “Why hope for life in a world of death?” And we know the answer. My heart is right. This isn’t it, this is not the end, and there is something else. His life is better.

Our fight is not for this life, our fight is for eternity. 

We wanted to let you know that our friend went to be with her Maker. We wanted to thank you for praying. And we wanted to encourage you that the fight on this side of heaven is not over yet. But we look at the pain and the suffering all around us and strange as it is, our hope only grows. We know Him and so we lift our heads to the Life-Giver and say, “We rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, endurance produces character, character produces hope, and our hope does not disappoint us because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit.”

Here’s to hope, friends, a hope that does not disappoint. Keep fighting for the Gospel, keep fighting for Life, because He has already won.


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Anonymous said...

Painfully among the ashes...blessings as you daily carry His heart right into the middle of the sufferings of this life.....continued prayers for you and your dear family.

Anonymous said...

Wow. How the Spirit speaks through you. May we be singing when the evening comes, as you do, brave Katie.

Linda Smith said...

We will continue to Hope with you and lift you and those you are working with up in prayer. Thank you for standing in the gap and showing a lost world our Father~~our only Hope.

Debra said...

I am so blessed by reading your blog (and book). Thank you for sharing your love of Jesus as it strengthens my love for Him too.

Anonymous said...

You truly are an inspiration and a wonderful woman of God. I can't even imagine how hard these things have to be for you and all those you love around you. I pray for you and Amazima quite often. Someday, I would love to go down and help with whatever I am able to.
You are completely right when you say "death is not the end." I prayed for Katherine and her children and know that this was a part of God's great plan that is so hard for us to see the good in it at times. She is in a much better place and is in no pain, running, laughing and singing praises to our great God.
I love seeing how you can end your blogs positively through all the things that happen. I will continue to pray and thank God for the love he bestowed upon you to have for the people of Uganda.
Stay strong in the Lord. God bless.

Anonymous said...

We have all been there. The pounding against the tiles, the cries and grief and pain, the "I can't believe this is happening!" Yet our Master calls us on. You are right: We don't understand his ways but we do KNOW him and this is Eternal Life.

God has greatly blessed you with the gift of writing.

Alisha said...

oh Katie, I am so sorry to hear about Katherine. But God is still faithful.
Sending love to you and your sweet african friends and family today

The Manna Mama said...

Tears...Beautiful....just beautiful...

The Denjas said...

God bless you Katie. Keep fighting little mama!!

The Denjas said...

God bless you Katie. Keep fighting little mama!

Deb Timko-Killian said...

This is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with such vulnerability.

Danielle May said...

May the God of HOPE fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit.

~Romans 15:13

Amy said...

Amen. So powerful, so moving. Thank you, Katie, for bringing encouragement and hope midst your own sorrow and grief. The Lord comfort you and the precious children. We stand in Christ’s victory with eternity in view!

Anonymous said...

Katie, thank you. You encourage me. To step out. To believe. And to pray for my unbelief. I pray for you. I thank you.

Santiago said...

I just finished your book. My wife told me it would bless me. It did a lot more than that.
I love the freedom of your kindness and love for people. I am actually in ministry here in the States and I am ashamed to say that the way we do ministry here hinders us so often to genuinely love and give the way you do.
I am sorry for the loss of Katherine. I pray that through it all Heaven will bless you with the same healing power Jesus had so that you won't have to go through this again. (Acts 10:38)
Thank you.

Raechel said...

Thank you for another post. Thank you for another reminder to keep our eyes on Him. Always.

PG said...

Thank you for speaking truth and sharing the hope that is from our Father.

PG said...

Thank you for speaking truth and sharing the hope that comes from our Father.

You Can Call Me Jane said...

Thank you, as always, for taking the time to write, to share your life- the joys, struggles and wisdom unique to you because of your unique relationship with the Father (aren't we all so blessed to have a unique relationship with Him?!). Thinking of you as mourn and rejoice all at the same time.

Anonymous said...

hallelujah.. for He is good, and His Love endures forever... amen... we will hope in You, Jesus!
thanks for sharing your heart, katie. God bless you...

Unknown said...

Thanks for your beautiful words! A couple of years ago, I lost my best friend to death. I will be praying for your heart; for strength and peace in the days ahead. Shalom.

Sarah said...

Katie, your posts never fail to encourage or somehow speak to me right where I am even if our situations appear different on the surface. My husband and I recently celebrated our family's first anniversary of arriving for (what we hope and expect to be) a life-long ministry on a Native American reservation and the temptation to despair is so strong some days, some weeks, as the community is suffering such spiritual oppression and the physical outworking of that oppression. The painful stories and experiences that are now attached to faces, image-bearers of our great God leave me only crying out to him "How long, Oh Lord?" and "Come, Lord Jesus." I read your posts and I identify so strongly with the love you have for Him, overflowing in service and love for the lives surrounding you. I needed to be reminded of this today: "We fight and we wait and a watching world says, “Why hope for life in a world of death?” And we know the answer. That piece of my heart is right. This isn’t it, this is not the end, and there is something else. His life is better." Amen, and amen. His love and hope and joy is worth the suffering He allows us to carry in this world.

a follower of Jesus.. Kept in the hands of the One who knows me best and loves me most. said...

Thank you... for allowing God's goodness to be shown through you and for your encouragement to keep on fighting the good fight. God bless you as you serve Him!

Nelson from Garland, Texas said...

Thank you, Katie.

Nelson from Garland, Texas said...

Thank you Katie.

Phyllis said...

We are studying Tony Evans' Victory in Spiritual Warfare and thought I would share a quote of encouragement and our first week memory verse, "You are not fighting for victory. You are fighting from victory - the victory of Jesus' Resurrection."

'Our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the authorities, against the world powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens." Ephesians 6:12

arlan and katie said...

From one Katie to another,
I just finished your book and feel your love & heart for the Lord pooring out from it...thank you for being a soldier of Christ's, an orphan advocate & a mother.
Prayers to you & your family and thank you for using your God given gifts to lift up God's kingdom in this one.
Katie Miller

PS-My husband and I eagerly await to bless our family with a Ugandan daughter sometime in the next year-waiting on a referral with Children of All Nations.

Elizabeth Poland said...

Katie, your words are deeply inspirational to me on the other side of the world.
I am a widow.
My youngest was 6 when her father died suddenly in an accident while we were on a family holiday.
Life here is temporal... but we have been given LIFE ETERNAL.
I know that my husband is more alive now than when he was full of warmth and life here. Grieving with hope changes everything.
thank you for your blog.
I will be praying for you today.
Elizabeth Poland, Tasmania

Anonymous said...

As always your words touch the very core of my heart, Katie. I want to fight with you for your friend's life. I want to hug you when you lay her to rest and I want to cheer when you draw my focus back to Jesus.

Life is far more complex than just living, laughing and loving as many people in the west think it all should be. There is suffering and disappointment but always triumph in Christ Jesus. Thank you for reminding me! Bless you.

Saroka Jo said...

Thanks to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ for life: both here on earth with His Spirit within us, and the forever-with-Him-eternal kind!

Cresanna said...

I'm so sorry for your loss

Cresanna said...

I'm so sorry for your loss

Andrea said...

sharing tears here and hoping with you, encouraged by the truth you put into words, may He comfort your heart and the hearts of all who knew her xo

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Katie, for this post. I needed to be reminded. I pray for you all often!

Tammy said...

Beautifully written, and so very true. He's already won, and have we.

Keeping your family in prayer, along with all those you mentioned here.

Melody S. said...

Thank you for sharing your beautiful HOPE. He does not disappoint and is the God of all comfort! I appreciate you, dear Katie.

MIa Myung said...

I'm so blessed by your words and I thank God for your unswerving faith in Him. You have shown the true audacity of hope despite the loss and I'm so challenged and convicted. Thank you.

-Mia Myung from Atlanta, GA

MIa Myung said...

I'm so blessed by your words and I thank God for your unswerving faith in Him. You have shown the true audacity of hope despite the loss and I'm so challenged and convicted. Thank you.

-Mia Myung from Atlanta, GA

Anonymous said...

I'm so blessed by your words and I thank God for your unswerving faith in Him. You have shown the true audacity of hope despite the loss and I'm so challenged and convicted. Thank you.

-Mia Myung from Atlanta, GA

MIa Myung said...

I'm so blessed by your words and I thank God for your unswerving faith in Him. You have shown the true audacity of hope despite the loss and I'm so challenged and convicted. Thank you.

-Mia Myung from Atlanta, GA

Anonymous said...

I prayed, believing, yet God chose another road. I'm sorry Katie.

MIa Myung said...

I'm so blessed by your words and I thank God for your unswerving faith in Him. You have shown the true audacity of hope despite the loss and I'm so challenged and convicted. Thank you.

-Mia Myung from Atlanta, GA

jay said...

Hey katie. It's so great to hear that God is using you in such a great way for His glory. It's so easy to lose focus on what is real important but Your dedication really keeps me in focus towards what is real important and that is living for God's glory. Thank you and you will be in my prayers

A Cup Bearer said...

Oh, sweet one. Bless you....

Anonymous said...

I read your book after my recent trip to Haiti. One of the ladies on the trip told me about it. I thought I heard God tell me to go to Africa awhile back, but decided ...maybe not. I went to Haiti, and well, it moved me beyond words. I even thought that I wouldn't mind moving there. I have a wonderful husband and three beautiful girls, so maybe when the girls are older ...or do they go to? We love our Lord and Savior and love to serve Him by serving others, but is this what He wants? Am I crazy? My husband has been to Haiti too...we both love it. We have an orphanage there our church built! But now I read your story..does God want me to give Africa a try, does He want me there? Africa? Thanks for your story! Maybe our paths will cross one day. I am sorry for your loss, truely sorry. I just lost a close friend, she was 36. It was so hard at first, but she received ultimate healing and is with Jesus now, and so is Katherine. God bless you!

Anonymous said...

Katie I spent time today in prayer for you. I prayed for the Lord to give you strength and peace to carry on with your work. That was before reading your recent post. God knows what we need and He will give you rest. Keep up your good work and know you are reaching people for Christ all over the world. I have made the decision to come to Uganda in June because of you. God bless you and your family Katie.

Brooke said...

This is beautifully written, Katie. Praying for peace, comfort, and a hope that can only be found in the Lord!

Brooke said...

This is beautifully written, Katie. Praying for peace, comfort, and a hope that can only come from the Lord!

Anonymous said...

it truly is amazing that you would be wrighting on the 14 of feb
your good really good
i would love to come over and meet you one day.

Mallory said...

This brings me to tears. With each word I read I feel like I can feel the heaviness on your heart and feel the depth of your grief. What a lesson God has been teaching you. Thank you for sharing. <3

Jeff said...

I happened to be listening to the song Hosanna while I was reading your blog post. The Lord is good. He takes the weak and makes them strong; He takes what is foolish to the world and creates wisdom; He grabs the hearts of the lost and gives them purpose, and even at the end of things hope can be found.
Show me how to love like You have loved me.
The Lord loves you, Katie, your children, Katherine and her kids. The Lord loves each of His children so much it hurts.
Break my heart for what breaks Yours.
May we continue to seek the Lord's will.
Everything I am for Your kingdom's cause.
May we learn to surrender more and more of ourselves to Christ and the Holy Spirit's leading.
As I walk from earth into eternity.
Knowing the hope that does not disappoint, and the love that will follow us from here and forever onward.

Jeff said...

I happened to be listening to the song Hosanna while I was reading your blog post. The Lord is good. He takes the weak and makes them strong; He takes what is foolish to the world and creates wisdom; He grabs the hearts of the lost and gives them purpose, and even at the end of things hope can be found.
Show me how to love like You have loved me.
The Lord loves you, Katie, your children, Katherine and her kids. The Lord loves each of His children so much it hurts.
Break my heart for what breaks Yours.
May we continue to seek the Lord's will.
Everything I am for Your kingdom's cause.
May we learn to surrender more and more of ourselves to Christ and the Holy Spirit's leading.
As I walk from earth into eternity.
Knowing the hope that does not disappoint, and the love that will follow us from here and forever onward.

Karen said...

HAve you seen the opposite?? witnessed someone about to die and God healing them?? Like from cancer or Aids??

Karyn said...

As I was investigating treatment for my daughter's unrelated issues, I read about hope for people with blistering diseases an immediately thought of your post. Not sure this applies to the child you referred to, but thought I'd pass it on anyway. The treatment is given via IV and it's expensive here in the US (determined by weight of patient--my 106 pound daughter in the US would cost $13-15K!) , but I just read that people outside the US can order the identical stuff quite inexpensively (and a baby would need much less!)--the article mentioned that a pharmacy in Bangladesh sells the cheapest IVIg ("Baygam" brand, made in Germany) for $5 a bottle.

Pemphigus vulgaris

Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) is an autoimmune blistering disease with autoantibodies to desmoglein 3 [101]. The disease can affect the skin and mucous membranes of the oral cavity, nose, eye, pharynx, larynx, oesophagus, anal canal, penis and vagina [102]. There are now more than 60 patients who have been treated with IVIG in the literature [103,104], the vast majority of whom responded to treatment with 2 g/kg given at monthly cycles. Once disease remission is attained it is possible in many cases to reduce and finally discontinue IVIG. In view of these encouraging results, a controlled trial of IVIG in therapy-resistant PV is needed to clarify its potential therapeutic role. This also applies to cicatricial pemphigoid [105]

None of this may apply, but thought it was worth passing it on since a precious life is at stake. Hope it is useful info.

Anonymous said...

Heavenly Father, You have received Katherine into Your heavenly realm. We mourn her loss; we feel sadness; we REJOICE in her salvation in Christ. "Whoever hears My word and believes Him who sent me has eternal life..." (John 5)We continue to lift before You in prayer the lives of her children - yes, the physical lives of kids without a mother, but especially for their spiritual lives; we pray for their salvation and growth. Be pleased to use any willing Believer to touch their hearts and lives for Your glory. There are hurt and sick and dying people everywhere; but You are GOD. You are love. You conquer all. "The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the Law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore,stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain" (1 Corinthians 15)

Anonymous said...

So humbled by the words our Lord gives to you to send to us. Thank you, and may He bless you and your family. We are espeicially touched, since my daughter went on a mission last sept for 6 weeks. We heard about your book and had to read it before she left for Uganda. We often think of you, so it was really nice to hear from you today even though it has been so hard with your friend dying. But there is so much hope, thank you for the important reminder. MAXINE

Unknown said...

Praying for you & grieving loss in this world with you but also hoping along side you as well.

"I have cried until the tears no longer come;
my heart is broken." -Lamentations 2:11

"I will never forget this awful time,
as I grieve over my loss.
Yet I still dare to hope
when I remember this:
The faithful love of the Lord never ends![b]
His mercies never cease.
Great is his faithfulness;
his mercies begin afresh each morning.
I say to myself, 'The Lord is my inheritance;
therefore, I will hope in him!'"
-Lamentations 3:20-24

Anonymous said...

God bless you, Katie, and the people you bless. Thank you for ministering grace in Uganda where my granddaughters live. I realize you are doing what countless missionaries have done and are doing in the Name of Christ. Thank you for writing about it. After my daughter read Kisses from Katie, she and her husband decided their first children will be adopted from your country. They are presently in the middle of the long process. I found your blog though a fundraising site someone is doing for them. My heart goes out to you and identifies in your grief as well as your Hope! We just celebrated Valentine's Day in America. Few people know St. Valentine was a martyr. His is also a beautiful, heart-wrenching story of total commitment to Christ. You inspire me to pray even more for my own children and grandchildren, and for you as well. Thank you! (Anonymous to honor my kids' signed agreement with the children's home.)

Anonymous said...

Keep glorifying Him. That's after all what we are all about

Kim said...

Thank you sweet sister for sharing such a powerfully moving word. My heart feels. I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend who was very obviously loved. With that said, I need to say that I am grateful to God for sending you to her. You and so many others who live Christ in such passionate action and who are only concerned with glorifying God...thank you. Thank you for selflessly carrying the banner of Love, Jesus Christ, in such a wide open kind of way. Lives are being changed. Hearts are being touched. I read your words and see Him in every touch, in every tear, in every experience. Grace lives. I am convinced. The LORD is alive, binding up and healing the broken hearted, proclaiming liberty. He is the great Comforter who is comforting the meek, the poor, and the afflicted. I send you and all of the beautiful souls there a heart full of prayer and love and blessings and hope. God bless you. Be encouraged; you are not alone in this or through this. - In His amazing Love

Ruthie said...

You are so amazing. I pray for you every day.

Lynne Hartke said...

Thank you for putting words to my thoughts, my hope, my prayer, my belief as I battle for life for two parents with cancer.

Anonymous said...

Crying with you - we love you. May God continue to bless your ministry. The Brown's in IL are praying for you always.

Maarit said...

Thank you. We fight for eternity. Beautiful. So true. Praise Jesus.

kristi said...

I read this in tears because my father just died last week. I looked at him and was NOT READY for him to go. I scream and cry and think he was way too young and I am way too young to loose my daddy. I hoped and prayed up until the VERY end. But he went. Thank you so much for these words.

Liz said...

I am so sorry. I was praying for her. It is so hard sometimes, when we can't understand our Lord's ways. May He bless you for continuing to trust in Him through this grief.

epter said...

just finished reading your book and found myself on your blog site. thankful for your faithful service and the enormous amount of encouragement i have received from your life of obedience and love. i praise God for you, katie, and pray for many more blessings in your life!

Ed Reinken said...

I praise God for using you to show me what it is to follow and not to just be a fan. I read your book recently and was left speechless at how your surrender to Him has opened my eyes to see what having a personal relationship means to our Father.Just as my 14 BEAUTIFUL Grandchildren know Papa Loves Katie!

Christ Couture Girl said...

Hi Katie, I'm an editor of a Christian magazine based in the UK and I received your book as a review copy.

I'm ashamed to say I have always been skeptical of stories involving Western missionaries going to 'save Africa' but I believe God moved me to read your story from start to finish and I was encouraged to seek out God's true purpose for my life.

May God continually bless you in your work and supply all your personal needs.

Love Tola

Debbie said...

Yes, we must keep fighting...keep trusting...keep sharing our sovereign God.

Unknown said...

Thank you Katie. Your words give hope and meaning to suffering half a world away. May we all, wherever we are, pour our lives out for the Giver of all Life.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Deborah said...

It is so good to hear from your deep, deep heart, Katie. Thank you for typing words that must have drawn an ache from inside...thank you for sharing your life, honestly, faithfully. Your writings encourage me to keep the faith where I am, and ask God to enlarge my territory and not cause pain. You are precious, and I love you.

Danielle said...

Thank you for sharing this- God is so good. I'll be praying for you and your family!

Alyssa said...

Oh Katie,
I know how hard it is to loose someone you prayed so hard to keep. But she is so happy in the arms of Jesus, and that is better than any cure! I pray for your ministry often, and am blessed by your obedience and love. Thank you.
Many blessings,

All For His Sake said...

So sorry for you loss. You are such an encouragement to me and I enjoy reading your posts though they often make me cry. I do pray that God would give you lots of grace and comfort.

Kathy said...

I am so thankful for your writing and sharing of what God is doing and teaching you. I have been profoundly affected by your book and am sharing copies with friends and family. Christ ministered to me today a very timely encouragement through this post. I praise and thank Him for His loving kindness and faithfulness and for yours as well!

You are in my prayers. May God's work through you continue to influence many for the Kingdom of God.

Rachel said...

Katie, I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. I know that you and her family must be grieving the loss of her earthly life even as you know she has secured eternal life. I will keep you all in my prayers. At the same time, I am so glad to hear this message of hope from you. Having not heard from you for so long, I was getting worried. Thank you for sharing your burdens - and your hope in the Gospel - with us.

Mr T said...

I am lost for words but I am found in love with the Father of us all. He is jealous for His bride there is all hope in Him. Thank you for sharing.

Brandee Shafer said...

Oh, this really blesses. Thank you. May God continue to comfort.

Anonymous said...

Amen! Praise God for all the wonderful things he has done in your heart.

Ana Marcos said...

Thanks for sharing Katie, I often forget that this fight is not over. That we have eternal life. He is hope.
Blessings from Costa Rica in Central America

Unknown said...

I have been praying for Katherine and all of you. When I read about her this morning my heart went out to her children and to you. When I read what you write I am so reminded of what really counts in this life and where our focus needs to be. Thank you for being so real and sharing your heart. God bless you as you live a life that brings Him glory.

Anonymous said...

You're so strong Katie, we all are even in the midst of great weakness.. Thank you for sharing, prayers with you always. <3
Love from Alaska,
Grace C.

Unknown said...

Beautiful Katie. Thank you for sharing. God's soveriegnty is so hard to see in death and sin. Thank you for making it a little more clear how the Lord is in control in these times- He wins. Heaven is the ultimate win. My flesh forgets this!

Shelly @ Homeschooling With No Regrets said...

Katie, I am coming to Uganda in June for the first time! I will be praying for your "fight for eternity!" I have been praying that the country will change me from the inside out!

Anonymous said...

Oh Katie...what a precious post. So very sad, yet hopeful that your precious friend is with Jesus. You so encourage me in my life to focus on the just a little while we will all be with the Father! Thank you....

Anonymous said...

Oh Katie, your post so touches my heart...while it is so sad, you are right..she is in a better place. And soon we will all be with the Father. Your posts touch my life and remind me to focus on the eternal. Thank you dear one!

Anonymous said...

This is heart-wrenching to hear, but what a peace to know God will carry each of you through this hard time. Your perseverance and sense of hope in Christ is so encouraging! Praying and God bless.

Anonymous said...

This is heart-wrenching to hear, but what a peace to know God will carry each of you through this hard time. Your perseverance and sense of hope in Christ is so encouraging! Praying and God bless.

Anonymous said...

This is heart-wrenching to hear, but what a peace to know God will carry each of you through this hard time. Your perseverance and sense of hope in Christ is so encouraging! Praying and God bless.

Laura said...

Praying, PRAYING for the Lord to continue to hold Katherine's children, your daughters, you and your community in His grace and truth. Everything screams this is not as it should be. And yet to hope. Thank you for opening to us this hardest of stories that we might in the smallest way join to walk along the path He has for you. Praying for His glory in the broken.

Unknown said...

You are such an inspiration to me, Katie. What a great reminder to live for what is most important.

Anonymous said...

Amen, Katie. Amen, Amen, Amen.
I'm praying for you and your family.

kerri.warmus said...

I was so sad to read that Katherine died as I know she didn't want to leave her children. I will pray for them. I know God has lovingly received Katherine and she is full of joy and peace. I am so thankful that she had you as I am sure that was a great comfort to her. Thank you for comforting her and for sharing your thoughts. They are so helpful to me as I don't yet have your faith. I admire your faith and it inspires me. Bless you and yours.

Jill said...

Thank you for everything you write! It really helps me put things in perspective. Prayers for you all coming from Harding University in Arkansas!

Anonymous said...

I just read your book. Thank you for writing it. You remind me of myself in Guatemala when I was there with my parents for 8 months as a missionary. I always wanted to hold the babies, even though people told me not to because of no diapers or because they were sick. But I had so much love for them. God gives us this love to give to the least of these. God bless you and thank you for the blessing of reading your story and reminding me of what I must continue to do for Him.


Dalyn said...

your love and care is beautiful to behold. Your bravery speaks of Jesus in you- because perfect love casts out fear. Bless you

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Thank you so much for sharing. Thank you for loving with all your heart even though your heart is continuously being broken. You are in my prayers daily.

Unknown said...

Amen. Fighting with you for eternity.

Unknown said...

Amen. Fighting with you for eternity.

Unknown said...

that i may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, if, by any means, I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.

Amen sister. Stay audacious.

Unknown said...

Thank you for honestly sharing your struggle, and for sharing those words of hope that God gave you to bring you to a place of peace. Salama, rafifi. Amani iwe kwako. (Peace be with you.)
We are coming to Tanzania in May so are studying Swahili. We may be able to take a ferry across Lake Victoria to meet you. We will be in the Mwanza area. Julie Dunlap

Beth Robertson said...

Hi, I'm reading your book, Katie and am finding so much encouragement in the words. I pick up a little band of kids from a housing project and feed them every week. Mostly by myself. Its chaotic, hysterical and life-changing. I have found myself saying "me too!" at your thoughts expressed in the book! I'm praying for you stateside, sister! Beth

wilderlamb said...

Thank you so much for letting us know about Katherine. My heart if breaking for you and her children, but how wonderful that she isn't suffering anymore!

Nicole L. said...

Thanks for letting us know about Katherine. My heart is breaking for you and her children but how wonderful that she isn't suffering anymore!

Lanette McCune said...

Thank you Katie. Keep fighting the Good fight. It IS making a difference because the Lord is YOUR strength and your salvation...a very present help in times of trouble. Thank you for being His hands and His feet...a vessel for His noble purposes.
Abundant Grace and His Supernatural Strength to you.
In Christ,
Lanette McCune

LittleWomen21 said...

He has already won! The only way to handle all these deaths and sufferings that seem so unfair. Death has lost its sting, because there is a perfect eternal life waiting - thank you for sharing this hope through Jesus

Anonymous said...

Dear Katie, I am so sorry about your friend she sounds like a very brave Lady, please know that I am praying for you and I know God is blessing you and your family, have a wonderful day, :) happy Sabbath, Brooke Lynn

Kristin said...

Thank you Katie for sharing your life with the world. Your love for Jesus and complete trust in Him is a testimony to many of the freedom and power of the gospel. Thank you for showing me that that greatest blessing you have received is overflowing joy from our Lord and maker. Thank you for following Jesus right where he has placed you, day by day and in every present moment. Thank you for putting Him first knowing that everything else will follow. Blessings to you and your ministry! Kristin - Helena, MT

"Gama" Barbara said...

My prayers are with you as you grieve the loss of your friend...well the temporary separation from your friend really as you will most definitely see her again. My prayers are with her precious children, that the Lord will be near them and comfort as only He can. I just finished your book. Lifechanging! I will forever remember-love the one in front of you... We sent a check to sponsor a child immediately.... we have been given much and much is required... praying God's blessings, joy, comfort, peace for you as you go and minister.

Kristin said...

Katie, Thank you for sharing your heart and soul with the world. By you selflessly living the Gospel, you are a testimony to many. Thank you for always putting Jesus first knowing that everything else will follow. Thank you for living day by day and moment by moment to serve Him. Thank you for showing Uganda Jesus' love and for showing your girls more of the world than they ever dreamed. Thank you for showing me the greatest blessing you receive is overflowing joy from our maker.

Caroline said...

Hi, Katie! I sent you an email about your little one with EB. I hope you got it! -Caroline (21 in the U.S. with an EB baby from Romania)

Unknown said...

God bless you dear Katie. I just got done reading your book and was so inspired. I help run a ministry in Kenya, near the Ugandan border. Sounds like many of our stories are the same. But you dear girl, live there, stay there and that is your home. How loving and caring. May God bless you as you grief your friends earthly death. Nancy Rowe

Unknown said...

One more thing. I wondered if you have heard of They let us bring in seeds each time we have traveled back to our ministry. Even though they are expired seeds from US, they are of such great quality our dear Kenyan friends we work with cannot believe it. So if you are not aware of them, I hope you will contact them. Larry is such a sweet person to work with!

Unknown said...

thank you for your words.

Unknown said...

I remember in haiti a year ago i saw a little boy walking on an unimproved dirt road, with nothing on but a shirt, miles from anything. this little boy of maybe 5 was all alone in a desperate world that forgot him.
the next day I saw him again going the other direction, his shirt torn and more dirty than the day before. how long did he have in this world? I snapped a picture of him. maybe ill see him again. like you said, emptying the ocean with an eyedropper. but what else can you do but keep going, on starfish at a time.

thank you for your words. you are an inspiration.

Heather said...

Here's to hope eternal. Glory to Him in all things.

Rachel Danielle said...

Oh Katie, there's nothing harder than losing a loved one- I know that very intimately. But it's unbelievably beautiful that in His arms, even death has lost it's sting! Always praying for you, and featured you and your book in my latest newsletter!


Rachel P.

Christina from Ohio said...

You are so right, Katie...He has already won!! <3<3<3 Praying for you everyday!

Mindy Crittenden said...

rBeauty in your words, sister...and what a Glorious Hope we have. Thank you, Jesus!!

Tracy said...

Thank you for sharing your heart. Let us all hold on to HIS HOPE!!!


Tracy said...

Thank you for sharing your heart. Let us all hold on to HIS HOPE.

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing your heart and the Truth. The Truth is that He wins, all the time every time, even when we don't see it. The Truth is, we don't see the end, but He already has. Thank you for this reminder.

Holly Jo said...

First, thank you for sharing your life through your book and blog. I am only a year a younger than you and I am so encouraged by the way God uses you powerfully for His purposes. Be encouraged that God is using His faithfulness in your life to encourage some small town Iowa ladies in their 20s to dream that God would use them beyond what they can imagine.

Today, I was overcome by the sufferings of people all around me. All I could do was cry. This happens frequently in my life. I feel the pain of others and sometimes it's just causes me to question God. But today, I learned to lean not on my understanding and trust the One who is worthy of it. While there is darkness, I have learned to stand in it and trust God is coming. To see the darkness, but in it see a beautiful light.

Then I came home and read your blog. It brought everything God has been teaching me the last month (which has been one of the hardest months) all together. So, thank you so much for sharing and know that God has laid you and your incredibly beautiful family on the hearts of many. Prayers are heading your direction. From Iowa to Africa. God's that big ;)

CherylR said...

Thank you for sharing your life with us through this blog. It encourages me to trust Him more and step out more.

Alexa said...

Hey Katie! My name is Alexa and I am 13. I am reading your book right now! I love it:) I am actually going with my family to Africa this summer on a misson trip with CRU. My parents are on staff with cru! So reading your book is getting me SOOO excited!! I am praying for you:) Love Alexa

Joanne Beasley said...

Praying for you.

Joanne Beasley said...

Praying for you.

Joanne Beasley said...

Praying for you.

Jenny said...

I am so encouraged by your hope in Him, Katie! I am praying that God will give you comfort and peace at this time.

Anonymous said...

~Dear Katie,
I'm so sorry about Katherine. I know you warred for her physical healing... but Christ just said it was time for her to go home. I pray the Lord will use me as He has you! You encourage me greatly, and I pray and long for the day He will use me to reach out to the hopeless as you do. I'm praying for you and your girls! I must admit, I don't have financial support, but if you ever need anything, let me know!!! God bless and be with you and your girls forever!!!

~Christ be with you,
Brooklyn Rickman

~Also, I was wondering if you would keep this message for your personal use and not post it. I didn't have any other way of contacting you!

~My email:

~God be with you~

Margaret Feinberg said...

Praying for strength, courage, comfort, and peace!

Anonymous said...

Job 1:21-22
21 And he said, "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD."
22 In all this Job did not sin or charge God with wrong.

My brother died today. As we watched him slowly waste away over the last few months, I could not help but think of the high cost of sin. Sin brings death! Christ brings eternal life through His blood sacrifice, to all who will follow Him! Brothers and sisters, don't deny Christ. Fall before His throne of grace, admit your sinfulness and turn from sin!

symphonyforlove said...

When the heart speaks, the mind finds it indecent to listen.Thank you for sharing your touching words and expriences.My best wishes

Shaina said...

Hi Katie,

Does the little boy have EB (epidermolysis bullosa)? I've been reading the blog of a family of a son with EB. This is the web address:
If it is that, maybe you could find some help or encouragement there.

Kimberly said...

Katie, Thank you for your words. Your heart is a rare gift to be treasured!

I'm reading your book to our kids and they're hanging on to each word eager to hear who is the next to join the family and full of anticipation to hear how our Faithful God will provide for you.

We also have a heart for Uganda and have hosted the Ugandan Orphan's Choir several times. We have not been able to go to Uganda yet, but we've had Uganda come to us and the heartfelt connections we've made will hopefully last a lifetime.

Our oldest son is 14 and reading your book has inspired me to hopefully, one day, take him to Uganda to visit our many friends there and to hug on the many kids who have stayed in our home. We miss them.

Continue being Jesus to those around you. You're a blessing!

Unknown said...

Thank you for writing, for being honest, and real. I walk away encouraged.
I just bought my first necklace last week from Amazima! It was for my mom for, "birthday day" (My birthday) It's beautiful and I look forward to buying more.
God bless you and your family.
I hope to meet you one day, as I see that the Lord is calling me to overseas ministry.

Bali Hotels said...

Great Post, i love it

carrisa said...

Dearest faithful servant,
May the Lord continue to fill you with His spirit as you work and love those who need him most! I crave to be as close to the Lord as you are. May He always give you strength and lift you when you are weary. May He continue to fill your heart with His everlasting love, even when your are hurting. I will pray for you and your girls to remain in Him with much perserverance. I am amazed always by our God and especially how he is working through you. "Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever." Psalm 136:1 Go in peace.

Renae Calva said...

Sweet Katie - I am always undone by your posts. Thank you for displaying the Kingdom of God for us in your circumstances and in sharing your inner thoughts. It is our fight too; to believe that God is good in midst of things that are not and even the disappointments...especially the disappointments, build in me deeper tenacity for this truth - it is the fire of this testing that forms my faith into strong metal. To believe and not see, to not understand and trust anyway - this is the essence of faith. Thank you for staying in the fire. We pray for you daily.

Mags :) said...

You bring so much encouragement to my inspire me to live more fully for HIM...thank you Katie. Praying for you today, that you would find small glimpses of HIS JOY

Anonymous said...

You bring so much encouragement to my heart, and inspire me to live more fully for HIM...thank you Katie. Praying for you today, that you may see glimpses of HIS JOY...hugs from Nebraska, your sister in Christ

Anonymous said...

May you continue to be strengthened in this battle that you fight with such Holy Spirit leading and grace. May you continue to be comforted and strong in hope. Praying for you and for the many beautiful souls that Christ reaches through you.

Anonymous said...

John 17:3
Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.

Abbey said...

This is so beautiful. It just amazes me your complete trust of God and unwavering hope in all he is. I can only hope that one day God uses me like he is you! You are so wise and I so look up to you!

Cameron Ward said...

Beauty in ashes. Praying for you and praising Him for He has won. You are a great blessing.

Anonymous said...

Mother Teresa said " A life not lived for others is not life". That is so true. Katie You remind me of Mother Teresa, how you are giving your all to others. How you love others with all your heart, and see Jesus in them. This is a gift God gave you, to spred the love of God to others who are seeking it. You are amazing! God bless you Katie... You and my family are in my heart now and forever.. Praying for you... God Bless :)

Admin said...

Hi there!
Can I exchange links with you?
If you agree, please email me ktv.manhcuongpc @
And this is my web
Welcome to me!!
I love you all!
Thank you much!!

Vietnam said...

Hi there!
Can I exchange links with you?
If you agree, please email me ktv.manhcuongpc @
And this is my web
Welcome to me!!
I love you all!
Thank you much!!

Jill said...

srvedfHi, Katie. Thank you for your post. It brings me strength and comfort. My son died a month ago. He was a vibrant, successful college student studying abroad. Since his death we have learned he also was battling mental illness - and he chose to not invite his family and closest friends into this battle. This led to his untimely death by overdose. A huge piece of my heart died with him. I frankly did not know you could hurt this much and actually still live. But - something I can also say is that my faith in the promises of God is stronger than ever! Your post mirrors what I know. That last earthly act is NOT the end of my son's story. He is a baptized believer and clearly knew Jesus! Thank you for affirming what my heart also knows. God's grace is truly amazing. And I know I will see my son again. 'The light shines in the darkness ... and the darkness has not overcome it!' Amen! Blessings on your continued ministry. I will pray for you and those you care for daily. <3

Sarah said...

I'm so sorry for your loss Katie. Sending love and prayers your way!!!

Anonymous said...

Tears come to my eyes as I read your stories... And I lift you and your beautiful family and your amazing ministry up in such sincere prayer to our Lord. You are such an inspiration! Thank you for your raw honestly and ability to share your heart in such a lovely way. Thank you for letting God use you!

Unknown said...

Thank you, Katie, for this post. I started a new job in the emergency department after taking a medical mission trip to an orphanage in Uganda last year. God gave me His heart to heal the sick, and so I switched specialties to help heal the least. Tonight was the hardest night I've had since being here, and your post was truly appointed for me to read at this very minute. Just His words, His reminders of His heart... giving me life. Your posts always bring life. Hope to see you in Uganda sometime. :)


All in His Perfect Timing said...

I am so very sorry for your loss of Katherine and for the loss her children feel. I have kept you in my prayers.

Mommy Emily said...

I am grieving with you, and hoping with you, too. Longing for the day when we'll see him face to face, and his glory will answer all of our questions, once and for all. Until then, don't give up, sister. You are doing such good work. I am praying for you.

In Him, Emily.

KChristy said...

Hey Katie, I just finished reading your book and I just wanted to thank you for your honesty and saying yes to God. I am currently living in Kenya and I understand so much of your story, it is encouraging and challenging and in return I encourage and challenge you to keep trusting in God. :) Cheers Kyla.

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. “Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” 2 Corinthians 12:8-10


I'm just beginning chapter 3 of your book and came to the blog to say hello!

GOD is amazing in our world today in all that HE is doing and accomplishing for His Kingdom. You, my friend, are working but the Holy Spirit's power, to conquer the world of darkness and thwart the plans and schemes of the evil one. You are more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ!

I loved the Scripture that you chose for the end of this post!
“We rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, endurance produces character, character produces hope, and our hope does not disappoint us because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit.”

We do REJOICE even in the midst of the suffering! And my favorite word right now happens to be:
I have never known redemption like I know it now for what God has done in my own heart and life when choosing to give away my life for HIM! So glad you are there too! No place I'd rather be!

ALL GLORY and PRAISE to JESUS - the author and finisher of our faith!

Choosing JOY,
Southern NJ USA

Kaatje Camp said...

My Class and I would like to thank you for what you are doing and tell you we loved your book and you are in our prayers.I bought your book in the airport and read it without wanting to put it down. I am a teacher and read a chapter to my students everyday after lunch and they have hung on every word and want me to adopt a child of yours!! Now that is not going to happen - but your life has encouraged me to continue to love the students I have in my care. Prayers for you and yours - In Christ, Kaatje Camp, St. Ignatius, MT

Sarah said...

I have no words – just thank you for this post.

Unknown said...


I just wanted to let you know how much you have inspired me! I moved to Belize four weeks ago after reading your book in December. When I began telling people of my plans of going to be a missionary, they kept talking about your book. After I read it (in about three days, I couldn't put it down), I felt like our hearts were connected. There were so many things in your book that I feel and that I couldn't express in words. Thank you for inspiring SO many people around the world to follow your example and make disciples. How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the Good News (Romans 10:15)! I am praying for you! You can check out my ministry at

Anonymous said...

hi katie ive been on a few missions trips too im just a young teenager and want to know what you did after you came back from Uganda i want to dod something to help i know that if you do read this you dont think im just some crazy fan or something i just want to let you know i pray every night, "God help me be like Katie"

BeeGee said...

Thank you Katie for sharing your raw pain and love. I am reading your book and I have fallen in love with the work you are doing. I am going to share your burden in prayer and financially. This is another way that death does not win. God raises up more people to come alongside you to share the burden of loving and serving . May God multiply the loaves and fishes in your hands!

Ruth said...

I just finished reading your book and it so encourages me to continue to look for ways I can show God's love from a smile to bringing food to homeless youth

Holly Mthethwa said...

So blessed and continually shaken and stirred by your words and the life you live. May God's joy and strength wash over you anew everyday.

Kathy said...

I have been learning about EB since last August when I first heard of this disease. Is that what the child you mention in the 2/14 blog has? If so, are you aware of and connected to the Internet Community that supports and prayer for and loves on these children and their families? Just in case not, here's a link:
I'm sure the community would love to embrace and pray for this child. I will start today.

Emily M said...

Katie I have read your blog for years, I have never commented but somehow this post specifically made me want to sit and weep with you and affirm, yes that fight for life, the thing inside that says "THIS IS WRONG" is so right... God intended us for eternity and don't we just long for eternity to be part of the "now" part of the the Kingdom here and now, the kingdom come. I mourn my own losses in similar ways, friends who have lost health, sisters who have lost babies and losses in myself, we were made for abundance and made for eternity, praise God for the feelings that remind us of this and yet we weep.

Emily M said...

Katie I have read your blog for years and this is the first time I have left a comment because this post particularly made me wish I could sit and weep with you, I hope you have others who do. Your feelings that "THIS IS NOT RIGHT" are so right, we were made for eternity, made for something different and that fight for life you speak of is exactly the fight for eternity that the Lord has placed in each one of our hearts. Don't we all just long for the time when death is vanquished and life together is part of the "now" part of the Lord's kingdom come. I have experienced my own losses, friend's losses of health and my sister's loss of a baby in similar ways. Beating the breast of God who always somehow answers and always reminds me that we were made for a world very different.

Allie Toews said...

I was encouraged by your post Katie. I turned 17 just last Tuesday. Though everyone around me was filled with joy and laughter, and though I was smiling, inside I grieved for my father who has missed all these birthdays. Who has missed my childhood, and my becoming a grown women. In 2009, my dad went to be with God, and though I am filled with joy that he is in a better place, I still miss him. But with the way you reminded me that just because he's not here now, I can be with him forever when we meet up again.
I don't know if you'll see this, or if it'll just become comment number 151, I still want to say thank you!

Unknown said...

Sorry for your temporary loss, Katie. Thanks for living out loud and always pointing us to our hope in Jesus!

Unknown said...

Sorry for your temporary loss, Katie. Thank you for living out loud and always pointing us to the hope found in Jesus!

Morning Glory Coffee Break said...

I'm sorry for your loss. I know the pain you feel. I will be praying for you and her children. But our loss is God's Gain. She is with him now where there is no more pain and she waits to reunite with you and her children. Your stories are touching, heart warming and a blessing to all who read them. They lift us up, inspire us and show us true faith. Thank you for sharing your stories and life with us. The Lord is your strength. Love and Hugs from Ohio.

Anonymous said...

I came across your blog and ministry a few months ago, as I was beginning design school. It has literally changed my life. I sat and read every post all the way back to the beginning of your journey..and I wept. I wept at God's power and I wept at the spirit He has given you-the same spirit that lives in me. Your courage has rekindled mine, and I thank you for your faithfulness to Him. God has revealed to me His desire for me to design/build orphanages and homes for those who need protection and safety..a place to feel loved and taken care of. You were part of me discovering that. So thank you! I pray for you and your precious girls and all those you love on.

Beth Sharpe said...

Oh Katie,
How Jesus pours from your heart.
You are a great encourager. My Mom is in hospice care in her home with my oldest brother as her caregiver, which he doesn't trust Jesus.
My Mom will be going on to her heavenly home, but my brother will have to have a change in his heart.
How i seek to know our Lord as you do.
I love and pray for you and thank God for His loving grace and mercy. Your love is life changing not only there, but here. You are a Blessing!

Katharina said...

Your words... no, the words of our Father in Heaven touched me. Thanks for reminding me to read my bible, to believe His word and to live according to it.

God bless you.

Elizabeth said...

I just wanted to say thank you for all you do for the people of Uganda. I am 15 and hope to go to Uganda soon....right now I am trying to raise the funds. I am hoping to go by the end of 2014. I don't know which organization I will go with yet, but hope to see you while I am there. I, like you would like to live in Uganda when I am older! I have wanted to for a long time and when I heard your story I was blessed! Thanks for all you do! Oh and I hope Amazima has some sort of internship or short term mission trip program that will be up and running by time God sends me!! Thanks you!!!!! :)

Annie L said...

I cry reading your book and your posts. Contradictions.. I agree with you that our sorrows and frustrations feel so real, but hope and joy are so real as well. I pray that I will have the same revelation - that I need to live with the eternity in mind.

Annie L said...

I cry reading your book and your posts. Contradictions.. I agree with you that our sorrows and frustrations feel so real, but hope and joy are so real as well. I pray that I will have the same revelation - that I need to live with the eternity in mind.

Jenni Leigh said...

Katie, your story is so incredible. At camp this summer we read your book and it truly inspired me. I really think God has called me to a life like yours. Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I wish I believed God the way you do. I wish I had your faith and your heart. Maybe ill my selfishness will go away

Grace said...

I just finished reading your book, and this is the only way I knew to just try to reach out to you! I am a freshman at University of Kentucky and I am a Young Life leader at Lexington Christian Academy. I'm from Northern Kentucky, about an hour away from UK. I was terrified to leave NKY and was pretty terrified of Lexington when I came. I was selfish my first semester and spent most of September figuring out how to transfer to go to school back home the next semester. Long story short, God made my struggle in Lexington even more difficult with breakups, deaths, and other stress. Even as I became involved with Young Life, I still longed to be home where it was comfortable and I didn't have to work at finding friends. As God has molded my heart to be in love with Lexington, your book has touched me deeply. I'm thankful that He called me to Lexington and I know this is my mission field. Although it is nothing like what you have done in Uganda, your book feels very relevant to my situation. I left the comfortable to follow Jesus. About a month ago, my boyfriend back home and I broke up. This shattered me more than I thought it would. Because it wasn't a bad or unhealthy relationship, I couldn't understand why it ended, and still struggle with it. I just read your chapter about breaking up with your boyfriend, and I think I underlined every word. It was so unbelievably relevant. I know it was God's timing, over a month after my boyfriend and I broke up, that I would read that chapter. I have been wrestling with why that breakup happened and have felt like I'll never know and would just have to deal with that. That chapter revealed to me that that relationship needed to end so my heart could officially love Lexington fully. My boyfriend was the last thing that was keeping moving back to NKY in the back of my mind. I know my mission is in Lexington, and I know that having a boyfriend in NKY was distracting me from that truth. I just thank you so much for your truth in your book. It has been an amazing blessing to me. I know I haven't done anything as radical as move to Uganda and adopt 14 girls, but the Lord let your words relate to my smaller, but still real, situation. Thank you.

Unknown said...

I am currently reading Kisses from Katie and am so inspired!If only everyone could be as passionate and loving as you!!! Keep up your amazing journey and keep inspiring! Your love for Jesus is amazing and pushes me to grow my relationship with Jesus!! Thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Katie, I just started reading your book and am obsessed with your story and feel compelled to contact you. Something has been happening to me over the past 6 months that I probably cannot accurately explain here but I feel that God is moving things around and laying the groundwork for something and that I must not ignore His nudges. I am feeling that He could possibly be calling me to Africa, maybe Uganda. I've always known that I wanted to do some type of mission work, even as a child. With a degree in Special Ed I have spent much of my adult life working with people with special needs. Soon after I married, I felt ready to start a family and knew I wanted to stay home with kids for as long as possible but I felt God leading me to nursing school. I wasn't exactly sure why and to be honest I'm not sure I was fully committed to it. I even had my first child half-way through and really just wanted to be home to raise her. But I knew God wanted me to push on so I did. Fast forward 6 years....I now have 3 children who I have enjoyed being home with and am now even homeschooling my oldest. I work PRN as a nurse but because I'm primarily focused on the kids I still wonder if the nursing degree was really necessary. But more recently, like I mentioned, things have just been shifting in my life and I have had this feeling that God has something planned for me that will require me to step WAY out in faith. My friends Asher and Dru Collie just moved to Uganda to run their non-profit Sole Hope. This got me wondering if and how I might be used in Uganda. I feel at this point in our lives my husband and I would consider moving our family to a place where God could use us. I have zero experience teaching as a profession but here I am teaching my daughter Kindergarten so I know I can do that much. And while I don't have a ton of experience I am trained as an RN. My husband is a masters level Licensed Professional Counselor. When I read your book and hear of the needs there I can't help but to think that he and I could contribute. But I just don't know where to start. I know God will open doors but in the meantime I just thought I might knock on yours to see if you have any advice, direction, or words of encouragement. Please email at if you are able. Thanks for your inspiring story and your steadfast devotion to God and His children. blessings, Amanda

Isaiah4301 said...

Dear Katie,
I cried tonight while sitting at our dining room table after thinking about the impact you have made and what a blessing you are for the children of Uganda. It makes my heart rejoice, and at the same time, break. There are so many things I want to do for the LORD, and I would give anything to move to Africa and help you and the children. But I just can't. I'm too young to move to another country, and I don't have the money to travel. I know this doesn't mean the end of the road of serving Him, though. Money and age are no objects for the Almighty God, the LORD of all. So I am praying for Him to reveal to me what His will is for my life, my life I am committing to Him. Thank you Katie for sharing the love of Christ through your book, your blog, and your service for Him in Africa. It's inspiring, and I am ever so motivated to share the Gospel. I am praying continually for you.

Rev. Crystal Nunes said...

Just read your book. I cried, laughed and sensed his dear presence. I am so thankful you answered God's call to Uganda. Praying for you daily as you go about the Father's work. When Jesus said that if we lose our life for his sake we will find it that is exactly what happens. Much love and encouragement to you dear Katie. As a result of your book being given to me as a gift, we now know about Amazima Minitries and want to be a part. Sending our gift your way. Lovingly Rev. Crystal Nunes and husband Ed. Hugs to you.

Unknown said...

I am almost done reading your book and I want you to know that your book has been so inspiring to me! In every way of my life, I am challenged because of you. because of the amazing work that you do for Christ and his children! Your words have been comforting for me as I struggled and still do struggle with being back in the States after falling in love with another country. I spent a total amount of 9 months in Senegal, West Africa between my junior year and senior year of high school. Returning to the States was the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life. Like you, all I wanted to do was to be where my heart longed to be and to care for the children of God in Senegal (for you, Uganda) but your words in your book about being constantly hopeful and steady in God as my rock were so comforting and so incredibly helpful as I struggle in the States. Thank you for being that model of perseverance and complete surrender to our Savior. You are an amazing woman of God and I look up to you! Keep your head up and keep serving those beautiful and precious children of Christ!
God bless!

Unknown said...

I am almost done reading your book and I want you to know that your book has been so inspiring to me! In every way of my life, I am challenged because of you. because of the amazing work that you do for Christ and his children! Your words have been comforting for me as I struggled and still do struggle with being back in the States after falling in love with another country. I spent a total amount of 9 months in Senegal, West Africa between my junior year and senior year of high school. Returning to the States was the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life. Like you, all I wanted to do was to be where my heart longed to be and to care for the children of God in Senegal (for you, Uganda) but your words in your book about being constantly hopeful and steady in God as my rock were so comforting and so incredibly helpful as I struggle in the States. Thank you for being that model of perseverance and complete surrender to our Savior. You are an amazing woman of God and I look up to you! Keep your head up and keep serving those beautiful and precious children of Christ!
God bless!

Unknown said...

Katie, I was introduced to your blog yesterday by a friend. After reading just a few posts I knew I had to order your book to find out more about what God is doing through you. I hope to learn more about mercy and grace through your stories.
On my way to work this morning I was driven to prayer for you and your children. Please know that we are here in Dallas, TX praying for you and the work God has allowed you to do! Glory to Him!

Unknown said...

I am almost done reading your book and I want you to know that your book has been so inspiring to me! In every way of my life, I am challenged because of you. because of the amazing work that you do for Christ and his children! Your words have been comforting for me as I struggled and still do struggle with being back in the States after falling in love with another country. I spent a total amount of 9 months in Senegal, West Africa between my junior year and senior year of high school. Returning to the States was the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life. Like you, all I wanted to do was to be where my heart longed to be and to care for the children of God in Senegal (for you, Uganda) but your words in your book about being constantly hopeful and steady in God as my rock were so comforting and so incredibly helpful as I struggle in the States. Thank you for being that model of perseverance and complete surrender to our Savior. You are an amazing woman of God and I look up to you! Keep your head up and keep serving those beautiful and precious children of Christ!
God bless!

Amber F. said...

God bless you and what you do! I am currently reading Kisses from Katie, and it breaks my heart and uplifts me as well. Praying for you and what you do!

epifanias metamorfósicas said...

Hi, I'm new here. I heard about it by a friend in heritage Baptist Chruch, in Lakeland - FL. She said it's a good blog, so I came to see. And, wow, it's awseome. It's awseome to see how God works in our lives. Because we are human and you express this, but we are christian people, who believe and TRUST in God. And you express this too. I am thankful for read this. I am going back to Brazil to talk with my Pastor and family about my missionary college, I want to work with people and give to them what God wants. Because I think has no reason to amount money for me, while has people dying without Jesus Christ. That's a great job that God's doing through your life, Katie. God is still blessing you, He will never forsake you. I'm praying for you. God bless your friends. kisses.

Andreia said...

Dear Katie,

thank you so much for your worlds. Since i read your book, i think about u always, you change my life, yesterday i dreamed of you, we help a litle baby, you r amazing!

God bless.

Anonymous said...

You were just on my mind, and being prayed for.

Katie Mallett said...

Hi Katie! My name is Katie also! I just finished your book and I think that is why I was drawn to your book! :)I walked into my local Christian bookshop and your book stood out to me because it had my name on it! I think I was meant to read your story and God made it happen :)

I greatly enjoyed your story and it has inspired me greatly. I was thinking of doing missionary work after school for a year but I ended up going to university in the end. I have done local service projects working with refugees in Australia where I live and greatly enjoyed them.

You do not know how inspiring and helpful your book was to read. Words cannot describe how motivational you are as a person and I thank you for sharing your life with us.

I am going to Brazil/Peru this year for WYD 2013 and we are going to be working either in a school or building houses in Peru. I am looking forward to this and your book has made me aware of what Jesus said - "what you do to the least of your brethren you do unto me."

There is a possibility I may be able to come to Africa because my university does a trip to Kenya every year working in the Aberdare ranges school. I am hoping to go on this trip next year and I know it would be a great experience.

God bless you for all the work you do and most importantly for being a Mum to those who have never had one!
P.S. if you are ever in Australia for any reason come to SYDNEY!

KATIE Mallett! <3

Brian said...

I am very blessed to have seen a small glimpse of your story in the "give a damn" documentary on poverty and to have read some of your posts. Truly beautiful to see the work of Christ through you and seeing His heart in you and how you deeply cherish the children and people within your community. May the Lord greatly bless His work through you, and send even more workers to serve our brothers and sisters in Africa.

Matthew 25:34-40
Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’

Brian said...

I am very blessed to have seen a small glimpse of your story in the "give a damn" documentary on poverty and to have read some of your posts. Truly beautiful to see the work of Christ through you and seeing His heart in you and how you deeply cherish the children and people within your community. May the Lord greatly bless His work through you, and send even more workers to serve our brothers and sisters in Africa.

Matthew 25:34-40
Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’

Unknown said...

Hi Katie
I know you've heard this before but you are my HERO! Some day I want to be just like you but I need to go through high school and college first because i just turned 14. I have a blog and that it would mean the world to me if you followed me
This Blog is about helping the people in Africa
Thank you so much

Unknown said...

Hi Katie
I'm sure you've heard this before but you are my HERO! Some day I want to be like you but since I'm only 14 right now I'll just motivate others to help instead of going on mission trips to Africa which I plan to do. It would mean the world to me if you would follow my blog
Lets Change the world!!!!
Thank you so much:)

Shekinah said...

Katie, crying as I read your post! You seem to be such a lovely spirit and a wonderful inspiration. I am young, but I pray that my life my be a dedicated to Jesus as yours is. I can't imagine all the suffering you must go through and witness- but it seems to be making you so beautiful! Praying for you stranger but sister in Christ, and also for the children's and your loss. Much love.

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