I will praise the LORD, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits-
who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion...
Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits-
who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion...
Psalm 103
The Lord has been speaking a lot to my heart recently about healing, hope, and the promise of redemption. It is a lot to put into words, but I'm working on it ;) Until then I wanted to leave you with a VISUAL of healing, hope and redemption. How blessed I am to serve a God who always provides me with tangible examples of His promises.
Those of you who have been following my blog for a while will remeber my sweet friend, Michael. I wrote about him here, here, and here. If you haven't, please read these stories so you can get a full picture of God's miracles in this precious little life! I met Michael in August of last year and felt fairly certain that he was on death's doorstep, or if not, pretty close. His hair was white and fuzzy, his face swollen, his growth stunted, and his skin just about peeling off, all from severe malnutrition. After doing everything I could for him while keeping him in his home and seeing very little imporvement, our family decided to move him in with us as we nursed him back to health. What a blessing it was to watch this sweet treasure's little personality come out as he began to flourish! I dreaded the day I had to take him back to his step mother, who had been the one to so neglect him in the first place, but I was hopeful as I had been meeting with her several times a week to encourage her to care for this little boy (for the record, it is very uncommon for step parents in Ugandan culture to respond favorably to their step children as they are usually the result of the husband having multiple wives and there is a lot of jealousy involved). I call it nothing less than a miracle that not only did she begin caring for him, she began really, deeply loving him, a love that he so deserved but had not experienced until he lived with our family. This once shy, lifeless little boy who I couldn't get a word out of for weeks, now runs after my car each time I drive through his village yelling, "Auntie Kate! Auntie Kate! I love you! I'm fine now! I'm fine now!" with the biggest sweetest grin I have ever seen spread across his face. I could keep writing. I could try to find words enough to praise my Loving Father. They would not be sufficient. I will leave you with this...
He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the LORD. -Psalm 40:2-3

Michael on the day I first met him, August 2009

Bandaging his blistered and cracked little feet.

Michael after a few days at our house enjoying a BIG peanutbutter sandwich!
Michael the night before I took him back to his home.

Michael a few days ago, February 2010... Talk about a transformation!
BEAUTIFUL, Katie! Just wonderful!
We serve a MIGHTY GOD!
Elohim who created it all - said and it was GOOD!
Thanks for sharing Michael's update with us. He is precious!
His smile is pure deep joy!
Love and blessings,
Hi Katie! Assuming we see each other again, remind me to tell you how much this post meant to me, and the perfect, amazing timing in when God prompted you to post it!
Sara Olson
Praise God!
He's so precious!!!! I adore that little face! Great job Katie, you are such a blessing to SO many!
what a glorious transformation! thank you for sharing your heart and your life with us and the Ugandan people. You are an inspirattion to many...I long to live a life like yours... Thank you LORD for changing the heart of little Michaels step mother! Praise Your Holy Name! and Katie, her heart wouldn't have changed for him without you living to change lives for Him!
Adorable. What a Great story of God's love and compassion.
Beautiful picture of redemption and restoration.
simply breathtaking. To God be the Glory! HIS love changes everything!
I have been praying for Michael since you first wrote of him. I was SO EXCITED to see you had posted this morning and then on top it was a sweet sweet story of our father's grace and love. Thank you for being a true disciple Katie! Keep writing to us...
I'm sure you hear it often, but you truly are an amazing young woman. I am in awe of everything that you have accomplished and even more of the courage you hold.
You are a very eloquent writer and I thank you for sharing your journey with us.
Best wishes
i weep for joy! i weep for the beauty of our God who has used you to restore life to this child, overflowing into His family! i celebrate and sing and clap for the goodness of God!!! thank you for sharing this testimony!!!
Thanks for sharing these wonderful stories with us of how God is continuing to use you in mighty ways!
Wow! Thank you soooo much for the update on Michael he has a very special place in my heart.
Oh Katie, may God continue to shine His light and love and strength upon all that you do--just as you do for the least of these!
My small and I pray for you. For your children. And for our Amazima darling girl. What a privilege to take to our knees for you all.
You not only speak Truth, but live it so loud that it rings constantly in my head. And my heart.
Look at that sweet little face. PRAISE THE LORD for HIS MERCIES!! Thank you Jesus that his step mother learned to love him. I pray this family would be forever changed and through them, their village would learn about selfless love! Thank you for allowing Katie to be part of their story even when it looked extremely difficult and hopeless! Continue to encourage Katie in the day to day. Let her see where You've stepped in to the areas she has no control over! Thank you LORD that you are GOOD and you are FAITHFUL!!
That's so amazing Katie! We've adopted a little girl from Ethiopia, and it's truly humbling how much God has healed her over the past month we've had her. Just a few months ago, while still in Ethiopia, she had severe pneumonia and a very high fever. Now that she's here with us, her bloated stomach from malnutrition has decreased, and she's so healthy. She's a living, breathing example of God's promise to make all things new. I'm praying for you Katie...
Oh my goodness, Praise Be to God! Oh how He loves us. Sweet, sweet tears. Thank you for sharing the pictures... I have been following your blog for a while and remember the story of when you first saw the little white haired boy...not look at that JOY. OH! I love it.
Praise God!!!! He is so very very good!!! Thank you for letting Him use you...yet again!!!!
thank you for sharing this story. this is who our god is! i know you see a lot of heartbreaking stories, but i thank god that he allowed you, and now all of us, to see his power and goodness displayed in this way. and i thank god most of all for michael getting to live and BE that miracle. before i read your post, i was spending my morning thinking about what i was going to buy at old navy today. michael saved me. :)
Wow. What a transformation in little Michael! Praise GOD!! GOD does make all things new :))
Praise the LORD!!!! Thank you Katie for all you do and for allowing the Father of us all to use you.Please don't stop telling us of his miracles.
Lovely, Katie, lovely. Your life does so magnify the LORD. Thank you.
Amazing! Praise the Lord! And what a testimony sweet Michael's story is to us all. Praying for you and your family Katie. May you be truly blessed as He continues to grow you! :)
God is SO good! Precious precious little boy!!
God is SO good!
What a blessing! Precious boy, growing and so smiley! Thanks for sharing and reminding me that He does indeed, make all things new!
Thank you for sharing this wonderful, happy and miraculous news indeed.... I believe little Michael's words to you as you drive through the village truly glorifies our God.... "I love you, I'm ok now...."
Oh, thank You Jesus that this little guy is ok now.....
God bless you,
Praise the Lord, what a transformation.
beautiful. isn't it nice to know that God knows everyone's heart? good for you and his mother and especially him.
God's love is amazing...Katie you are His love to the world...God bless you and all those He has put in your life to love.
In the name of Yahshua Son of Yahweh.
Absolutely precious and miraculous! Thank you for sharing this testimony of God's love being poured out through you! It is through these trials that He redeems us and sets our feet on THE rock (Jesus), so that many WILL see and fear and trust in Him. Thank you for sharing your testimony so that God is glorified and others may know Him more!
It is always a blessing to read your blog.
Of all the stories I read on your blog, the story of this little Micheal was the one that tore at me the most. I have been praying for him by name many nights since I read about him. Praying that he would have a healthy body and that his mother would develop love for him. It has happened! I was so happy to read about his progress and especially to know that his mother loves him now and will care for him. I've been so heart broken wondering if he had been nursed him back to health only to be taken back to a home where he would be neglected and suffer malnourishment again. But he is whole and loved!! I am so happy! Thank you for the update!
praise God, praise God!!!!
such encouragement. Life is precious. Keep hearing his voice to help more of the least of these.
That is Beautiful!
He is beautiful! Praise God for His awesome healing and work, and Praise God for you and your family doing His work in awesome obedience!
so beautiful! the story with the verses. well said! thank you for loving and serving. thank you for sharing!
WOW, Wow, wow! Katie, it is AMAZING the transformation in this little guy. I remember that day when you were doctoring his feet and standing there praying, oh God, somehow spare this little ones life! It looked impossible as he was placed back in his hut. BUT then God! Oh, He has MORE than done that through your obedience and love to GO and be the hands and feet of Christ. He has restored Michael's very spirit! God is MIGHTY to save, and I praise Him that you constantly remind me of that.
Oh Katie- It's so good to hear stories like that. What a blessing to see that transformation. Thank you for taking him in and teaching his step mother. You are such a blessing. : )
I began reading your blog about a month ago, and I love love love reading about what Jesus can do through one willing, sold-out young woman. My husband and I have asked ourselves what God's power unveiled in our lives might look like, and we're excited to be shocked into motion.
Thank you for sharing about Michael!
That is beautiful. God is SOOO good!
I love this post. I love the pictures too. I'm so glad you updated us on the little guy and so wonderful to hear of his progress. Thank you for sharing your life and your faith with us. I so look forward to all the things you write. God Bless you Katie, sending big hugs your way. Love you sweetie.
Truly amazing!
Katie, you keep breaking my heart and frightening me to my death. God through you. I have to be careful when I read your posts, and look at the pictures of what you are doing - I keep losing sleep. God keeps you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. And it drives me to Him. Which drives me to reach to others. Our obsession with our Lord can't help but create an obsession to love those He gave all for.
from a song by DC Talk
"I'm overtaken by the way that You deliver me, I'm transcendent. There's no place I'd rather be than in Your presence. Without you I'm incomplete, its hopeless.
You consume me, you consume me like a burning flame running through my veins. You consume me, moving through me. Anytime, anyplace you invade my space, You consume me.
Wholly devoted I immerse myself in You. Baptize me in Your love 'cause drowning in the thought of you haunts my soul. I'm taken by the things You do, it doesn't matter what I lose I'm Yours.
I am in Your hands, under Your command like a puppet on a string.
You consume me you consume me like a burning flame running through my veins. You consume me, moving through me anytime, anyplace you invade my space, You consume me.
Steve Hoffmann
This made my heart smile so bigggg. sooo big.
Keep pressing on, sister!
Thanking ABBA so much for you, your family, and the passion that flows from you all to the world...
Beautiful! He indeed makes everything GLORIOUS!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
How beautiful!
Jesus, we praise you for great and awesome deeds!
beautiful in every way!
Beautiful... I just love reading your stories and praying for you as you pour yourself out! Blessing on you and your full family!
Katie, God brought your blog at a PERFECT time in my life and has used your story to challenge my heart & remind me once again that abandoning our lives for Christ is SO WORTH IT. I've been too intimidated to comment with the hundreds of others-- I don't imagine you can even read them all. But, I thought this time I might have a chance since I'm the first. :-)
I work at an orphanage in India, but the kids here are so well taken care of (praise God!) and my heart aches for the children around the world who don't have it this good. I'm inspired by your story, which has brought me to my knees asking God what more He has for me.
I can't stop listening to that Radical series! The Word of God is changing my life. Thank you for living it out as an example of JOYFULLY forsaking all for the sake of eternal treasures in Christ.
Praying for you & your sweet family.
What a beautiful testimony of God's wonder-working power. Thank you for reminding us He still does miracles!
Praising the Lord with you for the continued pictures of His REALNESS, unfailing love and faithfulness!
Oh, what a wonderful story! What an awesome testimony to who God is and what He can do with someone's heart!
so precious!!!! prayers of thanks for this sweet little one tonight!
Praise God for the miracles He allows you to witness and be a part of!!!
Sweet Michael! I am so thankful that you are an example of how God renews us and makes a new again!
Love, Ashlie
This is amazing! How great is God!
I still can't comprehend your life, but I see the difference you're making in children's lives. I want to think you're some kind of a saint, but I know that you are accomplishing these amazing things because you've allowed God to use your life. Thank you again for sharing your work through your blog.
amen amen amen
You not only showed Michael love, but you taught his step mother how to love him! What a tremendous gift! God is certainly Great!
Thank you for letting us rejoice with you!
I'm so happy that God is using you and He has given you direction in your life, I'm praying for the same thing. I also want to be used to help the orphans and outcasts. Thanks for sharing your life and journey.
That is great! Thanks so much for updating on Michael! God is good, all the time! You make such a difference in so many lives! I had the opportunity to be at a conference with Gwen and Suzanne this weekend and tell your story to so many and everything that you do. So many already knew the great things you all are doing! You are all AMAZING women!
Wow truly incredible! this makes me smile!
Wow!! Praise the Lord..what a beautiful, wonderful, God we serve. He is Mighty to Save.
What a beautiful transformation - just as God makes us over into a new creature when we give our lives to Him.
What a blessing! Thank you for sharing this story.
God is indeed at work and He is all about hope and redemption, isn't He?
God is so good. Praise Him through the storms AND the rainbows.
Thank you for your work, Katie.
Katie, What a transformation. My "Kenyan Parents" I have just adopted them as that since I am obviously not Kenyan :) Works in Kibera Slum, they say that it is amazing when you Love on these kids and give them "value" (Value only God can Give) Then the parents and step parents start to see the value in the child as well. I believe you have done this with Michael and his Stepmother. PTL
i very enjoy all your writing type, very remarkable.
don't give up and also keep posting as a result it just simply truly worth to look through it.
impatient to find out more of your current stories, have a good one!
What a blessing beyond what I can express in words to read your words. I'm just thankful you even have the energy and time to write it down for us to read. Thank you for constantly reminding me what a GREAT GOD we serve. Thank you for serving Him the way you do. Bless you. You don't know me but I'm sure we will spend some time together in Heaven.
Hey Katie,
I just wanted to say what amazing work you are doing! It's truly incredible.
I've been reading your blog for a while thought I don't think I've ever commented before. I live in Entebbe, not that I'm doing anything nearly as useful as you are.
Proud of you sweet friend for letting Him work through you.
Finished Hinds last night....oh oh oh...think I need to just start it over again.
Love you dearly,
Hey Katie! i found your blog through a friend....your story is amazing to read. Watching how God is working through your life and in the lives of those around you, including that precious boy, is incredible. HE is working through your sacrifice...thanks for sharing with us-.it is such an encouagement! and praise God for the healing of Michael!
PRECIOUS! So thankful for this miracle! Love you, Auntie Katie! :)
I was pondering the idea of moving to Africa today and i started to read your blog....Its breathtaking being able to read how someone can give up EVERYTHING for the mighty Lord. As i was sitting in my room today, praying, I told the Lord I would give up everything for him. As I read your story i realized just how hard that would be. You are my biggest role model and i wish I could be just like you in worshiping the Lord. The things you do are absoulutly wonderful. Praise the Lord for all he does! He loves us so much an it is amazing to see him working in your life. I can't wait to start my journey with Christ!
Isn't our God so very wonderful?!
May God continue to give you opportunities to share love and life with those little ones. He is beautiful and because of your willingness - He is alive and thriving.
To God be the glory!
Thank you!
This breaks my heart. What a sweet boy! I want to hug him. You are Jesus to so many, good job being obedient Katie.
Amanda Spuhler
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