Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I watch the tears roll down her cheeks and am devastated for her. I know she must be crying because of the pain of her burns or because of the pain in her heart at the thought of her husband pushing her into the fire. I place my hand on her shoulder and my eyes beckon her to share.

“My stomach is hurting,” she says, and that’s not what I was expecting, “This is the first time I have eaten this week.”

It’s Thursday.

I pray because I don’t know what else to do.  Sure, I can feed this woman lunch but after a week of an empty stomach that may just hurt more than it helps, and I can’t do much to change her situation, to relieve her of her abusive husband or her job picking scrap metal out of the garbage heap. I can feed her now but she goes home to 3 starving children and a future that seems utterly hopeless. We pray.

I get a middle of the night text from a dear friend who has been more of an encouragement to me than she will ever know. Her mom’s biopsy results have come back and the tumor on her brain is cancerous. I can barely choke out words to say that my heart is so heavy for her, that we will carry this burden with them in prayer. I am blown away by her strength and feel completely un-encouraging. We pray.

The hurt doesn’t stop. A teenager needs his leg amputated because an infection that could have been preventable is now out of control. A 4-year-old’s arm is permanently damaged because his mom didn’t have enough money to have it casted when he broke it a few months ago. My friend carries the unborn child of her late husband but confides in me that she would rather not. 5 children in our program watch their mother fight HIV which is rapidly sucking the life right out of her. Another friend threatens to abandon her children (again) because she just can’t make enough money to make ends meet and she would rather be apart from them than watch them suffer.

We move them into that little house in the back and we ask for miracles.

13 hearts are growing into women under my roof and need more and more of Mom, more and more of His truth. I sit, erase the to-do list from my mind and will myself to be present, to be available. The gate opens again and again and the phone rings and all these people, they just want to know that they are not alone in their hurt, just want to be heard.

So many hearts to tend.

Who is God on the days when love just doesn’t feel like enough?

I have been reading through the book of Revelation. I’ll be honest, even after reading several commentaries and looking up lots of Greek words, there are parts of it that I just can’t quite wrap my mind around. I think this is ok. How marvelous to serve a God who is so much more magnificent than I can even comprehend! What I have noticed though is that through all of it, a few things remain constant regardless of tribulation and destruction.

God is on the throne. All the angels and all elders and all the saints and all the believers are gathered at His feet. And they can’t stop worshiping Him. They can’t stop worshiping Him. Forever.

And so this week life is hard and it is heavy. Because I love so many and I want them to know Him and I want Him to heal them. I want the hurt to be over, but I know that one day, it will be. And in the mean time I just ask it, I beg it, that we would be people who cannot stop worshiping the Lamb who is worthy. That through the hard and the struggle and the moments that just seem so hopeless we would cling to the hope that He’s already won and our only response would be adoration and praise.

Eyes on Him.

Because when our love is not enough, His was. His is.

After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!” And the angels were standing around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures, and they fell on their faces before the throne and worshiped God saying, “Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be to our God forever and ever! Amen.” –Revelation 5:9-12


Unknown said...

So encouraging to see your heart for God. You understand the Holy Spirit lives inside you and using it to it's full potential. Praying you will not grow weary!

All in His Perfect Timing said...

I'm praying for you and the people you meet daily. For answers. For strength. For God to surround all His people in times of trouble.

cal+claire said...


Elissa Carruth said...

I might be in Texas, but I will do what I can from here- and that is join you in your pleas to God :) Just know that others are lifting up these burdens as well.

Anonymous said...

whenever i read your posts, my heart aches and is so heavy for you, in a beautiful way. it aches for the hard things He guides you through, but it is a sweet heaviness because i know that through it all Jesus is good and He is changing the course of more lives than you can ever know through you and your ministry. praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. Thank you. I have never met you, but when you have something to say on your blog, I listen. God speaks through you in amazing ways.

Jan Eberle said...

I love you....you are a great source of inspiration to do life in the hard, knowing that God is sufficient

Nadia said...

"Because when our love is not enough, His was. His is." Indeed, and Amen! We pray for you and with you that He will supply all of your needs with His glorious riches. "And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns" (Phil 1:6).

Julie said...

I have just finished your book and I'm absolutely in awe of your work, your strength and your vision. My 6 year old prayed last night that we might be given an oppurtunity to travel to Africa and help the children. Thank you for being such an inspiration for all of us. Bless you !

Jeri said...

Beautiful. Only His arms can carry us.
Isn't it the most amazing feeling to have God use you as His hands?
One can't do everything, but we can all do something.


Hedy King said...

Katie, I am humbled by your strength.Thank you

Hedy King said...

Katie, I am humbled by your strength, and your amazing grace. Thank you

Hope Wirta: Love My Bible said...

I am praying for you as I read this...know that YOU also are not alone!!

Hope Wirta: Love My Bible said...

I am pleading with our God to comfort you as I read your words...know that YOU also are not alone!!!

Anonymous said...

Dearest Katie,
You inspire me over and over again with your love for Christ and your ever growing relationship with Him. You see Him in ways that I dont, but wish I could. Thank you for sharing your understandings of God, and how you see Him!

Unknown said...

Dearest Katie,
You inspire me over and over again with your love for Christ and your ever growing relationship with Him. You see Him in ways that I dont, but wish I could. Thank you for sharing your understandings of God, and how you see Him!

Remy said...


My heart hurts for these people, so many times I have wished that God would just send me to them- so I can be there to hold, hug and cry with them. I hope one day he will- but for now he has me here in the states, learning to love those who don't always "want" or "need" it (even though they do need it!). Please tell my brothers and sisters that I (and many others) are praying for them, and are hurting with them in a way that might offer them encouragement. I would like to send a donation and my prayers to the woman who hasn't eaten in a week,your sweet friend and her mom, the 5 children of the mom with HIV, the young boy facing amputation, and the sweet child with a broken arm, the woman who is facing raising an unborn child on her own and to the mom who feels like giving up would be better for her children, and to so many more that I know you see everyday. Be encouraged Katie, God is moving, God is working in me, my husband and many of our friends. He is breaking our hearts for the least of these. And for me, he used your testimony to whip me into shape. I am not there, but I wish I was, to help share in their suffering as I know you are. The power of Christ is so evident in you! So thankful! Would it be best to send the donation through Amazima?

Remy said...


My heart hurts for these people, so many times I have wished that God would just send me to them- so I can be there to hold, hug and cry with them. I hope one day he will- but for now he has me here in the states, learning to love those who don't always "want" or "need" it (even though they do need it!). Please tell my brothers and sisters that I (and many others) are praying for them, and are hurting with them in a way that might offer them encouragement. I would like to send a donation and my prayers to the woman who hasn't eaten in a week,your sweet friend and her mom, the 5 children of the mom with HIV, the young boy facing amputation, and the sweet child with a broken arm, the woman who is facing raising an unborn child on her own and to the mom who feels like giving up would be better for her children, and to so many more that I know you see everyday. Be encouraged Katie, God is moving, God is working in me, my husband and many of our friends. He is breaking our hearts for the least of these. And for me, he used your testimony to whip me into shape. I am not there, but I wish I was, to help share in their suffering as I know you are. The power of Christ is so evident in you! So thankful! Would it be best to send the donation through Amazima?

Remy said...


My heart hurts for these people, so many times I have wished that God would just send me to them- so I can be there to hold, hug and cry with them. I hope one day he will- but for now he has me here in the states, learning to love those who don't always "want" or "need" it (even though they do need it!). Please tell my brothers and sisters that I (and many others) are praying for them, and are hurting with them in a way that might offer them encouragement. I would like to send a donation and my prayers to the woman who hasn't eaten in a week,your sweet friend and her mom, the 5 children of the mom with HIV, the young boy facing amputation, and the sweet child with a broken arm, the woman who is facing raising an unborn child on her own and to the mom who feels like giving up would be better for her children, and to so many more that I know you see everyday. Be encouraged Katie, God is moving, God is working in me, my husband and many of our friends. He is breaking our hearts for the least of these. And for me, he used your testimony to whip me into shape. I am not there, but I wish I was, to help share in their suffering as I know you are. The power of Christ is so evident in you! So thankful! Would it be best to send the donation through Amazima?

Remy said...


My heart hurts for these people, so many times I have wished that God would just send me to them- so I can be there to hold, hug and cry with them. I hope one day he will- but for now he has me here in the states, learning to love those who don't always "want" or "need" it (even though they do need it!). Please tell my brothers and sisters that I (and many others) are praying for them, and are hurting with them in a way that might offer them encouragement. I would like to send a donation and my prayers to the woman who hasn't eaten in a week,your sweet friend and her mom, the 5 children of the mom with HIV, the young boy facing amputation, and the sweet child with a broken arm, the woman who is facing raising an unborn child on her own and to the mom who feels like giving up would be better for her children, and to so many more that I know you see everyday. Be encouraged Katie, God is moving, God is working in me, my husband and many of our friends. He is breaking our hearts for the least of these. And for me, he used your testimony to whip me into shape. I am not there, but I wish I was, to help share in their suffering as I know you are. The power of Christ is so evident in you! So thankful! Would it be best to send the donation through Amazima?

Remy said...


My heart hurts for these people, so many times I have wished that God would just send me to them- so I can be there to hold, hug and cry with them. I hope one day he will- but for now he has me here in the states, learning to love those who don't always "want" or "need" it (even though they do need it!). Please tell my brothers and sisters that I (and many others) are praying for them, and are hurting with them in a way that might offer them encouragement. I would like to send a donation and my prayers to the woman who hasn't eaten in a week,your sweet friend and her mom, the 5 children of the mom with HIV, the young boy facing amputation, and the sweet child with a broken arm, the woman who is facing raising an unborn child on her own and to the mom who feels like giving up would be better for her children, and to so many more that I know you see everyday. Be encouraged Katie, God is moving, God is working in me, my husband and many of our friends. He is breaking our hearts for the least of these. And for me, he used your testimony to whip me into shape. I am not there, but I wish I was, to help share in their suffering as I know you are. The power of Christ is so evident in you! So thankful! Would it be best to send the donation through Amazima?

Unknown said...

Praying for you today, your ministry, and these hurting people.

Cindee Snider Re said...

Oh, Katie...we are not enough, but what grace to know the One who is! My girls and I LOVED your book, LOVE your ministry, LOVE your heart! Thank you for who you are, for surrendering daily to God and for loving His Treasures in Africa. You are BEAUTIFUL, Katie!! A blessing, a treasure, a gift...and so are your words.

Remy said...


My heart hurts for these people, so many times I have wished that God would just send me to them- so I can be there to hold, hug and cry with them. I hope one day he will- but for now he has me here in the states, learning to love those who don't always "want" or "need" it (even though they do need it!). Please tell my brothers and sisters that I (and many others) are praying for them, and are hurting with them in a way that might offer them encouragement. I would like to send a donation and my prayers to the woman who hasn't eaten in a week,your sweet friend and her mom, the 5 children of the mom with HIV, the young boy facing amputation, and the sweet child with a broken arm, the woman who is facing raising an unborn child on her own and to the mom who feels like giving up would be better for her children, and to so many more that I know you see everyday. Be encouraged Katie, God is moving, God is working in me, my husband and many of our friends. He is breaking our hearts for the least of these. And for me, he used your testimony to whip me into shape. I am not there, but I wish I was, to help share in their suffering as I know you are. The power of Christ is so evident in you! So thankful! Would it be best to send the donation through Amazima?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this today. I have dealt with so many hurting women and my heart is broken for them. Thank you for the reminder that God is on the throne and He cares for all of us.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this today. I have dealt with so many hurting women and my heart is broken for them. Thank you for the reminder that God is on the throne and He cares for all of us.

Unknown said...

You know, I was praying for my sister on the phone last week and had the same feeling... like you're just pining for the words that will fill the hole where the hurt, and they seem to elude you. But your word, "available" is it. Jesus was available. He wept with those who wept. Through the eyes of our loved ones, love is spelled T-I-M-E. He is worthy b/c He was available to the call of God.

Pie said...

Thank you. Know that you have brothers and sisters you do not know praying for you. You are not alone and neither am I. We have a great cloud of witnesses.

Pie said...

Thank you. Know that you have brothers and sisters you do not know praying for you. You are not alone and neither am I. We have a great cloud of witnesses.

Pie said...

Thank you. Know that you have brothers and sisters you do not know praying for you. You are not alone and neither am I. We have a great cloud of witnesses.

Pie said...

Thank you. Know that you have brothers and sisters you do not know praying for you. You are not alone and neither am I. We have a great cloud of witnesses.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't imagine seeing what you see. But I know we have a big God - and I believe that the pain you are seeing now also leads to you seeing more of Him.
Praying for you, those little ones, and the people you mentioned.

Pie said...

Thank you. Know that you have brothers and sisters you do not know praying for you. You are not alone and neither am I. We have a great cloud of witnesses.

Pie said...

Thank you. Know that you have brothers and sisters you do not know praying for you. You are not alone and neither am I. We have a great cloud of witnesses.

Laurel said...

So sorry that things are hard and heavy this week. I will lift you up in prayer.

mama of 12

Anonymous said...

no words...just continued prayers...holding you before His throne of Grace and Mercy...

Anonymous said...

Katie--I am continually amazed at your faith and faithfulness. May God continue to be near to you...especially during these tough weeks. He is still on the throne!!(such a good reminder)

Rachelle--Spokane, WA

Brianne said...

Thank you for this. Thank you for all you do for others, and for your prayers and praise to our Holy God who is enough! May we always remember that - cling to it especially in the hard times.

Remy said...


My heart hurts for these people, so many times I have wished that God would just send me to them- so I can be there to hold, hug and cry with them. I hope one day he will- but for now he has me here in the states, learning to love those who don't always "want" or "need" it (even though they do need it!). Please tell my brothers and sisters that I (and many others) are praying for them, and are hurting with them in a way that might offer them encouragement. I would like to send a donation and my prayers to the woman who hasn't eaten in a week,your sweet friend and her mom, the 5 children of the mom with HIV, the young boy facing amputation, and the sweet child with a broken arm, the woman who is facing raising an unborn child on her own and to the mom who feels like giving up would be better for her children, and to so many more that I know you see everyday. Be encouraged Katie, God is moving, God is working in me, my husband and many of our friends. He is breaking our hearts for the least of these. And for me, he used your testimony to whip me into shape. I am not there, but I wish I was, to help share in their suffering as I know you are. The power of Christ is so evident in you! So thankful! Would it be best to send the donation through Amazima?

Anonymous said...

I love that first verse, it just blows me away every time. John looks and sees people he would never have known existed, from every tribe and nation, people he would never have encountered, tribes the rest of the world didn't even know about at that time. The perfect line that says God's plan is so much bigger and better than our own.

Anonymous said...

Katie, you have such wisdom. It blows me away. I travel to Zambia once a year, and the pain I see my Zambian family go through is almost too much. But I know that even when the mission team leaves, He doesn't. I have to stay strong in that knowledge. You are such an inspiration to me and to so many others. Thank you (Zicomo) for your steadfast love, work and faith.

Mochamama said...

Katie- I agree with you in prayer and am lifting up all of the precious people you shared about including you and your precious daughters.

In His Love,

LSines said...

Thank you Katie for this post. Such a good reminder to constantly be at the feet of Jesus. I too pray that we all won't be able to stop praising and worshipping the Lord ! Praying for you :)

sacra vim said...

Thank you for writing this. Praying for deep, fulfilling rest right now and a more encouraging day when you wake up.

Anonymous said...

Oh Katie, you who have encouraged and challenged me to go beyond, I am lifting you up now as you hopefully sleep and praying God's rest and peace for your heart, strength for all that is there for you to do and hope beyond compare in the knowledge of knowing God is ALL that He is and we need him to be! your Maryland friend, Debbie Mac *_*

Claudia said...

For the past few days, a haunting tune has been swirling through my head making its voice heard from my piano keyboard. After reading your post, I sat down and wrote the words that belong with it. The chorus is simple: we praise you, and praise you, and praise you forever. We love you and worship your holy name.

I love that we serve a God too big to comprehend. How amazing that He loves us!

Cindy said...

Dearest Katie,

I love your heart for these people and for the Lord! I am a grandma and life coach with a strange disorder that has forced me to give up driving. I still "work" part time (coaching the residents of Shiloh), but have plenty of time for prayer. I would be honored to pray for you, your girls, and your needs. Send me an email with names and requests if you like. You will be added to my daily prayers! Thank you for doing what we should all be doing, because in the doing so, you inspire us to do the same! <3

Together for the Kingdom,

Unknown said...

I cry for the lady that has not eaten. And I say a prayer of thanksgiving that you are there sharing love.

The Manna Mama said...

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord....Worthy is the Lamb who was slain!

The Manna Mama said...

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord. Worthy is the Lamb that was slain!!!

Rachelle said...

Sweet sweet Katie....no words, just love & prayers for ALL of you.

Alyssa Esparaz said...


"I want the hurt to be over, but I know that one day, it will be." I so know this, and I so often forget that I'm not enough, only He is.

Thanks, Katie. You never fail to inspire! <3

Lori said...

Katie, we are calling your name in prayer tonight in savannah, Georgia. The needs are great but He has equipped you for the task at hand. We are praying specifically for you to have strength in body, mind and heart. Thank you for being the hands and feet of our precious Jesus to the people of Uganda. Sending hugs and kisses to you...

Unknown said...

Oh YES Katie--eyes on Him! That heart of yours? It is so filled with HIM that it pours out & over, through this computer screen--flooding mine with His love. Thank you. May God continue to bless you & strengthen you--courageous sister!

Anonymous said...

Can I just say that you are an inspiration. What you do is just plain amazing. You are not only a role model to me, but to so many girls around the world. You inspire me to live life graciously for God every single day. You are such a compassionate person. Everyone of your stories and book motivate me to become a better daughter, granddaughter, friend, and follower of Jesus Christ. Thank you and God bless you.

Denver said...

Katie, My wife and I are called to Orphans in South Sudan. We leave America this Feb 2013 for our first month there. Stacey read your book, then I read your book. Now many are reading it because you touched our hearts and encouraged us in our mission to the area we are going to. One year ago I had a heart attack and God changed me duroing my recovery time. He showed me how prejudice I had been and how to love each person like He loves me and Jesus and certainly you. Thank you.

Pavlina said...

The thought that comes to mind is Re 21:7, "He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son."
With regards to the studies on the book of Revelation, you may like to look in to http://sonlightdevotional.org/library/books/the-book-of-revelation/. It not only enlightened my understanding with regards to Brother John's writings but mainly deepened my relationship with my Savior.
Bless you, dear sister, you are very much in our prayers.
Pavlina Davis

daye said...

Praise God and His son Jesus Christ our Lord

McCollums said...

Dear Katie,
Psalm 34 has been a great companion of mine these last couple of weeks. I hope you find comfort and encouragement in it. Blessings to you dear sister. Let us exalt his name together.

Anna said...

I pray for you. To hold a space, to be the ear that hears the pain is a heavy burden. It is so hard to sit and not have an answer. Your work is important. Your voice is important. All I think when I read these words is hands and feet, broken and poured out.

Elaine said...

“These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
Praying that He will guide you in truth, that His gospel will shine all the more brightly in darkness and that your faith will be strengthened and renewed. The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end. They are new each morning.
Bless you, Katie and may all the glory go to the Lamb who is worthy!

Becca said...

Katie, you are truly an inspiration.May God bless the amazing work you are doing for HIS GLORY! You and your beautiful family are constantly in my prayers!

"The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me,because the Lord has anointed me
to bring good news to the poor;he has sent me to bind up the
brokenhearted,to proclaim liberty to the captives,and the opening of the prison to those who are bound;to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor,and the day of vengeance of our God;
to comfort all who mourn;"
Isaiah 61:1-2

Anonymous said...

It has always bothered me that there is so much pain in this broken world. But it is what it is - a wayward world gone wrong. That is why we must only trust the Savior who can heal, the Almighty who will one day return and make all things right . . . forever.

Katie, you are an encouragement to so many.

DavidAL said...

Amen! He is worthy, and He is sovereign.

Remy said...


My heart hurts for these people, so many times I have wished that God would just send me to them- so I can be there to hold, hug and cry with them. I hope one day he will- but for now he has me here in the states, learning to love those who don't always "want" or "need" it (even though they do need it!). Please tell my brothers and sisters that I (and many others) are praying for them, and are hurting with them in a way that might offer them encouragement. I would like to send a donation and my prayers to the woman who hasn't eaten in a week,your sweet friend and her mom, the 5 children of the mom with HIV, the young boy facing amputation, and the sweet child with a broken arm, the woman who is facing raising an unborn child on her own and to the mom who feels like giving up would be better for her children, and to so many more that I know you see everyday. Be encouraged Katie, God is moving, God is working in me, my husband and many of our friends. He is breaking our hearts for the least of these. And for me, he used your testimony to whip me into shape. I am not there, but I wish I was, to help share in their suffering as I know you are. The power of Christ is so evident in you! So thankful! Would it be best to send the donation through Amazima?

4justice said...

Hi Katie. I feel the difficulty of this life in a fallen world in your post. Like you said, our God is beg and can handle all these issues you mentioned! I will be praying that God will send more workers to share the burden with you and the rest of the Amazima staff. Also, I thought you might find Isaiah 51 encouraging! God bless you all at Amazima and Jinja!

Isaiah 51

1“Listen to me, you who pursue righteousness,
you who seek the Lord:
look to the rock from which you were hewn,
and to the quarry from which you were dug.
2 Look to Abraham your father
and to Sarah who bore you;
for he was but one when I called him,
that I might bless him and multiply him.
3 For the Lord comforts Zion;
he comforts all her waste places
and makes her wilderness like Eden,
her desert like the garden of the Lord;
joy and gladness will be found in her,
thanksgiving and the voice of song.
4 “Give attention to me, my people,
and give ear to me, my nation;
for a law[a] will go out from me,
and I will set my justice for a light to the peoples.
5 My righteousness draws near,
my salvation has gone out,
and my arms will judge the peoples;
the coastlands hope for me,
and for my arm they wait.
6 Lift up your eyes to the heavens,
and look at the earth beneath;
for the heavens vanish like smoke,
the earth will wear out like a garment,
and they who dwell in it will die in like manner;[b]
but my salvation will be forever,
and my righteousness will never be dismayed.
7 “Listen to me, you who know righteousness,
the people in whose heart is my law;
fear not the reproach of man,
nor be dismayed at their revilings.
8 For the moth will eat them up like a garment,
and the worm will eat them like wool;
but my righteousness will be forever,
and my salvation to all generations.”

R said...

When life is heavy and hard to take,
go off by yourself. Enter the silence.
Bow in prayer. Don’t ask questions:
Wait for hope to appear.
Don’t run from trouble. Take it full-face.
The “worst” is never the worst.
Lametations 3:28-30

Praying. Thanks for all you do.
He is here.



Nancy said...

This was so encouraging Katie! Just what I needed to hear!

Anonymous said...

. . .Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, . . .

Anonymous said...

How timely your words for my own little life at just this moment in time when so much is not as I'd imagined...how grateful for the glorious truth given to us in this wonderfully mysterious revelation to the one whom Jesus loved! And now I worship Him! Here. at this computer as I commit to just be available to what He brings into my small life. Oh, He is Worthy! All worthy!

Unknown said...

Joining you with my tears and in prayer, Katie-dear.

Ben and Melanie said...

Just prayed for you and all around you... and all that you mentioned! TEARS falling. Well done good and faithful servant! Keep going... Although I do not know how you can and do. Hugs from The States!

reneeortizstudios.com said...

Hi Katie,
Thank you for your beautiful words, for your heart for Jesus that you so readily share. My daughter ad I have been reading your book during devotion time; and now at chapter 18. My heart was breaking for you this morning as we read about your lack of sleep over not hurting enough for the children who aren't your own. I truly think that there is a reason God knits our hearts together with our own children, adopted or otherwise. Only He can handle the hurt of the multitudes. He is God.

I so love and appreciate what you are doing. I love sharing this with my daughter, and have a hunch she may be over there sharing in your work one day. For now, know that these two women are praying for you and your children, for the ones that He places in your path, for strength for today and for His perfect peace.

Renee and Madeline

Titt Tei said...

Dear Katie! Thank you SO much for writing your book, for writing this blogpost, and for giving me a new perspective in life. I`m from Norway, the best place in the world to live, they say. But we don`t care to think about the great needs in the world. Your words (and Jesus) have really open my eyes (but I don`t think I really understand the suffering in Uganda) to see that people really needs me. I`m a christian and so is many of my friends. We usually take all we have for granted. And we also takes the salvation in Jesus Christ for granted. Thank you for waking me up, and I pray for us in Norway (who have SO much) to share what we have with love in our heart. I will pray for you and your family and your organisation. God bless you.

With love, from Inger Elisabeth

Sherly said...

....and I too pray.


Unknown said...

Katie Davis you are my hero. God wills you to keep moving forward. Bless you young mama.

Unknown said...

Katie Davis you are my hero. May God continue to bless you and your family young mama.

erin leigh said...


My husband and I just returned from vacation where I literally sat under a bungalow on the beach, reading your book out loud to my husband, stopping only when my tears got the best of me.

Your message is powerful - sheer love for God and for His sheep. Thank you for being you and for inspiring others to be who God calls them to be... whom much is given, much is expected.

I am honored to support your ministry. God bless you and all of your precious daughters!

Unknown said...

Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.

Isaiah 41:10

Unknown said...

Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.

Isaiah 41:10

Anonymous said...

Worthy is the lamb. Always. Thank you for the reminder.

Anonymous said...

You are amazing, Katie. Just incredible. God bless you!

Kristyn said...

this is beautiful and such an encouragement... i understand how you feel and this is something i think about often and struggle with. thank you for sharing your heart. my prayers go to you. xo.

heathermichelle said...

Katie- I am new to your blog and have started your book. I am praying for you. I am so thankful to have read this blog, this day. I carry heavy hearts for friends and family too. Thank you for reminding me that He is on the throne and always.

Anonymous said...

Katie- I am new to your blog and this post was exactly what I needed to read this day. I carry a heavy heart for many loved ones too. Thank you for reminding me that our God is on the throne! I am praying for you!

Jacobsmarket said...

I want to share this link with you: http://www.jesusislordradio.info/ I Am listening to this radiochannel online (each day), and it gives me a lot of hope. Best wishes from Lillian in Norway.

Anonymous said...

I hope I can be more like you some day. God bless you. I know He does.

Joy Martin said...

Oh Katie -- My heart is totally in the same place this week in the space God has planted us in among the poor and needy. Thank you -- I worship with you the Lamb of God ! ...the Great I AM !
Love to you and blessings ! ~ Joy

Carol said...

Thank you for your post.
Peace and love,

Anonymous said...

Praying for you, Mama Katie

- Arielle

Jeanette said...

There is a song entitled "Salvation Belongs to Our God" that was taken from the scripture you referenced. It always helps me to put the words to music,so I thought I would mention it in case you have a way to access the song on the internet. May you feel His comfort and strength each day.

http://www.lollipopandpearls.blogspot.com said...

And I sit here and read your transparent and raw heart and marvel at how the God of the Universe continues to weave such a beautiful tapestry of His love, His provision, His grace, His forgiveness...and His abundant blessings in spite of and in the midst of the visible circumstances that seem devastatingly out of control! BUT GOD...BUT GOD...through His servant, Katie, reminds us of just how much He loves us and how HE can do the unfathomable in us and through us from an obedient heart! Thank-you, precious one, for answering the call and for continuing to shine brightly in dark places. You mentor me in ways you will never know...and I am blessed and deeply grateful! Love you, Katie!

Lisa Syler

Anonymous said...

Katie we watched at house group last night your interview with David Platt and you touched many of our lives! Just to encourage you that in New Zealand we are praying for you and your work. My prayer for you is that God will give your the strength for the week and that his grace would be sufficient for you today.
God bless

SRW said...

I just finished your book. Embarrassingly, it took me a couple of months. It was too emotionally tolling. I usually read at night - I'd read, then lie awake tossing and turning, not falling asleep until 3 am, then being awakened before 6 by my two year old. I can't stop thinking about you, your ministry, these people. I wish I could do something - to help. I pray for you, during your tough times, so that you can have the strength to help all of those people. Your girls. The Masese people. And, for some inner peace, for you. You deserve it more than anyone.

SRW said...

I just finished your book. Embarrassingly, it took me a couple of months. It was too emotionally tolling. I usually read at night - I'd read, then lie awake tossing and turning, not falling asleep until 3 am, then being awakened before 6 by my two year old. I can't stop thinking about you, your ministry, these people. I wish I could do something - to help. I pray for you, during your tough times, so that you can have the strength to help all of those people. Your girls. The Masese people. And, for some inner peace, for you. You deserve it more than anyone.

Anonymous said...

Hi I am senior in high school with the same calling from God to serve in Africa!! I just wanted to thank you for your inspiration and awesome love for God!! I'm praying that God will continue to be moving and working in the lives in Uganda!! May God bless you and I hope one day I will get to talk to you about God's great mission!!!
Moriah Stock

mom said...

The honesty, love, and beauty of your testimonies these past months have been awe inspiring. Thank you for posting such beautiful thoughts.

Joelle said...

Thank you. I know this is a strange miniscule thing to take from this post but when you said "erase the to do lists from my mind and be present" it really effected me today. A lot of other things about it effected me too but it was important for me to pause there and take note. Blessings and prayers to you my sister in Christ

Joelle said...

Thank you. I know this is a strange miniscule thing to take from this post but when you said "erase the to do lists from my mind and be present" it really effected me today. A lot of other things about it effected me too but it was important for me to pause there and take note. Blessings and prayers to you my sister in Christ

DebMet said...

Dear Katie and Amazima Staff,
What a blessing it is to be following your lives! I am so encouraged. I found you through Katie's interview on the Dave Ramsey show, went out and bought the Kisses book. (Have finished it and passed it on!) I am now praying for you all and your ministry and your ENERGY! :) May it be NEVER ceasing... and may God bless you with even more ON FIRE FOR HIM workers for your harvest!

Kaysha said...

Thank you for this message Katie. I feel similarly and your reminder to focus on the Lamb is exactly what I'm needing to do. All the way around the world from Los Angeles, thank you for continuing your work and your focus on Jesus. And we pray. xo

Windhover Farm said...

Revelation. I never fully read it or loved it until I read "Reversed Thunder" by Eugene Peterson. Prayer and worship brought to life in new ways.

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your book for about a few months and have literally changed the way I think about my life and my life in God's eyes. I strive to live a life in his perfect will and to follow his direction and commands. I have a huge heart for Africa, but mine is in Tanzania with an orphanage I worked at this summer. I know you're busy but here's a link to my blog, which is also about Africa and orphans and God's love.
Thanks for all you do for the Kingdom.



Anonymous said...

Katie you have inspired me to become a missionary. This summer, I will be traveling to Uganda to work in an Orphanage there. You are such an inspiration to me!

Anonymous said...

Katie you have inspired me to become a missionary. This summer, I will be traveling to Uganda to work in an Orphanage there. You are such an inspiration to me!

Just Cricket said...

Hello Katie,
I just read your book and have started reading your blog. I'm a 23-year-old missionary in Honduras, and I work primarily with impoverished, orphaned, and abandoned street kids. While I've never met you, reading your book was like finding a friend on the other side of the world. Never before have I "met" someone who I could so identify with as a single woman serving in a country that is so much more my home than the US ever was. Right now, most of my time is spent in a government-run boys' center where I meet boys who, to most, are drug addicts, thieves, and orphans but, to me, are the most precious treasures. Every day I see Jesus in their hungry hearts, and every day, they become more and more like my sons. My heart aches to adopt them in a form that expands beyond desperately crying out to God to rescue my sons to somehow tangibly being their mother and meeting their needs. But, I have to wait on God's timing and direction which often means accepting the present as preparation for the future and learning to suffer alongside others as Jesus must have suffered our pain while on this earth. Reading your blog today in the midst of feeling so much hurt and desperation for my sons was a good reminder--not only that we're not alone but that God truly is in control, and His love is always enough.

Much love and prayers, my sister in Christ.

Chanda Griese said...


It amazed me how the Lord has stretched you so much and is continuing to stretch you. It is so encouraging to hear of His faithfulness to you and all that's He's brought you through and how He's used you as a conduit of His love to these hurting people.

Amanda M. said...

"May the God of hope bring you all the joy and peace as you trust in Him,so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope." Romans 15:13
You are all on my heart and in my prayes.

Kalli said...

praying for you at this moment katie.

Kalli said...

Praying for you tonight, katie.

Savannah said...

This makes me realize how much I've been blessed in my life. Those children just tug on my heart every time I hear their stories. God loves each and every one of them like a Father and has a divine plan for their lives. Thank you, Katie, for being that love to them. I just want to hold them in my arms too and tell them how much they matter to me! I'm praying for you Katie.

Jolene said...

Katie, I am half way through your book and I, an avid reader, have never been brought to tears by a book the way I am with every page of your book. I want to take so many lines from the book and frame them and put them where I can be reminded day in day out about the awesomeness of our God that you so eloquently capture in the telling of His amazing work in your life. I cannot thank you enough for having the faith to step out and say "yes" to Him day in and day out. And for having the courage and selflessness to share that with us. You are right - God calls us to the impossible so that we can do it through His grace and power and only through His grace and power. Thank you for touching lives both there in Uganda and here in the States.

AB said...

Kutless recently came out with this song. It has been a great encouragement to me. Hopefully I have pasted the youtube correctly for you to listen. If not, the song is 'Even if the Healing Doesn't Come'.

All for Christ,

Sue said...

Katie you are and inspiration to many! I love Revelation 5 too and look forward to the day when I too will get to participate in that on-going heavenly worship!

Also, thanks to the photographer who so beautifully has captured the feelings and hearts of these people. A picture is worth a thousand words!

Peace and prayers

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your stories and your heart. We all benefit when others are willing to share what they're learning as they walk with Jesus.

I have a question for you that I'd like to ask offline. Would you email me at jaby@stanford.edu? Thanks. Janelle

Yewon Lee said...

Hi Katie. I'm Yewon in South Korea.
I'm 19.
I read your book 'Kisses from Katie' few days ago. It took me quite a long time to read it because I didn't want to rush through and miss any phrase. My vision is to become a medical doctor and help those in need and bring them to God, just like you are doing so wonderfully. Maybe it's not what God want from me, but even so I'll gladly follow His will. I'll pray for you and Amazima here in S.Korea. As you know, God loves you.

Yewon Lee said...

Hi Katie. I'm Yewon in South Korea.
I'm 19.
I read your book 'Kisses from Katie' few days ago. It took me quite a long time to read it because I didn't want to rush through and miss any phrase. My vision is to become a medical doctor and help those in need and bring them to God, just like you are doing so wonderfully. Maybe it's not what God want from me, but even so I'll gladly follow His will. I'll pray for you and Amazima here in S.Korea. As you know, God loves you.

Kyla said...

I am a teacher from Ontario, Canada. Just helped to install a clean water system at the Kawolo hospital in Lugazi this August. This was my first trip to Uganda and like yourself after your first visit, I left my heart there. Thank you for creating "Kisses from Katie!" Many times your words mirrored words I've shared and thought myself. I love reliving the powerful joy that Uganda brings through your pages. I am heading back in August 2013 to see the people who now have my heart. I now have a new philosophy to live by, "Be better...Do more....Give more."

Kyla said...

I am a teacher from Ontario, Canada. Just helped to install a clean water system at the Kawolo hospital in Lugazi this August. This was my first trip to Uganda and like yourself after your first visit, I left my heart there. Thank you for creating "Kisses from Katie!" Many times your words mirrored words I've shared and thought myself. I love reliving the powerful joy that Uganda brings through your pages. I am heading back in August 2013 to see the people who now have my heart. I now have a new philosophy to live by, "Be better...Do more....Give more."

Mama Eberle said...

You are so precious to us....praying for His hand to sustain you as you pour your self out as HIS hands, His feet, on behalf of the broken, hopeless, and hopeless. Your great love for them allows them to see Jesus....and He is enough

pouredout4him said...

My sister and friend Katie,
:-) I have to smile at that thought, to know you are my sister though you don't know me yet...
I relate so much to the aching passion you have to see hurts healed, hope given. I believe, i KNOW, we are kindred spirits...
I posted on fb recently something that gave me hope in the midst of so much today that looks discouraging:
"You know, as I look at posts and see the heart of many of my friends and many of us who hardly even know each other, I am touched at the kindness and good intentions of many. Many also diligently seek to obey and honor God, each in our imperfect ways.

That is astounding in the time in which we live. It brings me to tears. There is hope, and a foundation of faith in this country that can lead to the most powerful revival the world has ever known!
Be part of it! Please, seek God, repent of sin and distraction as I have been doing much the past months and even years. The Lord can use you and me to transform our nation and world! Lets start in our own life. Our own home, committed to SERVE the King rather than ourselves...
I love you my fellow believers, and pity those who don't know the Lord and His love."

I'm WILD 4 God, and I want to be poured out for Him. I love how you have found ways to be poured out. Love and peace to you as you see the Father move. I pray I could serve as you do in many ways and more one day. You're in my prayers. <3

Anonymous said...


Amazing encourangement!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so encouraged by reading your blog! I think that you are so amazing! I just recently read your book and respect you for everything you do. Reading your book and your blog has also brought me closer to God. I went on a missions trip to Nicaragua this summer for a week and left in tears, although I was ready to be back to the comfort of my home. I've felt God tugging at my heart for a while, and when I read your book, I knew that he was calling me to also, like you, move to Uganda when I'm older. I'm only 12 years old, but I really feel him calling me to move there when I'm older. May God continue to work through you in Uganda!

Maybelline said...

Hi Katie,

I'm so blessed to have read your blog. My heart and prayer goes out to you and the people you are reaching out for Christ. God is awesome in you! God bless you more!

Tina S. from Colorado said...

Hello Katie, I just finished your book and had to look up your blog and the Amazima website. I will be involved from now on, thank you. My book club chose this book to read and we will be meeting tomorrow night. I can't wait to see the ways God has moved all of us through your book, through your story and through your love. God is mighty and He has captured you for the people of Uganda. May your brothers and sisters in Christ in our beautiful country of America come full force in partnership with you. God Bless You and your precious family as you serve others for the One who loves us all.

Unknown said...

You are amazing. Glory to God for the Love He placed on you. I thank God for letting me come to your blog through stumble upon. I pray that he continues to bless you and all those who follow your blog. How do I find out your address and a list of items our ministry could help with?

Bali Hotels said...

very nice post, i love it

Bali Hotels said...

great post

Ellen said...

Dear Sweet Katie, Since the day I read your book one year ago my heart has been beating with yours. I too have a heart for hurting people. When I am feeling weary I go to your blog and receive encouragement. You are a Mighty warrior for Christ. He is faithful. Hugs

Dee said...

Katie.. thank you for sharing your heart, your struggles, your faith in an ever present God. Your book was just what I needed this year as I'm going to be a fresh out of highschool missionary in the coming year. Your struggles and other peoples misunderstanding of your heart and love for a people of a different country really reached to the center of my heart. People will not understand. They will be confused at what we see that they can't. But we can pray and continue to live an example of the One who called us for His own pleasure. May God bless you, watch over you and your precious girls, your work He has sent you, and your life forever. Amen!

Dee said...

Thank you Katie for sharing your heart, struggles, and victories with the world. I pray that the Lord will continue to bless you and your precious family, encircle His ministry in Uganda with His protection and love. May His good and precious will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I am almost finished with highschool, and then it is off to Central America for missions work. I believe it is my life's calling from God, and I am so encouraged to know that someone else feels the way I do. I can relate to people who don't understand why someone so young would want to give up their 'future' to live in poverty and help others. The truth is, and I know that you know this so well, is that we are not truly giving up our future, we are discovering that God has a future way better than we could ever imagine for us. From one sister in Christ to another, SHALOM!

Dee said...

Thank you Katie for sharing your heart, struggles, and victories with the world. I pray that the Lord will continue to bless you and your precious family, encircle His ministry in Uganda with His protection and love. May His good and precious will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I am almost finished with highschool, and then it is off to Central America for missions work. I believe it is my life's calling from God, and I am so encouraged to know that someone else feels the way I do. I can relate to people who don't understand why someone so young would want to give up their 'future' to live in poverty and help others. The truth is, and I know that you know this so well, is that we are not truly giving up our future, we are discovering that God has a future way better than we could ever imagine for us. From one sister in Christ to another, SHALOM!

Parisyy said...

In the middle of reading your book, your work is amazing. May God bless your heart.

It was my dream to go to Africa and bring a little bit love, a little bit help to even one child. We cant change the world, but we can change one child's life. We can let one child see love from us and that love is gonna change his/her life. You are an angel.

Sarah said...

I'm 17, and I read your book, Kisses from Katie, as an independent reading project for school. I just wanted to let you know that I LOVE what God is doing through you in Uganda. It encourages me to go forth in my own community and spread His word through works of love and the sharing of my faith. Your words truly are an inspiration, and I pray that God blesses you, your little girls, and your ministry. Not only is God using you as a vessel for His power to show through in Uganda, but He does so in every person that reads about your life and your story. God bless you! :)

Morning Glory Coffee Break said...

You, your life are inspirations to so many. Praying for you , your family and those you help. God Bless

Valerie said...

Blessed Katie,

Thank you for being a light in the darkness. This is one of the very few places in the blogosphere that I ever visit these days, and that, rarely. But sometimes late at night I long for a dose of the raw reality of love that you are living and expressing here...to keep my heart grateful and grounded and longing for MORE Jesus in me. You humble and inspire me, and I pray that you will continue to be consumed by the desire to love God, and to love others, for love of God. I wanted to share this website, in case you might find here some life-giving insight into the Book of Revelation. http://www.fisheaters.com/revelation.html

May God grant you continued strength, trust and perseverance in "running the race" of faith.

Valerie said...

You are a light in the darkness. Thank you.

Wanted to share something you might find illuminating:


God bless and keep you and your many loves. Peace.

Lilia said...

It's amazing how God is working through you. I just want to let you know I'm praying for the work in Uganda. Your post made me think of 2 Cor. 12:9-10!

Anonymous said...


Thank you for this and God bless Amazima

Jamie Stephens jamalli424@gmail.com said...

Sweet Katie,
Everyday I am moved, encouraged, inspired, and convicted by your work in Uganda to keep giving more to God and the work of His Kingdom. Your life is a testimony of what it really looks like to be a Christian. He has used your book and your blog to show me how He wants ME to live... Not as a comfortable American college girl, but as a humble servant who loves the least of these with radical self-abandon. Thank you for obeying our Lord, so that I can learn how to obey Him.

Amazing Place said...

Dear Katie,

I sent a blog comment on behalf of the participants an Amazing Place Houston. We are a facility for people with mild to moderate dementia and Alzheimer's. We have been reading your book for about a month and a half now. The participants wanted to communicate with you and I was trying to show them how a blog works. We created a gmail specifically for Amazing Place. Our blog did not post and I'm afraid it's because your site didn't accept our email name. This communication is important to them so please let us know what to do to contact you properly. God bless you and your amazing work.

Donna Field
Participant Program Manager
Amazing Place Houston

Anonymous said...

Your amazing and God will take all of the burden and worry up on his shoulders when we ask him to. The Lord our God is absolutely amazing and loves us to death. I am praying for you and Uganda which I call Katie's family but also God's house.

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Anonymous said...

Katie, you are an amazing light for Jesus' love.

God bless you.