My heart is pretty sad today as my sweet "vis-tas" (my children's pronunciation of visitors) leave. But, as in the goofy picture above, I am reminded that while I am sad when I have to kill a chicken, I am so blessed that my children are able to eat meat. While I am sad my dear friends are leaving, I have been so extremely blessed by their visit! We had an absolutely marvelous time and I am so thankful that God ordained this trip, worked out every detail, and held us all week in the palm of His hand!
I was so blessed to be able to squeeze my sweet friends and so happy to watch them taste and see and DO my life with me. They truly served me and my family, loving on my little girls, making coffee for Christine and Joanne, and always making sure that one or two of the big, strong men escorted me to the market. I'm pretty sure they also were able to reach their goal of getting me to gain ten pounds with all the power bars, peanut butter, and beef jerkey they brought us!
Just watching the Mayernick family, who have been such a huge help and support to me, touch and interact with all the children was incredible for me. Seeing my girls embrace and fall in love with these new friends was wonderful.Suzanne always uses a beautiful analogy of Nehemiah building the wall. It seemed like an impossible task, but he said YES to God and with much help from others laying their bricks, the wall was built. So often 147 million orphans seems like an impossible task, but we say YES and slowly we are breaking down that statistic. I am so thankful for eight beautiful friends who came to lay their bricks down next to mine this week.
More stories when my brain is working properly again... Did I mention we did a lot more "fellowshipping" than sleeping? Totally worth it :)
Ah, Katie! So glad it was a blessed week! How I would have loved to have been there, hugging kids! My very favorite thing to do in all the world! :) God continues to challenge and humble me through your ministry, and I do hope some day this side of Heaven that I might get to meet you!!! And even more so, I would love for my precious 12 year old daughter to meet you, to see God in action in someone not so very much older than she! I think that would speak to her far more than any words her mama could preach to her! :)
Love and hugs...Nancy & ShaoXi Johnson in CT (who wish that Spring would get the memo that she was supposed to show up this AM!! BRRRR!!!)
knew this would be a bittersweet day. prayed that you would be strengthened and encouraged, and it sounds like you were.
heard today on NPR that there's going to be a nationwide push in Uganda this weekend to get children 5 and under polio vaccines. know anything about this?
Hi Katie. I'm Mike's sister Ruthie. It has been such a pleasure reading about their time with you this week. I've had my high school math students at St. Joseph H.S. in Ironton, OH, read along with me. The seniors want a "Senior Trip" to Uganda!! Your story is touching lives all over the place. God is so working in you.
So glad you were able to get some time to recharge via your friends! And more importantly, that your children were able to see the hands and feet of Jesus at work in others!
I am so happy you had a good time with your friends. I enjoyed following their experiences on their blog. Katie, I am praying that as you readjust to being there without your friends from America that you will feel The Spirit and be lifted up and not begin to feel sad. We all love you, Katie!!!!!
Wonderful! I'm so glad you were refreshed by the vis-tas :) Miss you lots. One day, I pray we can both share in this together as well. have a lovely saturday, katie!
i am so very thankful that the group was a blessing to you ... i am going to attack them when arrive and get all the stories and pictures they will give me ... hee hee ... love you so much sister ... will call you soon !!!!
Auntie Kate. Love the photo. You're a chicken killer extarodinaire now! I want to come back to UG christmas or next summer. We'll hang out and relive the bethany/amy/katie glory days! :)
Ahhh I miss ya'll so much Katie!!! Send the girls my love and hugs and kisses...we couldn't have asked for a more efficient and safe travel home...Love, Love, Love
I love to hear your happy heart.
Hey Katie!!! I just want to thank you for what an encouragement you are to me. I just caught up reading your blog and it is amazing. The sacrifices you undergo everyday are incredible. I am totally lifted up every time i read what you are doing for Christ in Uganda. I will always continue to pray for you. I was wondering if you have a better form of contact so i can reach you about possible coming over to help out for a week or two this summer or whenever would be best. You can find me on facebook or email me james.wilkerson@lcc19.navy.mil. Well sister i pray God's blessings upon you and your children and hopefully i will get to help in person sometime soon.
In Christ's Love
Katie- you are such an inpsiration. I don't know if you read all of these comments but I hope you do. I am currently in college and have also felt God calling me to long term mission work but never thought i could do it at my age by myself. I read your blog and am so imspired. do you have a personal email that i could send you stuff? if you do not want to do this, that is fine, i would just love to know how you got started and how you took the steps to go. Thanks for everything you are doing.
so glad for your wonderful week! We too LOVE having visitors & the encouragement it brings...praying for you girl!
What an awesome time in the Lord you must have had. Glad it could be so wonderful and that God could bless you and them through it all!
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