Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas!

hold the ones you love


Kat said...

You have such a beautiful family! Merry Christmas!

jaesi said...

Merry Christmas to you!

amy said...

I stumbled upon your blog right when I graduated college, I can not tell you how much of an inspiration you are to me! Merry Christmas to you and your precious girls!!!

The Beaver Bunch said...

Merry Christmas to your family as well!

What an incredible blessing!

The Boyds said...

Beautiful as always! Know that even though we've never met you, we love you & are praying for you.

Dionna said...

A beautiful family photo. :)

Salty Gal said...

So adorable!!! Love the pics

Handwoven Dreams said...

Merry Christmas Katie and to each of your sweet girls!

Melody said...

Merry Christmas to your family too! We have been praying for your family and wish you a wonderful Christmas day.

Taylor and Frankie Rodriguez said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Beautiful...all of you! Thanks for your inspiring posts and godly wisdom at such a young age! Praying you through this Christmas season as you endure the battles of a raw heart.

Mr T said...

the all consuming love the very flame of God is on you.

Chrystal said...

Beautiful family!
Merry Christmas!!

Our life is a bowl of Barry's said...

Beautiful picture!! Wishing you and all your girls a blessed Christmas!

Reeve said...


Kristen Laurence said...

Oh my goodness, I've been waiting for you to post for too, too long now, and to see a new entry in my reader just now...glorious!

So, so beautiful and happy, all those smiles! Merry Christmas to you all!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful picture! I follow your blog regularly and would LOVE to come meet you and spend time with your family. I'm praying for y'all again this day. Merry Christmas!
"For unto you is born this day a Savior" Luke 2:11

Jen said...

Absolutely Beautiful Treasures!!!

1.21roots said...

Merry Christmas to you also! Thanks for this sweet picture!

Violet Moonbeam said...

this is beautiful!

Just Jac said...

Beautiful doesn't even describe you or this picture! Merry, Merry Christmas to you all!

Shannon said...

Beautiful family!!!!! Merry, Merry Christmas to you all!!!

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

Praying you too have a very Merry Christmas!!!!

Sarah Amador said...

merry christmas to you and your girls, may God bless you even more and draw you even closer in this coming year.

John said...

What a beautiful family! May God continue to bless you all!

Joy said...

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

my favorite Christmas card this year! merry, merry Christmas to you and your beautiful girls!

LoLo said...

Such a beautiful family :) Merry Christmas to you and the girls!!

Catmull's said...

i stumbled across your blog and just wanted to say that your family is beautiful. thank you for sharing with all of us!

Jennifer K said...

Merry Christmas! You have a beautiful family. I have been praying that this season brings peace, joy and happiness to you and yours in what I am sure is a difficult time. Thank you for the inspiration that you are.

Fuad said...

May the Nativity of our Lord find you and your beautiful family peace through His Grace.
May He continue to bless you always.

Rae said...

Merry Christmas, Love and continued prayer.

JoJo said...

Beautiful family! :) Merry Christmas.

Joyful Mommy said...

Merry Christmas to you and your dear ones!

Anonymous said...

And Merry Christmas to you and your family too!
From British Columbia, Canada!

Lisa said...

I'm so blessed by you and your family! Merry Christmas to you and to each of your precious girls!

Colleen said...

Merry Christmas from upstate NY, Katie!
Our family prays for yours daily!

Shannan Martin said...

Just lovely. Those smiles are contagious!

Melissa said...

Merry CHRISTmas!!!!

phogue said...

Sending a Merry Christmas and lots of prayers your way! Have a safe and blessed holiday season.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Katie and your girls! I have been sharing your story with all my friends and I posted a link to your site on my fb page. My kids (ages 8, 6, 3, 1) and I are praying for you in Maryland.

Janna said...

Absolutely precious! Hope your Christmas is FULL of joy!!

lavender syrup said...

Yay, you're back! I was praying and walking early this morning and you and your family came to mind. Praying for you and loving you from afar!!!

Anonymous said...

i want my christmas card to look just like this one day. (:
Merry Christmas. God Bless you and your perfect family.

Sunshine said...

Oh, Merry Christmas to you Katie, and all your beautiful family! I've been remembering you in my prayers every day, and want you to know, you are one of my dearest heroes. I come to your blog some days and just read and read and remember the sort of young woman I want to be.
Blessings, and prayers, and love like only He can give,


Sheri O said...


Wonderful to hear from you!!! We were beginning to worry more than usual!

What an incredible amazing mother you are - the girls are radiant! I can see the love of Christ on everyones faces!

I know He is with you every step of the way!

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

Merry Christmas and this photo absolutely WARMS my heart!

Unknown said...

Hi Katie,
I am so impressed with this ministry you have chosen. My husband and I live in Alabama and would love to help you and your sweet family in any way we can. If there is anything we can do for you specifically please let me know ( We will keep you in prayer.

In Him,

Mardi said...

Merry Christmas Katie!

Kelly said...

Merry Christmas!!

danielle a. said...

merry christmas! i hope the money in your jar doesn't double by new years!

vim+dash said...

Awakened by the Lord in the middle of he night, and praying fiercely for hope, strength - enough to carry you through, moment by moment.

Cassie said...

Your girls are gorgeous, I hope you had a blessed Christmas!

Jenn B. said...

Hope you and each of your precious jewels had a Merry Christmas Katie! Many prayers and blessings for 2011!

Blessed Mom of Four AND More said...

You are such an inspiration! I pray your Christmas blessed and you new year is the more so!
in south Georgia

Jeanie said...


Thank you for sharing your love for Jesus and your life. Across the Ocean I can feel your pain of loving a child and not having her to hold and keep safe. I know that pain. Long after the time when the rest of the world moves past your loss, it remains with you. God is good. He brings us to Him.

You do not stop being a parent simply because a child is in a different location. God gives them to you for a reason. She may return or remain away but she will always be yours. Hold her close in your heart and never let her go. Pray for her. Think of her. Remember the joy and know that you are a part of her as she is of you. God is good. He loves us through.

Sid Savoie said...

Is it possible to subscribe to this blog, and receive updates on new entries via email? btw, great work. thanks for serving God's children in Uganda!

Amy said...

I can't stop reading the post about the loss of your precious girl!! And every time I cry...Your heart is so beautiful and the way you are allowing God to use you is stunning!! His plans for you are amazing!! He will use you to touch more lives than you could have EVER imagined...I think he already is...but He will also give you more joy, life, peace, love than you have ever imagined!! He is so in love with you and His presence is so near!! Praying you find Him in even deeper ways this year!! Lots of love, Amy

Mandy said...

What a gorgeous family you have! I'm sure your Christmas was so bitter sweet with the recent loss of your daughter - I know God smiles down on you, and weaps with you. Praying for your heart to find peace and for your healing... you are such an inspiration to me!

Morning Glory Coffee Break said...

I really love the pictures Katie. Thank you for sharing them with us.Hope you had a wonderful Holiday.ECL

Anonymous said...

Your family Christmas photo is lovely. Those lucky lucky little girls, to have you in their lives. And lucky, blessed YOU to have them as your teachers. :-)

annewalker said...

That's an awesome photos you shared and I love how to stated it... "hold the ones you love". That's why this Christmas, I'm going to send my warm christmas greetings to you and your family. Merry Christmas!