I just wanted to say thank you. I have had comments, emails and text messages from so many people who are praying for Sarah (whose name is now Grace, since we already have a Sarah), her legs, my strength. It is so uplifting and encouraging to feel those prayers. We do feel them; in fact, most days it is your prayers that keep me getting out of bed. I have gone from having only children ages 5-13 who are pretty independant, to having one who cannot go anywhere or do anything herself. This morning she has pooped all over herself 4 times (yes I will be investing in diapers). I have noticed just in the last 72 hours how drastically different my life is going to be. I will learn, but I could never do it alone, and am so thankful that I do not have to. Please don't underestimate the HUGE part of this ministry that you if you spend a few minutes in prayer for us. We so love and appreciate all of you.
I believe that prayer moves mountains and mends hearts. I look around. Mountains are moving. Hearts are mending. YOU are a part of that.

Our newest additions, Tibi and Grace
I am simply amazed by what you do. We just got back from Ethiopia with our daughter and the trip has changed me forever!
Katie, You and your family are constantly in our prayers.If you can feel the love and strength that is sent in your be-half,Christ's loving arms will hold you up and protect you from this world and your little ones!
We love you,
Can't wait to hear the stories you are saving for us! You are all in our prayers all day long. :)
Your new children are beautiful, as are you. Praying for you all.
Beautiful new additions! :) Praying for each and every one of you!
girl, you know i wish i was there if for nothing, but to help you change sweet Grace's diapers and clean up after her ... What an amazing smile your girls have in the picture ... it is the love of the Lord all over them ... thanks being hands and feet sister !!!! Lifting you up right now!
I have been following your blog for about a month now. I found it through Gwen's blog. I am excited about the CRAZY way God is moving in and through you. It really is amazing. I tell your stories to my husband (Trevis), son-Spencer (10), and daughter-Natalie(8). Natalie was praying for Sarah (Grace)on the way to school a couple of mornings ago. I am excited that God is allowing us a glimpse into what he is doing in and through you in Uganda. We will be lifting you up daily in prayer. Reading your blog has giving me a new perspective and constantly reminds me of what is really important in life. I am also reading "Crazy Love" and it is stirring something inside me as well. Can I get your e-mail possibly? What are your needs financially right now? Does Grace need a few outfits. We'd love to help. Have a wonderful, adventurous week! I can't wait to hear the stories!!!
I meant to leave my e-mail. It is christiancrocketts@comcast.net.
you and your girls are just beautiful!
your smile just shows Jesus!
I know we've never met, but I will be praying for your ministry!
it's so exciting to be thinking about you passing out 1200 lbs. of food today!
i led the kids in Salvation is Here today, and it struck me again how crazy it is that the God of the Universe dwells within me!
keep leaning hard into Him and we'll keep praying. remember, we serve THE God who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or imagine, according to His power at work within us. Glory to His name! (eph. 3:20-21)
one little detail, when you have time: could you list the names of all your officially adopted children so that we can pray for them by name? suzanne or gwen, if you know these, shoot me an email!
YOu are in my prayer book, you are in my daily rosary and lenten intentions as well. May God give you energy and unfailing joy and faith and courage. I think, however, that He already has. And I know I've told you this before - about our continued prayers - but wanted to remind you so you have a constant stream of reminders that you are in so many prayers and hearts. M
Why is it that I am always in tears as when I read you blog? I guess it's because I always see God at work in his world, reaching out and loving and healing through you! I am praying for Grace and Tibi, and for you and all your girls. Wish I could be there to help hand out 1200 pounds of food! God bless you, dear Katie, with a wonderful day!
Amazing. Seriously. I am just in awe of what our God is doing in and through you in Uganda. To Him be ALL glory, honor, and praise. Praying for you always friend.
Katie -
It is simply awesome to watch you live out your faith and to see Christ just ooze from you. Your words have challenged me more than once and encourage me often to seek out the crazy things God has planned for my life.
I am a physical therpist who works with people who have had spinal cord injuries. You can train the bowels to move at a certain time each day if your sweet Grace has an injury to her spinal cord which would not allow her to have volitional control of her bowels. It takes about a week to get things working smoothly but it may give you and your family a bit more freedom. I'm sure you can find info online if you search for it, it's called a bowel program.
Let me know if I can get you any more info!
kristypt (at) gmail.com
Dear Katie - Yes, prayer DOES move mountains and we're adding Prayer Warriors as much as possible. I've sent out LOTS of invites to my FB friends and have added 11 more so far to AMI! Yeah! And just put a post about you and your ministry on my blog, too, tonight! Please know that as you reach out and touch your children, we are reaching out to the Father on your behalf.
This week the Lord encouraged me with this verse and I pray that you will also find it strengthening...."Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear." Isaiah 65:24
HE is already providing and answering for you and your sweet family!
Much love and hugs!
Katie...I will take you on as my personal prayer partner this week UNTIL Sarah gets help forher legs!
We have friends who were SBC missionaries in Kampala, Uganda back inthe 70's-80' andsome of the 90's...have you ever heard of Larry and Sharon Pumpelli? I believe Larry worked w/the university at Kampala.
Anyhoo....keep us informed on the progress of little Sarah's legs! And we will trust a Holy Father to bring healing to her!
Joy, DeeDee
I take a few days to raise some funds for our kids in Ethiopia and MORE things happen in just a couple of days. I sit in awe, eyes wet with tears, somewhat disbelief, don't know why. Our God is a God of the nations!! He is constantly aware of His children.
What a beautiful story. You are in our prayers. We do stand in agreement with you.
I love you sweet sister!!
THANK YOU for the post!!!! Thank you for the pictures of your two newest daughters. Thnking of you all and praying for you all.
With love,
Oh Katie, my heart is breaking for this little girl and longing to know what is keeping her from walking. I hope that you will find the answers you seek. I am going to be offering you up in prayer today for strength and stamina and patience and a continued desire to serve these little ones. It's so hard to remain focused in the drudgery of daily tasking, but I know your eyes are on Him.
Love you girly! Ondrea
Auntie Kate. I showed your blog to my friend April who said "Amy! that girl is BEAUTIFUL!" to which i replied "yes she is, but her heart is even more beuatiful".
Katie you are an encouragement. I just wrote my mom again telling her to read the latest post. I will be praying for healing and for you my dear sweet friend.
The Lord bless you and keep you dear katie!
So glad you posted the pics of Tibi and Sarah (Grace)! You are in my prayers...May He strengthen, comfort, restore, heal you and your sweet babies, and may your joy, peace and love be abundant and evident to all. Much love to you!!
I love reading you entries. I look each day to see what new and exciting thing God is doing! Love the picture, and I'll be praying for you and spreading the word about your ministry. Looking forward to your stories...
About to do some walking and praying for you around Nashville now sister. we are here cheering you on as you serve your Father in heaven. Gwen and I will just sit and be jealous though as Suzanne and the gang leaves next week for a BIG visit. cant wait to hear all the stories though. love you love you love you sweet sister
God bless you and your children! I lead a team of of young men at my church every wednesday night. Its called guys prayer. Lame title but God is working in their lives!! I will have them pray for you and Grace, and the new adventure of having a child that needs more attention. God Bless!!
Robbie Houston
I have been praying for you non-stop since coming across your blog two weeks ago. I am busy fundraising for Duke in Uganda and preparing for our trip in July and August, and I cannot stop thinking about what you are doing in Jinja. I have been praying for your two new additions, and I wanted to send you the information for CURE Uganda. I'm not sure if you're familiar with CURE International, but it is a non profit that sets up Children's Hospitals in developing countries. The first hospital was the CURE Uganda hospital which is located in Mbale, and CURE Uganda treats children regardless of whether or not they can afford treatment. Here is the link: http://www.helpcurenow.org/site/c.nvI1IeNYJyE/b.4421693/k.AC8A/About_the_Hospital.htm
Also, the number for the hospital is: Tel: 256-45-44-35273
The Duke in Uganda team that I am a part of works with Mulago National Hospital, and I also have the contact information for the chief of Neurosurgery, Dr. Joel Kiryabwire, if you are going to take Grace to Mulago for a consult. He is a wonderful guy and I'm sure would be more than happy to help you in any way. Let me know if you'd like his email address or phone number.
In Christ,
Hey there,
I just stumbled along your blog, but it has already been a big encouragement to me! :)
Keep up the wonderful work in showing hope and love...
"For we do not grow weary...for inwardly we are being renewed each day."
I forgot how I found your blog but I share it with everyone I can. I want to get the word out about your ministry. You are amazing, I know you may not like hearing that but you really are. You are only human and you need strength. I pray for you and your children.
I've been reading your blog for a while now, and just wanted you to know I love your blog, and I've added you and your beautiful children to my prayer list. I will be in Uganda for a short term missions trip this summer, and reading your blog has helped to prepare my heart. The picture of your new girls is precious.
I will continue to pray for you, for grace and for all the children......
In Christ,
Katie, I know you don't have time to do a lot of blog reading :), but I've passed along a blog award to you. (You can retrieve it simply by visiting my blog if you like). My point in awarding it is simply to point others to your blog. I have no expectations that you should pass it on or do anything with it. Hope it brings more readers and blessings your way.
Katie, you amazing, crazy girl! You are so beautiful inside and out! Thanks for being a spectacular example of what we should all be doing; Making CHRIST famous!! I love you!
I still owe you a blog makeover and would love to take care of it this month. I have NOT forgotten. Please email me at thedesigngirl@gmail.com (new account) and we can get to work! I have some awesome ideas for you.
Hoping you get a chance to post soon. Praying every day !
They are gorgeous girls and the Lord will bless you and them ... all your children.
Thank you for your openness, for your reality checks!
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