We loved a lot...
and we laughed a lot.
We had the privilege of teaching people about our Savior, Jesus!
Amazima began work on the new fellowship site. It is now complete with toilets, a kitchen, a chapel, and a playground where all our children laugh, eat, play and learn about Jesus!
Joyce turned 7. I love watching her grow and delight in her tender heart and sensitive, compassionate spirit!
We all had the chicken pox.
We made new friends
Margaret turned 12. JOY just shines out of this precious girl.
Hope came to live with us.
Tibita turned 9. Such an awesome helper and encourager of her sisters!
We tried some new things.
Sweet Jjajja Grace was getting sicker. So we moved her in next door so we could care for her better.
She had active tuberculosis. But that didn't stop my girls from wanting to love on her!
Patricia and I visited friends and family in America.
Zuula turned 11. Her gentle spirit is a blessing to all she meets.
Gwen came to visit, twice! And took her babies HOME!
Napongo and Alapea came to live with us for a bit while we nurse Napongo back to health.
We learned to fish.
Papa (Daddy to me) came to visit!
Scovia turned 8. This girl's spirit is CONTAGIOUS. When she laughs, she laughs with her entire body. She is a light.
Our dog had puppies.
Sarah turned 9. Her sweet spirit and her wildly creative imagination blow me away every day!
We started homeschool and LOVE every minute!
Sumini turned 7. To think she was once my baby! She is such a joy - always full of hugs and smiles and energy!
Sweet Jja jja Grace went to live with Jesus.
Agnes turned 12. I am so proud of the leader she is becoming. She reminds me so much of 12 year old me! Can't wait to see what God has in store for her!
We finally ALL know how to swim. This makes pool days much more relaxing for Mommy.
Hellen turned ten. She can make me laugh even on the hardest days.

Amazima continues to grow!
Our dog had puppies. again.

Jane and Grace turned 4. I know that God has marvelous plans for these two little angels!
We finished the playground!

Patricia turned 2. And was still as sassy as ever.

Prossy turned 15! So blessed by my oldest daughter! What a beautiful leader.
Maria and baby Agnes came to live with us
Auntie Shana was still the best baby sitter ever.
Jjaja came to visit. She is such a blessing to us!
Mary turned 10! Love her humble heart and her awesome faith in Jesus.

I had to upgrade to a bigger pot to cook the stew in... too many people living at our house! I'm so blessed to have lots of help in the kitchen.
Some things happened that we do not understand. We miss out sister every day.
Amazima kept right on growing. Awesome children and awesome staff, thank you Jesus!
baby Winnie came to stay for a while.

His love carries us through.
I will extol the LORD at all times;
his praise will always be on my lips.
I will glory in the LORD;
let the afflicted hear and rejoice.
Glorify the LORD with me;
let us exalt his name together.
I sought the LORD, and he answered me;
he delivered me from all my fears.
Those who look to him are radiant;
their faces are never covered with shame.
This poor man called, and the LORD heard him;
he saved him out of all his troubles.
The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him,
and he delivers them.
Taste and see that the LORD is good;
blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.
Psalm 34:1 - 9
What an awesome review of 2010! Many blessings to you and the girls in 2011!
Dear Katie, What a beautiful year! Thank you for inspiring me daily ever since I came across your blog last year.
"Come, let us return to the Lord; for he has torn us, that he may heal us; he has struck us down, and he will bind us up. After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will raise us up, that we may live before him. Let us know; let us press on to know the Lord; his going out is sure as the dawn; he will come to us as the showers, as the spring rains that water the earth." Hosea 6:1-3
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." God bless you and your girls!
Praying your day is filled with Sonshine,
Sarah :)
I'm so excited to see what God has in store for you and your beautiful family in 2011! Happy New Year:-).
Thanks for posting Katie. I'll be showing these pictures to my youth tonight. Through your faithfulness young eyes are being opened to the possibilities of a life submitted to God.
Thank you Katie, for all the ways you care for God's children. You are an inspiration to me. The smiles of your children are a reflection of the Love you share with them.
Precious! God is doing amazing things!
Absolutely beautiful! Thank you!
This is beautiful Katie. Just looking through the pictures you can feel the your heart and the beautiful hearts of these girls and the impact that God is making on all of your lives. I pray blessings upon this new year for you all :)
In His love,
Such a beautiful family you have been blessed with! Wishing you a year filled with grace.
~ Ellie
What an amazing year. Praying God will bless you and your girls even more in the coming year.
thank you thank you thank you for sharing this, thank you for what you do in Him. Hugs!
What a tremendously blessed year. Amazing, He is. Tears of joy for all of you, Katie!!
What a sweet faces that are such a reflection of God's blessings!!!
These are some very precious captured memories. Thank you, Katie, for inspiring me with your vision, love, and faith. Saying a prayer for you and your family now!
Katie, I will glorify the Lord with you! What a testimony your life is. Your Christmas "letter" shouts "Jesus loves you!" to the world. Thank you for sharing all of the pictures. I know that is a lot of work. The one of baby Winnie is sooooo cute. I think of you daily and pray for Jane. I do not understand the ways of our Lord, but I know that He is the father of the fatherless and the defender of the oppressed. I continue to pray for her to be restored to your family. I love you.
What a wonderful family you have! What an inspiration you are, through all the ups and downs and in-betweens!!! Keep up your awesome work and write when you can. I watch for something new and pray for you every day!!
Wonderful photos and stories about your family! I loved it. Thank you for sharing. You're in my prayers...
I really wish I had known you better in high school. Over the last few years, you have become one of my heroes. Your heart keeps growing, and your work is truly awe inspiring!
~Lauren <3
What a testimony to His goodness.
Please pray for a children's home here in Nicaragua, for the staff necessary to raise these sweet children.
Blessings to you sister, praying for you and your family.
Thank you for sharing and for being such an inspiration!
thank you for sharing your children and your life experiences with us. i appreciate it.
What a beautiful family! Thank you so much for sharing. ;-)
loved all the pictures, descriptions and ages of your girls. praying for you every day!
Love your heart... following your blog... God rocks our world with His plans so glad you are following Him... Keep enlarging your tent Katie the best is yet to come!
Katie! What beautiful pictures of your family in 2010! I have been so blessed and encouraged by your writing. You have touched so many lives all over the world...Happy New Year to you and your sweet girls. Many Blessings, Jackie :) Houston, TX(P.S. I used to live in Brentwood when I was in 10th grade!...a long time ago...18 years ago!!) :)
Loved reading the recap, your love for the Lord and the life you are leading through Him amaze me every time I visit your blog. God bless all your lovely fam this year!
Katie, thanks for all the pictures! I think and pray for you all often - including little Jane. God bless you all.
What beautiful photos of a year that reflects His faithfulness!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
BEAUTIFUL! Just beautiful! I'd love to make that into a printed book for you, if you like. Let Gwen know...
What a great recap of 2010. I pray this year is filled with special 2011 grace, strength and more opportunities to pour out His love as your family does so beautifully.
My friend told me about your extraordinary story and so I decided to start reading your blog. You are such an inspiration to me and though I have never met you and live thousands of miles away from you I love you so much. I am praying for you and your family you are raising. God is smiling with joy for what you are doing for his kingdom.
Oklahoma City, OK
What an incredible year..thank you for sharing it with us!
Thanks for posting. Its very challenging to me to hear of your life and what you're doing. Sometimes I feel like we're just playing church in America. At the same time, its hard to know where to start or how to get where you are.
Thank you so much for a look back at such an incredible year for you and your girls, and your ministry :) It is such a blessing to be able to be a part of your family through your blog and photos! You inspire and encourage me and I thank you so very much for that!
I know you don't know me, but if you did I would ask you to give all of the girls and big hug and kiss from me... I pray that one day I will be able to meet you and your beautiful family!
May God bless you beyond your dreams this next year :)
Much love and prayers to you and your girls,
Oh, how I love your posts. Jesus just shines out of your face. Praise the Lord for what He is doing in and through you and your beautiful girls!
your blog is my favorite to read! :) I love to see what God is doing through you. I pray my children be used by God like you are. :) Have a blessed year. :)
It's an amazing thing to watch a year unfold. Sometimes it just seems to "happen to" us...but, it doesn't. Nothing comes as a surprise to our God, and He is there beside us walking us through. Praise Him! I have found that the way can be so hard sometimes and uncetain...dark at times....and a little frightening because I don't know where I'm headed. Then I remember that the one who has the MAP and is the LIGHT of the World is there to guide me. You have taught me a great many things in regard to trust and faith, dear Katie. I continue to pray for you and your family and your ministry. I am blessed by your life. And...I have never in my life seen such a collection of joy and beauty and grace as your family...YOU very much included!
Love and Blessing,
Love seeing your journey!!! Ready for 2011.
Jodee in Texas :)
Absolutely, wonderfully beautiful. Praise God for how He has shown himself mighty and faithful in every one of your lives!
I stumbled across your blog abou six months ago, and I put it in my google reader that same day. I love reading about what you and your family are doing for Jesus buoy are an inspiration!
God bless you all!
Katie, I love following your blog and seeing how God works in your life and in the lifes of your precious daughters! May this new year be a year full of new and big blessings for your family.
Wow! thank you
Thanks for sharing Katie.
I am so blessed by what you are doing for Him.
wow katie i just poured over your post! God has done so much and i want to thank you for being such a blessing to others, and a testimony to me!
I love how you reviewed your past year. What a beautiful family. Those still with you physically and those with you in heart. Beautiful! Can't wait to see what is in store for you and your family this coming year. Mary God Bless you all in 2011
wowowow. I'm so inspired and encouraged by your life! Many would say that what you're doing is impossible and unrealistic for someone your age...but you and God break through all of those practicalities and show us all that nothing is impossible and we will all be given the grace and mercy we need to live out whatever God asks of us! I think you're wonderful :)
I am so encouraged by your faith and love, Katie! What a beautiful year you have had. I know that even in the good times, hard times come..some we don't understand...but God is forever faithful!! He has blessed you beyond measure!! I bought a set of the beads that the women there make..and every time I wear them.. I remember to say a prayer for you and your babies! They are not only beautiful..but a beautiful reminder that God's love reaches far and wide!!
You have made a difference...not only there...but here...in me. My daughter is filling out paperwork to become a full time missionary. I rebelled at first....but she led me to read your blog about 3 months ago. It has changed me. I see you...and the love and peace you have at serving..and God has filled me with a peace to know that He will hold my daughter in the palm of His hand...just as He continues to hold you and yours!! I am in love with your blogs..and thrill each time I see a new picture or read a testimony from you! My prayers go with you! Continue to make a difference, Katie!!! God will continue to bless!!!
In His love alone,
what a perfect update, thank you so much! your girls are gorgeous, Jesus is awesome, and you are blessed and a blessing too.
and oh my goodness, you have blue band too?! we used that in Indonesia!
Oh how I loved seeing all those beautiful children of yours! They are amazing, you're amazing and our God is awesome! He has done great things in your and your children that will rise up and call you blessed!
May the Lord continue to bless you immensely as you serve Him and may He continue to pour out His spirit, joy, peace, and strength! You are such an inspiration and encouragement! I loved all the pictures!
Dear Katie, what an inspiration you are to so many here in America and around the world! I am so glad I found your blog...you are in my prayers always, seeing your girls beautiful faces is like looking into the bright sunlight!
Katie, I have awarded you as a "Stylish Blog" on my own blog. I know you are way to busy to participate, but I wanted to give you props for constantly sharing both the trials and tribulations of your life of faith. God bless, Holly K.
Here is the post Confessions and Friends
Since I met the girls in '09, so wonderful to see pictures and get an individual "Mom's eye view" of each. So sweet.
what a beautiful post and loving recap of the year! thank you for sharing it with all of us. anticipating amazing things for all of you in the coming year!! =)
And your lives, through it all, continue to influence more lives than you will ever dream or imagine. How honored I am to call you my treasured friend...See you, Lord willing, in April!! xo
your children are beautiful, precious little blessings. hearing your story was one of many things that made me sure i would need to take a year off before college and do something, on a much smaller scale, like you are. so many hardships, so many blessings.
god bless you and your darling daughters. love love love.
Thank you so much for sharing a glimpse into the amazing family you have been blessed with. You are an inspiration. Your children are so precious. Love to you all!
What a beautiful family!
Katie, God's work through you is beautiful. I wish you and your girls and Amazima continued blessings this year. Your willingness to follow God's leading has inspired so many. Thank you for being obedient to His calling.
Your amazing and my inspiration for when I think my life is hard. Much blessings to you and your babies!
What incredible faith you show w/your actions of love and hope!
What an AMAZING year! I pray for you daily and what you are doing. You inspire me. I would love to come visit you sometime and love on all of those little ones. I will give my info to Gwen so that if you need anything, she can let me know personally:) Your sister in Christ in "the merica"...
A beautiful post, Katie . . .
the Motschenbacher family
Praying for you and your girls Katie. Thank you Jesus for all that you have done, are doing and will do. We love you Lord.
How amazing to come across your ministry and blog! I SO look forward to following along and keeping you all in prayer!
Katie, you don't know me, but I wanted to tell you how much it means to me to be able to see your dedication to serve God where you are. Seeing picture of you and your girls always renews my desire to serve God and love on those who need loving.Thank you.
LOVED this post! It was such a great overview of your family. Praying for you!
Your story is so inspiring! I went through and read so many of your old posts, and what a whirlwind you've been through! Its so encouraging though to see that this is possible. I want to be able to do something like this one day, whether in Africa, Honduras or here in the States. You can tell that you have such a strong relationship with God, and I really admire that. I can't wait to see what he brings you in 2011!
What a beautiful family you have. It truly blesses my soul to see the wonderful works of God that He performs through LOVE! Many blessing to you, your family, and the ministry that our Lord has committed to your hands! My prayers are always with you.
The pictures tells it all! What a very good thing to do and share with other people. It's very inspiring!
Isn't God great?!?!
I thank God for people like you who go out of their comfort zone to make Jesus known over all the earth!
God be with you, always!
I've featured you on my blog this week because I think you are AMAZING!! You've inspired me sooo much!! I hope that's ok...if there's anything you want me to change though let me know!! Lots of love to you and your beautiful family!!
I just heard about your blog and I am moved to tears - no, to my knees. Thank you for your service an love. God bless you and your today and always.
God Bless all those beautiful girls and their amazing mommy...
God Bless those beautiful girls and their amazing mommy
WOW, your blog makes me cry every time I link to it from my own. Thanks for being such an amazing servant. You enrich my life out here in CA simply by allowing me to be a part of yours through prayer. Your family is beautiful and it is a privilege to read your updates. Thank you--dianne :)
LOVE it!
You are BLESSED beyond belief!!! God called you ... and you answered. How many other young people is God calling ... but they are failing to answer. They are too worried about their friends, their careers, their college degrees.
YOU are more BLESSED than any of them ... any of those that have failed to heed the call of the Lord on their lives.
Keep doing what you are doing! God has a MIGHTY plan for your life.
Laurel :)
Thank you! for sharing, for loving, for trusting God.....
It's all going to be well with everyone living in one trouble zone or the other.
The Lord will be your strength.
i like it, so inspiring..thanks..
i like it, so inspiring..thanks.
I have been to Africa and I have witnessed how great of a need there is, the people are very grateful of any help that they get they are humble and full of love to give, what you are doing for them it is a gift from God. That is your talent to help others and to be there. If only more people would have that courage and that Faith that you endure. I know you will never loose hope and those around you will make sure. You are surounded by great human beings and wonderful relationships. God Bless You!
Katie, you are such an inspiration, I don't know you personally but I love you.
I pray my sons find a woman like you, one devoted to the kingdom of God. Praying diligently for you and your girls.
God bless you and your family. Who is Jane, that was referred to in one of the comments? How did you get there? Where are you from? YOU ARE AMAZING!
Hi there...i'm your newest follower! I really admire you for taking on the road you're taking, and i applaud you for all the efforts towards helping the children in Uganda. I'm half Ugandan and half Tanzanian, so this cause is definetly hit home-again, thank you for all that you're doing,and may God bless you abundantly. I can be reached at http://malaikakidsfoundationforafrica.blogspot.com
Thank you so much for all you have done, Katie! You have definitely impacted the hearts of Ugandans and Americans! We will keep you in our prayers and help out as much as possible! Thank you! You have changed our hearts so much to where we want to come and follow your footsteps. Although we are only 12, we are still trying to save money, a lot of money, to come to Uganda. Thank you!
- Ellie and Madison
Beautiful children :) God Bless your Family :)
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