we are overflowing with thankfulness for YOU! the outpouring of prayer and love that covers our family is incredible. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
* we opted NOT to tell Patricia later that the turkey she was enjoying was actually due to the fact we had cooked her friend...*
Katie - the photos and video are precious!
So not only are you a mother of 13 girls, feed over 400 children a day, do minor and major surgeries, you know how to kill a turkey and clean it and cook it??? All while smiling about it :)
You are truly my hero!
I praise God continually for the work you do and how many are being touched by His hands and feet due to your obedience!
Wishing you and your precious family a most blessed CHRISTmas season!
Katie...I just found your blog earlier this week and I am still in awe at what God is doing through you and your family. "AMAZING" is an understatement. I have told many people about what you are doing and praise God for your willingness and wide openness (made that word up myself) in serving Him. May God be your portion today!
Yes, that is probably a great idea not telling her about the turkey. The next day after thanksgiving, my family went to the zoo with my 3yr old nephew and i point out to him that he was the lucky one because we had his brother. lol. he was a little confused.
i enjoy reading your blog, you are an encouragement to so many. I plan on making a trip to Uganda with my sister this summer and am excited to see what she does there during her summers. have a blessed day.
patricia is SO adorable!!! your girls have the most beautiful smiles...makes me happy just seeing their gorgeous faces.
good call on the turkey...i was a vegetarian for 13 years after seeing a deer "prepped" for dinner(s).
Patricia is just precious! I cannot wait to meet our Ugandan baby! Thanks for sharing the amazing things that God is doing in your life! :)
Thank you for posting the video! We loved it. Patricia is precious! We are thankful for YOU and the way you share your journey with us. We continue to pray for you...
What a blessing you and your precious family are. So thankful that you had a lovely Thanksgiving. Sometimes it pays to have a turkey for a friend. lol
So glad to hear from you....even if it is a little late!
How precious is that video of Patricia...she is absolutely beautiful.
I must say my seven-year-old Josie-Tatum is inspired by you, has been on a mission trip to South Africa, and says someday she wants to be like Katie. What a blessed life she would live if she follows that dream.
She says, she would like to have 14 children too, but maybe not all from Uganda, maybe from all around the world.
I love the faith of the child, and I thank God for the testimony you are to His greatness!
Blessings for south Georgia,
Beautiful kids! Happy Thanksgiving!
Oh my goodness, Katie! These are priceless! LOVED seeing the girls looking so happy (those gorgeous smiles!)and the video of Patricia made me miss her sweet self! Thank you for posting this! Love you all!
Those pictures of Patricia are too precious! I have been to Malawi on a missions trip to serve with a missionary family we support there. You have a wonderful ministry to these sweet little girls. ♥
Thanking God with you for His provision, protection and peece that covers you. May He be glorified through it all!
My dearest Katie,
I just sit in awe of your work for Jesus. I sit here and whine about my life and look at what you do with your and I fall so short of working for God.
I love to sew and and to sew your beautiful girls some dresses, but I need to know what sizes you want. Please let me know and we will be sewing Gods love with each dress.
Love and prayer in Christ,
what beautiful girls. Patricia is adorable. I don't think I could do my own turkey thing. Wow you are not only everything but you have guts too? You truly are the amazing in amazima. = 0)
Much love and big hugs coming to you and your girls. Praying for you daily,. GBU
awww so cute
How adorable! Glad you all had a good Thanksgiving! We are praying for you!
SO CUTE!!!! Looks a bit different than how we got our turkey :)
YAAAY! VIDEO!!! This makes your life so much more REAL to us! Thank you for posting this video!!! Love it! And poooor Mr.Turkey! Patricia will never have to know. Seeing her in action gets me so excited about our adoption...can't wait to bring home our little one in 2010!
i will never forget the year (in Korea) my mom ordered a turkey from the local butcher and they brought it on a leash....we had chicken that year.
precious! just precious! This put such a huge smile on my face!
The joy of the Lord is radiating from your girls faces!
Such precious kids! Just melts my heart!!!
Thanks for posting this! God never ceases to amaze me in what he is able to accomplish through His Bride!
Thank you giving your life to be used for His glory!
You my friend have truly died so that you may live!
Merry Christmas!
One big turkey, lots of precious girls...what a happy Thanksgiving!!!!!
We are thankful for YOU!
I am in awe of you, Katie. What a beautiful woman you are.
I am a 23 year old Army wife, with 2 little boys. And there are some days where I do not know how I make it through the day...
When I found your blog yesterday, I read for hours after the littles were tucked in bed. I read and cried and rejoiced.
Your words, your LIFE, your LOVE, your FAITH, your OPEN ARMS are an inspiration to me.
Keep loving those babies of yours. Keep praising the LORD for HE is GOOD.
And lastly, keep writing.
May God be with you this day, and every day after!
Praying for God to lead me. Praying for you and your children.
That is too cute! Praying for you, your family & your ministry. Thank you for your blog- it really helps those of us who want to adopt and those of us who have a heart for missions to stay connected to "reality" while we are at home.
Katie, that is the most subdued turkey I've ever seen. Thanks for your inspiring, wonderful open posts. I thought of you on Thanksgiving and made a little donation (not much) to the cause. This isn't to say I didn't anything great, but more to let you know that you help me have perspective. You remind what what I have and what others don't have. Keep up your work.
Pure JOY!
Blessings..and thank you for sharing,
Love the photos!! Love your site!
Dear Katie,
I just finished reading your entire blog from start to finish! It took me a week or so and if not for sleep and work, I dont think I could have put the computer down and stop reading! To make a long story short....3-4 months ago I started praying a little differently. That God would put His desires for my husband and I in our hearts so our desires would match His. We have also went thgh four miscarriages while trying for a child and finally found out wy and the treatment, so we were on the verge of having our first natural child until God started working in my heart. I prayed that if it was His will for us to not have children or natural children that He would take the desire, the aching and longing away because it was too hard! At the time, if I even thought about Him taking it away, i would bawl. Over a few months, He did just that! He not only took it away but He replaced it with His desires for us. He first before anything else, even before I found out about your blog started putting Uganda on my heart and I was not for sure why. Then he started putting missions and finally showed me that instead of trying for a child and having a birth child first, He wants us to give that up for Him and follow and trust Him and His plans for us and adopt our first child through Africa. He is laying Africa so strongly on my heart. More than ever He is laying the orphans of this world on my heart also. Through the past week or two He has showed me, even just yesterday giving me peace and speaking to my heart, telling me that He wants us to adopt from Uganda and not to worry because His holy spirit will be guiding us! What an assurance What a peace I feel from Him! I am so excited to watch this journey unfold and follow God! He is moving in me and changing me and opening my eyes in so many ways! I just want to tell you that your blogs have been a blessing, life changing, heart changing, eye opening, challenging to me and I thank God for you and for this blog and for those orphans and their stories who are changing my life! I look forward to continuing watching and praying for your journey and reading your blogs and hopefully as the Lord leads us to adopt in Uganda, we can come visit you when we come pick our child up! May God give you much strength and energy as you take care of those precious girls and children! What rewards are waiting for you in heaven!
Katie, am so grateful to God for having given me the opportunity to see and to know what you do in Uganda.
The smiling faces of the kids i saw when i visited your home were therapeutic to my inner pains.
I pray that the Lord opens an out-pouring of grace, mercy and blessings to you and to your ministry.
H.E.L.P Uganda.
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