For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for him. Philippians 1:29

In May I stood in front of a crowd of 500 people and spoke of our sweet adopted grandmother, Grace:
“Grace is an 80 year old woman, blind and all alone. The cold rain drips through her grass thatched roof and onto her face which she covers with a plastic bag. AIDS makes it impossible for her body to fight off any illness, including the tuberculosis that is wreaking havock on her already-emaciated frame. Malnutrition makes it impossible for her to even sit, let alone walk.
Today, Grace is an 80 year old woman loved by many, and loving the Lord with her whole heart. She is warm in her hospital bed. With the help of medicine and Jesus, Grace has gained weight, partially regained her sight, and is able to stand up to greet me. Today, Grace is still dying. But today Grace is dying with dignity, with love surrounding her, and with a place prepared for her in Heaven.”
In June, just a week after I came home from my time in the states, Grace went to that place prepared for her. Though still warm in her hospital bed, she had once again deteriorated to being unable to even hold up her head. She could barely speak, but rather just groaned or moaned to let you know she could hear you, that she was still here. I was able to be with her just hours before she went to be with Jesus. Her poor little body simply could not fight anymore. As I held her hand in those last hours, I w
hispered to her not to be afraid. That even though she was in immense pain, Jesus had not forgotten, He was preparing her place and soon she would be with Him forever. As I spoke the words into her ear, my heart said a silent prayer, “Soon Lord. Quickly Lord. Please. Please, please.”
Selfishly, I was devastated by her death. Selfishly, I hated having to tell me sweet little girls that there beloved grandmother was no longer here. Selfishly, I miss her sweet, hilarious personality and her kisses and her whispers in my ear. But more than I am sad, I am so thankful for our time with her. I am thankful for what we learned from her and what she learned from us. I am so thankful that God brought her into our family. And I am beyond thankful that she is now safe with Him.
A few weeks after we lost our sweet Jja jja, another friend joined us in our home. Napongo was a severely malnourished, HIV positive, beautiful 4 year old little girl. She had huge, infected wounds on her stomach that was swollen and distended from malnutrition and parasites. It is a common belief here that if you make many small incisions on a child’s stomach and rub local herbs and salt in them, that the swelling will reduce. Obviously this doesn’t work and had left napongo covered in nasty, oozing cuts. At first, I tried giving her 14 year old Auntie (who also happened to be Napongo’s primary care giver while her mother had gone to the big city to look for work) the medicine Napongo needed, clean bandages for her jigger infested feet and infected belly, and nutritious food. When I came back a week later to check on her though, I only found her condition worse. I think I don’t really need to tell you what happened next – we took her home, along with her 9 year old sister Alapea to be our translator since none of us speak Karimojong. (we are learning though!)
Napongo’s is a beautiful story of redemption, healing, and God’s incredible grace. I spent hours upon hours digging the jiggers out that had burrowed deep into the girls’ feet. My sweet children welcomed Napongo and Alapea with open arms and we fed them and loved them just as much as we could. Napongo was put on medicine and began gaining weight rapidly, turning into a healthy, happy 4 year old. Unfortunately, she never quite learned to use the toilet, and I am forever indebted to my children for helping me clean up all the poop left in all corners of the house. Today, Napongo is back at home. Her mother has returned from Kampala and is surprised to see how well she is doing. So far, she seems to be doing a great job of maintaining her care, which is such an answered prayer.
During the time we were caring for Napongo, my sweet friend Ashley lost her daughter to a sudden and unexpected bout with pneumonia. Just days later, my good friend Santina gave birth to a beautiful baby and as I sat on her dirt floor, covered in afterbirth and cradling this precious little life, she announced that she would like to name her daughter Katie. A few days later, my friend Kodette also had a baby, but the baby was almost 3 months early, and after being refused treatment at three different hospitals because of her tribe, this baby girl also went to be with Jesus.
Suffering. Rejoicing. Squalor. Beauty. Love. Pain.
If you have been keeping up with my blog you read about 23 year old Nabakosa, who my friend Renee was nursing and who I promptly fell in love with. Her death just 12 days later was far more devataing that the death of Jja Jja Grace. Of course, I was still rejoicing that Nabakosa, who had lived such a life of neglect and despair was once again with her maker, dancing with angel. But I was also infuriated at how preventable her situation was. She was in her awful state ONLY because no one had cared for her. No one had loved her. No one had even given her a second thought. Just typing it causes me to weep – to have no human interaction, touch or love for almost 23 years is simply unfathomable. My precious children spent hours sitting on our kitchen floor praying for Nabukosa when we were not at Renee’s loving on her. She had such a special place in her heart. When she died, I looked at God and plainly told Him that I was tired of this. Tired of telling telling my children that another one of their friends had died of something preventable. Tired of witnessing the suffering of these precious innocent people and wondering why God didn’t bring them to us sooner so we could do more to help. Trusting in His perfect plan but still wondering.
Today 20 year-old Maria and her 6 pound, 2 year old, beautiful baby girl Agnes are staying with us. Maria brought Agnes to me on death’s doorstep a month and a half ago and asked if I had any medicine that could help her because the baby she had before Agnes died a few years ago. I knew this baby needed a whole lot more than medicine, so we brought them home where I could monitor baby Agnes and teach Maria to make high fat milk and other things that are nutritious for her baby. Our whole family absolutely adores Agnes and Maria and Agnes has gained almost 4 pounds since being here. Most exciting is that Maria has been listening to the Bible read in Karimojong! She carries her “proclaimer” (a little radio-like device that proclaims the Bible in different remote languages) around with her everywhere – there is constantly a man’s voices shouting the Gospel in Karimojong through my house at maximum volume. I cannot wait to see what the Lord will do in her heart.
Today I drove into Masese with my van full of singing children only to find that my dear friend Mary had lost the baby she has been carrying for 7 months. Jja Jja Ruth passed away after she was sent home from the hospital where they said there was nothing more to do. Patricia’s biological sister Shariwa is about to lose her baby to the worst case of malnutrition I have ever seen because she stopped prostituting her self when she came to know Jesus 6 months ago, and now has no money for food. They will live with us now while we nurse the baby back to health and look for a job for momma.
I would like to tell you that as I become more and more surrounded with sorrow and squalor, it gets easier or less painful. But it doesn’t. The brokenness of this world does not become any less sad. Each and every time, it is overwhelmingly devastating that people have to live, and die, like this. While it does not get easier, I have found that I am able to face each one with a little more hope. I always hope that my friends will live here on earth with me, but I tell them all with a new sense of urgency about Jesus because mostly, I want them to live with HIM, whether here or in heaven. I see the sadness, but I also see the redemption.
If we are really following Jesus, we will go to the hard places. Being a Christ follower means being acquainted with sorrow. Because we must know sorrow to be able to fully appreciate Joy. Joy costs pain, but the pain is worth it.
So we go. This is where our family is today and where I hope to stay – loving, because He first loved us. Going into the pit, entering into the sorrow because He entered for us first and because by His grace, redemption is on the other side - again, and again, and again.
As always, I am so blessed by your witness. You inspire me to be more real, more vulnerable and more available. Thank you.
"Suffering. Rejoicing. Squalor. Beauty. Love. Pain."
You said it all in those few words.
Oh, but the hope in the One who created it all.
Praying for your strength, Katie, and all the ones you mention in your posts.
Praying for you all.....
Beauty for ashes and the oil of joy for mourning....
God's peace...
in Him,
Oh how you bless me with your words and how you bless me time and again with how you love not only your children but everyone you come in contact with. You are an example of Jesus with skin on to a lost world...and I thank-you and praise the Lord for you. Love you, Katie!
Beautiful. Thank you, Katie.
There are no words to describe my awe of what you do daily. That's what I always tell people about you.....that every picture has a smile and it's one that I have such a hard time understanding. My head knows that you are carried by Him, but my heart aches for what you are seeing each day. I am praying for you and your precious girls and for all those lives you are being used to change for eternity!
wow, i am so impacted by this heart is breaking for you Katie...I am praying for God to give you the strength, endurance, and peace to stay where He has called you to be. God bless you sister!
Katie, you don't know me, but you inspire me. Your stories about our life are so touching and you inspire me to be giving like He was. Thank you.
Always the butt kicking I need sweet sister. Amazing post. Blessed by you. Thank you for loving, thank you for walking out the gospel. You challenge me. Praying for your precious family.
Katie, may God always take a hold of your hand, hold you close to Him, and guide you through the pit. It's beautiful how Jesus is so visible in your life, how you recklessly follow Him.
1 Chronicles 16: 8 - 36
v8 - 11
Oh, give thanks to the Lord! Call upon His name, make know His deeds among the peoples! Sing to Him, sing psalms to Him, talk of all His wondrous works! Glory in His holy name, let the hearts of those rejoice who seek the Lord! Seek the Lord and His strength, seek His face evermore!
Katie, your testimony and witness will reach farther than you could ever dream.
I read about the life God has called you to, and although in some ways I feel far removed from heart is growing and breaking for it daily.
There is so much sweet Jesus in you and it is beautiful to see it come out and unfold.
You and your family are in my prayers.
Lord have Your way in Uganda and the rest of Africa! Continue to raise up a generation of world changers who say YES to Your call and seek to live the Kingdom here on earth!
You bless my spirit sweet sister! Praying that He continues to overflow You with His love and joy in the midst of all that you see an all that you do.
Katie - Psalm 40:1-2
Our God is mighty to save! His love does powerful things we can't even explain. His love causes us to do things we don't understand!
His love will continue to carry you in and out of the pit over and over again! Because His perfect love casts out all fear and will be your strength!
Blessings and love and prayers!
God be with you as you face such difficult situations, day after day. May God renew your strength and give you HOPE to carry on.
Praising the Lord for you! Prayers for strength ans wisdom and the Lord's favor.
Your words always bless me. It must be so overwhelming. Thank you for sharing your heart with us. Thank you for sharing your friends with us. Thank you for being the hands and feet of Christ...
Beautiful...and what a blessing that even though these beautiful women have left this world, they are dancing with Jesus...God is good. Even in the mess.
All I can say is that God is using your ministry to teach so many others so many things. Me in particular. THANK YOU for being obedient even when you would rather give up. Thank you for being His Vessel!
I don't have the words. I love you the Father loves you my heart is breaking, i will be praying. Thank you so much.
ah Katie...I sit at my computer screen and bawl. Any issue or concern that was bringing me down seems to trivial.
Praying for you and everyone that comes in contact with you.
I, too, have no words. Praying for your heart. That hope continues to grow and love continues to deepen.
Inspired to try harder and give more.
Challenging words. May God bring more joy than sorrow to you in the next few weeks so that you will be strengthened and renewed for the battle you wage on His behalf.
I have followed you for almost a year. Thanks for all you do. I don't even know you but am praying in Happy TX. God bless have striggered a deep change to my heart.
Thank you ...
... for sharing your heart
... for sharing the stories
... for allowing us a glimpse of the hard places that the Lord has taken you
... for encouraging us to also allow God to take us to the hard places
Your words have challenged me today. I will be praying that the Lord will guide and direct us as we seek His will for the journey our family is on. Praying that we are not afraid to go to the hard places that the Lord may call us.
Even as a brand new reader of your blog, I hear the passion and compassion for these precious people. Thank you for your example of what can be done through the power of Jesus. May He bless you in ways that only He can fathom.
Thank you for your example of perseverance and love of others. You are the visible evidence of God's heart. Love you.
You don't know me, I follow your blog post and am left speechless after reading each one. It is amazing to me that someone can be so filled with the love of Jesus that they are doing what you are doing, giving up their life in a comfortable world, sacrificing everything to care for the lost and forgotten. You are truly an amazing and remarkable individual and I'm so humbled and inspired by you. Thank you for your example and the love you are giving to everyone you meet. Your life is changing me and I don't even know you.
again and again and again...
amen. He is changing lives through YOUR ARMS again and again and again. Praise God.
I am speechless.
Thank you for sharing these stories and making them real to me. As I sit in the comfort of my home with plenty of everything I find myself weeping for these people you love! I pray that when God calls me to action, I can take lesson from you and Go and Love without abandon. Thank you so much for your obedience and sharing these stories with so many.
Thank you Katie. For sharing. For obeying. For leading. For inspiring. For trusting.
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
You are so wonderful and loving! I just love you all to pieces. Blessings kate!
Jill at
Tears roll down my cheek as I write this. May Jesus richly bless you and your beautiful family!
Thank you for once again offering such sweet and truth-filled perspective. So thankful that you are able to taste His sweet goodness even in the midst of such devastating loss.
I spent the morning worrying about a person and their comments and I'm heading to Key West in the afternoon. The Lord sent me to this blog today. His hands were on my hand and guiding me to connect to this blog. After reading the post it literally took my breath and sent tears down my check. How petty, how selfish, how disappointing were my thoughts and feelings this morning. How can I look at the mirror and be ok with myself when people are experiencing such pain. All I can say is I'm thankful Gods grace will forgive me for thinking the way I did this morning. Katie, keep up the great work. Your words are blessing a lot of people.
Thank you for reminding me to be thankful for my blessed life, without the sorrow, pain, or suffering that you bear witness to and that your beautiful children, family, and friends must endure every day.
Thank you for showing us that immeasurable grief and suffering does not harden the heart, but instead, strengthen it's resolve and purpose through sadness.
You have a gift for loving, a gift for writing, and a gift for inspiring.
May your life be blessed beyond the imaginable.
I am stunned with the conditions that you find yourself in but more stunned of the conditions these little ones and ones that God loves, live in. Thank you for being there for them, loving them, taking care of them, caring about them. Bless you! May the Lord give you an extra amount of grace, stamina, strength and an extra measure of God's mercy. Thank you for your words that spur me on to good works.
We are listening. Our eyes are being opened. I pray that God will take the seed you are scattering and plant it in good soil. Oh Father, help me to have good soil for this good seed to grow in.
Praying for you and your family,
Your grace and courage through all that you are facing is an amazing thing to witness! You are such a powerful testimony to the strength we can all have when we give our whole lives over to Christ.
Every day I am so thankful that He endured the suffering on the cross to show me how to face lifes' challenges. I only hope to do it with as much grace and courage as you have!
I know I am selfish, but you are such a blessing to me! Thank you!
Sheri O.
Thank you for sharing. I LOVE LOVE LOVE every one of your posts. Because not only do they break my heart, but they fill me with joy and hope and thankfulness for a Creator who loves the "least of these"
Katie, I am offering up tears as seeds to reap the joy that comes after sorrow. Youre in my heart and prayers. Thank you for being such an inspiration, and for being transparent and living for our Lord.
We love you Katie. The words from Jeremy Camp's song come to mind in which he proclaims the hope we have through Christ:
There will be a day with no more tears, no more pain and no more tears. There will be a day when the burdens of this place will be no more, we'll see Jesus face to face
but until that day, we'll hold on to you always...
We thank God for a living hope! May the Lord continue to give you the grace and strength to continue loving those you see each day and loving Him more.
I really want to come over and help. I am a grandmother also. God is calling mew there. How do I organize it.
I really want to come and help. How do I organise it
how do I organize to come and help
Katie, I just recently started following you and have waited excitedly for your next post for a bit now. :) I can't but help to pratically tear up when I read your posts. I can't imagine what you see and go through each day, but your heart and endurance is amazing. Your life is an amazing testimony of Jesus! Jesus is awesome! You are a radical woman of God! You are a hero! You inspire me and challenge me! My heart goes out to you and I will keep you in my prayers! Be blessed and keep fighting the good fight! :D
What a priviledge to share a tiny drop out of the cup of suffering with Jesus. I am praying for you and the amazing ministry he has trusted you with, you minister to me with your love and faithfulness.
Wow, this is powerful. Thank you.
My child, your words move me to tears, then to my knees as I beg Father God to intervene. And when you are quiet, I pray all the more for His grace and strength to sustain you! May the joys in your days outnumber the pains.
Are any of these children adoptable?
Wow, today I finally did it. I finally finished reading your entire blog. I almost feel like I know you, I'm amazed by you and your love for God, I'm touched. I pray for the opportunity to serve God the way you do someday. For now, I do the best I can. I'm a married woman, 31 years old with two kids, a 4 year old girl and a 2 year old boy. I'm trying my best to raise them to be passionate about sharing the love of Jesus. Your blog has been and will continue to be so inspiring to me. My husband and I sponsor a child from Senegal currently and it has proven to be a huge blessing to us, our children, and the kids in my childcare. We plan to sponsor more. I will keep Amazima in my mind for when the time comes. You will be in my prayers and all the 147 million orphans. God bless you Katie!
You don't know me, but yours is one of only two blogs that I follow - the other is my sister, "Katie". Our family, here in Falkner, Ms, have come to love you and yours way over in Uganda. How a love for Christ and his children can unite even across oceans! I know that you probably have a lot of people tell you how "special" you are for what you do. I do not write to say that, but to say how amazing God is and how good He is to give "special" grace for incredibly hard circumstances. I am continually blessed by your honest portrayal of your struggles, and the grace that He gives to get you through them. May He continue to send you His children who are in need, AND continue to give you grace, wisdom, and protection as you obey Him by loving them. I wish I could come stay a month with you.
Much Love in our Dear Saviour,
Laura McCoy
BTW, Morgan Price, who I know has "talked" to you some, and is planning to meet you when she comes to Uganda soon, is a good friend. I pray that you will be an encouragement to each other.
I found your blog last night after a fellow blogger linked to this post. I read your post and I was completely overwhelmed and intrigued. I went back to your very first post and read until the wee hours of the morning. I logged on again tonight and I have now read every single post. I have laughed, I have cried, I have re-evaluated my priorities. You amaze me. Your faith in God and your love of people is so VERY inspiring. Your willingness, your selflessness, your strength and determination, your faithfulness in doing what God has asked ALL of us to do...well, I just can't find the words to explain all that you are! You are a beautiful child of God. You are changing the lives of every single person that you encounter in Uganda. You are changing the WORLD by sharing your story with us. Thank you so much for all that you do and for sharing it with us.
Yes, wherever we are called, it gets hard.
Even as a CBA novelist!
Thank you for reminding us scripturally that God will go with us, that He is IN us to support, to sustain.
Blessings through Him,
OH, dear sweet I long to wrap my arms around you. Thank you for your transparency, for keeping the poor and weak ever before us, for your faithfulness. Thank you for letting us see your pain, the sorrow, and reminding us that we MUST not let up. You will continue to be in my prayers.
Whenever I read you posts my heart just feels this huge ache.... and a pull to your work!!! I want to help so much more that financially!!! I want to BE THERE!!!
I'm praying for you all.... and for your ministry, and that God will do marvelous things!!!
love in Christ!!!
To the woman who has 14 children, and kills her own chickens, and raises her own goats, and has a pet monkey, and shares blogs with amazing truths AND reads all her comments, and still finds time to write a book ... and I can't even find the right words to leave a comment :) I just would kind of like to be you when I grow up. I thank God for you whenever I think of you. Yes, yes I do. I don't know how to pick a "favorite" part of this post, but I really did love the part about Maria with her proclaimer. That is just so amazing. xoxo
I think many wept when they read your post - as I did. In my tears I called for a blessing for you, for Renee, and for all the blessed people that you sacrifice yourselves to love and help. I don't understand the 'whys' of all the pain you witness and share in. I don't understand the unfairness of it all. All I can do is to put in my little seed (prayers and donations) and ask God to help you.
The words of a new song that has become my anthem in the past month came to mind. It's called "Little is Much" by the band "downhere". I hope it brings you some comfort as it does me:
What is the measure of a life well-lived
If all I can offer seems too small to give?
This is a song for the weaker, the poorer
And so-called failures.
Little is much when God's in it.
And no one can fathom the plans He holds.
Little is much when God's in it
He changes the world with the seeds we sow.
Little is much, little is much.
Who feels tired and under-qualified?
Who feels deserted, and hung out to dry?
This is a song for the broken, the beat-up
And so-called losers.
Consider a Kingdom in the smallest seed.
Consider that giants fall to stones and slings.
Consider a child in a manger.
Consider the story isn't over.
What can be done with what you still have?
Your blog is one that our whole family keeps up with. Hope all is well with you and your family.
I love your blog and how you are serving Jesus so passionately. I will be praying for you SISTER!
Keep the faith! I have done ministry in Ukraine and Russia. Am currently in the States ministering to my family. Peace--dianne :)
Do you know
really KNOW
that you're making a difference?
Because you are. Not just in Africa.
Through your story and your link to the Radical series, the Lord began a work in the hearts of our son and daughter in law. She says when she began to read your blog, she would whisper to my son as they lay in bed, "Let's go help Katie."
But God did something different with them. They have sold everything and moved with their 4 little boys to Haiti. My son teaches school. His sweet wife is making "home" and getting involved in ministries and blogging things that break my heart and make me so happy.
And I think you started it.
I really do.
You are a true hero in my eyes, the work you are doing over there is amazing. We cannot even begin to imagine what you go through on a day to day basis, but your strength shines through. You love on those children and call them your own.
I just came across your blog and am thankful for it.
I can't find the words to tell you or express to you my gratitude as it just seems inappropriate to even try to write it here.
So from one sister to another, "THANK YOU!!!"
I love your heart. You are a blessing to me and so many others. I'm just seventeen now, but in a few years I hope to be doing something half as worthwhile and inspiring as you. You are amazing. and you're daughters are beautiful. Praying for you, your heart, your girls, and your ministry.
God Bless
Hugs to you Katie and ALL of your girls & sisterfriends!
You are a true Christ Follower! Praying for you! Brian & Carol Duarte ~ Corona CA
Wow. I absolutely love reading your posts. They inspire me every time.
Today, it was your last two paragraphs.
Simply amazing and definitely a challenge.
Praying for you, your family, and your many friends that in everything and everyone Jesus will be glorified.
Thank you for typing out all of those painful stories.
These are things that never even cross the mind of most people. It is amazing how desparately the lives are lived and yet they some how find joy in their journeys--often more than others. I am sure that eternal view is the only save to ease the pain. This is the view of the world the rest of us need to wake up to the REAL reality. The depth of SO deep.
Your blog is amazing, Katie. I know you might never read these words, but your blog really opens up a window for me into what it is like living in Africa, where there is such hunger and disease. And it is so good to know that you are there, the antidote to this: providing love in a very arid place.
God bless you, Katie. If I can only be as strong as you...
Jim Bures
Katie, you are an amazing woman. Your courage and obedience to go to the hard places is incredible. My daughters and I have been following your blog for a few months now and you and your girls are ever in our prayers. (And really, as a Mom, can I ask for a better witness to what it means to live for Jesus?)
Praying Psalm 30 for you today.
I cry every time I read your blog. Not only for the sorrow and pain that others suffer so needlessly, but also because of my own guilt over my failure to do more to help... Thank you for always holding me to a higher standard, modeling Christ with your actions, and reminding all of us that we need to do our part, sacrificially and without ceasing. VFC Guy
I am so inspired by you. I feel that God wants me to be like you when I grow up. I hope God keeps you safe. I like reading your blog. It's helps me see how we are supposed to help others in the world.
Yours truly,
10 yrs old
I am new to reading your blog but I love it! You are amazing!! Thank you so much for doing what God has called you to do! I love reading your blog! God bless you and I am praying for you!
thought you (and your friends who you linked to a couple posts ago) might be interested in this link.
It's about how there seems to be a jigger outbreak in Uganda.
I'm praying for you Katie. I have been so blessed by God's working in your life.
Thank you for taking the time to share...His grace is surely upon you to live among these dear ones and to love them with His love...I do not even know you...I found your blog through Amy Jorgensen's blog (my son is married to her sister, Lisa). I am completely debilitated in my health and struggle so, but I do not live in squalor, I have never dealt with the poor conditions that these precious ones do...reading your posts brings me much needed perspective. Thank you.
Thank you for taking the time to share all of this...God's grace is surely upon you to live among these dear love them with His love...thank you for doing so...for going to the hard places (praying for His continued grace). We do not know each other. I found your blog through Amy Jorgensen's blog (my son is married to her sister, Lisa). I have dealt with debilitating illness for the whole of my adult life (closing in on almost 30 years, now)...there has been great struggle and a search for understanding...but I have never lived in squalor...I have never known poverty. Reading your blog brings me much needed perspective and I thank you...I have been ministered to and blessed today by you...thank you for serving our Lord in the way that you sacrificially...again,thank you for going to the hard places (praying for His peace and comfort to keep you at all times).
There is truly nothing new I can say to you Katie. This blog of the reality we would rather not be aware of is truly changing the way the world sees our role and responsibilty to "the least of these" not only that you just have the gift of making a personal relationship with Our God seem so easy and possible. I am not very mature in my walk with God, but he is doing wonderous things in me and quite honestly just reading of your daily walk with God in Uganda helps me understand the true meaning and feeling of the Word. Thank you for this Katie. Thank you for having a broken heart for the terrible circumstanses the people of Uganda suffer with everyday. Thank you for sharing your love and life with God. You began with the intention of helping Uganda through all their strife, and you have ultimately changed the lves of so many other people of the world, that really want to know "is God real" It is very apparent through you that God is real, God loves each and every one of us!
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