Saturday, October 20, 2012

She clings tightly to the edge of the pool, knuckles while with fear of the unknown. My eyes grow hot but I fight it, surely you can’t cry on the side of the public baby pool in the middle of a perfect Sunday afternoon. I taught her how to swim. But it has been two years this month since she’s lived in my home and longer since she’s been in a pool. The swirl of the cold water and the way it will carry you if you simply relax but pulls you under when you stiffen in panic has become foreign to her.

“Come on!” Patricia pulls at her and it strikes me that she’s just the same age now that Jane was on that day when I packed her backpack and sent her home with her mother and it seems too little. I let the tears fall and ask Him, “What do I do with grief like this on a beautiful, sunny Sunday while kids splash happy all around me?”

“Give it to me,” He whispers.

As the tears clear I see that Patricia has successfully pulled her reluctant friend into the center of the pool. The water reaches only to her chest, but still she is tentative; I know that look in her eyes even as her face tries to smile. Within minutes the reserve melts into relief. The pool! We like the pool! And there she is dancing and splashing and laughing with the rest of them.

The big girls can’t resist all this giggling joy in little sisters and they pull all three over the dividing wall and into the big pool. Again her eyes dart. Is it safe here? She grabs for the edge. But the big girls pull her to the middle to laugh and splash and play and when they don’t let go, she regains her confidence. Soon she’s swimming and splashing and laughing with all her might, fully comfortable with the water all around her, and when it is time to go, she is the hardest to get out.

I wrap her in an enormous soft towel and repent as I pull her close. You would think that I would just be thankful that we still occasionally get these windows of time with her. Who has to give up a child and then still gets to see her sometimes? Not many. I think of all the women I know whose babies have just not woken up in the morning and I know I should be grateful for this gift.

But I’m clinging to the side of the pool. I am clinging to the past and to my what-I-thought-should be instead of to His perfect what-will-be.

I know about the middle of the pool. I know how to swim! I’ve tasted and I have seen that the Lord is good; I have testified with my mouth and known deep in my heart that His will is better than all my plans. I have put together the right words and tied it up in a neat little bow and written it up for the world to see – See! His will is the best! We love it here.

But today a big broken piece of my flesh is clinging to the side, longing for the past and the way I thought I wanted life to be. And the reality is, when I cling here, I don’t have to say a word. My white knuckles and my tense body and the posture of my heart say, “but what if its not? What if His will is just scary cold water and I’ll just stay here on the edge, thanks.” And right there on the side of the pool He uses this little one to bring me to my knees, again.

Who is God when we are clinging to the side? He is the one who comes to right where we are. He is the one who takes our hand and pulls us back to the middle and won’t let go. “Remember, love?” He whispers, “You can swim. I taught you how to swim.” And He doesn’t let go, not ever. Stiffened in panic and doubt, I sink, but relax and lean into Him and the floating comes back easily. The side is not nearly as marvelous as it is out here.

The hope and joy that is found in Jesus Christ, who is working all things for the good of those who love Him, is enough to carry me.

We know this. But the truth is, we all forget. I forget. Life’s hard stings and I question and I wrestle and I believe with all my heart that He will make it all beautiful one day, but can I open my eyes to see that He is making it beautiful now? Right this moment? Because as He pulls me closer to the center of His will, He is only pulling me closer to Him. As I choose to trust Him, again and again and again and again, He promises me that He is transforming me into His likeness. And closer to Him? That is the only place I really want to be.

Stop fighting. Stop holding on so tightly to what you thought you needed for security. Come on out here to the center. He won’t let go. And it’s marvelous here.


Sandy said...

Thanks for this reminder :)

Anonymous said...

I'm typing this with white knuckles, fighting with the idea of letting go and entering the center. I do know, but I had forgotten. Thank you for reminding me that I can let go of the side, and join Him at the center...and that He won't let go of me. Now to put this to action, and actually let go...

Anonymous said...

I'm typing this with white knuckles, fighting with the idea of letting go and entering the center. I do know, but I had forgotten. Thank you for reminding me that I can let go of the side, and join Him at the center...and that He won't let go of me. Now to put this to action, and actually let go...

Anonymous said...

I'm typing this with white knuckles, fighting with the idea of letting go and entering the center. I do know, but I had forgotten. Thank you for reminding me that I can let go of the side, and join Him at the center...and that He won't let go of me. Now to put this to action, and actually let go...

Anonymous said...

I'm terrified. I've been taught not to trust, not to let go. But His voice is calling me out to the middle. I've steadily refused so far.

Sandi said...

What a beautiful comparison...... Katie, I am amazed at the wisdom the Lord has given you at such a young age. I am blown away at how you are so tuned in to see what He wants to teach you. Oh, that we would all desire that for our own lives enough to seek Him that way. What an inspiration you are to me! I pray His blessings continue to grow you more and more......
In Him, Sandi---Muscle Shoals, AL

Stephen J Whiting said...

Very well said. God Bless Ms Davis! Keep up the great work and stay in the center!

Sandi said...

I am amazed at how tuned in you are to what He wants to teach you and how willing and quick you are to share. Oh that we would all be seeking Him like that! I will continue to pray that He will keep you and guide you in His way. Praise be to God for your ministry and all you are doing!
In His love,
Sandi--Muscle Shoals, AL

Stephen J Whiting said...

Very well said! Keep up the great work Ms Davis and stay in the center of the pool! But also remember that you have to take time to breathe on the side occasionally. God Bless!

Michelle said...

I am always blessed by what you share! Thank you for letting the Father teach you and for being so transparent as you learn.

Jen K said...

Thank you so much for sharing your heart in this area. I am there with you, and His goodness is so much more than I am often willing to see. I too have seen my baby after she was returned to her biological family, and know that God has a purpose not just for her, but for all of them!

Amy said...

Katie, this is from someone half a world away who hasn't been to the pool in forever -- but I understand this, and just noticed my own white-knuckled tenseness of soul thanks to what you shared. Thanks for posting this beautiful picture, and to what you said, about "closer to Him? That is the only place I really want to be"... Amen, and amen.

Christy said...

Thank you for this. I needed to hear it myself. So many days I am white knuckled, clutching on to the side as well. I lost my daughter Evelyn at 39 weeks, and she was born to heaven on 10.29.10. I have no other living children. I will grieve the rest of my life, and I know you will as well. I look at it like "my cross." There is comfort in knowing we are not alone...and my heart was breaking with yours on the same day in history. There is a purpose for our suffering, and I know that you know that. Enjoy the moments with her, enjoy the pain...just soak up his presence. Much love to you grieving mother.-Evie's mom

Christy said...

Thank you for this. I needed to hear it myself. So many days I am white knuckled, clutching on to the side as well. I lost my daughter Evelyn at 39 weeks, and she was born to heaven on 10.29.10. I have no other living children. I will grieve the rest of my life, and I know you will as well. I look at it like "my cross." There is comfort in knowing we are not alone...and my heart was breaking with yours on the same day in history. There is a purpose for our suffering, and I know that you know that. Enjoy the moments with her, enjoy the pain...just soak up his presence. Much love to you grieving mother.-Evie's mom

Anonymous said...

My hubby and I are in the process of adding a very young sibling set of three to our family. They are wounded. It's one of the hardest things we have ever done in life. You give us hope. Thank you for allowing God to use you to speak to me. Much love and prayer from Cali.
~Hugs, B

Anonymous said...

My hubby and I are in the process of adding a very young sibling set of three to our family. They are wounded. It's one of the hardest things we have ever done in life. You give us hope. Thank you for allowing God to use you to speak to me. Much love and prayer from Cali.
~Hugs, B

Anonymous said...

Katie thank you so much for posting your heart and encouraging so many! I have a passion for Jesus and preaching the gospel to the nations, specifically in Africa as well. Waiting on HIS PERFECT TIMING!! Praying for you and your sweet children.

Rebecca said...

"From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. ‘For in him we live and move and have our being."Acts 17:26
Thank you for sharing. :)

Christine Orr said...

This post is exactly what I needed today. In days that seem dark, I read your blog and it brightens it up. Thank you for your words and thoughts, they reach so many people. Thank you for being such an inspiration to all. God Bless

Anna said...

"I am clinging to the past and to my what-I-thought-should be instead of to His perfect what-will-be."

Yes.this is it. I keep opening my hands to it. Wanting to keep the fists closed tight yet knowing I can trust Him.

Debbie in AL said...

How I needed to hear this! Thanks. I will need to read this often in the weeks and months ahead. May God Bless you with peace as your eyes are focused on Him and not your circumstances.

Offset said...

So encouraging! I really needed that. I feel like I've been stuck on the edge for a long time just staring at the center - and the longer I stare at it the scarier it gets.
But oh to know that he is close, to really know...its so good.

JC said...

Oh, Katie...what an inspiration you are to all who come in contact with you....May our dear Father God envelope you in His arms and continue to bless you from His abundance...Your forever family is so beautiful and I pray God will bless you beyond measure!
Thanks for your awesome book...I hope I get to meet you some day!
JC Johnson

Christy said...

This is just what I need to hear. Thank you!

Abby said...

Thank you Katie! I'm also living in Africa and I have experienced many of those same feelings of "what if's" and struggles of trusting the Father through the hard times. But it is only through Him that we make it to tomorrow, and so I thank you for recognizing that. You are an inspiration to me to be a better "Auntie" to the Nigerian children around me, and to Trust Him more. My prayers are with you and your girls! Hugs From West Africa!-Abby:)

Anonymous said...

Absolutely. I do empathize. I am blessed to have foster children in my home in the states. Many times I have wondered if God truly knew what was best when a little one we thought was staying forever moved on. He does know and it is just my job to relax and trust! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

aI So needed that today! THANK YOU!! you countinually to challenge me encourage me and make me long for Jesus and his will for my life so much and your work and life are changing life not just there but also in Sweden where I live.THank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

right on. u go girl

Cameron Ward said...

when i read this, all i could think of was what you said in a post in early 2011 talking about when Jane & her birth mother came to stay with you: "One step forward. Two steps back. And He doesn't let go. He doesn't let go."

He will NEVER let go of you & your beautiful family, Katie--clinging to the side of the pool or right in the middle of it. I pray for you everyday.

much love, cameron

Cheramy said...

Thank you for this...your precious heart, written out for all to see. It brings such encouragement, such Truth, such courage. Thank you so much. Praying for you often...

Cheramy said...

Thank you for this...your precious heart, written out for all to see. It brings such encouragement, such Truth, such courage. Thank you so much. Praying for you often...

Erika said...

Thank you for being so faithful.

Anonymous said...

Amen, sister!! I've read most of your blog posts and each one encourages me and gives me hope. I'm not sure I can effectively tell you how much I would love to be in Uganda too (or some place similar) sharing His love to sweet babies. However, the Lord has me here right now. Prayers go up daily that He'll send this willing heart to the poor and broken, but it's all in His timing. So thankful for people like you who chose to answer His call. "We love because He first loved us." :) Praying for you, Katie!

Anonymous said...

Yes, even in the hardest moment He is making it beautiful now. Thanks for that reminder!

Amber Cadenas said...

Once again, this is such beautiful, profound truth, Katie. I have been following your journey for awhile, and I always look forward to seeing a new post. Because I'm always challenged and encouraged, and today, I needed to hear this message, too. Bless you, sister.

Anna said...

I followed a link to your site from another blog. This is an amazing ministry. I admire you for following your heart at such a young age. Love this post. I am so glad to have a God who comes to the edge and meets me where I am.

Anna said...

I followed a link to your site from another blog. This is an amazing ministry. I admire you for following your heart at such a young age. Love this post. I am so glad to have a God who comes to the edge and meets me where I am.

Mark Langham said...

Thank you for loving God's children with a heart so tendered by His mercy.

Rachel Goode said...

Beautiful truth

Unknown said...

I really needed to read this. Thank you.

Unknown said...

I really needed to read this today. Thank you!

Unknown said...

Such a good word on trust. I am reminded of how often I can live and stay "stiffened in panic and doubt" and fail to remember to "relax and lean into Him". There is One who stands closer than a brother; why would I choose to not trust Him? I laughed at myself this week in talking to a friend about what God's doing in my life... identified myself as 'spiritually-special needs':) God loves to address our special-needs, b/c in doing so, His power is made perfect in my weakness... and I somehow become the aroma of Christ to God (2 Cor 2:14-15). Awesomeness.

Shelli C said...

Beautiful Katie, thank you for this. I currently am caring for an 8 month old baby boy who came into my life via foster care when he was 12 days old. Going to his birth family is still a possibility which is so hard for this mama to even imagine. Thank you for the beautiful reminder to not cling to what I think should be but instead what His perfect will will be. Blessings to you and your family

phogue said...

I believe with all my heart that He will make it all beautiful one day, but can I open my eyes to see that He is making it beautiful now? Right this moment? ---This is the question we should all be thinking about!
Thanks again, Katie, for these marvelous words from the Lord!

life...just saying said...

Amazing stuff, that. I will be following to watch your story continue to unfold.

Bethany Miller said...

Thank you Katie for your encouraging words...the Holy Spirit has worked in me through you!! I am 17 and have a passion for foreign missions just as you do, and your story has added to that flame God has place in my life. I'm thinking of becoming a nurse to aid in medical missions but debating if I should just go straight into missions after high school as you did. I would absolutely love to visit Amazima in Uganda and help serve there in anyway I can-even this year! My name is Bethany Miller, and I will send you an email if by some chance you feel called to contact me. Praying for you and your family! THANK YOU for listening to God's voice.

Bethany Miller said...

Thank you so much Katie for your encouraging words...the Holy Spirit has used you and your story in my life! I am 17 and have a passion for foreign missions. I am now debating if I should become a nurse to do medical missions, or if I should simply go into the mission field right out of high school as you did. I would absolutely LOVE to visit Uganda and help serve in Amazima Ministries there - even sometime this year! I will send you an email if you by chance feel called to contact me. THANK YOU for listening to God's voice. Praying for you and your family!
In Christ, Bethany Miller

Connie said...

I so needed this reminder today. Praying for you!

Melinda said...

Beautiful allegory. Oh to quit clinging to the side, to remember the joy in the middle with Him!

Valerie said...

Oh bless you Katie. He used your words tonight to speak to me about some of the doubts and fears I am holding onto about adopting again. My husband and I had already decided we are going to, and have started the home study process, again. But fears have been creeping in. Thanks for the words, and thank you for teaching others to trust in His unfailing love, as you yourself trust in it.

Callie said...

Oh, Katie, my eyes filled with tears as I read your words. My heart needs to hear them on a daily basis as I, too, grieve how I wish things could be with my former foster daughter. As I packed up her birthday gift a couple days ago and sent it to her home 8 hours away, I longed for the perfect 4th birthday party that I wasn't getting to plan. And I should also be grateful that her mother allows me to remain a part of her life - and I am - but a part of me can't help but focus on the brokenness, on what could have been. Thanks for this post. If it continues to get a hit from Memphis every day, that will be me. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, your insight convicts me. God is working through you to do awesome things!
~Katy W.

Sarah said...

Katie, I have read your blog for a long time but never commented. I wanted to let you know, though, that this was such a gift to me today, and reminded me of who God is for me. Thank you.

Cinnamon said...

That was a beautiful reminder of a loving Father who is always, ALWAYS there by our side.


Stefanie said...

Thank you sooo much for sharing what God is doing in your life. You never know when the words He is speaking to you are for more than just you. Today, that was the case. I have been praying for wisdom on whether to hold on or let go of something. I asked God to speak to me through someone else that knows nothing of my situation. Your blog was just what I needed to hear. God spoke to me through you. Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

I love hearing of Jane...I can't imagine the bitter sweetness of this for you. OH thankful He comes to unpeal our white,clutching hands to reach out and remember HIs love...and How His arms of Love are always patiently waiting for us to come to Him. I can't express with mear words how much your life has impacted me...To God's glory...I pray for you daily...and even slip in my own meet you some day...on African soil or even at home...I live in Spring Hill,tn. blessings and grace to you sweet sister in Christ.

Anonymous said...

Been at this place this week too.

Laura Downing said...

WOW, the timing of your blog is amazing. I just spent the day yesterday with a little guy I fostered for over a year. He was adopted by one of my dear friends (long story as to why we didn't adopt him...guilt making it harder). I know he is in a good place, but sometimes my mind goes to what if? and but he was "mine" (I know none of my kids are "mine", they are the Lord's, but I still "go" there). I felt guilty on such a wonderful day feeling that way when my son and adopted daughter was right there next to him. How could I not be great full? I know God's will is best and we will not always understand it, but I too, have days just like you. It's nice to know that I am not the only one that feels that way at times and it's normal. Thanks for writing, so beautifully spoken. Laura

rundy said...

Yes, I find myself in this same place, though I walked a different road. For three years I provided care, I poured myself into someone I knew would die. There were no surprises...and yet, when you open your heart in a deep way you are hurt by the loss, no matter what. And then one day you find yourself alone, clinging to the side of the pool of life because you are afraid of being hurt again, and somehow trusting God to let you be hurt again, to take up your hurt, seems like such a hard thing to do. So yes, let your words be mine, too.

Thank you for writing that today. God be with you as you give your hurt and tears to Him.

Anonymous said...

I'll see you at the Cathedral in th garden of the city of God! You can talk with me now if you want. Unless the Lord still says No.....?

Unknown said...

Gorgeous words sister. Until we realize it is ALL about Him, and that He cares desperately and deeply more for our kids than we could ever hope to... Until we become convinced of the fact that we are but instruments in His hands - weapons of righteousness and Love that He wields for His glory - we will indeed be useless in this beautiful Kingdom He is bringing forth.

Keep loving and kissing those little ones most mighty in the Kingdom of Heaven. :)

Grace and peace from a co-laborer in Jakarta.

Kristen Pace said...


Thank you so much for posting this. I have been clinging to the past and what I have lost, and this morning I woke up unable to understand God's will. I randomly remembered you had posted a new entry, and, boy, am I blessed! This post reminded me that God's will is perfect, and so is His timing. I pray for you and your ministry every day. God bless you and your children. I hope to be serving in Uganda soon again!

Mercy _Koech said...

I love you inspiration Katie,I love the way different hearts come down to one vision of wanting to give back in a samll yet a big Special way.I love the way God works and channels each one of us to His will.I love the way He uses us in His own Likeness.And every time I read about your work,I get inspired even more,Because I believe that God Has a Great Purpose in our lives!

Wilma said...

I just finished your book with sadness as you had to leave your precious little Jane to her bio. mother. It occurred to me that it had been nearly two years and wondered what God had done in the meantime.... How great to read your blog that she is able to visit! She is not gone forever and can still be loved by her forever family. I imagine her light will shine in her other world as the reflection of what she has learned in yours. May God richly bless you as you press on. How amazing His timing is and his Grace is sufficient always. I pray that He will strengthen you and continue to use you for His glory and for the good of so many in Uganda.

Amber said...

Dear Katie: You will never know how much this particular blog has helped me to be joyful during a painful time in my life... it's been a rough weekend here in East Tennessee. Thank you for sharing your life and love of Jesus with the world. You and your family (including Jane) are in my prayers.

Claire said...

Thanks for this post, I really needed to hear it... :)

Amy L Brooke said...

Thanks for these words. I find myself grieving for the children I have always wanted but never had. Sometimes it makes me miss the good things that have been given. As I age, I feel the loss of the life I wanted, and I've had the thought that perhaps it is time for different dreams. I just haven't figured out how to let go of the old and dream for the future. But I am working on it.

Amy L Brooke said...

Thanks for these words. I find myself grieving for the children I have always wanted but never had. Sometimes it makes me miss the good things that have been given. As I age, I feel the loss of the life I wanted, and I've had the thought that perhaps it is time for different dreams. I just haven't figured out how to let go of the old and dream for the future. But I am working on it.

Amysenter said...

i finished your book in one day. i pray that god continues to bless you in your work!

Judy B said...

Katie, I am a teacher at Ravenwood, you graduated May the year that I started that August. I read your book when it first came out, I have given to many as presents.....but this is the interesting part.....during parent/teacher conferences, a mom asked me about my oldest daughter, (she goes to a small christian college in Dallas) and I guess after hearing me talk about a Christian college, she felt safe to pull out of her purse....your book! She said, "i'm going on a girls trip and thought I could read this book!" I was so excited to tell her that you graduated from Ravenwood and that yes, she would love your book!

Amysenter said...

yesterday i finished your book in one day. i pray that god continues to bless you in your work! i am truly inspired to stop making excuses and serve others as god has commanded us as his children. thank you for your sweet words.

Amysenter said...

yesterday i finished your book in one day. i pray that god continues to bless you in your work! i am truly inspired to stop making excuses and serve others as god has commanded us as his children. thank you for your sweet words.

Amysenter said...

yesterday i finished your book in one day. i pray that god continues to bless you in your work! i am truly inspired to stop making excuses and serve others as god has commanded us as his children. thank you for your sweet words.

Jess Gaul said...

Katie, I thank God for you and your ministry. I was so inspired by your book and I greatly look forward to your blog posts.

I have traveled to Haiti twice, in 2011 and 2012, and God has placed an incredible love in my heart for that country and its people, especially the precious little ones that are everywhere you turn. I pray that one day, I will have the opportunity to go and serve long-term, if it be God's will.

Always praying for you, your girls, and the people of Uganda.

In Christ,
Jess Gaul

Kacie Niemann said...

Your words and thoughts are beautiful. You are a wonderful example of a woman fully submitted to God. Thank you for the glimpses of your relationship with Him.

Cornerstone said...

Katie - I needed to hear this today! Thanks so much for the wonderful reminder!

Dani McDowell CD(DONA) said...

Thank you for your words!

Ashlee said...

Katie, your love is inspiring. I know you probably think you are changing lives in Uganda, but you are in fact, changing lives here (the US). My life is changed daily by Gods will and your inspiration. I enjoy seeing the updates on the blog and hope one day I cans serve in mission with you in Uganda. Have a blessed day. Praying for you.

Ashlee said...

Katie, your love is inspiring. I know you probably think you are changing lives in Uganda, but you are in fact, changing lives here (the US). My life is changed daily by Gods will and your inspiration. I enjoy seeing the updates on the blog and hope one day I cans serve in mission with you in Uganda. Have a blessed day. Praying for you.

Ashlee said...

Katie, your love is inspiring. I know you probably think you are changing lives in Uganda, but you are in fact, changing lives here (the US). My life is changed daily by Gods will and your inspiration. I enjoy seeing the updates on the blog and hope one day I cans serve in mission with you in Uganda. Have a blessed day. Praying for you.

Ashlee said...

Katie, your love is inspiring. I know you probably think you are changing lives in Uganda, but you are in fact, changing lives here (the US). My life is changed daily by Gods will and your inspiration. I enjoy seeing the updates on the blog and hope one day I cans serve in mission with you in Uganda. Have a blessed day. Praying for you.

Ashlee said...

Katie, your love is inspiring. I know you probably think you are changing lives in Uganda, but you are in fact, changing lives here (the US). My life is changed daily by Gods will and your inspiration. I enjoy seeing the updates on the blog and hope one day I cans serve in mission with you in Uganda. Have a blessed day. Praying for you.

Ashlee said...

Katie, your love is inspiring. I know you probably think you are changing lives in Uganda, but you are in fact, changing lives here (the US). My life is changed daily by Gods will and your inspiration. I enjoy seeing the updates on the blog and hope one day I cans serve in mission with you in Uganda. Have a blessed day. Praying for you.

cal+claire said...

And the center is different for all of us. I have a friend who finally gave in and home schooled, a sister who finally gave in (when I say gave in I mean gave in to God's will) and is becoming a missionary. We are all different but we all need to give in to God's Will! I'm just praying that He shows me where I can be letting go of the side today and focusing on His will for my life rather than my own.

Mr T said...

thank you.

Laurie C said...

oh wow, SO glad I checked to see if you'd written again even though I doubted you had written again so soon. THANK YOU! This is beautiful. Thank you so much. God is glorified in your sharing and what you share. May He bless you abundantly today and every day. You are a blessing to so many!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for writing this. We tried to adopt a little boy last year. He was three and he completely captured our hearts. His mother changed her mind at the last minute. We willingly gave him back to her, but it has been very hard. We know the Lord has great plans for him and He has given us many promises concerning him. I know that what you are going through is so very hard. I am praying for you. Thanks for this great reminder. God is so faithful and He loves us so much and I have learned more from this experience than I ever thought possible. My love for all people has grown. God bless you and your ministry. - A southern mom.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this message. I sure needed it. I like to play it safe, and that edge sure looks good to me. God and Jesus want more from me and in the end I want more from myself. Prayers for you and your precious girls always.

Love, Amanda all the way from Indiana

Margaret said...

I bet they both had a wonderful time playing in the water--a memory they won't soon forget

Cliff and Deb said...

Dear Katie,

I am always encouraged by your writing and am thankful for the wisdom and insight that God has given you to share with us. I will try not to cling despite the difficulty of letting go.

Cliff and Deb said...

Dear Katie,

I am always encouraged by your writing and am thankful for the wisdom and insight that God has given you to share with us. I will try not to cling despite the difficulty of letting go.

Madeleine Snidow said...

Hi Katie,
I know this is far fetched and you are super busy, but I'm 17 years old and have loved Africa from the time I could speak and for no reason other than its somewhere I feel I'm called to be, anyway I'm a junior in high school and for English we have to interview someone...immediately you came to mind. Obviously we would have to do it through someone similar to Skype, but I didn't know if you were interested. Please let me know, this literally would be a dream come true. Thanks so much!
Madeleine Snidow

Madeleine Snidow said...
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Madeleine Snidow said...
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Madeleine Snidow said...
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hannah said...

thank you, katie. this is exactly what my heart needed to hear.

Janice Uhrich said...

Katie, Your book, your blog have moved my 74 year old body and soul to be ready for the work He has for me. I have taught children since I was 15 and still love doing it when I have the chance. You will be in my prayers daily. I'll read your blog to catch up on your journey. Keep moving on and upward along with your new family. Love In Him, Jan

june bloom designs said...

thank you for this post. it's beautiful and just what i needed today :) praying for you, the team and the kids!

june bloom designs said...

thank you for this post. it's beautiful and just what i needed today :) praying for you, the team and the kids!

Chris Knox said...

Thank you. I forgot, too. God bless.

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

Completely true! is hard to remember that we even know how to swim. Our desperate need to want what we thought was going to happen hurts so deeply we can't breath. Thankful for a God who understands and pulls us out to swim anyway.....

Madi said...

I love this post! I struggle with fear and God's will and this post really hit home!


Jaime said...

Thank you for posting this! It touched me deeply. God knew I needed that :)

Natasha said...

Thank you so much for sharing this, it is really speaking to my heart right now.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting. :) I love it when you do. It always encourages me when you blog about things like you just did.:) I know that you probably don't read these comments, but is Amazima going to start hosting mission trips soon?
p.s. I am 12 and I'm reading your book for the 3rd time. I love it!:)

Tina Coleman said...

Beautifully said Katie! May God continue to pull you and your girls closer to Him!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Katie. It is so contrary to my understanding that what God is doing to transform my soul is the very pain that I want to be rid of this day. This security, I suppose, that is being ripped away. My prayer is that I would be Christ's slave and it would be His nearness that would be my good. I pray that my husband and 4 young kids would be right in the center of His will, on the narrow path. I forget. I fear. He has used you today to speak. I can't see the good in this thing that I struggle with today, but I will choose to rest and let go and trust and believe. It does not feel easy. I want more than anything Jesus's will for my life; my kid's and husband's life. I want them to be great in heaven. It hurts so hard. He must be so good!

Anonymous said...

it is marvelous here
in the middle of God's love
the center of life

Jesus'follower from Jonquiere, Quebec

Anonymous said...

Hey Katie, my name is Sarah and I'm 19 and attend Brenau University currently. Thank you for being so sincere and honest with your struggles! I'm currently feeling a call to be bold and step out of my comfort zone by possibly doing medical missions. God is working so hard in my heart lately and has been even giving me dreams! I continuously am dreaming of the sweet, beautiful African children surrounding me with their white smiles as they love on me while I'm trying to help their wounds and sicknesses as best as I can. I've just finished reading your book and it was such an inspiring book. While I read I kept feeling a tug at my heart knowing what God was trying to tell me; to follow him. Thank you for sharing your heart and being so real. I feel like God is calling me to Uganda but I plan on finishing my nursing degree first. I would love to come though in the mean time but I'm not sure how to go about that. If you have a chance to read this and respond I'd love to be able to talk with you about all of this! My email is or you can reply on here! Thank you so much again and may the Lord continue to bless you and your sweet girls as well as ministry!
Sarah Campbell

Renee said...

This is so beautiful and just what I needed to hear today. God bless you and your beautiful family.

adge said...


Anonymous said...

O Holy God - Father, Son, Spirit; Three-in-ONE Sovereign Lord, I praise Your Holy Name. We are blessed by You, particularly through Your faithful servant Katie Davis. As she writes her heart to the world we are blessed that You lead her and guide her and love her. In this latest story she reminds me of the invalid man by the pool in Your Word in John 5. . . and how did You respond? "Get up. Pick up your mat and walk." (Dare I say, 'let go of the edge, come to the middle of the pool'?)So we trust. We let go. Dear Jesus, I boldly pray the words from Psalm 94 (NLT)"I cried out, "I'm slipping!" and Your unfailing love, O Lord, supported me. When doubts filled my mind, Your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer."
I pray for Jane and her mother for safety, shelter, food, and spiritual nourishment, and most of all, for salvation in Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen.

Kayla Cooper said...

Thank you for always being a blessing Katie Davis. I went to Kenya 6 months ago and I am back in the States now. It has been a difficult transition and I am itching to go back to Africa again. Your blog posts give me a "little taste" of what I miss so much and your posts are always challenging. Praying for you daily. Blessings to you sister!

Kayla Cooper said...

Katie, thank you for always being such a blessing. I went to Western Kenya 6 months ago, and I am back in the States now. It has been a very difficult transition and I am itching to return to Kenya. I love coming to your blog for a "little taste" of what I miss so much. Thank you for always sharing. Praying for you daily. Blessings to you sister!

Gail's Blog said...

Thank-You, Katie. I needed to hear this as well.

People who are following the Lord, walking where He would have them walk, always have something to say that touches the hearts of others.

My our Lord continue to bless your work, guide your steps, open your heart, and soothe your fears.

Anonymous said...

Needed this reminder of sweet, beautiful truth. Seasons of life change, but He does not. He is forever consistent and faithful, therefore His plan is forever consistent in goodness and faithful to be fulfilled.

Thank you. Thank you for the way you lay down your life and invite others (many you don't know) into that same journey.

Your influence is much great that Uganda.

Bernadine Nel Cook said...

I always relate to your posts. I can't give your girls each a hug from here but please do it for me.
Thank you for taking the time from your busy life to write Katie.

Anonymous said...

I read your book during last summer vacation. It was very touching and powerful enough to change my life.

I could say your soul is so beautiful that it glorifies Jesus name. You made me think over the purpose of life of true disciples of Jesus Christ.

I really appreciate you have become a good model and challenged all of us.

From South Korea,
With Love in Jesus,
Janis Kim

richnsam said...

WOW! You have found a way to speak the heart of so many with such precious love and understanding. Thank you for sharing your heart for in so doing you have helped so many of us to see the very same within ourselves. May we all have the courage to let go of the side and hold on to a Father who will not leave us.

Anonymous said...

You are such an inspiration to me and my daughter. Thank you for writing the book. We loved it and my daughter has inspired her teacher to read it as well as other classmates. She is ten years old. Awesome!!
Hollie and Abbi

Anonymous said...

You are such an inspiration to me and my daughter. Thank you for writing the book. We loved it and my daughter has inspired her teacher to read it as well as other classmates. She is ten years old. Awesome!!
Hollie and Abbi

Shelly VanB said...

I, too, cling to the side of the pool... thank you for this, Katie. Praying for you tonight from Canada.

Shelly VanB said...

I, too, cling to the side of the pool... thank you for this, Katie. Praying for you tonight from Canada.

Karen said...


what a great image

and I needed to be reminded of this today.

thank you for all the ways you let Him use you

Raechel said...

I feel like I know you and your life, but in reality I only know you through Christ. I just finished reading your book the other day, and it has been one of the biggest blessings to me. I am 17 years old, and have felt led to mission since I was 13. And now I am in the preparation time as He leads me further. Reading your book, caused lots of thought, lots of tears, and lots of prayers :)
Thank you, Katie, for sharing your story, Christ's story, and letting us be blessed by it! God's rich blessing upon you!!!
In Him,

Anonymous said...

I know people say, "Oh that was just what I needed...perfect timing!" all the time....but REALLY. Perfect timing. Thank you.
Was talking with my mom last night about being on the mission field & why can't that be classified as being responsible & when it's time to "come home & get a job" God will make that happen then...but until then, I am trusting Him to continue calling me & to continue drawing me to Himself & taking care of me out in the middle of the pool.
Seriously...that was just what I needed.
God is so very good & kind to us.

Anonymous said...

I just finished reading your book and as I did I realized what day it was... the 2 year anniversary of having to give up your baby. I see through this post that you still see her but I'm sure in some ways that makes it more difficult... to love her again and have your heart torn out once more as she leaves yet again.

Thinking and praying for you and your girls today! I pray that He will meet you where you are at.. in the joy and in the sorrow. That He will continue to comfort and guide you. That although we don't always understand.. that you can continue to rest in the fact that He is sovereign, He is good, and He is faithful.

Although you can't always be with Jane, He is there. He loves her more than you ever could and He is watching over her. Doesn't make it easy but continue to depend on Him and He will give you the strength you need.

~Alison (

Amy said...

Thank you for sharing this. I have a little girl like Jane in my life. I believe she is my spiritual daughter and she is my first son's biological sister. All my children are adopted. This summer she spent some weekends at our house for the first time ever. I don't know what the future holds for her or what role we will play. Thank you for reminding me that it is safe in the middle of the pool and God knows what is best and will take care of this child and me. Sometimes the fear and worry creep in and I want to be in control because I think I know better. It is so helpful to read your posts and know I am not the only mother facing something like this.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing...kind heart

Anonymous said...

I want to start first by saying a big "thank you" to Dr. Lee! There are a bunch of nuts out there just trying to make a fast buck, but you are legitimate! I prayed before I went online that God would send me exactly where I needed to go to find help for my problems in the love department, and I mean I went STRAIGHT to your site and felt it was the place I needed to be. I'm forever grateful! Dr. Lee is of God, and his gifts come from God, not some evil or ego-centered place. Of that I am certain, and my love problems have already started to improve. Thank you thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my husband after three(3) years of marriage just because another woman had a spell on him and he left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster called Dr.ogala, have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a woman had a spell on my husband and he told me that he will help me and after 2 days that i will have my husband back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my husband. His email: website

Hope Mayer said...

Hey Kaite,
I am writing a paper on your for my leadership and faith class on women of faith. I was wondering if you could email me some information on yourself, because there are requirements for my paper that I cannot find on the internet. (sorry if that is creepy). If you could please email me at that would be splinded. You truely are one of God's angels sent to earth and I feel blessed to have chosen such a wonderful person as my "woman of faith".
Thank you,
Hope Mayer