Friday, June 8, 2012

The scene played out as it has so many times before – a late night phone call and I jump into the van and race toward that little slum and the people that my heart so loves. People step out of the street as I bounce and bump through the dirt road – if you can even call it that. I park and jump out in only the light of the moon, expecting the worst. So many times, it has just been too late to help.

This time, something is different. I can see the woman who is sick, the one they have called me about. But instead of lying alone on the dirt per usual, she has been placed on a mat and is covered with a blanket. Neighbor women – my friends – stand all around her and Scovia puts a cup of water up to her lips. She sips. She is very sick, but stable now, and I whisper thanks.

I ask questions about her illness and her family, and women turn to go get her husband. Moments later they return, one holding her child, another carrying a basin, blankets, soap and some food – all the things needed for admittance to the local hospital. I briefly think that I haven’t even asked her to bring them. A weary looking husband follows, and without missing a beat, Angelina volunteers to accompany her to the hospital to care for her through the night and Sarah steps forward offering to babysit.

“Thank you for calling, Lillian,” I squeeze her neck tight, “and for helping her.” She doesn’t hesitate and says it so simply, “The praise belongs to God,” and she slips into the night. 

It isn’t until after I have slid the van door shut and jumped back into the driver’s seat that the full weight of what has just transpired hits me. My mind flips through the recent scenes, the faces of all these people who have captured my heart. For the first time, the only thing these friends needed me for was my car. They had done everything else themselves. In this place where child sacrifice and alcoholism are more common than friendship, in this place where consideration for a neighbor is so foreign because one must protect herself at all costs, right here in this place God was changing hearts.

They had done everything they could to help. They had kept her warm, hydrated and comfortable while they waited. They had gathered her things, encouraged her family, carried her children and shared of their time and their resources. They had loved so well.

Tears of praise streamed down my face as the van jostled back out toward the hospital. I wanted to stand on the roof and shout it into the dark, loud for all to hear, but instead whispered to the only One who made it possible: The people of Masese are learning to love their neighbors. Are loving their neighbors.

The praise belongs to God.


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Anonymous said...

Dear Katie,
How how this blesses me...the beauty of love. I know you would never say this...but they have seen it modeled. Isn’t it true of some’s not lack of wanting to walk in a different way...but if you have never seen any other than the twistedness of the world around only know how to walk twisted.
Your life and love has shined and has cleared a path for them to find their walking legs.
Katie...God has given me the privilege to lift you daily in when I read your posts...i see in living color how He is working His will among you there.
continued prayers and blessings to you~

Unknown said...

ahhh! loved this! keep up all your wonderful work, Katie. and we'll keep praying for you here.

Tee said...

Thanks so much for sharing this story, it really puts things in to prespective! All praises to God, he is truly amazing!

Phyllis said...

Praise His name for He is worthy. My heart rejoices with you.

Emilee C. said...

Chills just went all down me. Praise to God!

Anonymous said...

So beautiful! Praise to God! And my love to you for living out your faith in a way that speaks so loudly to my heart and for sharing the stories of your life.

Brenda Hodges said...

The praise indeed belongs to God...the lessons were learned by them watching you love your neighbors. In Uganda or in my own small American town, others are watching...we must let them see Him. You are doing that well.

Seanswife said...

This is so great to hear! What every missionary wants, above all, is to encourage people to live a Spirit-filled life and support their own communities. Though small, this situation proves that your work in God's love is making a difference, and the Spirit is moving among the people. Thank you!

Unknown said...

Praise be to God <3

Donna Schultz said...

You are having such a marvelous impact on these precious people, Katie, that now they are doing exactly what they have witnessed you doing so many times before. You are the only Jesus they have ever seen and now He is visible through each of them. Praise God and bless you, sister.

Becky said...

Beautiful. So glad He is constantly showing Himself to you. Bless you and all that you do for His kingdom.

Julie said...

Last month in the country of Lesotho, we were trying to teach the Basotho this very same lesson when we had to drive a mother and her baby to the hospital. I pray that the Basotho will learn this just as the Masese are learning. Thanking for sharing this story of hope.

Oldqueen44 said...

Such a blessing to see this unfold right before your eyes. God is good.

Brooke said...

Praise be to God. Awesome.

Anonymous said...

Katie this is so awesome! i have read all of your blogs and it is so great to always see God working through you. But how great to God working through the people! Praise God. His work is never ending!

Milena said...

This is so encouraging. God bless u girl and I hope that Lord will move hearts through you in Uganda. Praying for you and for ur ministry. Kisses from Romania! :)

Little Blessings said...

Praising God with you.

Suzanne said...

WOW... what an amazing gift to get to see the fruit of time and love playing out before your eyes.

dorothy said...

Praise be to God for bring light into the darkness..that His name might be glorified throughout all the earth!

Marie-Eve said...

One heart at a time...


Anonymous said...

Amen! Thank You Lord for all You are doing in this community. Thank You Lord for Your awesome love. In Jesus Name Amen.

lauragrace said...


lauragrace said...


Sherral said...

Thank you for sharing this special experience! What a wonderful bit of progress. I wish these women and you could all know how much you inspire me. Best wishes to you all!

Anonymous said...

I am new to your blog, having just read your book. Way to show God's love in an amazing way, Katie, and fellow Amazima crew.

Unknown said...

oh, i am SO THANKFUL for this update - to see God changing hearts like this is glorious and so edifying! thank you for serving faithfully and i thank GOD for allowing you to see a little glimpse of the fruit being produced by those growing in grace as a result of your sharing Jesus so freely.

Karen said...

This is so beautiful. Thank you for being his instrument of peace. I bought four of your books and gave them to other during Christmas, so they are all praying for you and your work, too!

Laine said...

GLORY! Such sweet, wonderful fruit for His kingdom!!!!!! And how sweet that He allowed you to see just a glimpse of that fruit...Praise you Jesus!

We continue to pray for "Katie in Uganda".....


The Ferrill's

Anonymous said...

Praying for you, your children, and the people of Masese. Praise God! Thank you for the update, Katie. Your blog constantly reminds me to trust God and praise Him more.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you, your children, and the people of Masese. Praise God! Thank you for the update. Your blog reminds me to trust God more and praise Him more often. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Praying for you, your children, and the people of Masese. Praise God! Thank you for the update. Your blog reminds me to trust God more and praise Him more often. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Praying for you, your children, and the people of Masese. Praise God! Thank you for the update. Your blog reminds me to trust God more and praise Him more often. Thanks!

Anastasia said...

Sometimes it's just that...the fruit that you didn't even know was growing, that reminds you He is ever at work, and the work you have been doing doesn't go unnoticed. It's just that it's been enveloped in His glory - where it's supposed to be! I am thankful with you, as I have also seen God's "produce" this past week, right after I was lamenting on what seemed like the mess I'd made!

Mary said...

Yes, praise be to God for your willingness to go and to love them as He does.

Mandy said...

Wow . . . reading this was a blessing! It's amazing to hear stories of how God is working! We serve an awesome God!

ashesforbeauty said...

What a strikingly beautiful testimony of the goodness and faithfulness of our all-powerful God!

Abide Family Center said...

This is the coolest. Love it. Love you. Love your heart.

Kelsey Nielsen said...

Love this! How cool. Love you. Thankful for your heart.

Anonymous said...

Praise God! May we exult His Name!

Holly Crabtree said...

This is awesome. What fruit you are seeing. Praise to God.

The Dubs said...


I just started reading your book, and was so excited to find you have a blog. Today is the first day it popped up on my blog roll that you update - I was so excited to read it, as I dread finishing the book because I'm loving it so much. This way, the book goes on forever. I'm so encouraged by you. What a servant you are. God has recently put Uganda on my heart. I'm praying about adoption. Not sure what He's telling me as of yet...but you are definitely an encouragement to me. Love you and all you do.


Its Me Again Margaret said...

Katie I have followed your story for almost two years now. You are truly a gift from GOd!! Thank you for what you are doing there. And what you are doing back in the states without you knowing it!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this wonderful story. Grace is so transformational and you are such a vehicle through which God is working. The praise does belong to God but I am very grateful for your example of Christ's love. It's challenging an uplifting!

Andrea said...

beautiful, beautiful fruit of the work God is doing through you and the people of Masese, praise to Him Indeed! :)

Unknown said...

you are doing such a great job with these people! Praise God and may he bless you!

~Michelle said...

Praise be the LORD. Thank you so much for sharing this Katie. All the way here at the foot of Pikes Peak we pray for you and your daughters and the women you minister to and with.

Blessed be the name of the LORD.

Hedy King said...

Dear, dear katie, the people of the villiage have a Blessed teacher. They are following your lead to becoming more like Jesus. You are so full of grace, dear child. God keep you safe.

Amy in AL said...

Oh, how beautiful! What a gift from God for you to be able to see the fruit that he is bringing forth in the lives and hearts of your friends--the ones you are pouring yourself out for to the glory of God. May his glorious name be praised.

Anonymous said...

Hallelujah!!! Amen! All glory to Jesus! and I am thankful for you being a precious vessel of the Lord's!!!


Unknown said...

Amen and amen! What a joy to see the hard work, the years of tears and prayers, of patience and perseverance, of wonder and worship yield the dividends only God can bring. Moments like these point so explicitly to God and His perfect vision for our lives. Thank you, Katie for saying yes and for sharing your journey so openly and honestly. Praying for you and the children as you continue on.
Praising Him as you keep up the God work.

Cinnamon said...

I have been peeking in at your blog every so often. I always love what I read. I'm always humbled and encouraged.

I love that thought "praise belongs to God" So simple yet profound.



Laura said...

Thank you for the written picture of God moving in the lives of those that you serve in His name. Thank you for brining glory to His name, even when you don't get to see the fruit of your labor or His handiwork. Thank you for sharing your love of the Ugandan people with us that are so far away.

"The Lord bless you (and all those that you serve) and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. " Numbers 6:24-26

Hartsock family blog said...

Wow, you are such a courageous woman. You have for sure traded up - your dreams for His and what a sweet place to rest! Bless you

Naomi said...

Katie this is wonderful to hear! I am sure it may never have entered into your heart the mighty works that God was going to do in that place when you first visited. But you remained faithful to keep demonstrating love to them and because they saw Jesus loving through you, they have learned to love.

Continue to love and do not grow weary in well doing for in due season you will reap what you have sown!


Anne Nicole Royster said...

Katie, that's wonderful! G-d is always working, always moving! Keep your head Up and your eyes Focused.

Lots of love and prayers for you.

Heather said...

Beautiful!!! Thank you for leading by example. And all the glory to God for that too :)

Christina Given said...

you are amazing. a true inspiration Katie. I pray for you and hope that you know you are loved and prayed for! God is so proud of you! You are an angel, a light, a true servant of Christ. You are such an inspiration to me. You are so selfless and humble...a true woman of God.

Anonymous said...

I pray for you Katie, you are an amazing woman of God~ You are such an inspiration to many. You are selfless, humble and you are such a light...God is so proud of you..keep up the good work in the harvest field. Love you Sister in Christ, Christina

Miriam said...

Just found your blog via count it all joy. This is absolutely stunning and beautiful work.
xx Bless you and all who live within your nest xx

Des said...

Faithfulness and praise changes the atmosphere and you are walking that out! So encouraging!

Rebekah said...

What a beautiful story of God's love. I just have been reading your book and found your blog. May the Lord bless the work you are doing and continue to provide you with His abundant grace.

Anonymous said...

Praise God he changes hearts and minds all over the world.

Vasca said...

Katie, I know the feeling. My husband and I worked and taught in China; we return as often as possible to encourage His children there.

Now? They encourage us.

How wonderfully awesome is our God...He is working wonders everywhere...we share your joy!

LaurenDrew said...

praise be to God! what a blessing it is to see how He has used you in such a mighty way! continue to shine bright, your love for Christ and His children is so encouraging! so thankful for your example of faith and trust in our Father!

Gaby said...

Praise be to you, Lord. That in perfect obedience to your father and his power, decided to come to the mud from where we came. "Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment: In this world we are like Jesus." (1John 4:16,17)
Thank you for your obedience, Katie.

Anonymous said...

Praise be to God. True honest work that God alone is doing. I love hearing all that He is doing through His people that believe. This is an encouraging story to keep pressing forward and sread the Word of the Lord for all to hear. So that, they too, me too, may continue to be doers and not just hearers of His commandment to love thy neighbor.

Olivia said...

it's such a good feeling to watch others love each other. You are doing great things!

khaihiok said...

Thank for God's working on our hearts! The praise belongs to God!!!

khaihiok said...

Thank for God's working on our hearts! The praise belongs to God!!!

khaihiok said...

Thank for God's working on our hearts! The praise belongs to God!!!

khaihiok said...

Thank for God's working on our hearts! The praise belongs to God!!!

khaihiok said...

Thank for God's working on our hearts! The praise belongs to God!!!

khaihiok said...

Thank for God's working on our hearts! The praise belongs to God!!!

khaihiok said...

Thank for God's working on our hearts! The praise belongs to God!!!

Kristin said...

This is a message of incredible hope. Probably my most favorite post you've ever written, Katie. Only God could work in the hearts and souls of these people to create a true community where there was none. Wow.

Graceful View Photography said...

PRAISE THE LORD!! What a beautiful story :) Thank you for posting this!

Graceful View Photography said...

PRAISE THE LORD! What a wonderful thing that is happening there :)

ariana said...

Loved reading this and knowing that if you are persistent in loving people God will change both their hearts and yours. Walking with you and your friends in faith and prayer my sister!

Anonymous said...

It is beautiful, simply beautiful when we love like Christ!

Anonymous said...

Katie, you have inspired me so much. I am reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan and Radical by David Platt. I have read the Bible through once and am doing it again. I want to follow God's plan for my life and I am realizing it may look very different than I thought. Being married with children, in suburbia makes that complicsateed, but not impossible. I WILL figure out how to do what God wants me to do. I will start today treating my neighbor as myself and spreading God's's sooooo out of my Catholic comfort zone that it's hard, but I am trying every day. Thank you for blogging about your life and writing your book. You have affected so many, including me.

God bless, Katie

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

Katie, Praising the Lord with you. Oh, my goodness, how the Lord is using you as you have given your life's calling to Him. Blessings abundant my friend!

Anonymous said...

God is using you to change peoples lives, and uganda.

noneya said...

WOW!! This is what making disciples looks like. While I have never been in your shoes, I marvel at seeing God work. I marvel at your willingness to actually do what Gods Word tells us to. May the Lord help us become more of what He calls us to be and less of what we think we should be. ~Trina Scoda

Mandy Jo said...

God continues to take my breath away by the changes He brings about in the hearts of man through His grace and love. Thank you so much for sharing this most joyous story of His miraculous love divine!

Mandy Jo said...
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Mandy Jo said...
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Mandy Jo said...
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Amanda said...

My husband, 3 kids and myself are serving the people of Haiti and what God gives you to write in your blogs inspires and encourages me. Thank you for being an example of obedience to Christ with the kind of love we all should have. Keep going Sister, keep running the race laid out before you.

Amanda said...

My family and I are serving the people of Haiti and what God gives you to blog inspires and encourages me. Thank you for being an example of obedience to Christ and having the kind of love we all should have. Keep going Sister, keep walking the path laid out before you.

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is amazing! God is so good!!!

Debbie said...

Happy tears...thank you, Jesus!

The Roses said...

It is wonderful to hear how God is chnaging these people.

Anonymous said...

I am just in awe of how you have completely surrendered your life. I am in awe of how God used you to reach so many in not only Uganda but all over the world. He has shown through you how if we just surrender, completely surrender he can accomplish so much!

So Katie Davis be strong, be courageous, and continue being a vessel for our God to use. Continue teaching those beautiful people there is a better way. Continue showing them the love of our Lord and savior.

I look so forward to reading your blogs. As soon as you post I anxiously await the next to see what awesome works are unfolding. What a blessing this was to see fruits from all your labor. I think that God just sits back and smiles when we get that little glimpse that our works are indeed making a difference and that his love you have shared so freely is showing in them.

God bless you and your beautiful family!

James1:27 said...

Beautiful. Our family is moving to Soroti, Uganda in September to serve. Your testimony has blessed us and all of our supporters that we have been able to share your book with as a thank you gift!! God is so Good....we love to hear how He is at work through and around you. Thanks Katie!

James1:27 said...

Beautiful. Our family is moving to Soroti, Uganda in September to serve. Your testimony has blessed us and all of our supporters that we have been able to share your book with as a thank you gift!! God is so Good....we love to hear how He is at work through and around you. Thanks Katie!

Connie said...

LOVED this post! Praise be to God!

Anonymous said...

amazing grace

Unknown said...

I have only recently come across you, your story, and Amazima. I praise the Lord! Thank you for being a light!

Anonymous said...

Katie, I tried to post earlier but I don't think it worked. I am so grateful to you and I wanted you to know what a difference you have had on me. Somehow I found your blog and that led me to your book. I began to realize that I am not following God's commands. Not the way I should. I have read my Bible through from start to finish and have now started over again. I read your book and CrazyLove by Francis Chan and Radical by David Platt. I know I need to make a change. Being married with kids and living in suburbia makes that messy and complicated....but somehow I will figure out what it looks like in my world to be loving my neighbor as myself and going forth and making disciples in all the nations. I am praying and reading God's word and searching what that should and will look like in my life. I am thankful to you for sharing your story. I know it has made a difference for many. It has made a difference for me. Now I need to pray and gather the courage to follow God's will. Our time here on earth is so short, especially ocmpared to our time in eternity. But what we do here on earth will effect how we spend that eternity.

God bless you always, Katie

Anonymous said...

Your blogs are so inspiring. I have read them all, and they are such a blessing. God is using you in mighty ways! You're in my thoughts & prayers.

Mairi said...

Such an amazing story! It is ... I don't know... I want to say that this is a miracle, but I understand that this is simply our God. :)

nic said...

thank you, God. praise you, God.

Anonymous said...

Amen. Thank you, Abba, for the Perfect Love You pour out throughout this world. What a blessing to read this today! Thank you for sharing this and for all the ways you allow yourself to be the hands and the feet, the smile, the face of Jesus in this world which needs to see His Beauty, Love and Grace. You are in my prayers as He pours Himself through you.

Angela said...

Praise be to God! Thank you for your faithfulness in serving the Lord. So pleased that you are blessed to see the fruit of God's love at work in and through you. Heard about you through Emily and Richard Bosma (my nephew) and have been following your blog. Will pray that God continues to strengthen and bless you, your family and your ministry.

The Farmers Nest said...

This is so encouraging. I'm praising Jesus for you and the way you live your life out loud for him.

Rebekah said...

Wow. What an amazing post, Katie. It is so neat to hear how the Lord is using you and your ministry in Uganda to change not only lives, but also entire communities. Praise the Lord!

Christy said...

This is so encouraging!
I thought of this verse.
"I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase." 1 Cor 3:6.
God is working in their lives. Praise the Lord!

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog for over a year now and praying for you and all you do. I know (a little) of what you just wrote about as I take teams into the mountains of Haiti(for the last 10 years). We have been trying to have the people there lead and care for each other. I think it is starting to happen. Praise God! I know what a HUGE step this is and will continue to pray for you,your family, the people you minister to!

Anonymous said...

Praise Be to GOD, that is beautiful! you are forever being used by Him to remind us to teach others to press on!

Kaylyn said...

Beautiful!!! This makes my heart so glad!

Unknown said...

katie! your story is so inspiring, i am about to be a junior in high school and for you to have done this right out of high school is so amazing! your light for christ is so awesome, thank you for sharing your story.

Jen said...

Best post ever. THAT is transformation. THAT is building disciples. THAT is the love of Jesus and the fruits of your work. God bless you greatly.

Anonymous said...

God changes hearts anywhere in the world

Unknown said...

Ms. Davis, Thank you for wrecking my life! My friend gave me your book yesterday. My family and I had just returned to our large, expensive house after a large, expensive vacation. I laid on our large, expensive sofa and read your book cover to cover in one sitting. I have come to but one conclusion. This large, expensive life is ridiculous and unfulfilling. So here I am, one more person asking something from you but I come from a different kind of "slum"-a spiritual slum. Would you please pray that myself and my family would know the Jesus you follow and not the fathom I have created and presented to my children. That we would REALLY know Him. And thanks for wrecking my life!

Melody said...

Praise God. You have shown His light in the darkness and His name is being praised. What a gift to be part of His work!

Unknown said...

This is so cool, I am so encouraged tosee this transpire here in Missouri!

Unknown said...

This is so Cool! I am so inspired by their willingness to love one another,I hope this transpires out in Missouri too!!!

Ruth said...

That is so wonderful to see lives and hearts transformed by God. Hooray!

Southern Gal said...

Praising the Lord with you.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. Praise God.

Bird's Words said...

This is so beautiful! I can think of nothing sweeter than to watch a heart transformed by the Love and Grace of Jesus Christ (except maybe the hearts of a whole village!). thanks for sharing this!

Sara said...

Perfect. Beautiful. Praise be to God.

Dad-Erie said...

How wonderful the workings of our God. Not only in what He is changing in their hearts..but the tools He uses (YOU, Katie). God bless you in your service and may He give you continued strength, patience and love to carry on as His angel in a troubled world. You go girl!

Katharine Boucher said...


Katharine Boucher said...


Donna said...

Thank you for this.

Amanda Lynn said...

Katie -- thank you for loving Jesus and walking in his example of being humble and focused on loving God and others before loving yourself. This story is evidence that you have allowed God to transform your life to be an example to love on people and the fruit in return is so beautiful as God is transforming the lives of the people you are impacting. Hallelujah!

Amanda Lynn said...

Katie -- thank you for loving Jesus and walking in his example of being humble and focused on loving God and others before loving yourself. This story is evidence that you have allowed God to transform your life to be an example to love on people and the fruit in return is so beautiful as God is transforming the lives of the people you are impacting. Hallelujah!

EMSoliDeoGloria said...

To God be the glory, indeed!

EMSoliDeoGloria said...

To God be the glory, indeed!

Heather said...

Brought tears to my eyes...He is so worthy of ALL praise! Love conquers all and always wins in the end...

Heather Atkins

Unknown said...

The Lord is doing such tremendous work there, Katie. And you have the privilege of being right there, being a part of it and seeing it happen! Thanks for sharing with us.

Anonymous said...

Praising God with you, Katie!! You've planted seeds and they are growing--even back here in Franklin, TN.

holly said...

God is so good!

Wife Goes On said...

Positively amazing!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Katie. Wow, God. God's continued blessings on you and yours.

Rhonda Gunn said...

Goodness! this is good!

AmberK said...

Beautiful. His will is being done there...glimpses of that are being seen? Yes! Katie, my prayers and heart are with you and your neighbors :) Praying that momma gets better very soon!

About Barb said...

What joy to see his Word transforming lives and what encouragement that he may continue to allow me a glimpse into his goodness. Thank you for your patience and love for his children (young and old).

Anonymous said...

You must feel like a proud parent, Katie. Watching your disciples spread their wings...

When asked which is the greatest commandment, Jesus replied,

"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." [Matt22:37-40]

Anonymous said...

I just finished reading your book. It is so exciting and encouraging to hear of the work that God is doing through you there in Uganda.

Julie said...

Really wonderful news! How lovely! I love your ministry. You're a great mom!

jcherry said...

Absolutely beautiful!!! Watching God work through you and your ministry as you faithfully love on them!!

Anonymous said...

Brought tears to my eyes. You are making a difference Katie! You are showing these people God! And they are learning! What a beautiful place this can be in the future~praying always for this place and the world.

Anonymous said...

You are truly an inspiration! God Bless you.

kimjax said...

Thanks for sharing - I love seeing how God's working in the hearts of His people in Uganda.

Workway Temp and Full-time Staffing & Recruiting said...

Praise God!

Shay said...

53Praise God! You've taught them well, Katie. I finished your book a few weeks ago. My teenage daughter's best friend has finished it, and now my daughter is reading it. We thank God for what you have shown us. We will pray for your efforts and ministry. He will lift you up.

laura said...

Praise God!

laura said...

Praise God!

kerri.warmus said...

What a lovely blog entry, thanks for sharing. I just finished reading your book and was so encouraged as a faltering Christian. Your humility and love were a gift to me and I appreciate it so much. Thank you.

kerri.warmus said...

What a lovely blog entry, thank you for sharing. I just finished reading your book and was so encouraged and uplifted by your humility and love. Thank you.

Sandra said...

I was moved to tears by your story. As you told the story, I was transported thousands of miles away and could spiritually see that God is bringing forth a harvest where you have faithfuly planted many seeds! Praise God! I rejoice with you in this tender and profoundly significant moment. I pray the stregnth of God upon you and your ministry. May he continue to bless and provide for you and those beautiful children. Your sister in Christ, Sandra

teresa said...

something so familiar as nieghbors helping nieghbors. this was written well thank you.

sharilyn said...

wow! what a testimony to the heart-healing power of Jesus! and what a testimony to the example of Christ you have given them. beautiful, katie! thanks for sharing! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, Katie how amazing to see God's hand moving. I pray for you. Your ministry has touched me deeply and has caused me to seek God's will in a different way than ever before. Thank you for listening to God and serving Him so thoroughly...

Anonymous said...

Katie, what a wonderful testament to the example you are to these people and how your love is multiplying. The heavens are rejoicing. God bless you. Dixie

Mark White said...

Praise God for these people and praise God for your example of His Love.

Linda Smith said...

Praise our God> Nothing is too hard for Him.

Tiffany said...

Wonderful! You have shown them and taught them to obey :)Bless you.

Tiffany said...

You have taught them to obey! And they love the LORD!! You are blessed to see such fruit :)

Allison said...

What a praise to God, the maker of Heaven and Earth! Thanks for sharing!

Our Heart's Cry - Ugandan Orphans said...

Katie, they have seen Jesus in you and want to be like you. They have learned to do unto others as they would like to also be treated! Praise God for transformed hearts. Praise God for those who lead the way.

Our Heart's Cry - Ugandan Orphans said...

Katie, they have seen Jesus in you and want to be like you. They have learned to do unto others as they would like to also be treated! Praise God for transformed hearts. Praise God for those who lead the way.

Our Heart's Cry - Ugandan Orphans said...

Katie, they have seen Jesus in you and want to be like you. They have learned to do unto others as they would like to also be treated! Praise God for transformed hearts. Praise God for those who lead the way.

EmilyG. said...

so inspiring ! praying that God will bless you , your girls , and you r ministry . you have been fantastic at honoring and prasing the Lord this entire time . praise the lord for you and your ministry !

EmilyG. said...

so inspiring ! praying that God will bless you , your girls , and you r ministry . you have been fantastic at honoring and prasing the Lord this entire time . praise the lord for you and your ministry !

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing Katie. Your story brought tears to my eyes. What a good and faithful God we have.

You and your family are in my prayers,

Dayna said...

Praise God!!! You have taught them so much! How wonderful to see the blessings of the hard work you have modeled for them.

Brandon Veller said...

Reading your book and your blog warms my heart. Praise God for all that He is doing through you there.

Elizabeth said...

This is beautiful! I know this blessed your heart because it blessed mine and brought tears to my eyes. Your obedience, Katy, is still being blessed. God is using you to change many peoples' lives! Praise God!

~Monique said...

That is a beautiful testimony of God's love transforming hearts. Thank you for sharing this! Praising the Lord with you all. Neighborly love is my favorite thing in any place in the world.

kathy m said...

Praise God! Thank you Katie for loving the unloved!! May God continue to bless your heart's desire to see His will here on earth!

pokeymom said...

What a wonderful story! Thanks for sharing it. Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow!

pokeymom said...

What a wonderful story! Thanks for sharing it. Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow!

Unknown said...

Stunning. Praising the Lord with you and praying for that dear woman you took to the hospital.


Jen H said...

That is awesome! Praise God!

Texascece said...

I have cancer but when I read your blogs it puts my eyes back on Jesus. Thank you for that!


Anonymous said...

Katie, my name is Ken McLellan and I live with my wife, Trish and 7 children in East Texas. We are so humbled by your beautiful story. A friend of mine actually recommended your book - I'm so glad they did. We are on a similar journey, God is leading us to move to Waco, TX in a few weeks and begin working with an organization called Mission Waco and Church Under the Bridge. We've adopted 6 of our 7, 4 out of the foster care system. I can't even begin to tell you our story but your are probably one of the few people who understands. Yes, God is in the hard places and especially with the broken and needy. Thank you for your story and life. God is doing mighty things through your testimony. Our prayers are with you and your family!


Russ said...

I continue to stay in awe of our holy God. How he use believers and non believers for HIS glory. To see his fruit right in front of your eyes is nothing short of AMAZING. Thank you for your encouragement. This biblical story of "the Journey" is changing the World near and far. One soul at a time.
God's blessings to you.
Gory to God

Anonymous said...

That is wonderful! Sister helping sister. Looking forward to meeting you next month. I loaded up with so much children's Ibuprofen that I had to have a prescription! Also got a ton of Benedryl, small gloves, tape, etc... God bless... Jesse Jones, Houston

Anonymous said...

That is wonderful! Sister helping sister. Looking forward to meeting you next month. I loaded up with so much children's Ibuprofen that I had to have a prescription! Also got a ton of Benedryl, small gloves, tape, etc... God bless... Jesse Jones, Houston

joy said...

Reading your blog is like going to church for me. It opens my heart and allows me to feel. I have been reading for years now and check every day for new posts. Thank you so much.

One Crowded House said...

thank you so much for sharing this story.... what a testimony to all of us that we are all role models to shine Christ's love on others and they, in turn, can show that love to even more....

make.share.give said...

Wonderful news! You're such a sweet influence.

make.share.give said...

Wonderful news! You're such a sweet influence.

Anonymous said...

what an awesome, transforming God we serve! amazing. simply amazing. praise God! :)

Tracey said...

Thanks be to God.

Anonymous said...

The fact that I can read your blog is a blessing. I live in China and most times can't read blog sites.
So encouraged by your obedience to Christ and your love for God that seeps out to all around you. We are here trying to do the same and we are always amazed at how God uses those who find their delight in Jesus.
Much love to you our sister!


mrs.stinnett said...

WOOOOHOOOO That just rocks!!!!! All those little things you did all just came together for His Greatness and Glory!

Mike Snyder said...

God is good. Grateful with you.

Anonymous said...

Praise God!

Anonymous said...

LOVE it Katie!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

Sierra said...

PRAISE THE LORD! This makes me so glad!

me said...

That is good we need to learn to share like that. Yes, thankyou God. This is truly making diciples. God work though everyone of your children like you have done through Kattie. Thankyou for everything You have done.

me said...

This is good. Thankyou God for everything You have done. We need to learn to share more.Teach us to show Your love like Kattie has. We give you all the praise and glory.

Patt said...

That's all God simple, yet so 'foreign' to them, and to many others. God has used you, Katie, to SHOW them what love looks like!! And now THEY are showing love to each other!!

Cindy said...

Katie, I have just been reading your book and the Lord is breaking my heart over the poor and weak of the world, and breaking my heart over my own materialism and selfishness. I find myself lying awake at night dreaming of living as you do. I am embarrassed to write this knowing that I may never actually experience this kind of life in a foreign land, although it is a great desire of my heart. I got online to find out where I could get the bead necklaces that your precious friends make, to buy and give away, or encourage others to buy in support of these dear sisters in Christ. I found this blog, and read your post from today. It brought tears once again to my eyes as I hear of these women beginning to care for each other in the name of Jesus. You are truly blessed to be a part of His beautiful plan for His children in Africa. We are part of a work that He is doing in India for widows and children. The Lord has used your book to press us to take a heartfelt look at our lifestyle and how we can cut back on our own pleasures and comforts to help these precious children that need a home to live in. Thank you for honestly sharing your journey of love and of a life lived out in the center of God's will. The Lord is using it to spur my husband and I toward a life of greater sacrifice and love. Blessings in Christ. "I have come that you may have life, and have it abundantly." John 10:10

Tia Plum said...

Katie, what a beautiful, inspiring moment that must have been. Affirmation that you're right where God wants you to be. I believe that the people of Masese are loving their neighbors because through you and your girls they feel the hands and feet of our mighty Savior at work. His LOVE is pouring out through you. Your faith and obedience are evident as you live the gospel..."we love because He first loved us."
Love in Christ, Tia (The Woodlands, TX)

Merrill Swenke said...

God bless you , Katie! Thank you for sharing that story. It is so easy to get cynical about human nature & lack of concern for our neighbors....however , you described a beautiful example of how we are supposed to care & love each other & how the presence of God is felt in those moments.

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