Thursday, March 22, 2012

April 2011

Sometimes my 16 passenger van and I clamor down the driveway and I think that I will get out and life will be easy. That 14 daughters will greet me laughingly at the gate and there will the smell of fresh wheat bread baking in the oven and a long run at nap time and clean laundry on the line and 14 bodies pressed close against mine on the couch before bed.

It was once.

Except today life is messy. And there are 14 girls at the gate but they are fighting with each other and one comes with a grouchy birth mother who lives in my guest room and there are burn victims in the yard who need their infected skin scrubbed out and a ten pound three year old abandoned little girl on the couch and my baby has pneumonia and life is busy so cuddling on the couch gets postponed until tomorrow because today I just want to go to sleep and wake up when some of the mess is over.

I park. Turn the keys in the ignition, close my eyes, open my hands and just sit. And He fills up my spirit with just one word, enough.



Jesus bent and carrying my burden. Jesus with nails in His hands and water, living water flowing from His side. And even when I think that I have learned this already, He teaches me AGAIN.


I look around the yard again and He whispers softly, “I died for you.” And His ways are not my ways but I trust them and I am thankful for the mess, ever pulling me back to Him. And peace, oh how it passes understanding.

Some days, the bickering and the burns and the birth mom and the babies abandoned are His will for my life, His gift to bring me closer to Him and today, I will embrace the gift that is Him, enough for me and all my broken places.

These days, only He carries me. And because only He carries me only He can receive the glory, all of my adoration and all of my praise.

* * * *

I scribbled this nearly a year ago. Chicken scratch in the journal that catches my half-asleep thoughts just before bed and my still-sleepy thoughts in the first light of morning.

A year later there are no burns or birth moms or abandoned babies to speak of. But today there is Musoke fighting for his little life on the couch and there is the baby thrashing from her too-hot fever. Today the house is too messy and I yelled at my kids for no reason whatsoever other than I am tired.

And because of a hard season and some scribbled words and deep lessons last April, today is little easier. Today I know it deep in my spirit that the hard seasons don’t minimize Him but in fact magnify His goodness. Here is where I learn to know Him more.

I know that I can find joy here, too. Because God is in the days that go as planned. And God is in the days that don’t.

Today there was breath in the chest of a little boy who I thought may die in the night. Today there were hugs and picked flowers and sweet notes from kiddos who knew mama was tired. There were big sisters who helped little sisters and a biggest sister who organized the house cleaning. There were 130 painted toenails, all colors. There were boxes of cookies sent from friends in the states and medicine and food sent over from friends around the corner. There were hands to help and even more that offered to help, and there were voices lifted in prayer.

And today, there was a Savior who paid my ransom with His blood, and it was enough.

It is always enough. Could I just remember? Could I just remember whose I am? Could I just remember the price He paid to live in me? And if Christ is in me, then can’t I find Him in all of these things too - the measles and the vomit, the flowers and the forgiveness and the toenails? Knowing that in all circumstances He is enough and He is working to draw me closer to Him, I praise Him for the good in the hardest of days.

Jesus, you are enough.

You were enough to atone for this ugly sin that wanted to separate. You are enough to fill in the gaps, fill all my holes, make up my lack. My flesh screams, “I can’t go on, I don’t have enough! Not enough strength, not enough patience, not enough…” And I wouldn’t, but I have You. And in You, I have enough and more than enough, Father of abundance, Giver of endless blessings.

I can pour out because I know you fill up. I drink from a well that never runs dry. You are abundantly available to me, ever drawing me closer. You call me into communion with you and I am filled with your life over flowing even in the driest, hardest of seasons. You exchange my lack for your abundance, Christ in me the only hope of glory. Christ in me is enough. Christ with me is enough. Christ on that cross and risen for me is enough. You are enough, Jesus.

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen His GLORY, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. From His fullness, we have all received grace upon grace. John 1:14,16


Lindsay said...

You are so amazing. And you inspire me and you've inspired the way I run my little three person household. Thank you for all you do!!

Unknown said...


Chloe's Couture said...

I am in the 9th Chapter of your book and I am continually blown away by your trust and love in God the Father! The Lord certainly has His loving hand upon you and your family. Thank you for being "real"! Sometimes, we moms are tired, but keep loving and doing what God has called you to do with Joy! You certainly are an inspiration! God bless!

The Annessa Family said...

Beautiful. Praying for your family.


Unknown said...

I am in the middle of reading your book. You are so amazing! I'm only 14, but your book has made really think through all the things I take for granted. After only reading 2 chapters of your book, I told my parents I wanted to take a missions trip this fall. I just want you to know my family and I are praying for you and all you do in Uganda and that you are a great encouragement!

Eden McKoy

Unknown said...

I am in the middle of reading your book. You are so amazing! I am only 14, but you have been such an encouragement to me! Once I finished reading chapter 2, I told my parents that I want to go on a missions trip this fall. I just want you to know that my family and I are praying for you!

Eden McKoy

Unknown said...


habecker said...

thank you for sharing. our Lord spoke through this to me just now.


Troop Coordinator said...

I cannot read your posts without tears. Sweet Katie, I have followed your blog for over a year now. You are in my prayers and your words are in my spirit. Thank you for sharing your journey...and for reminding us all that Jesus is certainly more than enough.

Cat said...

Beautiful words and thoughts, as always. I am always moved and blessed by your writing and I thank God for your life, the life that gives so much and blesses so many. I am humbled and touched by God moving in and through you. Blessings to you, Beloved daughter. :)

Jessica said...

I love this! Thanks for your words of encouragement.
Press on

Jessica said...

I love this post! Katie, you never fail to encourage me, thank you.
Press on.

Elisabeth said...


Alyssa said...

Dear Katie,
Wow! You always leave me in tears and encouraged in my faith! Thank you for your obedience to Him and being such an example to this 18 year old who wants to live for Him too. He is always enough. More than enough! Your life touched mine the day I happened to find your blog 3 years ago and it is still touching mine today. God is sooo good ~ SO thankful for His grace and that He is enough!
Sending up prayers for your family and friends.
Love in Him,

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

If I could only remember HE is enough....all the time? Oh....Lord continue to fill me up! Continue to work in your precious children! Continue to work in Katie's life so she may be FILLED and OVERFLOW! Continue to show us YOUR WAYS!

Sydney said...

You are such a strong woman of God. May He continue to give you the strength, patience, hope, joy and love that you need to continue doing what you are called to do! God bless, give your girls a hug for me :)

Rachel said...

Last week, I stumbled upon your blog, and today, my life is different because of it. Literally.

My husband and I are about to decide where we will settle for the rest of our lives. We will make a different decision because of your blog--we will go where God needs us.

Thank you for sharing your journey and for your beautiful heart.

Rebecca said...

It says that it is 12am in Uganda as I type this post. I hope that you are getting a restful night of sleep with your little ones. Thank you for reminding us to keep turning back to Him and that He will always be enough. It is a wonderful thing to realize that we are not enough and never will be, but that through Jesus we have access to great strength and hope. Blessings!

Madeline said...

You are such an inspiration to me! Your faith is remarkable, and it's what I aspire to. I pray for you nightly and I ask that God works through you and for you and that He blesses your ministry and family and life. God bless you!

SusulovesJesus said...

Wow, Katie. You made me cry and praise and see the goodness of God and cry and praise and see the goodness of God some more.

momforjesus5 said...

Praise Jesus! Your words echo my thoughts and prayers in the past days. Thank you for sharing.
Jesus, I trust in YOU ALONE!

momforjesus5 said...

Praise Jesus! Your words echo my thoughts and prayers in the past days. Thank you for sharing.
Jesus, I trust in YOU ALONE!

Kels said...

Thank you for letting the Living Water flow through the cracks in your very human life so that thirsty travelers like myself can come and drink deep of Him who is always enough.

Skyheart said...

That was a spirit-lifting post that I really really needed. I was feeling so empty, so broken today and I prayed that God would fill me up. He led me here. Every time I ask for help and faith, he leads me to it. He IS enough.

Jana Cleveland said...

Two weeks ago I didn't even know your name and now I wake up in the night praying for you and your little ones. God certainly is in control

Madison said...

Beautiful, Katie. So beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing your heart and the sweet things Jesus is teaching you. This really blessed me.
I'm coming with a team to Uganda in June.... and my little sister and I keep talking about how we would really like to meet you. If you get a chance, amidst all your busyness, can you drop me a note? I'll tell you more about us. :)
You can always contact me thru my blog I'm sure...
Blessings, sis. I'm praying for you and your girls.

Alicia said...

Beautiful reminder for a mom who's had a messy day here in America. Thank you for that one word- ENOUGH- and for pointing me back to the Savior whose sacrifice was just that.. enough.

I just finished your book last week and am reading it my children. I have an eight year old who begs God every night to "let me be a missionary someday." And now, after reading your book, she sometimes adds, "With Auntie Katie, maybe, God?"

Praying for you and for all those you touch in your days. Blessings from Iowa!

Janet Christine said...


Shonni said...

Thank you for sharing this. We just brought home our 12th and 13th children - age 11 and 8 - from China. Our new 11 year old has sn and would not likely have been adopted, but the LORD knew that she was ours. Still there are many days that I know that I’m not enough, and I am forever grateful to find myself so empty of me...
and in need of HIM.
Yes, Jesus, His blood...His LOVE...

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love reading your blog!! It is so inspiring & almost always is what I need to hear. Today's was no exception! God bless you greatly Katie!!!

Adrienne said...

I love reading your stories of truth. Thank you for sharing your incredible experience all while reminding me of the glory of God

Liber Avem said...

Amen. The LORD is enough. He has His hand over you and is raining His glorious and beautiful fire down upon you and WHAT a beautiful sight it is! He will lift you up even higher and keep all of His promises because He is GOOD and GRACIOUS and EVERLASTING. Our Savior spoils us and it's amazing :-) You're amazing. This is amazing. I found your blog through an accident and am so glad the LORD brought me here. Blessings over you! <3

Kim Hyland said...

I'm so humbled by your stories. Thank you for sharing your life and heart. And the truth that He is enough.

Kim Hyland said...

I'm so humbled by your stories. Thank you for sharing your heart and your life. And the truth that He is enough.

Lucy522 said...

Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Your posts are always a blessing, thank you for sharing your heart!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, Katie! God helps us grow and change each day. We probably learn the most and change the most when we have to go through challenges! (I try to remember that when I am going through challenges.) God will help us grow every day of our life until we are in Heaven with Him! Maybe we keep growing there too! God knows exactly how He wants us to grow and change, and He knows exactly how He wants to use our unique God given talents to help others and to fill us with His joy and peace. God has the perfect plan for each person!
Thanks for helping so many people!

Mariah Bryan said...

Katie! I just love your book! My mom and i have fallen in love with you and your girls! May God Bless you and your girls everyday!
-Mariah Lace Bryan (13)

Brandee Shafer said...

So powerful. Thank you.

Hal Simmons said...

Katie - When I prayed for you this morning, I sensed that you needed rest and wondered how that could be accomplished. Then, I thought of a passage from Calvin Miller's book, 'Conversations with Jesus.' In that book, Calvin said "Rest is that deep quality of 'rightness' in life. It is not freedom from getting tired but the presence of joy that removes the ache of your meaningless fatigue. Real rest - true Sabbath - can even enjoy fatigue, for it knows you became tired while serving God's worthwhile aims." I praise God for the fact that you constantly pursue God's worthwhile aims and day after day clean burn wounds, constantly battle hunger and malnutrition, and constantly provide love and structure to 14 children. My God grant you real rest - true Sabbath, each and every day. - Hal Simmons

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I am blessed by your word--Words! I needed to remember that he is enough to fill in the gaps -- you minister to me often I have prayed for your ministry hard over the years! I would love for you to pray for my marriage and my family we need restoration and healing thanks.

Katharine A. said...


I check your blog all the time to see words or wisdom and truth that you have written and now want to share your testimony with the world. Words will not describe how THANKFUL I am for you and your testament to the Lord and his faithfulness to provide when all seems lost, or you just cannot go on. Something I have learned recently was living uncomfortably in God's will is safer than being comfortable. I had heard it my entire life and these last months I have begun to live it.

Thank you for being bold and unashamed of your weaknesses. For in your weakness you are made strong by the hands of Christ's power! What a wonderful and exciting thing to be reminded of. Thank you!


Unknown said...

I was just about to log into my blog and write about my hard day. But the Lord knew I needed to read about yours first. Not that knowing each other's days are hard makes ours less so...but knowing that we all have felt it, have needed Him to fill our emptiness no matter where we are and what stresses He allows us to experience...this has blessed me deeply today and I am so thankful for your willingness to share the hard and the ugly so that His beauty can be seen. May He bless you today, and may today be easier so you can rest and be strengthened.

Adria said...

Mmmm...I can so identify with so many of the things you write about, as I experienced such similar feelings and emotions while in Malawi and Mozambique.
It is such a blessing and encouragement to read your posts..yet impossible to finish one without tears pouring down my face. I whisper to nobody in particular, "She gets it...she knows what it's all about. She may not see the bigger picture, but she's wholeheartedly trusting the one who does."
I pray for you and your ministry so often, may God's extravagant grace and love continue to carry you as you shine for Him on that sacred black continent.



markhargrove said...

Good thoughts. May God continue to bless you. It is great that God will never leave us or forsake us.

Kayla said...

This post is really speaking to me right now. It's good to think about how I will never have enough without Jesus. Without him, I really can't do anything. Thank you for this.

Anonymous said...

Katie, May the God of Glory bring you rest. May He guide your steps and guard your home. We pray for you in this beautiful journey. Kerry and Karen Thomas

Anonymous said...

You're wonderful. I love you.

Julie B.

Unknown said...

Jesus is enough. Amen.

The way you worded the last few paragraphs is such good truth for my heart to take in and ruminate on right now. Thank you for being real about how much we need to depend fully on the grace given to us in Christ.

Cheryl said...

Thank you so much for this reminder of Who is enough.. He is...

Cindy McRoskey said...

After reading your book, God brings you to my mind often in prayer. I hope it helps to know that many people all over the world are holding you up in prayer. Thank you for your words of inspiration in your book and your blog.
Blessings to you and your family!
Cindy (in San Diego, CA)

Anonymous said...

Ive read almost every blog and more than half of your book that I can't wait to finish so I can share it with everyone I know your story inspires me for the journey the Lord has planned for me He has put a passion in my heart for the poor and needy I long to be his Hands and Feet to serve and to share His love that provides strength to the weak His love that never foresakes or changes, unfailing and abundant and as you've said Enough he really is Enough and that is encouragement in itself. Im gonna continue to pray for you, your girls, and everyone you help, He is using you to make such a difference!

The Ford Family said...

I happened upon your story about a week ago when I saw your book for sale at Christian Book Distributors. My heart was just so touched. I shared your story with a friend of mine who recently heard about your story as well! The timing was perfect. We are going to read your book together. May the Lord encourage you with the fact that you are His vessel being used mightily in Uganda, and throughout the world with your testimony. Praise Jesus Christ! May He be glorified!

Beth said...

Amen, Katie. Amen.

Brooke said...

thank you for taking care of little EH. i know it eases the pain a bit for her Mama and Daddy waiting for her in TN. praying for you and your family.

Anastasia said...

Enough...the very "name" I have been relearning to call Him this past year. Learning over and over! His grace has held me and His grace has helped me to stand. His faithfulness has covered my doubt and His kindness has accepted my spiritual thrashing about. His mercy has given me life for this new day, and His love has given me...everything,,,enough. Over here in the Colorado Springs my heart joins yours in this chorus...He is enough...'from His fullness we have all received grace upon grace.'

Lisa said...

Yes! He is enough and I needed to be reminded of that today! I have been through a dry season recently as my mom fought cancer for a long year and just recently began her Eternal Life. Somme days are so unbelievably difficult as I sift through emotions, but I know that God is good and He will use this season for good. I pray for your continued renewal in Him. So glad to be your sister in Christ!

Robin Horn said...

Your faith in following Gods calling is so inspiring! I'm reading your book and you have reminded me (through all the stress & studing) exactly why I'm in nursing school. My passion , now more clearly seen as God tugging on my heart,has always been medical missions. Thanks for helping me refocus. You are a huge blessing! My prayers are with you and your girls.

Rhonda S. said...

Katie, I am praying for you and your precious family, and your ministry. God is your fortress, you will not be shaken! Psalm 62
I had the privilege of going to South Sudan in September on a mission trip to two orphanages and fell in love with Africa. Today, as I long for Africa,God is calling me to learn to share Jesus here, to my husband, my family, my neighbors. So inspired by you, I will go visit the woman who has lost her eyesight & is lonely and write a letter to one of my youth group kids that is now in prison. I will trust God that maybe one day he will say yes to my returning to Sudan.
Thank you for being the Mother Teresa of Uganda, for being Jesus to precious children and the ones despised and discarded by others. May our Abba, give you hugs and strength and rest for this day. Is 26:3 May you keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in you.
Praying perfect peace for you as you continue to be taken to ever deeper levels of trust, obedience and surrender.
Blessings dear one,

Allyson said...

Thank you for sharing your heart. He is enough. Always. You are impacting so many for Him Katie. Grateful for His calling you, and your obedient answer to that call.

Jeska said...

Sad, that for me, your story ended on paper today. Happy, that your story continues to be written in your everyday service. Thankful, that the Lord blessed me through His work in your life. Looking forward to "Kisses from Katie" part 2 :) God is good.

hannah said...

I love what you do -- you inspire me! I can't wait to read the book.

Anonymous said...

Check out the song remind me who I ambush Jason gray. It's definitely been an encouragement to me. God bless.

Rae Anne said...

Thank you for reminding me that He is enough! Praying for you today...for patience, health, and that God's love would continue to just pour out of you!

Anonymous said...

Just finished your book. It was given to us by my husband's niece who came to visit from Minnesota her failing grandmother who lives with us and is bedridden and very close to the end of her life. We live in middle Tennessee and were so pleasantly surprised that you were from Brentwood. Our home also includes my son and daughter-in-law who are recovering from some life tragedies, but it's amazing how service helps to heal the wounds. Our son primarily cares for his grandmother and they have developed such a deep and loving relationship. Quite beautiful to witness. We won't always have them with us, so we know that once again we will pick up the primary care for grandma, but thank God that he has given us this opportunity to do this for her and to also gain the grace associated with the experience. Your book so inspired me and put my situation more in perspective and hopefully whenever I feel "sorry" for myself, or my acquaintances whisper in my ear, like Eve, "...put her in a nursing home" I will think back to you and carry on. God bless you Katie and we will definitely send a donation. Our church sponsors a church in Haiti and we sponsor some school children there as well with conditions that sound very similar to what you describe. Always room for more, as you say! As Mother Teresa said, "You did it for me!" You are witnessing in so many different ways to so many different people, in so many different places! I pray that God gives you the strength to continue.

Janet said...

Praying for you, Katie. I remember going through a very dark time in my life when I told God that I needed someone I could reach out and touch, someone whose arms I could see and feel around me -- in essence, that He was not enough. This dark season came on me suddenly, out of nowhere -- to me who sat on my porch daily communing with my Father and sensing Him through all the day. So, when I could no longer feel Him, I was "lost." But He was there all along and He let me see how it would be without Him. Now He is continually showing me too that He IS enough. In fact, He is MORE than enough. And, I know you know that. Know too that not only is He with you, but we are with you too, through Him. We do as He commanded us, we love you as our own. You are doing what I planned to do, but got sidetracked. Now at 52 years of age, I have not given up hope that I can have a new beginning with what God put in my heart. I am a teacher here in the US and my heart is to do for kids here what you are doing there, in a sense. My students are not without parents, but some may as well be. Yet those parents too live in darkness and do not know our Father and our Savior. I pray for your continued reliance on the perfectly faithful One and for all of your needs and the needs of those around you to be met out of His glorious riches. Love you.

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

What an inspiring post my dear! May the Lord wrap His arms around you each and every moment of every day. You are such a testimony to the marvelous God that we serve! May He continue to be with you each step of the way.

Kathy Cassel said...

God bless you. I don't know how it would feel to live your life and I won't pretend I do. I envy your closeness with the Lord. What seems tough to me here in my Americanized home is so insignificant in reality. PRaise God for your youth, energy, faith and vision.

Anonymous said...

you are an inspiration. i am seventeen years old and i strive to have the courage and heart for God that you do. just as mother teresa was your hero and role model, you are mine. thank you for being you. i'm praying for you and your precious girls and your community. i am going to uganda this summer on a missions trip and i am a little too excited :) God bless you Katie

Alisha said...

Thank You Jesus.

Brandy said...

Dear Katie,
I just finished reading your book. It was perfect timing. A few weeks ago a friend sat in my kitchen and told me about her visit to Zimbabwe. My husband and I both just seemed right. We are praying and seeking the Lord about moving to Africa. I have a Dental Hygiene degree and know that will come in handy. Yhank you for your openness to not sugar coat things. I see the Fathe in YOU! Blessings Katie

Robin said...

I have a heart for loving & remembering Gods children that the rest of the world tends to forget. I also have a passion for helping provide adequate medical care to those people. That fire inside me has been dimmed while finishing nursing school, but thanks to reading your book my faith has been renewed and look forward to what God has planned for me. May God continue to bless you and your family!

Anonymous said...

What an encourager you are Katie! God is good and He is using you to teach!! Motherhood is good but it is not for the fainthearted. Bless your heart!!
Ezek.18:4 Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die.

Anonymous said...

gearkeg runetyDear Katie, Just finished your book last night and can hardly wait to share it withas many of my friends as possible. You are so real. You make God so real. Thanks for being so honest. That's the kind of Christian the would needs to see. I've been a Christian for 54 years and you put me to shame. God has so blessed me and been my Rock and Shield but I fail to praise Him as I should. Thanks for reminded me. And for challenging me to seek His will for my senior years. Maybe He isn't through with me yet. I will pray for you and your girls often. May He continue to bless you day by day. In His love, Ann

Aidyl Ewoh said...

I guess all I can say is I'm inspired. God bless you, Katie!

Randall said...

Katie, today you helped me face things I was struggling with. You are right He is enough. Have you had a chance to read Ann Voskamp's book One Thousand Gifts? Everyday even in the darkest days, He sends us gifts. Today your words are one of those gifts to me. Thank you.
If you would like I will ship a copy of Ann's book to you. Her blog is email me and I will send you a copy:

Michele said...

Not only is Jesus enough but He is EVERYTHING! Reading your book as a family in preparation to come to Uganda this summer and teach women in Kampala. Falling in love with these people through your book. You are precious and you are loved!!!!!!

Morning Glory Coffee Break said...

Always encouraging to us Katie. It's good to reflect and sometimes even take from where we were.

Thanks for sharing your feelings with us. We pray for you...

God Bless

Di said...

Thank you for drawing me closet to Him. Thank you for your example, for your honesty and obedience. You may be a mother to 14 girls in Africa, but you set a mother-example to so many many more. Thank you Katie. xxx

L.Winans said...

Appreciate that you take the time to share with all of us. And appreciate even more that what you share is always centered on the gospel.

Thank you

Anonymous said...

It is so inspiring to see another young woman my age loving and living for the Lord, but in such a unique and different way. The Lord has used you to remind me of his goodness and love for his children! What love he has given you for your girls! My heart is put at peace reading your stories.

Love bre

Anonymous said...

It is so inspiring to see another young woman my age loving and living for the Lord, but in such a unique and different way. The Lord has used you to remind me of his goodness and love for his children! What love he has given you for your girls! My heart is put at peace reading your stories.

Love bre

Anonymous said...

It is so inspiring to see another young woman my age loving and living for the Lord, but in such a unique and different way. The Lord has used you to remind me of his goodness and love for his children! What love he has given you for your girls! My heart is put at peace reading your stories.

Love bre

Anonymous said...

It is so inspiring to see another young woman my age loving and living for the Lord, but in such a unique and different way. The Lord has used you to remind me of his goodness and love for his children! What love he has given you for your girls! My heart is put at peace reading your stories.

Love bre

Anonymous said...

It is so inspiring to see another young woman my age loving and living for the Lord, but in such a unique and different way. The Lord has used you to remind me of his goodness and love for his children! What love he has given you for your girls! My heart is put at peace reading your stories.

Love bre

Anonymous said...

Dear Katie,
I hope you read this message, but if you don't, Ill tell you in heaven.
Ever since I heard about what God called you too, and how you answered his call, I have been inspired to do the same with my life. By answering Gods call, you have shown me that it is possible to do such things for God, at the age that you are.
You are in my heart and I love you like a dear sister. I pray for you all the time, and tell others of your life=)
May God strengthen you, and give you boldness and courage to proclaim His love, strength to go on doing good, and joy amidst the pain and suffering.
You are really a blessed child of God.
I delight in you openness in sharing what God is doing in your life, and that you are real in sharing your mistakes and frailties, because I can associate with you.
God is opening a door for me to go to Africa this summer, and your experience has somewhat prepared me for what to expect. Continue glorifying Christ in all you do!!

Brandi C said...

I have just recently come across your story. You have completely inspired me to make a change and become stronger in my faith! Thank you! I look forward to following your blog and taking in your words. I will continue to raise you and your precious girls in my prayers. I would love to visit some day.

Heather said...

Katie, you don't know me but I feel as though I know you. Thank you for your honesty and transparency, it is a huge blessing! The Lord is using your stories to bring my sleeping heart back to life!

Sarah Widener said...


I work with eight head start toddlers and when I'm feeling frustrated I think about you and am encouraged. Thank you. May God protect and bless you and your precious family.

Grace said...

Hello Katie,

I love reading about how God is your everything. I love reading how He sustains and carries you in the work He has given you to do. I love Him and His Spirit Who is our all in all. I read the following and thought of how when one gives up their life to follow God the heart cry is always the same even though the words may be different.

Clay and dust that I am.
what can I devise unless Thou wish it,
and what contrive unless Thou desire it?
What strength shall I have
unless Thou keep me upright
and how shall I understand
unless by the spirit which Thou hast shaped for me?

I lean on Thy grace
and the multitude of Thy mercies…
For the source of His righteousness
is my justification…
Thou hast upheld me with certain truth…
(Teacher of Righteousness)
From 1QH Hymn 19 Dead Sea Scrolls
Father's Spirit be especially upon you now and forever ...

Grace said...

Hello Katie,

I love reading about how God is your everything. I love reading how He sustains and carries you in the work He has given you to do. I love Him and His Spirit Who is our all in all. I read the following and thought of how when one gives up their life to follow God the heart cry is always the same even though the words may be different.

Clay and dust that I am.
what can I devise unless Thou wish it,
and what contrive unless Thou desire it?
What strength shall I have
unless Thou keep me upright
and how shall I understand
unless by the spirit which Thou hast shaped for me?

I lean on Thy grace
and the multitude of Thy mercies…
For the source of His righteousness
is my justification…
Thou hast upheld me with certain truth…
(Teacher of Righteousness)
From 1QH Hymn 19 Dead Sea Scrolls
Father's Spirit be especially upon you now and forever ... said...

Katie, it is April 2012...and I just found your blog via a friend. I am a foster mom back in the states who adopted a foster child who was severely abused. Today I feel the mess, that you talked about and I am thankful, that words transcend time. I am thankful that your experience and struggle spoke to my pain today. Thanks for what you do...I am praying for you as you walk through motherhood. -mel

Glenda said...

I see on your sidebar that it is 5:13 a.m. where you are, and I know that you are probably starting your day - or may have already. I just prayed that God would continue to strengthen you and pour His grace into your heart, life and ministry. I am halfway through your book and am so touched - and convicted. God bless you!

robert said...

GOD bless you katie
(kingston tn.)

Rachel said...

Katie, I am blessed by your story. I don't know you or your family, but I love you :) Always remember that He's got your back and that Jesus will catch you when you fall.

Unknown said...

amen, and amen. praying for you dear sister.

liz.erin said...

Hello from Kampala!

Hello Katie, I just finished reading your book and I happen to be in Kampala this month and was thinking of going to Jinja this weekend. I was wondering if I could join your family for church this weekend on Easter Sunday? If its alright with you and your family, my email address is, and you can just let me know. Thank you and hope to meet you soon!


Anonymous said...

Reading your book and cant put it down. I know this is a random question is there any volunteer opportunities for Amazima ministries?

Michael said...

I can't say what hasn't already been said about you and what God is doing through you so...I was walking around B&N looking for inspirational books; I found a couple good ones but I had this feeling I was missing something so I browsed the next section around the corner. I found this book "Kisses from Katie"-you might have heard of it before. I originally thought it would be a good read to prepare me for my 5 week mission trip to abidjan, cote d'ivoire this summer(not that I have read it yet so I'll have to get back to you on that :) But I have been reading through your blogs and you seem to be on the right path to somewhere. I am a talker and a thinker so I will try to keep this brief, but after hearing of what you have experienced has changed my thought on what one person can really do. Many people say one person can't change the world, but look at you and what you have done. Then I started thinking of what Jesus did for all of us. And you both shatter that lie that people often say and repeat enough to believe.
This reminds me of Matthews 25: 35,40 "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat; I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in...The King will reply, Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."
It is great seeing you be a spark for many people, an inspiration for many to grow in their relationship with Christ. :)

Anonymous said...

You're amazing Katie! I feel encouraged every time I read your posts! I want so badly to do 'great things for God' but what you've shown me is how to do the little things that amount to something so wonderful and beautiful you know it's only by Jesus. I'm praying for you!

Annabelle Rutledge said...

Katie, I've been following your blog and I've read your book and you are truly the modern day Amy Carmichael! How special you are to the work of Christ in Uganda. I've felt drawn to serve somehow in either Africa or the Middle East since I picked up my first Janet and Geoff Benge missionary stories at age 5. I'm graduating highschool this year but taking a gap year before going to college. If it's God's will..I would LOVE to spend that year serving with you in Uganda. I know there are many opportunities to go on 2 week long trips with churches but I was looking for something a little bit more personalized and longer. If you could use an 18 year old girl with a heart to serve God and his people..I would love to help. I'm sure you get so many offers but I feel so led..I think my friends are just tired of hearing me talk about my dreams to serve in Africa and my constant telling of your story(: my email is
God bless you and the work your doing for HIM.
<3 Annabelle Rutledge

Deb said...

Dear Katie, Just found your blog and was moved to tears by your story and your heart. God bless you as you continue doing His work. I remember one time I heard Elisabeth Elliot speak and she said something I will never forget. Maybe it will bless your heart too. She said, "For this I have Jesus." So easy to remember you can spell it out on one hand, for whatever life brings to us,
For this I have Jesus, and He is enough. Happy Resurrection Day!

Kim said...

No truer words were ever spoken. Thank you for the reminder that, in this season of lack, when there never seems to be enough, all we truly need is Him. He. is. enough.

Thanks Katie!

He calls me Daughter said...

Somedays, I think you are inside my heart writing the words I can not speak. I thank God for you and the ability He has given you to share.

He calls me Daughter said...

Somedays, I think you are right inside my heart speaking the words that I feel but can not say. I thank God for you and the ability He has given you to share.

Jesenia said...

God is amazing that while we are in our flesh He will remind us that He is enough. Whether I'm across the ocean, in a remote place or in a city God can be found everywhere and in everything. I need to constantly tell myself to be still for a moment so that I can hear Him clearly. Be still and know that I am God... That is my prayer for you today and every day that even in the business that you will always be able to hear from Him. I was once told that "YES" there is so much to do and our work is never done but even God rested. I Love what God is enabling you to do, He is your strength and your Joy!

Unknown said...

I just found your blog this morning, and I spent a large portion of my day reading through every single one of your posts. You amaze me. I don't think there is any way I could do what you do day in and day out. We are the same age, but you are so, so wise beyond your years. I hope that when I grow up, I can be more like you.

I've now started my own blog on my journey with Christ, and I don't expect you to ever read it, but if you do, it's
Thanks so much for everything you do. And thank you for sneaking up on me early this morning and capturing my heart.

God bless everything you do,

cal+claire said...

Thank you for that much needed reminder. I am first time mom and sometimes it is overwhelming. I've only had her for 4 weeks but sometimes I think can I do this?? The answer is no, I can't but God can. Having a baby has greatly increased my prayer life! I'm not perfect but God can handle that, HE can handle my emotions and transform me according to His will!

Jos Ryder said...

Hallelujah Amen! Dear Katie be encourage and THANK YOU for not turning your back to the Lords call on your life. As a mom/wife who is 10 years your senior and raising JUST 3 boys of my own I am challeged for whatever circumstance I say is rough. The Lord grace is sufficient and I can't wait to read your book! May the Lord continue to keep you and bless you!

Chris said...

What you said is true. Jesus is enough. He fills my lack. I realize now that it is my flesh that cries out that it is not enough or it isn't worth it. I often fail to realize Jesus Is Enough. Thank you for helping me to realize this.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your blog. You helped me realize Jesus IS enough for me.

Mike Gengo said...

My wife and I loved your book and your beautiful spirit. Our son also spent time in Uganda in 2010 and still misses the kids, so we can relate just a little. We are planning to visit Kampala and Namasuba next year where he volunteered. We would love to meet you as well. May God continue to bless you richly.
Mike and Deb Gengo

Angie said...

Wow, exactly the reminder I needed today. I am struggling under a ministry and call that the Lord has placed in my life that sometimes I don't understand nor desire, but I know He has me here. He is fully and completely in control, even in the messes. Unfortunately, I don't especially like messes, so this is a hard one for me. In fact, I have to say that over the last few years I would say pretty confidently He created some of the messes, allowing me to see my weakness, frailty and desperate need for Him. Thanks for the reminder that even in the mess, no matter how unsettling to me, He is glorified!

Mike Gengo said...

My wife and I just finished your book and were deeply touched by your spirit. Our son was in Kampala and Namasuba for a few months in 2010, and still he misses the children. We are planning a trip there next year and hope to be able to meet you while we are there. Our prayers and God's grace are with you.
Mike and Deb

Lauren Heller said...

I ordered your book yesterday, and I eagerly await its arrival. God has used you to tug at my heart in a huge way. I want to be there helping you hold the abandoned babies, rock the sick kids and assist the ones in medical need. My heart ACHES for ministry work in this way. ACHES!!! I am praying for you. My dear sister.

Elizabeth said...

The Friday before Easter I parked outside a Lifeway store in Alabama and prayed, "God, please provide something I can give my daughter for Easter - something that will grow her in your love, something to encourage her and give her a vision for your heart" - I walked around the store, through the children's section, she has a bible and a devotion book - through the tween section - and then in the regular book section I saw your book and a necklace from the Amazima ministry - an answer to prayer. My 12 year old daughter has said since she was 4 that when she grew up she was adopting 100 children from every country and then she would perhaps give birth to a few - she has held firm to that vision for her life, even in the face of scoffing from other children (and adults) - what a blessing to show her your book, for her to see that God truly does give those visions - that his heart is for all of us to love his children and to provide for them in the very same way that she envisioned as a very little girl. Glory to God in the highest.

a said...

Thank you for sharing. I am moved by your story. I am not a mom, but I teach preschool and have been feeling strain on my patience for our 14 sweet kids...I am thankful for the grace of a new day. Thinking of and praying for you and your sweet kiddos today.

taniad1992 said...

I just finished reading your book to my children. What a joy after having followed your life over the past three or more years over your blog. My 9-yr-old daughter Rachel said, "It was a very sweet book and Jane will forever be with you." My 10-yr-old daughter Grace commented, "I like the book and I hope you are your family are doing fine." It has truly touched our lives and our hearts. Thank you Katie for sharing your life with us...and please thank your sweet daughters as well!

Anonymous said...

I finished reading about your journey. Words are not enough to say how the Lord spoke to me through your writing. He has gifted each one of us in ways we sometimes never find out unless we step out of our comfort zones. He will align our desires with His through our obedience to Him. Its amazing that each one of us can experience that if we allow Him.

My husband and team of friends are making our 2nd trip to Uganda in June. I would love to hug your neck.

Bethany said...

I'm only 12 but want to become a missonary.When i was 4 i wanted to have 100 kids then it went to 20 and then to 10 a few years later i decided i wanted to run an orphanage. i began to think this would be impossible untill i started reading your blog and book. it showed me that god can do all things and if you trust him anything can happen. I am now deperate to come and visit you and see all you have done.
P.s i am living in kenya at the moment.

Rose Holland said...

I am writing a children's book on you, Katie, for my Bible project. And as I do research God is convicting me of so many things. You are such a wonderful woman of Christ and a rolemodel in my life! Thanks for your awesome work you do in Uganda. I can't imagine giving up everything to live in your situation. Keep up the hard work. I'm praying for you.

Bobby Dobbs said...

Hi Katie, Our daughter(Anna) introduced me (and her dad) to you....several months ago. She asked for a copy of your book for a roadtrip to Nashville to visit our son. That 8 hour roadtrip went by so fast as she read us some of your journal entries...what a beautiful gift you are to the people of Jinja & to all of us!!
God too, has placed our Anna in incredible divinely appointed places to be HIS LOVE, His Truth, His Voice, His Hands & His Feet, first through youth missions trips, later as a YMCA Counselor, then later a college internship that led her to Canada and then Kenya,...and next month she will go to Haiti and then to India in June. The "mom" in me always thinks about her safety/disease/etc...but God quickly reminds me that there is no safer place than in HIS hands. She's your age and I cannot tell you all the huge lessons she has taught me about being abandon to God and His calling on your life. I am blown away by young people like ya'll, God is truly raising a generation of compassionate and self-LESS young people who, thankfully, are not buying into the "material-all about me" agenda of the Western world we live in. My husband and I have literally WEPT with joy, sadness and conviction as we have read your beautifully inspired words. God inspired you to write this book not only for your beautiful girls...but for lives of those who read your book to be changed and redirected into complete abandon to God and His destiny. Even at our age (58), God doesn't care about how old we are...He only wants us to be available and your book is calling us and many just push away all the "stuff" and be available and surrendered servant of the Most High!!
I understand your parents desire for you to get a "college degree"...but our daughter has her degree in religious studies/missions and has only been able to do internships(Samaritan's Purse and Elevation Church)...because all non=profit ministries want at least 5 years EXPERIENCE....So, I pray your folks understand that there is no college degree on this planet that could ever teach you the Life Skills that you are learning every single day. There is no amount of college that could evoke that kind of passion, response and reaction to the words that pour from our Heavenly Father and through your surrendered heart. You are exactly where He has placed you. (just like Esther.."for such a time as this" I pray someday that God will cross yours & Anna's paths, and I pray that He will someday allow me the opportunity to tell you how much of an impact you have had on this mom. And if not in this world...I will be one of the many who will be waiting in line to tell you, "thank you for giving to the Lord....I was a life that was changed:) Blessings and MUCH LOVE to you and all those you touch daily!! Kaye (Ephesians 3:20)

Hanna said...

Katie, I am one of the many high school students to whom you have once spoken before. You will not remember me, but you've impacted my life in more ways than I can explain. I prayed for you today - the clock on your website told me that it is 7:45 am in Uganda. I prayed that today, God would specifically fill you up with ecstatic joy and purposefulness in knowing that you are a blessed worker in the Kingdom of God. You are the hands and feet of Jesus, and you daily live out His gospel. You amaze me; you inspire me. I pray that the Lord will bless and keep all your children healthy and safe. I pray that you will not burn out from serving, and continuously draw yourself and others near to the Living Water.

The Lord bless you beyond your wildest imagination. HK.

Hanna said...

Katie, I am one of the many high school students to whom you have once spoken before. You will not remember me, but you've impacted my life in more ways than I can explain. I prayed for you today - the clock on your website told me that it is 7:45 am in Uganda. I prayed that today, God would specifically fill you up with ecstatic joy and purposefulness in knowing that you are a blessed worker in the Kingdom of God. You are the hands and feet of Jesus, and you daily live out His gospel. You amaze me; you inspire me. I pray that the Lord will bless and keep all your children healthy and safe. I pray that you will not burn out from serving, and continuously draw yourself and others near to the Living Water.

The Lord bless you beyond your wildest imagination. HK.

Tanica said...

God always gives you exactly what you need right when you need it and I am so thankful that a co-worker shared your website with me because your posts have really touched my heart today. To God be the Glory! May God keep you covered and protected with His love!

Dayna said...

You are so amazing and God is using you to bless so many who others would never even think twice about. I just started reading your book yesterday, and I can't put it down. You are so inspiring and I thank God for people like you in this world who remind me that there are still Godly people around doing amazing things for Him.

Danae Johnson said...

Thank you for sharing this! Such an encouragement :) Jesus was, is, and always will be enough!!! Blessings to you and your family!

HannaGrace said...

I always wanted to know God. i always thought i did until I read your book. you've helped me to see the gaps in my relationship with God. Thank you so much!!!! Praise the LORD!!!
p.s. i'll be buying a whole lot of those bead bracelets!!!!!

HannaGrace said...

I always wanted to know God. i always thought i did until I read your book. you've helped me to see the gaps in my relationship with God. Thank you so much!!!! Praise the LORD!!!
p.s. i'll be buying a whole lot of those bead bracelets!!!!!

Texascece said...

I look at you and think wow! You are not much older than my senior in high school when you started this but yet, in life learning you are an old soul. My daughter, who is 9, wants to give you money (so do we) to help your girls. We will be sending it shortly. Her name is Cassidy and her love for Christ is like yours and her love for orphans scares me sometimes. In a good way! CeCe

Katie @ Imperfect People said...

I am always blessed by your words. Thank you for giving us a picture of Jesus in a beautiful young girl

Gracie white said...

You have inspired me in many ways. You have helped me grow in Christ, and i'm going to Belize this summer to help with the churches there. I'm praying for you and your beautiful family

Melanie said...

Katie, i just finished reading your story!! First let me say you, your family or forever in my thoughts, prayers and I carry your story in my heart.I hope these few words can encourage you the way your story has encouraged me. I serve my Community as a Police Officer. I have been patrolling the streets for seven years. I get overwhelmed at times, as I encounter much evil, sickness and pain. I try and share the love of Jesus as much as possible. I often ask God if im even making a difference. I have had a deep urgency to do more as my sister is a foreign missionary. I desire to help all over the world. I have many sponsored through CFCA and World Vision and I have been praying about adopting for some time. I worried that it would be difficult as I am a single working woman:however after reading your story and seeing your beautiful children I know i can do it.Your story is powerful, anointed and comes with much conviction. We has Christians need to get off the sideline and get in the game, we are all called to do what you are doing. I have started a fundraiser at my Dept for your ministry and hope to be sending financial support your way soon. I hope to come visit the orphans soon and see your ministry firsthand. You are not alone , I share your heart for Gods people. Its your story katie that motivates me to get up everyday, put on the uniform and change the world one person at a time. I love you katie and your heart for Gods people. I will do all I can to help.

Melanie said...


Melanie said...


Melanie said...


Kay said...

I just finished reading your book and it has inspired me so much. I am 64 yrs. old and still want to serve God in many ways. God showed me that I can minister to the least of these right here in America. Praying that God will continue to bless you and your family in Africa.

Anonymous said...

Since reading Radical last year I feel like you are one of the few people I have seen who “gets it”. I am inspired by your faith and selflessness and as I have read your blog in the last few days I have felt the joy and pain and your love for God so clearly it has humbled me to the core. I pray that God uses me as He has used you, for HIS will not mine, stay strong, God is so good.

Miss. Pan Am said...

Katie! Amani Baby Cottage in Jinja said they have not read your book and would like a copy of it! I think it would be very meaningful if it came from you!!! I am going on my FIRST mission trip to Uganda in June and, like you did, I'll be visiting the Amani Baby Cottage! If you cannot get them a book let me know and I'll take one with me! email:

Kelly said...


I am reading your book and God is speaking, reassuring, directing...

I don't have the words to thank you for all you do, and for willingly giving me a glimpse into your life, but know that in this time of my life I needed every word written in your book!

I am a mom to soon to be 11 kids, 6 of whom were adopted. I LOVE your heart!


Jessie Gunderson said...

Thank you for sharing the good days as well and the difficult. It makes me feel so much more like I can live boldly, not EASY but bold because Jesus fills us up. Even if I yell out of frustration or struggle with generosity I CAN and I WILL! Your journey has so inspired me. God's love and redemption press me forward. I can't wait to see what He does in my life and that of my children. Just finished your book and will recommend it to everyone. Thank you for being real, tangible and crazy in love with Jesus!

Kelsey said...

Beautiful, beautiful writing.
I am reading your book right now and it's ruining my life in all the right ways.

Peach Owl said...

You have inspired me with your patience and trust in the Lord. May God bless you.

-Nicole and Tori

Mel W said...


Oh how your words blessed me. I have been struggling as a tired mom of two with one extremely fussy baby:))My patience, strength and grace seem to get emptied everyday till i do just what you do, open your hands and let HIM fillme up. Thank you for your life sacrifice of pouring out Christ love on the people there. Lord Bless you my dear sister!

Mel W said...


I am a mother in the states with only two children but i understand just a little with what your going through. Everyday i am almost empty of patience, love, grace, strength etc.. but then i do what you do, open my hands and RECIEVE and get FILLED. Thanks you for your words, they were food for my weary soul and such an encouragement to keep pressing and leaning into Jesus!!! Thank You for your sacrificial work there and pouring out your life for HIM!!

Abby Hill said...

I have one chapter left in your book, and I am so blown away by the life that you live. You are such an inspiration.
May the Lord continue to bless you and your little girls.

Anonymous said...

Where'd she go?! She hasn't posted in over a month!

Anonymous said...

Your book is inspiring me. So much, that I am actually willing to change. I read and hear so many "inspiring" things, but change, lasting change, never seems to really take place. Your book, your blog, your life - they are REAL and proof that pure obedience is really possible and evidence that God is eager to use and bless such an offering. I think the world needs more showing and less talking. You haven't just inspired me. You've inspired a desire to allow Christ to transform me. I give God all the glory and praise, because that's where it belongs and I know that's exactly where you'd want it. Praying for you and yours daily.


simon said...

May God bless and keep you Katie.

Anonymous said...

Dear Katie!

I've followed your blog for half a year now, and God has touched my life through you again and again. But never as much as through this last post. Jesus is enough, always enough, and it has become such a blessing for me to think of that word, enough, over and over. Today I heard the Casting Crowns song "Always Enough" from their album "Until the whole world hears" - just thought you'd love that song too if you don't already know it. You are in my thoughts and prayers, you and your children! With love in Him, Rebecca

Lisa Mende Design said...

Katie, I pray for you and your work daily. We support two of your children. Just want you to know that we all believe in the work you are doing! God Bless! I just added your button to my blog!

Brooklyn said...


You might not even read this, but I really wanted to comment. I am 12 years old. I got your book a few days ago, and I pretty much disappeared and devoured it! It is AMAZING! I really want to be like you, Katie. Who knows, ten years from now, maybe I will be down there with you. May the Lord bless you and help you through whatever your obstacles are today.:)

♥ Brooke

Anonymous said...

Love reading your words and feeling your sincere heart and love in them. I love that you pour out and are filled up again and again. This is so beautiful. :-)

Nicole said...

I have read this post called "the Journey" several times and God has used each time to teach me something new. I love the sentence that says, God is in the days that go as planned. And God is in the days that don't. So true! Thank you for sharing your heart. Praying for you today, Katie.

Unknown said...

Katie- thank you for sharing how God works in your life by his Spirit! Your realness has me praising our Father for the life he has given us - oceans apart, but saved by his Son.

Laurel said...

A Beautiful post!

Thanks for sharing.

I, too, am in the midst of a messy . . . exhausting . . . never-ending season of parenting. I, too, know that ONLY through the strength and grace of Our Lord can I make it through each day. He is my rock, my strength, my provider.

May your week be BLESSED!

Laurel :)

Austin said...

You are an encouragement. You probably hear it all the time but I am dedicating my life for full time missions right now and there are so many calls to be patient and to equip myself... And those steps can be distracting until you go back to the purpose and heart of why we do the things we do. Which is to love the Lord and serve his people with compassion :)

Kristen Mrdjanov said...


I have read this entry 5 times in the last 12 hours. I have cried every. time. Because it's true. It is so true. It's true in ways that I so often forget. God is GOOD. God is ENOUGH. God is my provider, my strength, my courage, my...everything. THANK YOU for so honestly revealing your beautiful, Christ centered life so I can witness what it looks like to be submitted to the Lord.

Anonymous said...

God bless you. Praying my daughter will grow to have a heart like yours

JennRene Owens said...

you inspire me, too. God bless u.

JennRene Owens said...

i love your writing and am humbled by your service. thanks thanks for sharing... God bless you for such a beautiful and touching blog.

Julie said...

I love the prayer you share in this post. Jesus is enough for each trial and for the days we feel spent. In our weakness He is strong. Thank you for sharing this prayer.
If you have time you can take a look at prayers/poems/songs I have written at I know you are busy, but if you find a few minutes they may encourage you. Katie, I will definitely add you to my daily prayers.