Thursday, December 15, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Praising our Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace!

incredible photos by Mandie Joy


Ketcham Family said...

so beautiful!

Amber said...

Love the feet picture! Cute idea! Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas season! Your life is such an inspiration Katie, thank you for sharing so much of it with us.

Erica said...

Beautiful Photos!

Laurel said...

LOVE it!!!

mama of 12
ages 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 18, 21, 22, 22, 24, 26, 27

Laurel said...

Just bought 4 of your books. :)

1 for Mama and 3 for 3 of my girls for Christmas.

Can't wait to read it.


emily said...

Merry Christmas! Praying that you and the kids have a very blessed christmas and new year. I have been SO incredibly blessed to see what God is doing through you!
your sister in Jesus, emily

Shawn said...

Merry Christmas to you katie and to all your girls... bundles of love

Unknown said...

Your girls are getting so big! Blessings on you and yours. <3

courtney linn said...

I love the pictures

psm260 said...


I just read your book, and I'm having withdrawals! I wanted to keep reading.

What you are doing has inspired me beyond description. I, too, want to do what He wants me to do minute-by-minute. Just wanted you to know how God has used you to tell me some things.

Pam Means
Clearwater, Florida

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Beautiful family!! Love it! Wishing you a blessed end of this year and beginning of the new year. Praying for you all!

Wendy said...

Oh, Katie, I cannot describe how I have been touched and blessed by your book. The biggest "wow' for me is that you understood what it meant to be a disciple at your young age. Believe it or not, I am only now understanding this at 57years old!! Love from New Zealand, Wendy Stewart

Cassie Louise said...

so beautiful, each one of those pairs of feet is the feet of Jesus. Loving that He is worth to be praised all over the world!

Stephanie said...

So beautiful. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

kate said...

Katie, these are beautiful! Merry Christmas to you and your girls! My husband and I do NFP work in Sierra Leone. Your story and book has been a great encouragement!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas!

Your ministry is wonderful! I hope to adopt 13 children just like you when I am grown

Juliane McCorkle said...

You don't know me, but I have loved reading your blog! Me and my husband have spent the past two years in China, and are going back! It is so encouraging to read your words and hear you speak of God's love (in that little video to the side) :) Just know that you are making a difference in peoples lives... even in China :)

Rebecca Johnson said...

Beautiful and artistic pictures of a joyful family! Thanks for the photo update!

Dorothy Wanko said...

I just learned about you, Miss Katie! I am tickled to see your Christmas card with your family. I just ordered my Christmas cards for my family today! Blessings to you and your family!

Jana said...

Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family!

Crissy Cano said...

Merry Christmas! You and your girls are BEAUTIFUL. I also have a love for Africa and am planning on moving there soon. Thanks for being incredibly encouraging in a world where so many people aren't.

Tereza Crump said...

Merry Christmas, Sweet Katie!! Your children are beautiful!! :)

Joy said...

You and your children are so beautiful, Katie!

I just finished reading your book, and I cried through the whole last chapter (and lots of other parts, too). Reading it was a life-changing experience. My 12-year-old daughter is now reading it.

May the Lord bless you as you serve Him!


Njeri said...

now that's real joy on your faces. Merry Christmas to you too

Ashley said...

Merry Christmas to you too!

(Love the photos)

charity said...

LOVE this!!! Merry Christmas to you and your BEAUTIFUL family!

Leah said...

Merry Christmas!
I recently read your book and have fallen in love with your entire family! May God bless you richly in this upcoming year.


Anonymous said...


Elizabeth said...

Beautiful photos!! LOVE the feet!

Anonymous said...

Katie, I know you get a million comments on here from people all over the place and you really don't know us from Adam! But, I just wanted to say Merry Christmas and thank you for being obedient in the day to day to the Lord. Your life has been a testimony and challenge to me. I pray the Lord works deeply in my heart and leads my husband and I down the road of sacrifice I know He has lovingly laid before us. I pray that we will say yes to the Lord everyday. From one momma of many to another ~~~ Brandy

Carilyn said...

Merry Christmas, Katie to you and your family! I enjoy reading your blog and looking at the pictures you put up of your beautiful family.

Anonymous said...

for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
How then can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" Romans 10:13-15

Teacharoundtheworld said...

Awwww!! You all look so beautiful! Merry Christmas as well ^_^ The foot photo was a wonderful & hilarious idea! Many blessings & prayers to the Davis' family :)

Cathy said...

So beautiful!

Anonymous said...

God Bless you. I will be praying for you and your ministry. Your story speaks to my heart. I just finished your book and had to come to your site. God is doing amazing things with you. That has to give you fuel to keep going. Your family is beautiful.>

Unknown said...

LOVE the pictures! Both of them are priceless! Thanks for sharing. They made my heart smile! You are an absolutely amazing family :)

Anonymous said...

I praise God for your obedience in loving and cherishing these young girls. You inspire me to follow God wherever He leads me and my family! All to His Glory!

GmaDebbie said...

Merry Christmas to you, too. I love the pics! I think I see silly bands on someone's ankle. They are SO popular in the US still, too.

Lynnea said...

So beautiful!

Jenah Rae Kanbar said...

You and your daughters are absolutely beautiful <3 You are such an inspiration and blessing, Katie! Praying for you and your family always. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, too!!!! Love from, Jenah

Hanna said...

I just finished hearing your audiobook. I can only say Thank You! because in the bottom of my heart I feel it changed my life... it saved my life.
I live in Colombia, a country in South America which, as everywhere in the world, has many needs and can always use many hands to close the social gaps and decrease poverty. I know it is not your intention, but thank you for inspiring me, us, many of us to give back to this broken world.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures - praise be to God!

melissa said...

What a beautiful picture of love! Hands & feet girl, you are His hands & feet!

Michele McCune said...

Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family! Praying for y'all in this season of celebration and joy in Jesus!

Anonymous said...

I just want to say that your life store...what you are doing for these children...following God's will in your life... is a strong testimony for my life.

The Hamns said...

My daughter and her friends recently read your book. We are in the adoption process and have recently started an orphan ministry in our church. The girls had a bake sale this am to raise money to send to you! We have all been so touched by your life and ministry. We are close to $1000. We took pictures I would love to email too! This was their idea for Christmas instead of having a party. May you and yours have a blessed Christmas! Money will be sent Monday!

Hedy King said...

Katie, Katie, what a sweet, gentle soul you are. I feel humbled just reading your posts. I am aware there are others like you, doing God's work with His children, but you and Mother Teresa are my heroes. Stand strong, dear girl.

K&J said...

Your Children are so beautiful. Your book has inspired me greatly. God is so good and he is working through you in such a beautiful and life changing way. Merry Christmas, and many blessings throughout the new year! God bless you and each one of the people in Uganda! :)

Anonymous said...

The first thing I noticed when I came to your blog is that I can see your breasts in your header picture. You might want to fix that.

Anonymous said...


Anna said...

Gorgeous photos, Katie. Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family.
Just finished up your book. It has really encouraged me as I foster two little ones and raise our four kids.
You shine so bright.


Ac said...

what a fabulous photo! merry, merry Christmas to you and your beautiful girls!

Jordan said...

Merry Christmas Katie! I just recently read your book. It was amazing! My school is starting a fundraiser hopefully soon for you guys over there in Uganda, so there will be some more money coming your way! My dream is to come to Uganda one day! God bless you and keep up the good work!

Chris Holloway said...

hi! I am a first time visitor and reader of your blog, and I am challenged by your amazing faith! I first found out about you when watching a video on Dave Ramsey's site, and have been praying for you since.

I have the word Amazima stuck in my mind lol, kinda an obsessive repeating glitch. but it reminds me to pray. I work with a youth pastor in Mississippi, and will be sharing your story soon! also, going to get me one of those beaded necklaces to :)

Joyful Le said...

I can't believe it!!! I'm finally all caught up and I don't want to be!
After reading hours on end (from book to blog) I will now have to start my Katie withdrawal hehehe

So thankful for my Jesus sending you and your story to me at the perfect time. I look forward to new blog updates that will come real time - and I look forward to the opportunity to pray for you as the things are happening (instead of praying for them years after they have happened!) haha

i know i know - if i was reading blogs from past years - why pray for it after its happened? well... because God knew that I WOULD pray for it! and His ways are not our ways! :)

Merry Christmas Katie, Sumini, Hellen, Patricia, Tibita, Grace, Scovia, Sarah, Mary, Joyce, Agnes, Prossy, Margaret, Zuula, and sweet Jane always! (i think i spelled them all right! hehe)

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas!! We are praying for you in Alabama

Mandie Joy said...

I love you, beautiful friend. These pictures make my heart so happy. I miss that day.

Andy and Tamara said...

Lovin' these pics!! so creative

kristi said...

just beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Your family is so beautiful! I am inspired by your trust in our Lord! May He continue to bless your ministry!

Cliff and Deb said...

What beautiful pictures and such a joyous celebration! We praise our Lord for His indescrible gift to all of us. May you and all of these precious ones have a wonderful Christmas.

Cliff and Deb said...

What beautiful pictures and such a joyous celebration. We thank God for His matchless gift to all of us and wish a wonderful Christmas to you and all those precious children you love.

ALL4HYM Student Ministry said...

Merry Christmas to you all at Amazima and in the Davis house hold!

So blessed to follow you in this journey. We're in prayer for you all daily, and including a gift to Amazima this year.

Have a blessed Christmas!

the mckinneys said...

Merry Christmas from Minnesota!

Anonymous said...


Joanna Peterson said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family, Katie!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Katie - God's Amazing Love is shown so perfectly in the picture of giggling girls. And the feet - How beautiful!

Merry Christmas - Celebrate His birthday with your sweet girls!

Andrea said...

Merry Christmas! And may God continue to bless your heart and family in the coming year :)

Rita in Spain said...

And a very very Merry Christmas to you to, Katie. You have not only helped the people of Uganda, but also alot of other people as well thru your example all over the world.

Much love.

Amanda said...

Beautiful! I love it! Merry Christmas to you and your family, Katie! May God continue to bless your lives and ministry.

I ordered a bunch of copies of your book for Christmas presents. I know it's hard for so many eyes to be on you, but I want to tell you that you the impact you are having on the world now reaches far beyond Uganda...thank you for the gift of sharing your life with us. I know my life is changed as a result! Some books leave you feeling guilty or over-burdened. I definitely felt burdened after reading your book, but also empowered! God has given us everything we need for life and godliness! I'm learning to do a better job of loving the people God puts right in front of me...and hopefully someday he will allow me to care for one of His children who has been left alone in the world. My eyes are no longer on that end goal of adoption, but on HIM. Thank you for pointing me to Jesus. :)

With Love,
Amanda (and the Hall family in Colorado)

Denah Siebert said...

Just finished reading "Kisses from Katie". Words seem inadequate to describe the way your life and words touched my heart. It was a wonderful reminder of how He loves...from Uganda to America...

You have encouraged and challenged me to remain faithful in the tasks that He has called me to and to keep my eyes and heart open to hear His voice.

Thanks so much for being willing to open your life up to the world and be used by God.

Joseph Randall said...

Nice picture :)

Angela said...

Merry Christmas Katie and family! I have just started reading your book and blog and every second of your life brings tears to my eyes. Tears of sadness, joy, but especially happiness that God is moving in Uganda and you so dramatically! You are such an inspiration and i would love to meet you! I have always wanted to work in an orphanage but now it's growing into such a desire it scares are so amazing and so is God and the family you have that continues to grow!

Cheryl said...

Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful family. Love your've really touched my heart and opened my eyes.

With Hope,

Anonymous said...

I don't even know how I got started following your blog but I love reading your post. My husband just bought me your book and I can't wait to start! I love your smile with all the kids. It's so wonderful to see someone doing what they love to do and seeing the passion in every picture and every word you write. May God continue to bless you and your ministry!!!

Vasca said...

Received your book it and you. My neighbor founded COW (Children of War) and works w/Sudanese children. She works with an orphanage in Sudan. My husband and I moved to China in our 70's to teach quietly about Our Father and we have never been the same.

You are a champion...

Rachel Danielle said...

Absolutely precious. I remember you in prayer all of the time Katie. Merry Christmas!

Love, Rachel

Amy said...

Absolutely beautiful picture!

Your book blessed my life abundantly.
Thank you for living the life that Christ called you to.

I pray your Christmas will be filled with peace and joy!

Jill said...

It has taken me three days and a box of tissues, but I have now read ALL five years of your blogs.
What an inspiration! I was reminded of many important truths but this one stuck out: "How many times do we choose comfort instead of the cross?"
Thank you Katie for your willingness to be transparent, to honestly open up your life to us, to share your struggles and triumphs. May God continue to bless you and you serve Him.

Anonymous said...

I have finished reading your book and all I can say is that I will never be the same. Thank you for your willingness to open your life to us. I will be praying for you and your daughters faithfully. Merry Christmas!

Ashley said...

"How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" Romans 10:15

Thank you Katie for sharing your story and writing your book! Your obedience has taught me so much! Much love and Merry Christmas!

Becky & Erika Lance said...

Just finished reading your book with my nine year old daughter (really hard to read the book aloud due to crying so much!). Thank you! Thank you for waking us up. Erika has started a deal that if we go out to eat and she orders water instead of soda we get to donate $2 to amazima. :) Love the foot picture! We are changed and love you all.

Anonymous said...

Good job Katie, these photos are beautiful :)

Merry Christmas

Christiana Thanos said...

Dear Katie,

I have just heard about your work in Uganda and read your entire blog. I am blown away by your love for these girls. I spent a total of about 9 months working for a Greek Orthodox Christian orphanage in India and produced a short video called "Lucky Girls" about the orphanage. I felt like living in India changed my life. Everyone always praised me for my work, and in my own selfishness, I admit that I liked it. When I read your blog and your work, I thought "this is love. this is real God's work." My work is small, tedious and temporary. It was just so humbling to read what you have done, and it definitely made me re-evaluate my own own level of humility, which has been low. I respect and admire you so much, and I will be praying for you. All the best to you and your daughters this Christmas.

29 years old
Los Angeles

Robin said...

Everyone looks so beautiful! Praising the Lord with you gals today. My darling (adopted from South Korea) is wishing she had that many sisters!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Katie as we celebrate the wonderful season of the birth of our merciful Savior! Praying for you and your family!

Kevin A Cannella said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you...a million times THANK YOU.

Thank you for mothering so many lil ones :)

Thank you for your faith and boldness!

Thank you for SO MUCH inspiration.

"Golden Threads of your Love come together
to make a blanket of Light.
Keeps me warm in the depth of the storm,
why don't we all come inside?"

Carilyn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
B.Tech MCA Training in Chandigarh said...

nice photos!

Elisabeth said...

Merry Christmas to you and all your family, Katie!

For Such A Time As This said...

Every time I look at a picture of you, the first word that pops in my head is JOY. You radiate it! You are a true inspiration. Merry Christmas to you and your precious family.

Lauren Baker said...

What great pictures!! The girls look absolutely beautiful! Praying for you guys from Atlanta! :)

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Katie!

You are blessing to so many, and I hope you have an amazing Christmas! You have inspired me so much.

I am praying for you.

Mary Mac said...

I saw horton hears a who with my children this past week. the mayor is a main character and he has 96 daughters and one son. it made me think of you! you have your lil whoville going on over there :) praying for you.

Gina Coffee said...

Merry Christmas to your family, as well. I must say this is my favorite Christmas card ever! Beautiful, smiling, God-loving people. Thank you for book, a great book to keep me grounded all the time, but especially during this Christmas season. I have been deeply affected by it, and it is having a great impact on me. May you and your girls have the best Christmas. Oh, how I wish I could be there, too.

Unknown said...

Amen! Happy Jesus Birthday to your family, thank you for sharing the story of God's work in your lives. God is using it in a powerful way for those in our midst here in Australia.

because of Him,

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful family. I received your book today for Christmas and nearly cried awaiting the spirit-filing joy I will find inside. Thank you for your incredible witness to our incarnate God!

Pam said...

Merry Christmas Katie! Your life is an inspiration to me. I hope you and your sweet children are having a blessed Christmas...something tells me you are! Love, Pam

Pam said...

Merry Christmas to Amazima from Pam.

Debbie said...

Merry Christmas, Katie! Merry Christmas to all your sweet girls! To God be the glory!!

Debbie said...

Merry Christmas, Katie! Merry Christmas to all your sweet girls! To God be the glory for sending His Son!!

Anonymous said...

katie i love y my wish is one day to meet y,i really liked to read book and your book is the best for me i admire you i went to the library on dec 6 when i was about to pay i saw your book and i thought wow it must be good when i got to the cashier he told me are you going to take the book i told him no and then i said wait for some reason something inside of me was telling me take it so i said i have to take im 32 from honduras i came to houston when i was 10 and last year for the very firs time in 22 years i had the opportunity to go i saw so much poverty my heart just hurt you know i always wanted to help but i have no idea how.. i read your book in 1 week i cry like crazy and i laughed when i finish i was sad but happy to know that our GOD it just so perfect and loving i hope one day i get to meet you and the girls you are a hero a real roll model big things are coming your way GOD bless y and all the kids in uganda anny

Butterfly Kisses said...

Beautiful! I mean, it's so awesome how a few pictures can speak so powerfully. Your family is precious! Blessings--Dianne :)

Butterfly Kisses said...

Beautiful! I mean, it's so awesome how a few pictures can speak so powerfully. Your family is precious! Blessings--Dianne :)

ty said...

I finished your book today, Katie! I has greatly blessed my heart. You are such a beautiful person, and I know that is a reflection of the living Spirit of God within you. Thank you for your humble obedience to the Spirit's leading. Not only are you blessing the people of Uganda, but you are blessing brothers and sisters in Christ all over the world who are learning from your example!

Merry Christmas. God bless you and your beautiful little girls.


Anna Brown said...

Merry Christmas Katie and to all your sweet children. I just bought your book today and can't wait to get started. So thankful for your willingness to serve. Praying for you and your ministry!

Nathanael Florut [HistoryMaker] said...

Katie! I`m so blessed to know you! My heart is for Africa and I wait for God`s time to be there!... You are a big inspiration for me! Today i start to pray for you! I send you more details in email... God bless you, your heart, your passion, your work, your future! I`m very glad to have a sister like you Katie! Nathanael

Nathanael Florut [HistoryMaker] said...

Katie! I`m so blessed to know you! My heart is for Africa and I wait for God`s time to be there!... You are a big inspiration for me! Today i start to pray for you! I send you more details in email... God bless you, your heart, your passion, your work, your future! I`m very glad to have a sister like you Katie! Nathanael

Abbie said...

I am just beginning to read your book and I have already passed it on to my mom, sister, niece, mother-in-law, and sister-in-law for Christmas. I am also presently wearing one of the beaded necklaces made from one of the women living in Uganda. I am inspired by the way you are Jesus' hands and feet to your 14 daughters and all the people that you come in contact with. I have recently also been reading about Heidi Baker and her family in Mozambique.

My husband and I have been a part of an inner city ministry in Fort Worth, Texas called Fortress for about 10 years now. We have been a support in different ways through the years but we recently have felt we need to "step it up" with the kids we taught bible class to 10 years ago and are now in their 20s raising their own kids, still on welfare, some without jobs, etc. Thank you for inspiring us through your journey to meet people where they are and to better prioritize our lives here on earth. I hope to meet you one day on this earth..if not..definitely in heaven. Blessings over and around you,
Abbie Schneider
Fort Worth, TX

Hope in Sudan said...

Merry Christmas!

Heather said...

joy to the world! joy to you and yours! thank you for sharing the love...

Delana said...

Just saw your book at LifeWay the other day and now came upon your blog. Congratulations on your book!



Melissa Scott said...

Gorgeous! We have 8 daughters, also all adopted! My girls and I love you, love your daughters, love Amazima, love Edward whom we are honored and blessed to sponsor, love Uganda, love your book, love missions, and MOST of all, we LOVE JESUS!!! God bless you! II Cor 9:6-8!

Annie said...

Katie, I just read your book, Kisses From Katie, you are an amazing young woman filled with God's love. I bought this book for my college age daughter, but grabbed the book and read it before she could. You remind me of myself many years ago and of my daughter who desires to love orphans the way you do. I hope you visit and volunteer and your orphanage and ministry soon. Thank you for loving and caring for God's people in Africa who need it the most. Leslie Holm

Peach Momma said...

Katie, I received your book from my father in law on Christmas Eve. I started and finished it on Christmas Day. I am a mother of two adopted kids...beautiful mixed children and so your story (well parts of it) were very familiar. My husband and I are looking for ways to help your ministry. We are so amazed at how you are letting God work through you at your age (we are you age as well). Please let me know if there are any specific needs, besides money that you or your daughters have.

Unknown said...

Got your book for Christmas and I love it already! So exciting and encouraging to see God's work in your life an your beautiful girls' lives! These smiles are captivating...God bless

Anonymous said...

aw so cute!! merry christmas to all of you as well! :)

Erin in Idaho said...

Katie; I just wanted to let you know that I read your book and it touched my life in deep, powerful and personal ways. I so admire the example of sacrificial love you display everyday. I look forward to reading new posts on your blog, because I just wanted to keep reading your story. I pray that I will be willing and ready to be used by the Lord as you have been. Thank You! All my love to your beautiful family, you will continue to be in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

hi Katie! first off, your children and you are absolutley beautiful. Second, i got your book for christmas and it is completely changing my perspective on life. I am a fifteen year old girl who live in Brentwood and feel my whole world being changed up-side- down by your story. Thank you for being an encouragment, and you will be in my prayers everyday. Your love for the Lord is so pure and humble and you have inspired me to love "the least of these" thank you.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas!!!! You and your family are a true inspiration to me. I have been thinking about working in an orphanage, because of you. :)))

Anonymous said...

Loving the pictures and blogs. I just started following after reading (and falling in love with) "Kisses from Katie" book <3 Praying for you all!

Dari-Lynn Miller said...

Just found your blog and have been reading it steady. I have not cried this much in a long time. You are an amazing example of Jesus' love.

Heather's Blog-o-rama said...

HI Katie,
I'm visiting from Linda's blog "Prairie Flower Farm" Your blog is really neat :) :) Happy New Year to you. Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather ;)

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures!! Merry Christmas to you and your Family.

courtney linn said...

Hey girl! Just wanted to say thanks for putting me on your blog as a comment it brought joy to my heart.:) I'd love it if we could be friends! I don't have Facebook but I have a email + a address

Address: 15410 quail rd, Fayetteville ar 72704

If you do email me please put your blogs name under the subject bare so I won't just delete it.:)

All in His Perfect Timing said...

Merry Christmas to you and your girlies! I bought your book and can't wait to finish it. I'm only a few pages in and love it!

Nathanael Florut [HistoryMaker] said...

I wish you a new year full of blessings! God bless you and your girls, Katie! Hugs from Nathanael

SB said...

BEAUTIFUL! Received the book for Christmas. How beautifully written and relevant to my own life. Praising the Father for you, sister.

Anonymous said...

You are an inspiration! Happy New Year and may many blessings continue to follow you and your work!

Mary Jane Smith said...

Katie, I bought your book for my 18 year old daughter for Christmas, but I read it before she did. It gave me inspiration to just love people as Christ did. Your story is very inspirational and real. Thanks for sharing your life with me through your book and encouraging me to be a better steward of all that God has given me.
Blessings to you and your beautiful family, including Christine!:)
In His love, Mary Jane Smith

richardson family said...

Hope you and your beautiful girls had a wonderful Christmas! I just found your blog and I am loving your mission. I pray God blesses you family!!! His grace is sufficent! Love the pictures of your family!!!

Sweet Carolina Grace said...

What wonderful picture! Happy New Year!

Amos said...

Dear Katie!!
I just heard about from a friend...and I am amazed!! I have fallen in love with your heart, the heart for 'the least of these', a heart selflessly committed to Jesus and the cause of the Kingdom!! Your are amizingly beautiful and a great inspiration for christianity today, a christianity comfortably stteled in its ways, in its comfort zones!! It is hard to find words...May God flood you and your ministry with his love and goodness in every season!(by the way I am from Burundi and would like to pay a visit to Uganda and witness for myself what you're doing)

Anonymous said...

Hi Katie.....I have just learned about you. From my techer. We um were talking about Africa and it's problms. Well my teacher thought it would be a good idea to show us you! And I GLAD she did. You are amazing. I can't beleive what you have done. You are a savior in my eyes. I look up to you. Just sharing your stories makes me want to get out there and do something GREAT like you! My teacher said "It doesnt matter what age you are....You can always do something.". You have brought me to tears watching your videos and reading your blogs but in a happy way. You are saving these peoples lives and you are ONLY 22! You are AMAZING. Everyone and I mean EVERYOBE in our class was like WOW. You are my role madel. I am going to follow you. and I love the pictures! Tell everyone ther that we all say hi and god bless! Katie....I cant even explain how great you are! I love your blogs keep posting!

Raegan said...

dear katie,
i would like to say that i am so inspired by you and Him. i follow your blogs and i am reading your book and i think what you are doing is AMAZING!i was wondering if you could somehow find about five minutes (which i am sure is hard to find in your busy life)to answer some of my questions for a project on who inspires me. i would like to share this project with the rest of my 9th grade class and i hope they become inspired as well. if you are interested and can find the time you can email me a i will have my questions at the ready for you to answer! thank you for finding the time to read this, and i am inspired everday by you and your children and most of all my Father. thank you again!

Becca Jones said...

I just read your book and thought it was great!
We are good friends with the Fulk family,working in Kotido Unganda and we just heard from them and they said they had met you. I hope you read this :):)

Sunshine said...

I got your book for Christmas and I am SO excited to start reading it! Thank you SO much for writing it. Sunshine

Jennie Warring said...

Merry Christmas, Katie!
I have been SO blessed by your book!I am borrowing it from the library,but I am hoping to buy it soon.God is truly working through you for His glory!I will pray for you that you will continue to do His will.We may be miles and miles apart, but the love I have for you and your daughters is unquenchable.
With Love in Christ,
Jennifer Warring
Bremerton, WA

Anonymous said...

I love your blog. What God has done in your life is amazing. I love the kids they are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

My sister let me borrow "Kisses from Katie" and you remind me of another missionary I just finished reading about, Mary Slessor. It is such an encouragement to know that there are still people that fear God as you do. I pray for you and your girls often and appreciate all the good work God performs through you.

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Margo said...

This blesses me!!! Reading your book and praying for you and your wonderful family!!! I was in Lira, Uganda last November with Project Hope Worldwide visiting the sweet boy we sponsor and ministering to the people in the surrounding villages. Your book has reminded me of SO much and I can't wait to go back. God is using you in such an amazing way!!

Lynette Rarick said...

I just finished reading your book. I cannot begin to tell you how it touched my heart. Your love for the Lord and obedience to His calling is such an incredible example to me. thank you for writing this and sharing your heart. I will now pray for you and your girls and your ministry. I want everyone to read your book!

the chaneys said...

I am reading your book and absolutely love it!! Can't put it down!
