Sunday, May 6, 2012

I will bless the Lord at all times;
His praise will continually be in my mouth.
My soul makes its boast in the Lord;
let the humble hear and be glad!
Oh, magnify the Lord with me,
and let us exalt His name together!

I sought the Lord and He answered me,
He delivered me out of all my fears.
Those who look to Him are radiant,
and their faces shall never be ashamed.
This poor man cried and the Lord heard him
and delivered him out of all his troubles.
The angel of the Lord encamps 
around those who fear Him, and delivers them.

Oh, taste and see that the LORD IS GOOD!
Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!

Just wanted to share with you this incredible picture (and quick update) of Musoke, a little friend that we have been nursing back to health. Musoke and his dad have been staying with us while he recovers from severe acute malnutrition and gets started on his ARVs and tuberculosis treatment. As you can see, our Mighty Father has revived him from the brink of death and he is well on his way to recovery. We will be sad to see him go but so excited for him and his father as they transition into their new life healthy and happy!

Just this week, Musoke got the chicken pox. Chilcken pox is usually more severe in children with HIV, so we would really appreciate your prayers. Please also join us in praying for his father's salvation, and for Musoke's. His continued restored health is certainly a testimony to the wonderful Savior we serve!


Daveana said...

What a transformation! Prayers and God's blessings!!!

Cooking Up Faith said...

Praise the Father!! Praying for this sweet little boy.

Mariah Bryan said...

Katie, You have made such a difference in this young boys life! You are such an inspiration and a role model for me! My prayers are with you, your ministry, and your family!

Love, Mariah B. (13)

p.s. Thank you and the women of Masese for the beautiful beads! I love them!

Bree said...

Praise the Lord! Beautiful picture, praying with you... :)

Sandi said...

What an amazing difference. There's not only the physical changes, but you can see the hope in his eyes that was decidedly missing before. Praise the Lord!

Anonymous said...

What a mighty God we serve who so dearly loves the children. Praying He will heal Musoke from the chicken pox and that Musoke and his father will know saving grace. Bless you for all the works you have done.

Matthew 19:29 "And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life."

Anonymous said...

Just finished your life has not only been touched but forever changed!!!! Praying for this family....will continue to pray for you!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Praise the LORD!!

Little Blessings said...

Amazing! Praising God for his return to health and praying for the chicken pox.

Rachel Danielle said...

How incredibly our King works! This just so happened to by my Psalm of meditation today. I love you Katie, praise the Lord for Musoke, and continue to pray for all He is doing where you are!

Matt and Steph said...

Praying for you, your children, Musoke, and your ministry there. It's a blessing seeing how the Lord is using you because of your everyday obedience to Him. He's using you in Uganda as well as in the hearts of people here in the States.

Hanna said...

I just started reading your blog and I am truly inspired. As a 16 year old struggling with what path God wants for me and a heart for foreign missions, your story has given me new strength and new hope that this might be what I am supposed to do. Thank you for the amazing work you do for the kingdom of God, I can't wait to worship Him as sisters in Christ in heaven some day. Praying for your children, your ministry and your sweet friend with the chicken pox!

Andrea said...

Praying for them both! What an amazing difference - I would not have guessed that was the same child - God is good...

And thank you, dear heart, for opening your heart and home to those who need it.

Britta Cait said...

Will definitely keep him in my prayers.

lindsey said...

Great news and may God bless you abundantly in all that you do. I join you in prayer for their salvation

Laura said...

I am praying for them right now! Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

I just prayed. He looks like such a sweet healthy young man. Our God is so good!

cal+claire said...

We will definitely be praying!

Anonymous said...

WOW.... I really do not know what to say except Praise God and thank you.... Your book was and is a blessing to me and I have shared it with many....

The picture just blows me away.

Anonymous said...

God is so good! Have been waiting for an update on Musoke--will continue to pray!

jerilynn said...

Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus in Uganda. His eyes (and fattened cheeks) say it all!

Anonymous said...

This is so precious! We serve such a faithful God! Praying for him and his father's salvation! You're such an inspiration! God bless!

Pastor Ben said...

Good work, Katie!!

Patty said...

What a wonderful blessing. God is good ~ all the time! May the Lord continue to bless the work there and draw many to Him giving new and abundant life. Continue to lift Him up so others will be drawn unto Him. Have a wonderful day in the Lord ~ blessings.

Anonymous said...

What an amazing transformation! One that I hope leads to a better of the soul. The Lord is able to do the impossible. Praise His name and I will be praying!

Mark Zoccali said...

What a beautiful answer to the many prayers.
God bless you & your work.

anna :) said...

we serve an awesome God!

Debbie said...

Happy, happy tears to see God's saving power in sweet Musoke's face! Prayers continuing...

Today's Letters said...

for he knows our frame ... looking forward to hearing you speak friday. texas is gonna love you!

Unknown said...

Praise God! I cannot believe the transformation in that little face. You would never know from looking at the pictures separately that they are pictures of the same child. I am especially in awe of the transformation in his eyes. They reflect the love that he has been given. This is what has truly transformed this young man. My family will be praying for his salvation. Thank you Katie, for continuing to love others in Jesus name.

Becky said...

Wow, what a difference. Praise the Lord. Our family just read your book Katie and it was so moving. So glad we can still peak into your life through your blog. We'll keep you and those you are loving and serving in prayer.

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!

Definitely praying for them both! God soooo wants them to be in HIS FAMILY :)

Kristin Bridgman said...

What a beautiful boy! And what a tranformation! I love what you do for these children through HIS love and strength and guidance. Thank you for what you do! I will be praying for this little guy.

Ally Love said...

What a great way to start the week, hearing about how awesome God is. Thanks for the post!

Candace/Chloe said...

Praise God! What a wonderful testimony of God's faithfulness!

Anastasia said...

What a mighty God we serve! I can practically see God's fingerprints all over!

Rosala said...

How awesome the Lord is! I will be praying :)

Anonymous said...

Praying for this precious soul and for his father. Thank you, Katie, for loving God and your fellow man so much. You are who we all should strive to be.


Amanda Elizabeth said...

I will definitely be praying for this little guy! I wear my Amazima beads everywhere (and get the opportunity to tell SO many people about this ministry because of all the compliments!) and I pray for this ministry and the child I sponsor. I'll add him to my prayer list!

Jessica said...

Beautiful transformation story. All glory to God! Praying for your friends and family, Katie.

ariana said...

He is so handsome! Thank you for the update! And praise God for moving in Musoke's life and beginning to plant a seed in his father!

ariana said...

He is so handsome! Thank you for the update! And praise God for moving in Musoke's life and beginning to plant a seed in his father!

ariana said...

He is so handsome! Thank you for the update! And praise God for moving in Musoke's life and beginning to plant a seed in his father!

Anonymous said...

Father GOD, in the Glorious Name of Jesus I boldly ask for YOU to soften Musoke and his father to hear Your voice calling them. You have allowed them to see believers in action as Katie and her family and extended family loved Musoke and his father as they strengthened him through nourishment and medicine. Allow them to see and believe in Jesus, the Christ; if that be Your will. Amen

debbiebills said...

Praise the Lord...He is good

BelovedBomber said...

He looks like a completely different young man...there is a sparkle in his eyes now. Praying that God continues to use you and His ministry in a mighty way!

Anonymous said...

Miracle DO happen today.

Judith Lown said...

Thank you for the update. I have wondered what became of this little boy. Prayers will continue to be said for him and his father.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let you know you have inspired me more than anyone else in my lifetime, and to think I have not even met you, that just shows what wonders the Lord can work. I will be praying for you and your ministry, and I cannot thankyou enough for your service.
Love, Sarah.

Alisha said...


Carole said...

Hi Katie,

Reading your book and seeing God at work is such a blessing to me right now. I just returned from a couple of weeks in Kenya. I try to describe to people here how I'm struggling to put into words the strange feelings of frustration I feel when I see everyone here in our abundance. It's like when someone dies and you wonder how the world keeps going on. I want to shout for them to wake up and (I want to stay awake myself!) There are a couple of things on my heart for ones I met in Kenya - real needs. Praying to see what God would have me do. I've been struggling with feeling so small facing these big needs I now can't deny are there. I feel responsible. Thanks for the inspiration. God is good and I know he will guide. Keep up God's work. Carole

Carole said...

Praying for Musoke. What an amazing transformation!

James and Aisling Solarek said...

Praise God!!! I will be praying for him this week and will pray for his daddy's salvation. Thank you~ I am a new foster mom in the States and know of some friends who are too partly bc of your testimony. Thank you for pointing the way. To God be the Glory great things He has done :)

Kristin said...

He looks WONDERFUL!!!!! Praying that he and his father will come to love Jesus.

Senae said...

He looks so handsome and healthy. What an amazing change in the pictures! Praying for Musoke and praising God for the healing He has done. Thank you for the work you are doing. My family and I are praying for your work & about how God will have us help.

Little Oak Table said...

I will pray for sweet Musoke.

judy said...

Thank you for writing. I know you are so busy but I still love to read what is going on. God bless you!!

judy said...

Thank you for writing. I know you are so busy but I still love to read what is going on. God bless you!!

Anonymous said...

Recently read your book and am enjoying your blog so much! You are an inspiration to me and have encouraged me greatly in my walk with Christ! Much love to you and your family and will continue praying for you.

Centro la Milpa said...

I really hope he will get better, but he the big difference is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! You have done so much for this family. You are a role model that any one should be proud to look up to. I hope and pray that the little boy gets better and that you or your family get sick.

Kari said...

Wow--you would never know that was the same child unless someone said so! How miraculous! Just said a prayer for his healing from chicken pox. Blessings to you for all you do--I found your book so inspirational and hope to meet you when I travel to Jinja someday!

The Ford Family said...

Just incredible! I praise the Lord with you, Sweet Katie! I recently read your book and was cut to the core. The last chapter had me sobbing. I turned to the Lord with thanksgiving for the blessings he has given me. May the Lord use us!!!

The Ford Family said...

Just incredible! I praise the Lord with you, Sweet Katie! I recently read your book and was cut to the core. The last chapter had me sobbing. I turned to the Lord with thanksgiving for the blessings he has given me. May the Lord use us!!!

The Ford Family said...

Just incredible! I praise the Lord with you, Sweet Katie! I recently read your book and was cut to the core. The last chapter had me sobbing. I turned to the Lord with thanksgiving for the blessings he has given me. May the Lord use us!!!

Anonymous said...

Katie, I pray for you and your family. Amazing story you have and I thank you for sharing you journey with us. God
Bless you, infact, I can see that He already has and continues to do so everyday.

Rhonda Gunn said...

Oh the difference in him! How precious the work you are doing. Praying for you, sending support. Thanks for posting this awesome report.


brandama said...

Oh, I was hoping when I checked back that this beautiful child would have some miraculous recovery! Praise Our Lord! I love you Katie! You are my sister in Christ, and I send encouraging words that our Father is moving in my life as well. Boy do I love to watch Him at work! Keep leaning on the Lord... and I pray His miracles continue to rain down His personal, incredible love for you...and all our brothers and sisters... in Uganda and the world! <3 *HUGS*

brandama said...

Oh, I was hoping when I checked back that this beautiful child would have some miraculous recovery! Praise Our Lord! I love you Katie! You are my sister in Christ, and I send encouraging words that our Father is moving in my life as well. Boy do I love to watch Him at work! Keep leaning on the Lord... and I pray His miracles continue to rain down His personal, incredible love for you...and all our brothers and sisters... in Uganda and the world! <3 *HUGS*

The Mudmom said...

Bless you and your ministry. Masuke and his father are in our prayers!

Tammy said...

Prayers for Musoke, his father, and all of you! Thank you for your obedience and for sharing this life of yours and theirs with all of us.

Anonymous said...

My son Tucker (6 yrs old) & I pray for this little boy happy to hear this update! We will continue to pray for him & his father.

zach said...

No comments? This is one of the most inspiring posts I've seen. Although you seem to never take credit for a good thing you do, I really wish to be like you someday, Katie! Sometimes it's hard for us here to even fathom that child malnutrition exists in the world (incase you don't remember the country you came from). People like you and programs like this not only help with awareness, but actually solve real problems and bring great joy to the world. There is no doubt that without you, some of these kids would not have made it. I can't think of a greater blessing, and God only allowed all of it because of YOUR sacrifice. Way to go

Heather said...


We have never met although I feel such a strong connection to you. I read your book and was again struck with the overwhelming urge to be in Africa. To love the unloved, abused and neglected children of this world in the dark, dirty and hardest places, by letting the Lord use my vessel to bring many back into His arms of love. But His timing is always perfect! You share my heart for the unloved and hurting...I just want to let you know that you are not alone and I speak as one voice among many who are battling the spirit realm with you! I want you to know that I pray for your family and a continuous outpouring of the Father's love over your heart every day as you wake up with the urging of His Spirit to reach out to "the one"! I love your heart and love how you partner with the Father's heart in willing surrender and humility. I pray that one day I will get to meet you and your family! Keep being you, the you that God created because it's changing lives and healing hearts; letting Him speak through your honorable vessel! Knowing in our weakness He is made strong and in our inability and brokenness love prevails :) Let the little children come to Him...

In Christ's Love,
Heather Atkins

"Love suffers long and is kind; loves does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not have behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never abide faith, hope, love; but the greatest of these is love!"
1 Corinthians 13:4-8,13

Mme MaKhotso said...

Hello Katie,
I (along with my husband and our 3 children)am a missionary in Lesotho, Africa at an orphanage for children from birth to age 5. Your blog post made me cry today as we have a young boy who came a month ago to our care center. He is around 5 years old and wears size 0-3 month pants. God is good and He is the Great Healer. Seeing this young boy's picture restores my hope for our young boy's future. Thanks for being Jesus' hands and feet to His precious children in Uganda!
God Bless You,
Anita Geurink

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord! His transformation is incredible! He is a very blessed boy to have both you and God on his side! We will be praying for his chicken pox and for his father. Also that his improvement will continue once he is home! Blessings!

Seanswife said...

Hi Katie! Thank you for continuing to share your struggles, as well as your triumphs. My husband and I will pray for Musoke and his father.

On a personal note, I am leaving the U.S. for a short-term mission trip to Central Uganda in June and am both encouraged by your book and saddened by the realities of what I will see and experience there. When people ask me why I am going to this particular place and why we keep pushing for child sponsorships, I have been pointing them to your book and to what I can no longer ignore.

Your blog and your book tell the truth of what the rest of the world is like and what the love of Christ can do with and through our brokenness. Thank you.

Sarah said...

That is an amazing transformation. I am praying for his continued healing.

Ashton said...

Hello Katie! I am almost finished with your book and I just wanted to let you know that you are a HUGE encouragement to me and my family. You have great strength even on the hardest days. We continue to pray for you and your girls every single day. You are making the Lord's name known and that is the most wonderful thing you could ever do. -Ashton W.

Ashton said...

Katie- I am almost finished with your book Kisses from Katie and I wanted you to know that you are a major encouragement to me and my family... We live what you are doing in Uganda and your mission must seem impossible. I wanted you to know that with God all things are possible. We continue to pray for you every day and I will tell my family about Musoke and his father. Thank you!!!!!!

Kristi said...

Oh my gosh, Katie...I do not even recognize this kid! He looks fat!! It's amazing what food, love, and God's grace can do :) I don't know if you actually read these comments, but just wanted you to know that our journals are now at the Keep!! See you soon, I hope :) Love from Kotido

Adam.Baker.Christensen said...

This was very encouraging to see, thank you for sharing your ministry with us!

Adam.Baker.Christensen said...

This was very encouraging! thank you for sharing your ministry with us!

Anonymous said...

Katie, each day I pray for you and for those you touch with the beautiful hands and heart that God gave you. I pray that the Lord continues to BLESS you and all the beautiful souls in Uganda. He is smiling down on you now, so proud of you. Thank you Jesus for healing Musoke both inside and we hold Musoke's father up to you to heal him too. PTL!

McKenzie said...

I will be praying! So thankful and encouraged by the work that you do!Wish that I could come see it in person! Maybe one day!

Morning Glory Coffee Break said...

wow , that is a remarkable turn around. Praising God with you. It's so good to see what God has and is doing in the lives of others. Thanks for sharing. Praying for you, your family, and ministry. Much love and many hugs to you.

L.Winans said...

Prayers for Musoke. And for all suffering all over the world.
God Bless

L.Winans said...

Prayers for Musoke. And for all suffering all over the world.
God Bless

L.Winans said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Katie, From the throne of mercy and grace come blessings as the rain. . .sometimes a seeming mere trickle, but sometimes a full on shower. Being adopted myself and having adopted my daughter, I only want you to know that I will keep you close in my thoughts and prayers as you go through each day,along with your daughters and all that you come in contact

Warm hugs and lots of love,

Unknown said...


susanelizabeth said...

Standing with you in prayer and support my dear sister in Christ.

helenorme said...

Dear Katie, My beautiful son Stewart Orme was like you and dedicated his life to God and he was very inspired by your good works that led him to go on his second trip to Uganda in 2009 where he spent 6 months. He has 2 sponsor children in Uganda. Sadly Stewart died on April 29, from injuries he received in a motor bike accident, just 4 days short of his 24th birthday. He achieved so much in his short time with us. I am reading your book at the moment "Kisses from Katie", which was his favourite book and it gives me great comfort. I was saddened to hear last night that he never had the chance to meet you but I know you will both meet one day in heaven when it is your time to meet our Lord. He has inspired me now to visit Uganda and to do God's will over there. I visited him at Easter before the accident and told him about how I had always wanted to go over there but never had the courage but I was so proud of him for all he did. Now I have the courage and I will go over there as soon as I can. I hope I can meet you sometime because you are a true inspiration. Thank you so much for all the work you are doing in Uganda and especially for being such an inspiration in my son's life.

Amber Feaster said...

Praise God!! He is so good : ) It must feel so good to have all these people praying for you and your people. Be encouraged to know that you are not bearing your burdens alone. I will be praying for these two : ) Blessings from Florida!!!


Steph said...

Praying for you all.

Missy said...

Amazing transformation! Praise God! And will pray for their salvation. I read your book recently and it inspired me so much! I'm already sponsoring a child and told a friend all about you and your ministry and he is now going to sponsor one of your children! :)

Missy said...

Amazing transformation! Praise God! I will pray for their salvation. I read your book recently and loved it! I am already sponsoring a child and I now have a friend who is going to sponsor one of your children. Yay! :)

Kathleen said...

We do serve an amazing God. Such a sweet little boy. I am praying for him and his father, that they might begin a new life with the Savior who has healed and who loves them.

I LOVE my bracelet and necklace. I pray for the dear women who made them. They are so beautiful!

Praying for you, Katie. Also for your sweet family. :)

Not Unredeemed said...

Jevoha Rapha, please extend mercy to your little one! Thank you for the progress He has made! For your glory and names sake please have mercy on him and his father and draw them to You!

phogue said...

The smile on his sweet face in the second picture says it all! God is miraculous. Will pray for his continued health as he fights off those pox!

Emmie said...

Katie you are amazing I love reading your blog and your book I will be praying for you and your family

Tamyara said...

Katie, I love reading your blog. I just picked up your book because it is a must read for our missions team before we come to Uganda, I am in the process of raising money to come there next February 2013. I am so excited to see what God is going to do.

Tisra said...

I can't believe that's the same child! Thank you, Jesus!

Texascece said...

In the midst of my current trial (a health scare), I look at your work and really put things in perspective. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Katie for loving these people. CeCe

Anonymous said...

Lord, let Your mercy fall on this faithful servant! Give Katie courage and strength to walk in the path You have given her. Bless this child who knows You because of Katie's obedience. Heal by Your mercy and for Your glory. Lord, teach us all to love in accordance with Your commands.Amen
Phil.2:13 for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure
Psalm 25:5 guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.

Anonymous said...

In case you didn't know, you are a big celebrity here in Brentwood! I keep trying to tell everyone about you and what you have done, but everyone already knows you!! They say: oh yeah, katie, I've read her book!!! oh yeah, I've bought the necklaces, I read her blog etc.. So amazing to know how many hearts you have touched and the love keeps spreading! Thank you for what you do! Praying for you, your little friend and 14 little princesses.

Joannie said...

Happy Mothers Day Katie!! I have just finished your book. I can't keep your ministry, children and you out of my prayers. You are the New standard for mothering. Congratulations for representing our Savior with so much integrity! Blessings on this Mother's Day!

Anonymous said...

I have started your book and I just love it. it makes me think about how much I have, and how much I want to give. Thank you so much for telling all of us about your family! I wish I could meet you some time.

Caroline Ramirez C.M.T. said...

I am Glad you took The leap of faith that others only dream about...I have felt that same miracle and faith this past year...I want to help somehow. I am going to ask God how he wants me to help. I will pray for the right thing to do... Love you and I will pray for all every day...

caroline said...

Hey Kattie and Family...
I will pray for you everyday.God wants me to help you so I will. I have 3 children and have always wanted 12.I can't adopt here in the states cause of regulations.MY husband and I are not together because of his addiction...I know God does not want me to divorce him and I hope you and your Kids will Pray for me and my Family too. I will start spreading the word and get you and all as much help...I have experienced God's miracles in our lives this Winter...I have so much faith I know God wanted me to read your book for a reason... God's Love for me came through to me in a dream and i have felt the same love for others walking on the street that I never met. I Love you all and will pray for you all and Uganda...All the poor of the world...

rach said...

Dearest Katie,

Here's a simple 'Beloved and Blessed Mother's Day' to you (:
Remembering and thanking God for godly mothers today.

with lots-a-love,
rachel (from Malaysia)

Temp said...

Katie, I just wanted to remind you of Galations 6:9. You probably already know it :)

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."

May Love, Light, and Laughter be always yours, Mother of Many :)

FHPL said...

I am so encouraged by your walk with the Lord and how God is so greatly using you in Uganda. Your faith in action is such a blessing to me and so many!

toko baju muslim pria said...

Great post,I really like your article

penelopebruise said...

I'm 19 yrs old, and I recently finished reading your book. Thank you for writing it. I can't believe how ignorant I was to the suffering that human beings go through in other parts of the world, I know I've been in deep denial about it too. Reading your book has rocked my world upside down. I wish I could be more articulate in expressing the effect it had on me. Please know that I am seeking god and a relationship with him, and your book has helped me profoundly.

Laura said...

Hi Katie,

I heard about you from some friends who took a six month missions trip to Uganda last year. (They came to work with the Kehns in the ABIDE program.) After reading your blog, I was SO moved by what God was doing in and through you that I forwarded one of your posts to the Young Adult Group at our church. How awesome for those "20 Somethings" to see someone their age being so surrendered to God's calling and work. I was especially in awe at what God was doing in your life because at the age of 18, when I was planning on going on a short term mission's trip to Africa, I did something incredibly foolish and decided to walk away from the Lord. I subsequently sqaundered over four years in the pig-stye of the world. I have since come back to the Lord and He has made beauty from the ashes, but those prodigal years(the "inheritance" of my youth)are lost many "good works" were lost and it is my passion that young people see the enemy for who he truly is - "a lion seeking whom he may devour". I let him devour precious years of my life, and the pain of that loss makes the testimony of your great gains for the Kingdom that much sweeter.

Also, as a mom to six at home, I can't even begin to tell you how TREMENDOUSLY encouraged, convicted, and inspired I have been by the mother's heart that God has worked in you. I love my children, but the seeds I sowed to my flesh for so long reeped a great harvest of selfishness and selfcenterdness. Take someone so self-absorbed and throw her into a calling that demands sacrifice, and let me tell you, it hasn't been pretty. But I am persevering, knowing that "it is God Who is at work in (me) both to will and to do for His good purpose..." He has used you mightily to stir me to press into Him for EVERYTHING. Thank you for your obedience, surrender, transparency and willingness to be broken and poured out on behalf of the One Who gave ALL of Himself for us.

God gave me an idea that I wanted to share with you and those who follow your blog. At our church, we are going to be hosting a Women's Breakfast where your jewelry will be "on sale" for women to purchase (much like a Jewelry Party). We are going to hold it in September so women can purchase early Christmas presents. Have you ever considered putting together a simple catalogue (like Gospel for Asia does) that could be passed out to those who don't have access to the Internet?

May God sontinue do "exceedingly, abundantly, above ALL that you could ever ask or imagine.

Much love to you in Jesus,

Anonymous said...

To be able to do this simple collage of photos has no name. First it's such a priviledge to have the pictures, but even more to own that past full of hope, but most of all the heart and love. God bless you. This is true preaching.

Unknown said...

I will be praying for both father and child. Katie you are such an inspiration I just got done reading your book and loved every minute of it.

Beth said...

INCREDIBLE! It leaves me speechless. Just amazing what Love in all its forms can and will accomplish.

Cristen said...

As a foster parent here in the States, you have been an inspiration. While I have bonded with my kids I have tried to keep up a small wall to keep myself from falling completely in love, only to hurt when our kids go back to their families; although that is exactly what we work towards. You have taught me to trust more in the Lord, let go, and allow him to lead me; even though I thought that's what I had been doing all along. The wall has crumbled and I have found that it wasn't a very strong one to begin with. Bless you and thank you for opening my eyes, for now I have jumped in whole-heartedly and I know that in the end, when it's time to say good-bye to this bunch of kids, the Lord will take care of my hurting heart and I will be even stronger the next time.

Unknown said...

i am praying right now. My Mom got me your book for Christmas. I can't wait to read it. Thank you for making a difference. Thank you so much. Love, Becky

margaret said...

I pray for you, your adopted girls & wonderful ministry as regularly as I can. May God bless your socks off!!

Carly said...

Sending prayers from Florida!

Unknown said...

I began reading this blog 2 weeks ago, right from the start. Now that I'm all caught up I'd like to pray an immense blessing over you and your precious family, over Amazima Ministries and all the wonderful work your group is doing. Thank you for keeping my eyes, mind, and heart on the things of this world that need prayer and action.

Calgary, Canada

Mariana Cajado said...

Hi Katie, i'm from Brasil and I read your book and I felt in love with your story! I'm 16 and I wish someday I can make difference like you do. How can I talk with you and ask you some questions?! I really want it.
Be sure i'll pray for you and your childs everyday, and the Lord will hear me and make it possible when it's time. Kisses and hugs from someone who loves what you do.

Our Heart's Cry - Ugandan Orphans said...

Thanks for sharing this Katie. I was in Uganda exactly when you posted this and wished I could have visited as we went through Jinja as we went to Musana for a visit and I know we were close.
I praise God for your mission and for the Mighty Hand of Gad as he uses you and Amazima.
I am praying for Musoke and wait anxiously for a good report on his health.

Brooklyn said...

Hi Katie, my name is Brooklyn. I'm a missionary kid to Ecuador so I know what it's like to get up from your home and just leave to another country. I think u r amazing with all that you're doing! I just read your book and I can't imagine what it's like to have 14 girls but I'm sure it's a lot of fun most of the time. Thanks so much for all your doing and I'm praying for your family and Uganda! Oh and by the way I'm 13.
Lots of love,

Anonymous said...

I went to school not knowing what I really wanted to do and fell in love with service. Fell victim to society's expectations and went back to school thinking that well I could be a teacher and make a living and serve. Finished school second time and failed to find that spark in my life failed to find the thing that I felt that God wanted me to do. Then I realized I was not on the journey God had meant for me. I'm serving and working now with children who need the love and commitment of people who care and I'm not gonna get rich and the hours far out weigh the pay but I am happy and it feels right. I cannot imagine anything differrent at this point. Your book truly inspires me! Think you for being the light and love God has to offer us!

Aili said...

I'm Aili.
I am a 11 year old girl.
I want to be just like you only go to Mexico.
I have been there 3 times.
I have 2 adopted siblings and 2 brothers.
I got your book and just stared reading it.
I love it .
My blog is
and my email is
I love what you are doing!!!

Anonymous said...

I know the LORD secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy. Psalm 140:12
Katie, I prayed for you, your kids, your ministry today. May God stir more hearts to uphold not only Uganda but you as well.
Jonna Kay

Anonymous said...

Hey Katie! I've been following your story for I while now and have loved every bit of it :) I'm leaving for Uganda tomorrow, and even though I know it's highly unlikely that I will see/ meet you while I'm there... I am hoping for some reason we'll just run into you somewhere :) But thank you for sharing your story and inspiring so many people, including myself! - Jill Vreugdenhil

Anonymous said...

Kaite..Youhave changed my life and so many others. I can't even thnk how much people thank you. You are my role model! It's amazing the differnce from the that little boy after you started to take care of him. I'm praying for you and all the people you take care of. Always trust in God. :)

Unknown said...

Katie you are such an inspiration! I'm so in love with your book also!
It's so remarkable what God is goinfg through you! You daughters are blessed with yours and His love! May you always be covered in prayer and love!

Anonymous said...

Alexa age 12

I am glad my mom let me post a comment because i am amazed by you katie. you make Uganda sound like the most amazing place in the world.
it is amazing that you have opened up your home and your heart to so many people.
he lives in you!!!!

Janna said...

These are hope-generating photos that encourage my faith as well...just seeing his face before and after, and knowing that what has happened to bring this one child back to health and hope can happen for so many more as well. It encourages me (and surely other believers)to help you help them; not only because it brings hope and life back to these children, but because your love and care reveals to each child how much our God and Father loves each one of them as well.
Thank you for sharing them.

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Anonymous said...

Katie I read your book and have been reading your blog for the past few weeks (started all the way back in 2007). These pictures brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful little boy he is and what a wonderful God we serve. Thank you for sharing all that God is doing in Uganda. It has been an inspiration as well as a challenge reading your stories. I will be praying that God will continue using you to do amazing things for these great people.

Unknown said...

You are an amazing soul. Reading your entries just brings tears to my eyes. God bless you.