Thursday, January 28, 2010

well, we got a new pet...

Meet Franko!

We did have a conversation that went like this, "If we take this monkey home, who is going to take care of it, you guys or Mommy?" To which all my children responded, "We will mom, we will!!!" Today, Franko gripped my leg or sat on my shoulder as I did everything from laundry to making dinner... hm.
I do believe though, that I once had the same converation with my mother about a dog.


DGSandBJSMOM said...

You go girl? Is the monkey tame?

The Boyds said...

SO CUTE! I especially love the last picture! That's so neat that y'all get to have a monkey!

sara said...

Love the new addition!!

Lacey said...

Why not? :) I am a new reader to your blog, but I love it! My prayer is that someday soon God will open the doors up for my family to visit Africa! Who knows maybe even you and your girls and come and help with your feeding program! I admire your willingness and I completely have a whole "Abraham" experience. Check it out sometime with all your free time :)

blessings and lifting u up to Christ,

JamieV said...

It cracks me up that you girls have a monkey!I've always wanted one! He's very cute!

Jenny said...

Yay! You brought home Franco! I'm so glad. It made me sad to see him on his tiny rope.

Meyerdrk said...

The wee monkey is darling...the "who is going to take care of it" conversation is one that every generation will endure, I'm afraid. I hope you enjoy YOUR new pet :-)

Unknown said...

Love it! Seriously. A monkey is bound to have infinitely more personality than a cat or a dog.

You're often in my prayers. I'm so thankful that I stumbled across your blog. You're story is life-changing. What a beautiful testimony to living love.

Haiti Orphan Relief Team said...

When I was a kid I ALWAYS wanted a pet monkey. I remember my dad going to Africa on a trip and begging him to bring me back a monkey. I was so crushed when he brought back carved bookends instead :-)

Anonymous said...

you are amazing katie! ive never commented before but i have spent hours reading about your life & being so encouraged & challenged by your faith & the way God is using you to literally change the world.

and that monkey... TOO CUTE!! praying for you & all your precious girls today!

The Mommy said...

What a great mommy you are!!!

Esmeralda said...


I'd rather you than me with a pet monkey:-)

Emily Johnson said...

That's adorable... and goes to show that, no matter which continent you're on, children are basically the same. :)

I love your blog, and I'm really encouraged by what you do. I'm praying for you, your children, and all the people you help.


Love in Christ,

amandalarsen said...

ahhh!! wonderful! i'm jealous actually...i've always wanted a pet monkey! :D

Beautiful Mess said...

My son is so jealous right now!

Blessings to you and the new addition!

Unknown said...

Hilarious!He looks like he fits right in.

Amy DM said...

Hi, I know you can't answer comments right away but if you do get to this my kids would like to know what you feed your monkey and how do you control him (keep him from play biting).

We live in Zambia and the funny thing was I just posted a blog for tomorrow featuring our monkey.

Anonymous said...

It's official! You are now a mom!

You fell for the "sure, we'll take care of him" line...tsk, tsk...:0)


blessings and grins from frozen oklahoma,

Jeremiah 29:11-14 said...

HAHA, that's unbelievable. God is blessing you all in more ways than one. Keep the faith, always praying for you and your girls.

Sidnie said...

Oh, what a cute little pet!
Does the monkey have a name?

Of course, you'd be the one to take care of it... that's how it goes.

As always, sending prayers!

Kim said...

Now really Kaite, who did you think was gonna take care of that monkey?.....Hahahahaha

drea said...

GREAT pet, I have always wanted one. We are on the same time zone now...YEA!! Blessings to you my sister.

Kendra said...

LOVE IT!!! so I'm Frank house-broken? :0)

Unknown said...

Ok that last photo of you with Franko is TOO cute!

Love you and big hugs!

Kendall said...

The monkey is adorable!

Jenny said...

Oh how adorable!!! SO glad you gave in and let them them have Franko:) I bet that little monkey will bring many, many laughs to your home.

Bare said...

wow I have always wanted a monkey how precious!

Nadia said...

How fun!

Jim and April said...

oh my gosh katie! how adorable! LOVE the pic of you looking up with him on your shoulder! How did you get the monkey? I totally remember those conversations growing up with our parents about if we would take care of the pet or if they would get stuck doing it! :0) haha! so cute though! have fun with your new pet! love the pics! take care girl!

lauradodson said...

if i show this pic to our 12 yr. son, he may just beg to return to uganda forever. ;o)

he already had a wonderful time learning football from a "REAL football player", and walking the dirt roads, and all over town...

just might send him over the top.

and i'd be okay with that. ;o)

Andrea said...

LOVE it! Not many kids here would ask to bring home a monkey, and mean it! ;o) fun!

The Dunns said...

Adorable! One of the benefits of living on another continent. I hope he's potty trained or house trained or whatever monkeys are!

Melissa said...

I bet when you were in school and had to write a paragraph on where you'd be in ten years, you'd never have guessed Uganda with a monkey on your shoulder. Hilarious! And super cute. I just showed my son, and now he wants one too.

Sarah said...

That is the cutest thing ever. I love what you are doing. It just makes me want to be a disciple even more! Thanks. =)

Julie Hoagland said...

Oh Mylanta! That is just the cutest thing! How fun to have a little friend while doing chores! :)

Blessings to you Katie,

Meg said...

Very cute!

Unknown said...

Oh so so cute!! :-) love it!!

Tara said...

been watching and praying for a while, love the family, and YES, you are the best mom!!!! i always wanted a monkey

HollyMarie said...

Oh my word... he is cute! Have fun!

Jewels of My Heart said...

That is just too fun!!!!! I always wanted a monkey but my parents said no.... no my husband does! lol
You are one cool Mommy Katie!
Welcome to your family Franco...

Anonymous said...

so...can you housetrain a monkey? i don't normally like monkeys but he's kind of cute. :-)

and i have a feeling i know how the dog responsibility turned out...will be interesting to see with the monkey haha

Jacki said...

I am sure your new monkey will be a thrill for your children. Very different kind of pet for sure. Hope to hear more in the future.
Thanks again for sharing your ministry as I am so touched through your blog. I love my new neclace I ordered through 147millionorphans. Not much, but some tiny way to support.

Amy said...

I love that last picture of you and Franko. Too cute.

Jayme and Genevieve said...

No fair! I always wanted a monkey! Didn't think it was possible, but your life officially just got more interesting.

KathyB. said...

He's so cute...I don't blame the kids at all and it looks like Franko has stolen your heart too! Besides, every family needs the family comedian....

SiLa said...

Oh! It is so cute!
And, yes, dear children, they will always promise to take care for the pets :)))

Amy said...

Oh man Katie! You are just too much! I love it! Also- You should maybe start a clinic and then have me come nurse at it. Sound like a plan ;)love you!

The Ferrill's said...

A MONKEY? Can't wait to show my kiddos THIS!

Joanna said...

How fun! =D

Amy Lynn said...

What a cute monkey!!! I'm sure he is very loved!

Renee said...

HILARIOUS!!!!!!! AND from experience, will be YOU! taking care of that monkey! hahahaha!! LOVE IT.

Jillispraying said...

How cute! Please add me to the list of curious readers who are dying to know where Franko goes potty :) Seriously, that was my first thought!

Morning Glory Coffee Break said...

what a cute addition to the family. My husband wants a spider monkey and I most definetly do NOT!
Looks like he's taken to you really well. GBU

RaVae Erickson said...

I've always wanted a monkey! I hope you enjoy him to pieces and hey, you could even teach him how to do the dishes for you! :)

sarah bess said...

Careful, Katie. Same kind of monkey bit the nose off one a boy at my daughter's school over a candy bar. I loathe those monkeys.

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

too cute! I think a monkey would be a fun pet! :)

Whitney said...

My kids are asking for a monkey now! I had to explain the whole, "they live in Africa and we don't". They settled for naming a stuffed animal Franko and my youngest son is requesting that his sister call him Franko. :)

Ann Marie said...

Oh my goodness... :)

Ann Marie

Tanya Robinson said...

That is so funny! I love reading your entries. Each time I think you can't surprise me, you prove me wrong!

Anonymous said...

So funny! My five year old brother has been wanting a monkey for years. You and the girls are going to have the most excitement with this energetic creature!!


Mamita J said...

Katie...You are amazing!

That's all.

Just amazing!

In Christ,

PS Love the pics! :-D

Rhonda said...


Auntie Amanda said...

Hahaha! Oh my goodness he's adorable! Did someone come up to you on main st? We had a guy approach us at dinner one night and we were thinking of who we could give the monkey to after leaving UG when the restaurant owner ushered him out. Its so funny that you can have monkeys as pets! Enjoy <3 Love you girl.

Maddy said...

How adorable is Franko?! Hope you & the kids enjoy your new furry friend.

Claudia Finn said...

Smart monkey to get himself adopted by such a wonderful group of people!

Lolly Caruana said...

i'm a new friend in the Lord. it takes a little while to adjust to life with a new pet, i think, just like any other member of your house! but on other fronts, your trust in the power of God is strenthening to me and has caused my soul to trust that with God anything is possible. this morning as i was reading in psalm 16:5-11, you kept flooding my mind. may the God with infinite resources continue to make known to you the path of life, and overflow you with the joy of His presence.

angie said...

Katie, I just love you. I like your new pet and the post before this one was awesome! Faith without works is dead and I agree that we are saved by grace, but we need to use our hearts and life to work for Him. You seriously rule and someday when my 9 kids are out of the house, I want to come and visit and serve with you. I linked to your blog, on my blog, and I hope that is o.k. I want any of my readers to read about you and your selfless, Christlike life. Thanks for your blog. I love it and I love your beautiful family.

Anonymous said...

I love reading your posts. I'm so blessed by them and it causes me to pray for you. I am astounded by what you're doing. Blessings!!

Anonymous said...


I continue to donate and fully believe in your ministry. And, I can not help but think of Grace. A lady, who seemed her only hope was to move in with you,...."This clearly was not going to work". How is she, what was the solution?

Unknown said...

Katie, I stumbled upon your blog last night & hope my life will never be the same again. You're a better mom at 21, to 14 girls, than I am at 41, to 2 girls. I prayed last night that your life story will inspire my whole family to live for Christ, instead of simply thanking him for our blessings. I had my 11 year old read your Timeline & History from the Amazima website. Yours will be our new charity from here forward. You give a new meaning to "....Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature."

Kelly said...

You have the best life! My kids would be SO jealous! LOL... a monkey, a CUTE and TAME monkey... you lucky woman. :)

Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog for a few months now. A friend had mentioned you in her blog and posted a link. I am very challenged by you and your walk of faith. Thanks for your openness and honesty in this last entrey. The Lord had definitely placed missions on my heart. Currently I am finishing up nursing school as I know this is where God has me now...but I often wonder what my future may look like. Maybe that's why I'm so intrigued by your blog.
May the Lord continue to guide you every step of the way and give you much grace and wisdom!! Blessings to you, you are an encouragement to me!

Unknown said...

How CUTE!!! We once had a chimp, Elvira, live with us in the DRC...until the war started and we had to send to a reserve in a neighboring country. We also had a mongoose, Riki Tiki Tavi, that I adored (what am I saying, I adored all our animals...even the chickens and goats!) But my sweet mongoose bit me one day when I wouldn't let him eat something he stole...I must admit I did NOT like the shot I had to get the next day. :(

Absorb every moment...time passes SO quickly! Best of luck!!! :)


Holly said...

Oh my gosh. Franco is adorable. Heheh he looks like great fun! :D

Unknown said...

I heard about your ministry and from what I hear it’s amazing. I’ll be praying for you and all your doing.
oh and be careful with the monkey, my dad had one when he was in Africa and it started biting people. I'll pray that doesn't happen to you too :)

Zach Preston said...

You have a beautiful family.

Jacqulin said...

I love that... mom can we have a monkey???

Mary Leigh said...

I heard about your family from a bible camp and immediately knew what I wanted to be when I grow up! I am amazed at your faith in God! I long to have that same faith! Please tell your girls that a little girl in America is praying for them!

In christian love,