Monday, December 24, 2012

Some people get presents under their Christmas tree.

Me? I get a family of 5. 4 children under 8 and their mother sleep on the couches and on mattresses laid out on the living room floor.

It's 5:30 am and I find a place to squeeze in between the pile of children and blankets and attempt to have some "quiet time" by the light of the Christmas tree. I am distracted. Her kids all have a cough and they breathe heavily and toss and turn all around me. Her chest heaves and a small moan escapes her lips. The rain pounds loudly on the tin roof and we need this rain so I try to be thankful for it. I dream for her future. I dream that she'll live. I fleetingly wonder if there are relative who will raise this brood of young ones if she doesn't.

I wonder what their future will hold. I wonder what this day will hold. I watch their chests move up and down and hear my precious ones begin to stir in the other room, and I wonder if I can so it again today, the 17 children and the sick and the broken and those who will come for dinner and just all of these lives with all of their needs. The house is all a-twinkle, and I remind myself of all God's promises fulfilled in a baby and breathe it deep, Grace.

And I am so thankful that Jesus meets us in these squished places. In the stretched places. In-the-squeezed-between-the-tree-and-the-kids moments, in the desperate-for-quiet-on-the-bathroom-floor-because-everywhere-else-is-full moments.

I read Luke. I think of Bethlehem and how it had no room, and I think of how His parents squeezed between the animals to place Him in a feeding trough. The shepherds gazed in wonder but Mary held all this wonder in the silence of her heart. I bet she dreamed of His future. I bet it was muddy and loud in there, but the sky was all a-twinkle with the light of that star, the heavens bursting with joy at God's promises all fulfilled, Grace.

I look around and know: this is what He came for. The King of the universe who created all things, even life itself, clothed in splendor, took off His royal robes, laid aside His crown and squeezed all of the fullness of God into the womb of a woman and then into swaddling clothes in a manger.

He calls my name right here and how I long to recognize Him here, right here.

The squished places and the stretched places, the moments that are loud and messy and uncertain, this is what He came for. The heartaches and the doubt and the wounds that our sin carves deep, that's why He is here. And all this life hanging in the dark of the morning, isn't this why we wait, why we celebrate? Isn't this why we light up the candles and the tree and the house and say with all the longing in our hearts, "Come, Lord Jesus"?

Come, Lord Jesus.

This morning in the dark, in the rain, in whatever mess or squished place or heartache you find yourself in, all God's promises are Yes and Amen, and we can rejoice in thanksgiving! The Savior is here with us, Grace.

His promise is Yes to you, friends. "Yes, I have come, and Yes, I am coming. Yes, I am with you always, even to the very end of the age."

I pray that you'll recognize His handprints all over your day today.

Merry Christmas.


Allison C. Lee said...

Yes. Come Lord. Come. And while we wait...we worship You and pray. Pray for the Saints like precious Katie...


Emma Hamstra said...

Beautiful. Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

This is so beautiful. Praying for you.

Caroline said...

Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family Katie! You have been beyond an inspiration to me as I am reading your book. I'm hoping to do ministry in Africa next summer and (although it's a long shot) I'd love to use you as a sounding board! I'm praying for you and your sweet girls as well as the family staying with you! Have a blessed Christmas!

Caroline said...

Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family Katie! You are beyond an inspiration to me as I'm reading your book. I'm hoping to do ministry in Africa next summer and (although it's a long shot) I'd love to use you as my sounding board! I'm praying for you and your sweet girls as well as the family staying with you! Have a blessed Christmas!

George said...

Thank you, sister. God bless you and yours. Praying for your strength.

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty- Psalm 91:1

George said...

God bless you and yours, sister. Thank you. Merry Christmas.

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. - Psalm 91:1

Anonymous said...

You are truly an inspiration! God bless you and your family! Merry Christmas!

Tammy said...

God bless you and (all)yours today, and in all the days to come.

Merry Christmas

Heather Keno said...

Merry Christmas! This week I have been encouraged and challenged as I read your book; knowing that God is leading me down a road that is uncomfortable but filled with joy. Thank you for sharing how God has led you.
I pray that God will bless you and your family today.

Anonymous said...

Dearest sister in Christ,
You are beautiful. I came across your journal as I was browsing through the net for anything interesting to read or simply to just pass the time away. Instead, I was led to your wonderful journal. I just want to say that you've inspired me to keep turning to God, giving thanks for both the good and the not so pleasant trials in life. I pray that God will continue to be with you and the people around you in spirit, that He may continue to use you to fulfill his wondrous works :) Have a Blessed Christmas!

Lots of Love,

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas Katie! I'm praying for this family!

Unknown said...

Beautiful, Katie! Merry Christmas to you and your girls and all those you care for there. God bless you....thank you for all you do! I am so blessed by your blog and your book! God touches my heart and so many others thru your life there.

Hal Simmons said...

O come, O come, Emmanuel, bless Katie, her family, her ministry, the Masese people, the needs of the community and thank you for the love, the witness and the evidence of Your great power in Uganda. May the frustrations of each day be tempered with the joy of serving You, of experiencing Your healing power, and knowing that you are and will always be the 'I AM'. O come, o come, Emmanuel, and fill Katie and the people of Masese with your love, especially on this Christmas day. - Hal Simmons

Jaclyn Bailes said...

Thanks for always reminding of Grace. And that there is always room. :)

Sandy said...

Thank you Katie,
And for you. Extra Grace from Him through you.
Sandy in the UK
I recently found your blog. Thank you for the ways you remind me to look at things differently in the things He wants me to do, with the limited energy an abilities He expands so I can do them. God Bless.

Kalli said...

Praying for you and your family on this day... you are truly an example of a Godly woman Katie and such an encouragement to me and many, many others

Kalli said...

Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family. Praying for all of you and your ministry today and throughout the year... you are truly an example of a Godly woman and such an encouragement to me. Thank you for your book, and all your beautiful blog posts... I look forward to them.

Jennifer said...

Wishing you a beautiful Christmas and all the joy your heart can hold :)

Unknown said...


I am 15 years old. I have read your book and I am so inspired by you. Your love for Christ and the way He uses you for His glory amazes me and I praise Him for it. I decided to not recieve presents this Christmas and instead use that money for God's purpose. I am having trouble deciding which organization to donate the money to. Because you inspire me so much, I was thinking maybe I would give it to you. How could I get it to you?

Sarah Widener said...

Thank you for sharing these intimate moments with us. Your adventure is soul inspiring, and it is a privileged to be welcomed to read about these very special moments you share for God's glory.

Butterfly Kisses said...

Merry Christmas Katie. Blessings to you and your loving family. Christ is king and He is truly enough.

Kay Kay said...

I got the book Kisses from Katie for Christmas. I read it straight through. I is wonderful. Thank you for writing it.
**Katie, Alabama

Kay Kay said...

I got the book Kisses from Katie. I love it!! Thank you for writing it.

Cheryl Klinger-Smith said...

Dear Katie,
I have only found your blog & story in the past few days as I bought your book for my 14yo adopted daughter & was drawn to your story for myself as well. You are truly His hands & His feet in Uganda & a living testimony of sacrificial love the way Jesus lived it & how He wants us to be living in the world today. I will be following your blog & we as a family will commit to pray for you, your ministry & will financially support you as well. He has called all of us to be a part of His body in so many different ways & we will lift you up from this part of the world & will do our part as your follow the Savior in Africa doing yours.
For the King & for the Kingdom,
Cheryl Smith & family

Cheryl Klinger-Smith said...

Dear Katie,
I have only found your blog & story in the past few days as I bought your book for my 14yo adopted daughter & was drawn to your story for myself as well. You are truly His hands & His feet in Uganda & a living testimony of sacrificial love the way Jesus lived it & how He wants us to be living in the world today. I will be following your blog & we as a family will commit to pray for you, your ministry & will financially support you as well. He has called all of us to be a part of His body in so many different ways & we will lift you up from this part of the world & will do our part as your follow the Savior in Africa doing yours.
For the King & for the Kingdom,
Cheryl Smith & family

Anonymous said...

you are my inspiration. I thank God that He gave you the gift to not only share Him with so many but also the gift of being able to write you thoughts and feelings. Thank God He directed me to your book then blog! it has helped me as I try to serve Him. Thank you and Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

hey katie my name is morgan whaley and I just read your book kisses for katie. The stories are amazing and very inspiring. I would love to visit uganda one day.

Anonymous said...

hey katie i just read your book I would love to visit uganda. My name is Morgan Whaley

Kassi said...

Loved this :) So encouraged by your writing and how you are giving yourself to God. You bless me!

Anonymous said...

Isaiah 58:6-9 The Message Bible
“This is the kind of fast day I’m after:
to break the chains of injustice,
get rid of exploitation in the workplace,
free the oppressed,
cancel debts.
What I’m interested in seeing you do is:
sharing your food with the hungry,
inviting the homeless poor into your homes,
putting clothes on the shivering ill-clad,
being available to your own families.
Do this and the lights will turn on,
and your lives will turn around at once.
Your righteousness will pave your way.
The God of glory will secure your passage.
Then when you pray, God will answer.
You’ll call out for help and I’ll say, ‘Here I am.’
I was reading this earlier tonight (12-25) then I read your blog post. You are the embodiment of this passage. I pray with you for the precious mother in your home and her children, as well as you and your girls. God bless you sweet girl.

Hannah said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family! I received your book as a gift and am enjoying it so far.

Anita said...

Katie your book and you blog are blessing me in ways I never imagined. I 've had some squishy and some stretching experiences this holiday. Your words have helped me trust in the Lord and draw on His power. Thank you so very much.

Aileen said...

Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas, Katie. Thanks for finding the time to blog and letting us get a glimpse of your journey with Him on this earth. Just wanted to send a little note of encouragement and support your way. May God bless you and your family this coming year. You'll be in my prayers.

Aileen said...

Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas, Katie. Thanks for finding the time to blog and letting us see a glimpse of your journey with Him here on earth. Just wanted to send some support and encouragement your way. God bless you and your family! You'll be in my prayers.

Unknown said...

Simply beautiful! Thank you for sharing. Thank you for caring. God bless you today!

Dianne said...

Thank you Katie for reminding me what is really important. It is not the material gifts we get, but the gifts we give and receive that come from our hearts. My oldest son freely put his arm around me and said, "I love you mom." That was the best gift I got this Christmas.

I check your journal every week in anticipation knowing that I will be blest by what I read.

Thank you for sharing your innermost thoughts with me.


Diane in the Valley said...

I really enjoy reading your posts. It is very humbling, sitting in my living room surrounded by "stuff" that we didn't "need" and to realize how blessed I am that my family is warm and has plenty of food and are all in good health. Merry Christmas and Joy to the World.

Anonymous said...

Bless you.

Unknown said...

He is our great redeemer and friend - our reason for living! Thanks for reminding us all of that, and for being Jesus to those children and all those that you encounter every day.


Unknown said...

This is your Katherine? The one you where talking a few post back? How is she? Is she getting better!
Praying for you, her and her little one!
God bless ya

Anonymous said...

Beautiful :) I was given your book for Christmas from a friend and I can't wait to dig into it! I pray that the Lord blesses you in all that you do. He is doing great and mighty things through you, sister!

Missing Mayberry said...

Thanks for writing, Katie. I love when you describe life so vividly that I can imagine being there to see it for myself. It sounds like it's not always easy, but it's always blessed :-) Merry Christmas to you and your sweet family!

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas, Katie!! God bless you for all you do. Praying for your friend. God will provide.

fadfd said...

Merry Christmas! I'm so happy to have you blog your precious moments with us.

God bless you!

You are all in our prayers!!!

Gerardo said...

Merry Christmas, Katie and all of your beautiful children. I just finished reading your book and I could not help but fall in love with the person you have become. I have been searching for my vocation, and although I still do not know, you have given me the motivation to continue praying hard and leaving it all up to God. I will say YES to the Lord. God Bless you all. And thank you a thousand times for writing this book. It has undoubtedly changed my life!

Gerardo said...

Merry Christmas, Katie and all of your beautiful children. I just finished reading your book and I could not help but fall in love with the person you have become. I have been searching for my vocation, and although I still do not know, you have given me the motivation to continue praying hard and leaving it all up to God. I will say YES to the Lord. God Bless you all. And thank you a thousand times for writing this book. It has undoubtedly changed my life!

CynthiaJSwenson said...

Dearest Katie, I think it is amazing what God is doing in your life! Praying especially for Katherine & her precious children. Also prayers for much strength for you. Love, in Jesus, Cynthia

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting, I look forward to each one of your posts.
I pray strength and comfort for you and healing for the family you are hosting. Your life is a pushing me to live full on in love with Jesus every day.
God Bless you and your beautiful children. love & blessings, Cathy

Anonymous said...

This is so beautiful. Praying for you and these kiddos.

Tina Marie said...

*Tears...I LOVE God's work in you.

Anonymous said...

Oh, how very blessed I am as I read. And I feel your blessing, too, and I rejoice that you do see that blessing though you are squeezed between and stretched out...I pray she lives. Now AND in eternity with Christ. And all her kids. And yours. Too much to ask? Not of our King. Loving you from Mississippi.

Elizabeth Anne said...

Dear Katie,

I am 14 years old. About a year ago God decided that I NEEDED to go to Uganda. This was before I had heard anything about you or your ministry. When I read about you I knew God was right. God was on a mission to get me to Uganda. Your daily life inspires me and makes me joyous just thinking about it. All I want is to go to Uganda. I would love to email you or write you about Uganda and some arragments I must make. I know you are so so busy with Amazima and your girls, but if you could fit in one minute for me I would be the happiest girl in the entire world!! Thank you so much for evertthing you do for the Lord. I am continuing to pray for you, Amazima, and all of your children. To contact me, my email is Thank you so much Katie.

Elizabeth Anne

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas sweet you and everyone your heart loves!

Rose Robinson said...

Thank you for sharing, Katie. You are such a blessing!

Unknown said...

Katie, I have been looking for a way to contact you. I just left college after completing a year and a half and am paying off my dept so i can follow Jesus relentlessly as he asked of me in the red letters of scripture and deep in my prayers with him. In the mean time i have boxes and boxes or raggedy anne dolls. I know its small and silly but i grew up collecting them and feel they have to have some purpose and would love to send them to you if you felt you could share the love of Jesus to girls through giving them a gift of these dolls? ill check comments for a contact back if your interested and be in prayer. praying for you and your girls and those you come in contact with!

Unknown said...

Katie, I have been looking for a way to contact you. I just left college after completing a year and a half and am paying off my dept so i can follow Jesus relentlessly as he asked of me in the red letters of scripture and deep in my prayers with him. In the mean time i have boxes and boxes or raggedy anne dolls. I know its small and silly but i grew up collecting them and feel they have to have some purpose and would love to send them to you if you felt you could share the love of Jesus to girls through giving them a gift of these dolls? ill check comments for a contact back if your interested and be in prayer. praying for you and your girls and those you come in contact with!

Unknown said...

Katie, I have been looking for a way to contact you. I just left college after completing a year and a half and am paying off my dept so i can follow Jesus relentlessly as he asked of me in the red letters of scripture and deep in my prayers with him. In the mean time i have boxes and boxes or raggedy anne dolls. I know its small and silly but i grew up collecting them and feel they have to have some purpose and would love to send them to you if you felt you could share the love of Jesus to girls through giving them a gift of these dolls? ill check comments for a contact back if your interested and be in prayer. praying for you and your girls and those you come in contact with!

Chris Knox said...

Even in fear, He comes! Praise God!

Breathing In Grace said...

Our daughter is in Uganda now, hoping to come to visit you, or at least get a glimpse of your "compound" in the next week, or so. They adopted a little girl from Loving Hearts, Ruby Kate, age 2...our first GRAND-daughter, to go along with our 2 grandsons. What an awesome example of doing God's work you are....something we should all be doing.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Katie to you and your precious ones!
Thank you for sharing the depths of your heart with the world.

Jenileigh said...

So man times I've read your story, I've read your blog, and I think why not me Lord? This is what I want. I want to live in a foreign country and adopt so many children.

Today I read this post and I'm so selfish. I'm so thankful to live in America, in my nice home, with heat, and room, and so much food, with just my family.

I wonder how in the world you do what you do. How you stand to be away from your own family in the states. Your dedication to reading His word and spending time with HIM. Relating your journey to His.

I know it is by His grace and His grace alone that you do what you do.

My mind knows that real blessings are in the sacrifice but today my flesh cries for the things that spoil me so.

I pray for you and your family, for all of those that cross your path, I pray that the Lord heal, touch, give peace and security, and Lord bring them comfort, heat, warmth, blankets, food, room, and all the things that their flesh may cry for.

How I long to be more like you. How I know I must crucify my flesh. Lord help me.

Unknown said...

Katie! Thank you for sharing what the Lord does through you! It is always encouraging and a blessing.

I was wondering about your van. That might sound ridiculous but I remember reading about you receiving a van. My friend has just recently started a nonprofit in Liberia, and currently she is trying to get a school bus for the orphanage there. She is thinking about buying one in the States and shipping it to Liberia. Could you give any advice on what would be the best way to do that?

Unknown said...

Katie! Thank you for sharing how the Lord is using you! It is always encouraging and a blessing for me to read.

I had a question about your van. That sounds ridiculous but I remember reading about you receiving a van.
My friend has recently started a nonprofit in Liberia. She is currently trying to find a bus for the orphanage she supports there. She is thinking about buying one in the States and shipping it to Liberia. I was wondering what you thought the best option would be.

Ali Curtis said...

I feel so blessed to have stumbled upon your book and your blog. I am sixteen years old and have been longing to serve in Uganda for as long as I can remember. Your book and the way God obviously shines through you is just amazing. I am hoping to move to Uganda either before or after college, if God continues to lead me that way. I will be praying for your beautiful family!

Anonymous said...

I am Emma, and I am 13 years old. I basically want to be you when I grow up. :) Words cannot describe how much I long to be there serving the LORD with you. I know that you don't have time, and it's totally fine if you can't, but it would be so amazing if you could e-mail me at Like I said It's completely fine if you can't. I've read your book three times and know how busy your life is. :)
Merry Christmas!

Nathanael G said...

So I wanna thank you Katie. I'm a 21 year old college senior living in New York. Christ in you is such an encouragement to me. Your life speaks more than any sermon ever could. Keep doing God's thing Katie, it's only gonna get harder, but it's worth it.

Chat 2 Friend said...

A kiss is the act of pressing one's lips against the lips or other body parts of another person or of an object. Cultural connotations of kissing vary widely.
Kiss Advice & Tips

Giving Love Encounters said...

My name is Madeline and I am 11 years old. We just finished reading your book this morning at breakfast, its amazing and I hope you write another one soon.

I am the oldest of 5 children but soon to be 6 as we are adopting a brand new baby girl in 5 weeks!

Mom says we can make a donation to your ministry and start following your mission.

We love you!

farmgurl said...

Merry Christmas Katie! Praying for your family.

Unknown said...

Merry Xtmas dear Katie, from Brazil, we love u, and i cant help amazima with money but i pray for u and amazima every day. U change our lives.

Unknown said...

Merry Xtmas from Brasil, everybody here loves u. We pray for u always!

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas Katie from Brasil!

Sally said...

Happy Christmas to you, dear Katie!

leah taconet said...

Hi Katie,
My name is Leah Taconet and I have really enjoyed your blog!! I am greatly motivated to move on do something with my life (I am 16). Every Thursday I do A "Testimony Thursday" On my Blog and I would really appreciate it if you could do one for me. And share how you were saved , How you were called to Uganda and what your doing over there.Please let me know if this is a possibility or not.Thanks so much for your time. In His Service~Leah

leah taconet said...

Hi Katie My name is Leah Taconet and I have absolutely loved every moment spent on your blog!!I also feel the Lord's to me for Missions.=)
I have a blog and every Thursday I do something I call"Testimony Thursday" and I would Appreciate it if you would be able to guest post once for me. And let me know how you were saved, How you knew you were called to missions and also a little about your work in Uganda. PLease let me know if this is possible for you. Thank you so much for your time. My email is
In His Service ~Leah

Anonymous said...

Just what I needed to be reminded of....thank you Katie

Benjamyn said...

It is so easy to get lost in the hurry of life. Whether it be caring for children or working in a busy city. Thanks for sharing your heart once again with the world! Mungu ibariki!

Anonymous said...

I truly needed to hear this message from you. I lost my father to cancer almost two years ago and being 19 years old currently I struggle with only having one parent. I grieve over his death and constantly think of him. I'm so thankful that I can confidently say he's in Heaven watching down on all of us. As I sit here missing my own father, I can't imagine what those children are dealing with everyday. I know so many have and continue to lose their parents at a young age and are left as orphans. I pray constantly and fervently for them because my heart breaks for them knowing a similar pain in my own heart for my lost loved one. Thankfully we have a wonderful savior who heals the broken hearted and brings beauty to ashes. I continue to read information about Africa because I hope to one day be able to do medical missions there once I earn my nursing degree. I am praying for you and your family regularly and constantly like 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says to do. I hope your Christmas was truly blessed.
Sarah Campbell

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Katie, thinking of you all always. You are such an inspiration

Anonymous said...

You are truly experiencing Christmas. I'm a little envious. Blessings.

Dalyn said...

Thank you for a gentle and honest reminder. Maybe I'll find room for one more. Make it one more day and then another and remember there is abundant grace when I'm so exhausted I get numb.

Kimberly said...

My name is Kimberly and I am moving to Uganda one week from today. I had heard your story last year and then someone gave me your book for Christmas. It was then that i realized that you are from Uganda. So cool! Maybe one day we will meet. (c : Blessings to you today as you keep your eyes on HIS and love on your kiddos!

Kimberly said...

I dont' think I signed my last message.
Blessings Katie. He is Good!

Judy Salkeld said...

It is evening in Uganda. I learned that from your website! I have just finished reading your book which I checked out from the library as I didn't want to mar the one I purchased for my granddaughter for her birthday in March. You and your family and ministry will now be part of my prayer journal. Blessings, Judy

Stephanie said...

Hi Katie. I know you can't respond but that is okay. I just wanted you to know that I'm currently reading your book and it is ruining me. I can't help to look around at all the luxuries I have and the excess and feel differently about it. I don't know if you are able to pray for anyone else (you have many things at home to pray about I'm sure!) but it has been on my heart to adopt for some time but my husband is not of the same mind. I am praying the Lord changes his mind and I'm excited (but scared!) to see what will happen. Anyhow I just signed up to sponsor a child in your program and it is the best present I could have given myself - ever! I am praying for you and for your friend and her children that are staying with you. I love how you glorify God at all times and you are such a wonderful example of living in FAITH. I often forget how big our God is. Anyhow, bless you and your beautiful family. I will keep checking to see if you have need for visitors to come help!

Stephanie said...

Hi Katie. I know you can't respond but that is okay. I just wanted you to know that I'm currently reading your book and it is ruining me. I can't help to look around at all the luxuries I have and the excess and feel differently about it. I don't know if you are able to pray for anyone else (you have many things at home to pray about I'm sure!) but it has been on my heart to adopt for some time but my husband is not of the same mind. I am praying the Lord changes his mind and I'm excited (but scared!) to see what will happen. Anyhow I just signed up to sponsor a child in your program and it is the best present I could have given myself - ever! I am praying for you and for your friend and her children that are staying with you. I love how you glorify God at all times and you are such a wonderful example of living in FAITH. I often forget how big our God is. Anyhow, bless you and your beautiful family. I will keep checking to see if you have need for visitors to come help!

Stephanie said...

Hi Katie. I know you can't respond but that is okay. I just wanted you to know that I'm currently reading your book and it is ruining me. I can't help to look around at all the luxuries I have and the excess and feel differently about it. I don't know if you are able to pray for anyone else (you have many things at home to pray about I'm sure!) but it has been on my heart to adopt for some time but my husband is not of the same mind. I am praying the Lord changes his mind and I'm excited (but scared!) to see what will happen. Anyhow I just signed up to sponsor a child in your program and it is the best present I could have given myself - ever! I am praying for you and for your friend and her children that are staying with you. I love how you glorify God at all times and you are such a wonderful example of living in FAITH. I often forget how big our God is. Anyhow, bless you and your beautiful family. I will keep checking to see if you have need for visitors to come help!

Tina Caskey said...

Merry Christmas to you too Katie (a few days late but I'm sure you don't mind :-).

And may our Father who came to our world so very long ago, meet us each day in the often frantic-too-much-to-do-too-many-squished-places-in our lives and give us His peace and His grace to carry on.

God bless.

Anonymous said...

I love it...God's handprints on every day of my life...what a beautiful image! Thank you giving me this wonderful gift to take into the new year.

Nicole said...

What a blessing you are too these little children, Gods children. Thank you for obeying His calling to Uganda. You are truly making a differnce. I am praying for you! Nicole

Michael.Robinson said...

Hi, my name is Michael. I am 18. I have a part time job and I don't read much at all. But one of my friends showed me your blog one day and I think I read about 8 posts or so. I could not stop reading and soaking in the truth of the Lord! Your blog is so amazing and it blesses me so much! I wish I could read every post but I only look every once and a while. But every time I read one or two of your blogs it blesses me so much! You are doing the Lords will and you're doing such an awesome job. So inspiring and lovely to see how you display emotion and truth in your posts. Thank you from me to you. Thank you! I pray you are blessed daily and continue to see the love of the Lord poured over your life!

Amy said...

Wow! Thank you for this! For recognizing His handprints.

Chelsea.Nicole said...

Kaite, you are such an inspiration. There are no words. I have been to Africa before in 2008 when I was 15 years old. I spent a month in Zambia and a month in South Africa. This Christmas I received your book, something I have wanted for a while. God has used it in such a way that I cannot explain. I cry and I laugh and I feel every emotion. My life is forever changed by each page I read. This summer I feel as if God is calling me back. This time to Jinja <3 I am hoping to work with Ekisa, a ministry that is home to disabled orphans. If Amazima offered any kind of volunteer work, I would come in a heartbeat. I have come to a point where I know God is going to do something big. My life is going to be changed and I need to have faith. Every fear I have goes away when I pick up your book, God is using it in a special way for me. Someday it would be an honor to meet you, God has used YOU to change my life in such a way that I will forever be thankful. You are such a blessing to my life and my future. Keep up your amazing work. You are such a beautiful daughter of God! <3
~Chelsea Warren
Spokane, Washington

Chelsea.Nicole said...

Kaite, you are such an inspiration. There are no words. I have been to Africa before in 2008 when I was 15 years old. I spent a month in Zambia and a month in South Africa. This Christmas I received your book, something I have wanted for a while. God has used it in such a way that I cannot explain. I cry and I laugh and I feel every emotion. My life is forever changed by each page I read. This summer I feel as if God is calling me back. This time to Jinja <3 I am hoping to work with Ekisa, a ministry that is home to disabled orphans. If Amazima offered any kind of volunteer work, I would come in a heartbeat. I have come to a point where I know God is going to do something big. My life is going to be changed and I need to have faith. Every fear I have goes away when I pick up your book, God is using it in a special way for me. Someday it would be an honor to meet you, God has used YOU to change my life in such a way that I will forever be thankful. You are such a blessing to my life and my future. Keep up your amazing work. You are such a beautiful daughter of God! <3
~Chelsea Warren
Spokane, Washington

Chelsea.Nicole said...

I commented on here are few hours ago, Ive read page after page on this blog and I cannot get enough. What I would give to walk a day side by side with you, to be mentored by you and get a glimpse of your beautiful life. I have been praying and will be continuing to pray about this. I have a very personal thing to ask. Would you pray and consider having an intern for a few months maybe longer? I do not know what God has in store for me. God has called and I am here to listen and be obedient. I dont know His plans for my future or even for tomorrow, but I know I am to return to Africa. I am ready to give more. To be more. I am ready for this journey Katie. I thought I knew what my future was to look like, I now have no idea. I am ready to see the fathers extravagant heart. As strange as it is I feel like your one of the few people in the world who understand my heart for this. God has used you in a special way in my life. I am ready to love the Lord with all my heart. I am ready to walk away from the comfort of my life and GIVE all I have to offer. I want to join this journey that is far from over. I would love to hear back from you, and your thoughts on this. Thank you so much <3 here is my email:

~Chelsea Warren
Spokane, Washington

Diana said...

Praying for this family and praising God for grace..that cleanses and purifies. A big hug from someone God sent your way as a new prayer warrior.

Anonymous said...

Hi I got your book for Christmas and I've been praying for you since I started it. I think what your doing is amazing, Thank you for it. God Bless ALL of you! :)

Scott, Sally, Maggie and Anna Leist said...

Amen sweet sister. May we all experience our precious Lord in the squished places of our lives. Thanks for the reminder. Praying for that dear momma on your floor.

Sandra Hansee said...

I am extremely humbled by reading your blog! I received your book and three bracelets as a Christmas present from a very special daughter-in-law. I will pass it on to the next woman/teenager after reading about what our tremendous Lord has and continues to do in your life. He is our strength and you are His servant by allowing yourself to be unselfishly used by Him. Thank you Katie

Kathy P. said...

Praying for Katherine. Praying for you, Katie. And for mothers and children everywhere.

pouredout4him said...

How i love that truth, Katie. Thank you for sharing these thoughts. I have recently shared with atheists, vegans who wonder at the mystery that "so many amazing accidents occurred in just the perfect sequence to create our universe, our first spark of life...". So lost and blinded to the truth and wonder of this child, this Saviior, this King and CREATOR GOD, who loves us so immeasurably rather than one who judges us so harshly as they have been led to believe.

All that freedom, hope, and light, wrapped up in such an amazingly helpless and dependent child, by choice, by design, so that He could be the perfect One to take our place for our failures.

My life is given to sharing this wondrous truth, and to teaching the evidence of creation, the flood, and to sharing the Life that comes only from the Child who is our Father.

Know you are beautiful and loved in His eyes, and by His children, as are all those in your embrace. Joy of the Lord to you my sister!

HisWaysAreGreater said...

You're so inspirational to me. Thank you for these posts. It always sets me in the right place because so often in our modern society we lose what it's all about. We should be trying to live for God. Thankfully, the grace God has given enables us to do that. You have been a blessing in my life because of how you have lived that calling out.

Thank you.

Robert and Kelli said...

Thank you for this sweet reminder of what Christmas is all about. Grace and Peace to you!

ACinBG said...

I stumbled across your blog after reading your book and this was the first post I read. First, thank you for allowing God to use you in the "squished places" with all of those beautiful children and families. When thinking about Jesus being born in the lowest and most humble of places, I can't help but smile. God loves to use people that others see as the lowest of low. It's when people are humbled before God, that his Grace is at it's fullest. It should bring all of us joy to know that God delights in using the "ordinary" to do his extraordianry work. It can just be a challenge to stay focused on God when we are in these humble moments. I am praying that you continue to find strenght in the times of hardship and struggle. Just know that God is using you to show the love to all of your kids and community, the way he showed the entire world his love when he came to us.

Honey I'm Home Blog said...

Thank you so much, Katie for a wonderful year of reading your inspirational blog. I am always so touched by your family & the work you are doing there. May God bless & keep you all in the new year!

Warmly, Michelle
Faith, Trust & Pixie Dust

Anonymous said...

Hi Katie: You are a blessing and an inspiration. I have been meaning to write to ask you for prayer. I know that you are a stranger and yet you are my sister in Christ so I'm asking for prayer despite the fact that we have never met. Will you pray for me that God will reveal to me how I can serve him with my life. I have such student debt that I cannot figure out how to leave my current work to do work for him. I know that God can make a way if it is His will. Will you also pray for me about this path. Thanks for sharing your love of Christ with your kids and with us. Love, Michele

MIa Myung said...

Thank you always for being an inspiration and a blessing in my life through your book and blog posts. As I read your blog, I could reflect on the real meaning of Christmas and be once again reminded of God's most precious and worthy gift for all, baby Jesus. I pray for you and your family. Merry Christmas and Blessing New Year! With love, Mia Myung in Atlanta, GA

MIa Myung said...

Thank you always for being an inspiration and a blessing in my life through your book and blog posts. As I read your blog, I could reflect on the real meaning of Christmas and be once again reminded of God's most precious and worthy gift for all, baby Jesus. I pray for you and your family. Merry Christmas and Blessing New Year! With love, Mia Myung in Atlanta, GA

MIa Myung said...

Thank you always for being an inspiration and a blessing in my life through your book and blog posts. As I read your blog, I could reflect on the real meaning of Christmas and be once again reminded of God's most precious and worthy gift for all, baby Jesus. I pray for you and your family. Merry Christmas and Blessing New Year! With love, Mia Myung in Atlanta, GA

MIa Myung said...

Thank you always for being an inspiration and a blessing in my life through your book and blog posts. As I read your blog, I could reflect on the real meaning of Christmas and be once again reminded of God's most precious and worthy gift for all, baby Jesus. I pray for you and your family. Merry Christmas and Blessing New Year! With love, Mia Myung in Atlanta, GA

MIa Myung said...

Thank you always for being an inspiration and a blessing in my life through your book and blog posts. As I read your blog, I could reflect on the real meaning of Christmas and be once again reminded of God's most precious and worthy gift for all, baby Jesus. I pray for you and your family. Merry Christmas and Blessing New Year! With love, Mia Myung in Atlanta, GA

MIa Myung said...

Thank you always for being an inspiration and a blessing in my life through your book and blog posts. As I read your blog, I could reflect on the real meaning of Christmas and be once again reminded of God's most precious and worthy gift for all, baby Jesus. I pray for you and your family. Merry Christmas and Blessing New Year! With love, Mia Myung in Atlanta, GA

MIa Myung said...

Thank you always for being an inspiration and a blessing in my life through your book and blog posts. As I read your blog, I could reflect on the real meaning of Christmas and be once again reminded of God's most precious and worthy gift for all, baby Jesus. I pray for you and your family. Merry Christmas and Blessing New Year! With love, Mia Myung in Atlanta, GA

Jen said...


I finished your book yesterday, in one day, and I want you to know how much your words and your life emanate Jesus. I am giving your book to everyone I know. I am praying for you constantly! I am asking Jesus to put your name on my heart when you need prayers for strength and energy. What God does through you makes me so excited!! The bible in action. If you ever are in need of anything, please ask
me, a California girl, to help. I am praying in earnest for God to tell me how to help you and your ministry. Above all, I want to do His will.

Thank You for being so special!

Jaclyn said...

I went on a mission trip to Guatemala this past summer. This was my first mission trip, and I was terrified! But after that trip, I felt like everything I had planned for my life completely changed. I hadn't realized until I read several of your posts that I felt this way because I want to be a missionary. I want to work in Guatemala in the same way as you worked in Africa. I just can't imagine what my parents will have to say about this. I was wondering if you could give tips on how one might tell this to their parents and truly convince them that this is God's plan for me.

Amy Morehead said...

I am praying for you and your family Katie.I also will pray for your friends there.GOD has used you tremendously in my life through your book. I have 2 sons and I think of you and pray for you daily.Proverbs 16:20. GOD Bless :) Amy

Molly said...

Merry Christmas, Katie! Like many others who have commented on your posts, I have been so encouraged to hear about the work you are doing in Uganda. Your beautifully written blog posts are filled with joy and love from our Savior.

I, like many others, will be praying for you this Christmas season and New Year. Peace and grace to you!

Molly said...

Merry Christmas, Katie! Like many others who have commented on your posts, I have been so encouraged to hear about the work you are doing in Uganda. Your beautifully written blog posts are filled with joy and love from our Savior.

I, like many others, will be praying for you this Christmas season and New Year. Peace and grace to you!

Anonymous said...

Love this Christmas reflection. I flew back to a ministry I work with in Honduras and read your book most of the flight back, choking back tears on page after page. It soaked into all those rough patches of my heart that seemed others couldn't quite get. It expanded those things that I wasn't courageous enough to step into by faith. It put into words the beatings of the gospel's heart. I'm only half way through as I let the words sink past the minds control and into the Spirits heart control, I'm being renewed by reading your story, and it is so necessary and such a gift. Just wanted to share and say thanks. Your words most certainly are Spirit filled and real, and I'm going to steal a few of them for a new years reflection because the reality is....they have to be shared as all raw truth should. Happy New Years, and thank you.

Anonymous said...

“Surprise, I am right here. Surprise, it is just as I said it would be. Surprise, I am exactly enough, everything you need, all over again.” I prayed and He could have pulled the answer right out of His pocket. But He didn’t, because He loves me too much and His way is better. Just as a parent delights in playing with and surprising her children, just as I delight in throwing my already-pajama-clad clan into the van for a spur of the moment, late night ice cream run or putting little gifts and notes of encouragement on their pillows, so He is with me. I can laugh with my Father because He is a parent who delights in surprising His children, a friend who loves doing something extra special for his closest pal. I can laugh with Jesus, because He is too good to me. Life changes in an instant and we are but grass that withers. And God holds all of the chaos in the palm of His hand, giving even the pain a purpose.

A year later I can say, “yes, this year has been the hardest yet. Really though, it has also been the best. And I would do it all again if He asked me to.” Because faithful God did not let go of our hands. I am young and I know the most difficult times are not behind us. But as I rest in Him and draw near I am learning much and I am remembering that I am one of His favorites. And even in the middle of a storm, even when I can’t see the good yet, He can. And He is looking at me with that twinkle in His eye, just waiting to surprise.

Laura McKenzie said...

God bless you and your family Katie. I am daily inspired by your faithfulness--and your God-centered love. I have sent your book to countless friends and family because I know that God wishes them to hear His message through you. Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

Thank you Katie!

Unknown said...

Hello Katie, I have been wanting to leave my high paying job to help others. I often feel ashamed that I am just now waking up. I have been researching and trying to figure this all out. I walked into the book store and was drawn to your book. I have loved every word that you have written. I have been expecting more and praying bold for God to show me the way. Why don't you have an official fundraising organization in the states? I would be greatful to join your organization and help with contacts I have here that could continue to support you.
God Bless you and those wonderful children.
God's Peace!

Alyjefferson said...

I am so blessed my your life and story. I pray that Lord bless you, your girls, and your ministry.

Lisa said...

Hi Katie,
I just finished reading your book, and some of your blog. Thank you for sharing your life with us, and thank you for sharing your heart. God is doing amazing things through you, and i can promise you that you have touched my life in ways I have not been able to put words to. I will be following you, praying for you and your amazing girls and praying to find ways to open my heart the way you have.

God Bless,

mom said...

Katie, you have obviously been gifted with the ability to share your light thousands of miles away from us.... we who are blessed to receive your inspiration, joy, goodness and faith.
" Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."
Matthew 5:14-17

Tammy Gillmore said...

YOU are such an inspiration. I am now reading your book...and am inspired to love ever more.

Through your many tests, you are such a testimony, and I am praying for you, your family, and your service to our Lord...right now.

I will be sharing your story here in Arkansas to all that will listen!

Many blessings to you!

His Grace Abounds said...

Thank you so much for this, Katie!When I read the words of your blog, I can always expect it to be exactly what I need to hear, exactly when I need to hear it. I thank you for your example, Katie, and your boldness to follow Christ. He has a plan for your life, and He has shown himself strong! I can't wait to see how He continues to use you and work through your life!
What specifics can I be praying for you now?
Keep following!
Madelyn Winslow, NH

madiLeigh said...

hi katie! my name is mady and i am 15 years old. i just wanted you to know that i am reading your book and it is amazing!!!! i am a missionary in guatemala with my mom and dad, 2 sisters and 1 brother. we run a boys academy. they come to play soccer and for help with hw. our vision is to chang the village that we live in. to help that boys grow into men after god's own heart and for these boys to change their own village! your book has been very inspiring and i have related a lot to things you have said... if you wan you can check out my dad's blog: and!

Unknown said...


I've been blessed to read this post tonight. I currently live in the US as a college student, but it's been on my heart for a while to leave this place and this lifestyle, and I have a feeling God will be bringing me over your way once I've got my teaching degree. I think about this often with longing and excitement. But today, for some reason I've been thinking about all the things I would no longer have if I leave all that I have behind. Getting ready for church this morning, as silly as it sounds, I stopped to think, "I won't really be able to get all dolled up and feel pretty anymore (not in the same way, anyhow)," which is something I have a lot of fun with these days. I thought, "I probably won't be able to keep my beloved dog or have my three therapeutic cups of coffee a day." Thinking about these things did not in any way change my mind, but the last thing I thought about started to really bum me out. I was looking at my Christmas tree, all lit up (the one I just can't bring myself to take down yet), and I thought about all of the things I have valued about the Christmas season over the years and that I would probably miss dearly if I wasn't here anymore. Curling up by the fire to watch a Christmas movie and drink hot chocolate with my sisters. Gathering with the whole family for our annual Christmas party. And, yes, waking up to presents and snow on Christmas morning. This has always been my favorite time of the year and for a few minutes I really struggled with the reality that I won't always continue to make those kinds of memories. Then I was lead to your blog and read your post. What I love most about Christmas is the unexplainable joy that I've associated all of these silly traditions with over the years. I realize though that I was associating it with the wrong things and that, if anything, leaving behind these "riches" will only bring more joy, as that is what Jesus did when He joined us on that beautiful night. Thank you for reminding me of where the joy of Christmas time really comes from.

May God continue to bless you in every way.


Rae said...

"Because when our love is not enough, His was. His is." (From your post awhile back.)

This statement has been running through my head- I sincerely appreciate that God speaks through His kids. You are a valuable instrument of His LOVE for all of us.

Thank you Lord, for loving us "as is."

Praying for you, your daughters, extended family and friends. I am also praying for those around you who are NOT your friends- who need HIS LOVE.

Sarah Martin said...

Katie, I spent July in Kampala, Uganda and fell in love with the beautiful country! I'm not sure if you've heard of Greenhouse Orphanage but I was there in Kampala! I'm praying for you this morning/evening for you, and am so thankful God is working through you and you are His hands and His feet! Your devotion to serving God so wholeheartedly, obeying is Word to care for the orphans and to feed the hungry is an example of what all of us need to be doing in our lives! God has called me into full-time missions and I said yes, giving my life over to Him allowing Him to tell me where He needs me! I'd love to be back in Uganda where I left my heart, but I'm open to anywhere God calls me! I just know I don't feel called to live in the states! If you have any words of encouragement or advice for me I'd appreciate it! I'm praying for you and everything God is doing through you everyday! Thanks for writing a book to share your heart with the world! How awesome!

terryg said...

Dear Katie, I loved your book and your passion for these people. Reading your story was such a gift to me. I have now started reading your blog and watching your videos which find me often wiping tears.... I work for a church and upon my suggestion our Sunday School kids are going to give their offerings this quarter to Amazima! I am so excited! We will keep you in our prayers dear Katie! May God continue to bless you and all those you share Jesus with.

-t- said...


Thank you for receiving His love, His grace. and thank you for sharing it so beautifully too.

and i pray that you recognize His handprints all over your day today (:


Zeke Johnston said...

Thank you Katie. The Lord really blessed me this evening through your post.
Praying for you.
-Zeke Johnston

"Thou hast made us for Thyself oh Lord, and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in Thee."-Saint Augustine

Unknown said...

Hey Katie...
I am 18 years old and working in Long Term Care for the elderly. I have been reading them your book and they all love it so much. They listen intently as I read them your story. The majority of them are not Christians but your book stirs up some neat conversations and I am able to reach out to these people. Keep up the great work!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Katie for answering your call even when you were afraid! I believe you have changed millions with your story and continued work. May Good bless you, your children and your ministry! Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!

Mikcinzixe said...

Thank you SOOO much, Katie! My friend let me borrow your book Sunday and I finished it a few days ago. The day after I literally sat under a table and cried because I was so sick of comfort. I haven't had what most would consider an easy life (my Dad left us ten kids, that were still at home, to my Mom a few years ago after an accident which should have killed him) but I know I am so blessed! I had "my" life all planned out as of a month ago. I would finish college and graduate high school next year. But now I am seriously searching for what orphanage God wants me to go to serve Him at. Thank you for being a true Christ follower!!

Unknown said...

I read your book a year and half ago and follow your blogs but am not timely in reading them. Just read christmas today and somewhere else where I now know your friend is with Jesus. Is there a relative for the 4 children? I can't get them off my mind! Would there be a chance for them to be adopted in US. Or is that not a good idea? Like I said, God keeps putting them on my heart and I need to help in someway. Please post an update on the children when you have time. I know you are grieving and I will continue to pray for you.

Sophia Madore said...

Hi Katie!
My name is Sophia Madore. I am 13 years old and I am in 8th grade at a Catholic School in Minnesota. I have wrote this letter like 5 times trying to find the perfect words to explain how much I look up to you! I believe everything happens for a reason. My mom got me your book “Kiss from Katie” for Christmas. To be honest I am not a big reader… When I started reading your book I was inspired! I could not stop reading about your adventures in Uganda! God must have pointed out this book to my mom. He must have wanted me to read it. Thank God He did because I see things in a different light, I see things through God.
God grace is truly AMAZING! In my town we have lots of youth group stuff; we have Camps, Youth “hang outs”, and Lifeline that I and my friends like to go to. I am truly blessed to live in such a great community! I had my first experience of Lifeline last week. It was at the NET center and 1000 teens gathered together for talks, mass, and my favorite ADORATION! I t was so amazing, It was praise and worship adoration and everyone had their hands up praising God, I could not help but imagine how happy God is and how much grace He was pouring on us. In your book it was raining and everyone was praising God! You said this is God grace and I don’t ever want to get dry…. WOW! To think during these times of happiness filled with God’s grace, is only a slice of Heaven, it is Amazing! Because Heaven is 1000000 times greater!
I truly believe God speaks through you! Thanks you so much for writing your book! It has inspired me and now is inspiring my mom! God spoke through you through your book and life! You are Amazing, Faithful, Joyful, and Kind! God must be so happy because of all the lives you changed and are still changing today!! I really want to meet you! I look up to you! Do you have room in Uganda for me? :) I want to be like you. I want to spread Gods word and bring love to others like you! I would love to go on a mission trip someday and do the same! Always remember prayers change things! God is always with you, He is in you! You touched my heart! No words can explain how much God loves you and how much you have inspired me! I hope you had an amazing Christmas! I am keeping you and your family in my prayers! You are the light of Christ you are the light in dark times!
May God bless you and your family now and forever :),
Sophia Madore

Sophia Madore said...

Hi Katie!
My name is Sophia Madore. I am 13 years old and I am in 8th grade at a Catholic School in Minnesota. I have wrote this letter like 5 times trying to find the perfect words to explain how much I look up to you! I believe everything happens for a reason. My mom got me your book “Kiss from Katie” for Christmas. To be honest I am not a big reader… When I started reading your book I was inspired! I could not stop reading about your adventures in Uganda! God must have pointed out this book to my mom. He must have wanted me to read it. Thank God He did because I see things in a different light, I see things through God.
God grace is truly AMAZING! In my town we have lots of youth group stuff; we have Camps, Youth “hang outs”, and Lifeline that I and my friends like to go to. I am truly blessed to live in such a great community! I had my first experience of Lifeline last week. It was at the NET center and 1000 teens gathered together for talks, mass, and my favorite ADORATION! I t was so amazing, It was praise and worship adoration and everyone had their hands up praising God, I could not help but imagine how happy God is and how much grace He was pouring on us. In your book it was raining and everyone was praising God! You said this is God grace and I don’t ever want to get dry…. WOW! To think during these times of happiness filled with God’s grace, is only a slice of Heaven, it is Amazing! Because Heaven is 1000000 times greater!
I truly believe God speaks through you! Thanks you so much for writing your book! It has inspired me and now is inspiring my mom! God spoke through you through your book! You are Amazing, Faithful, Joyful, and Kind! God must be so happy because of all the lives you changed and are still changing today!! I really want to meet you! I look up to you! Do you have room in Uganda for me? :) I want to be like you. I want to spread Gods word and bring love to others like you! I would love to go on a mission trip someday and do the same! Always remember prayers change things! God is always with you, He is in you! You touched my heart! No words can explain how much God loves you and how much you have inspired me! I hope you had an amazing Christmas! I am keeping you and your family in my prayers! You are the light of Christ you are the light in dark times!
May God bless you and your family now and forever:),
Sophia Madore

Christian the Christian said...

Katie, thank you or your love for these children. Your book is amazing as is your blog. Those children are so blessed to have you. I went to Kenya two years ago on a mission trip and it has changed me forever. My husband is a youth pastor and we have three small children, and I pray that one day God lets us go back. I understand many of e things you mentioned in the book, America and Africa are so very different. I will be praying for you. god has given you a great gift. he called, you responded, and now you get to see the amazing gift of grace and dependence.

Barbara said...

Katie, I just finished reading your book and was so humbled by your dedication to these precious children and God. May the God we serve surround you and your family with His love and provide just what you need for this moment. Mother Teresa once said I know God only gives me what I can handle but why does He trust me so much. He trust you and I because He knows we are trustworthy!
My thoughts and prayers are with you and you girls.


Barbara said...

Just read your book and was so humbled by your dedication to these precious children and God. May God continue to provide just what you need for this moment nothing more nothing less. Mother Teresa once said I know God doesn't give me any more than what I can handle but why does He trust me so much. He sees into our hearts that we are trustworthy.
I have been to Africa on a mission trip plan to return in July. The people are awesome!!!

Lola said...

Katie, thanks so much for telling your story. What a challenge God has set out for me to share His love with others. I began blogging about it and am so excited to begin making a difference in my own little corner of the world one person at a time. I would so appreciate any ideas, suggestions and advice from you or other followers that would advance my mission.

Stephanie said...

This is my first time reading your blog and it gave me goosebumps and brought tears to my eyes. You captured Christmas and it's true meaning in such a beautiful way. What a blessing you must be to those children and parents in Uganda, sharing the love of Jesus.
I'll be keeping you in my prayers.

tmkuhn said...

I was given your book to read by a friend. It is so inspiring to read about everything you have done. I have been called on a Mission trip to Uganda on Feb 4th I will be heading to Musana. Your story is amazing and you are so brave. You talk about people in the United States having so much, and I was wondering if people we able to donate items like blankets and things for the people and like what you talked about delivering to the hospitals. I would love to help. Thanks and may God Richly Bless you!! :)

Mariesa Stombaugh said...

Hi Katie,

I just finished reading your book, and wow it encourages me in my walk as well as re-ignites my passion for missions. I am 24 and have always had a heart for helping those who need it most and have been on many mission trips and even lived in third world countries. But after college I have become complacent where I am and I want to thank you for writing your book and once again making me uncomfortable where I am! Your book stirred in my heart my desire to once again live abroad and help those who need it. So thank you!

-Mariesa Stombaugh

Birte said...

Dear Katie!
It's weird, it feels like I know you, just because I've read your book. And I would love to just get on a plane and come to Uganda, to see with my own eyes how your life is like. In october I was in Ethiopia for 10 days, my school here in Norway is financially helping a school-project in Arba-Minch, south in Ethiopia, so poor children can get the opportunity to get an education. And some students from my school (including me) were chosen to join this trip, so that we could see how much this aid actually means for the ethiopian people, and then report our experiences back to our schoolmates here in Norway when we returned. This trip gave me a whole new perspective, and I learned a lot about a new people and how God is working all over the world, Thank God! In many ways I felt the same way as you tell in your book, and since I was a little girl I've alway been facinated of Africa, and the dark-skinned people. And one of the reasons why I wanted to join this trip to Ethiopia, was because I've had this little feeling or maybe it's Gods plan for me, but anyway, I've had a little dream to go to Africa, or actually anywhere in the world, where God need me, and help people and spread his word and love. So I thank you for sharing your testimony and experiences in Uganda! Your book has been a huge encouragement and inspiration to me. And I just LOVE the way that you are depending on God, that you just lay your life in his hands, and let him take control. So I just want to say Thank you soo much, and God bless you heavenly! I pray for you and your work, that it will provide lots of blessings in peoples life, and I'm sure it does! :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your wonderful book. It was a gift to me from one of our church home bound members. The book has changed my life. I read your blog and pray for you often. As a Pastor I thank God for you dedication and love for the unlovely. May God bless you as you continue to follow the Master.

Anonymous said...

I am so thankful to have found your blog this week. We just lost our 2.5 year old foster daughter after two years of fostering and pursuing adoption. I cry when I think of your Jane and my Mia and all that is lost. But I find some hope in the way you have come out with a stronger faith than before. I have been writing about the process on my blog under the "foster care" category, but it's only been four and a half weeks since we lost her and only ten and a half since they told us she was leaving, so I am fully in the grieving stage and not as firm in my trust of God yet...I know He is perfect but it will take time for my heart to catch up. Thank you for writing in your book and here is God's blessing that we children of His can bring comfort to each other in our darkest times.

Anonymous said...


i am moved by you and your actions. the love you give is incredible. i am sure you would say you receive the same in return!
is there a need for volunteers with amazima? whether in the u.s. or uganda? i am a flight attendant, and have passed the book to coworkers/friends who would all be interested in helping. please contact me if we can help.
sending love and positive thoughts!
cyndi goodreid

maggie may said...

i'm praying for this family. how are they doing now?

Anonymous said...

I finished reading your book minutes ago. I finished it in two days, despite having a painful eye infection, because I just couldn't put it down. What God has done and is doing in your life is truly amazing. I pray God will use me where I am to do all He wants me to do and be all He wants me to be.
Hugs from a like-minded sister,

Anonymous said...

Hey Katie, I've been thinking a lot about you and Uganda, and I didn't stumble upon your blog for nothing. God has touched my heart through you and your work, and you and Uganda have inspired me, and confirmed my path to love the orphans.
As I was reading my Bible today, and thinking and praying for you and your mission, I opened my Bible to 2 Corinthians 2:1-4, and it reminded me of something you would put on your blog.
Prayers with you always,
Grace C.

Anonymous said...

You have a very beautiful family. The book was a wonderful story and now time for a sequel. You have done an amazing job with the help of our Saviour. Thank the Lord for people like you that have a heart for this mission. I had checked into that after retiring and they told me I needed a college education and that I was too old. I
wish I would have known about your type of situation. Now it is too late as I am the primary caregiver for my 3 year old greatgrandson. And that is a BLESSING. Thank you for all that you do everyday.I will remember you in prayer.

Victoria (Tori) said...

I write this almost in tears because I am so thankful for your book, for your inspiration and for you family. I am around the same age as you, in a transition time in my life. I received your book and one of your blue necklaces for Christmas. I can honestly say they were the best Christmas gifts I recieved. I have been discerning my path from God for some time and your story, girls, and your connections to scripture have inspired me and challenged me to continue to say yes to all He asks of me. I am planning on traveling to Ethopia this summer with my boyfriend who is from South Sudan to meet his family for the first time. I have been excited/nervous about the trip. After reading your book and spending time in prayer, I have been given a renewed sense of hope, grace, and a reminder that I have desires to do more for Him and he will be with me whereever I go. You remind me that just because I am a twenty something teacher with college debt from the states, I still have much to offer and am loved. Just as the disciples were just regular men, without much else to offer but their lives to God. Please know that I have been raving about your book to almost everyone I meet. I know it sounds strange, but I really would love to meet you some day and just be able to spend time with you and see you in action. I do not know if this will ever happen or be possible, but I feel like we are strangely connected even though I have never met you before. God bless you, your beatiful girls, and all whom you work with in Uganda.

In Peace of Chirst,

knowing said...

Praise the Lord out God all the time. His Mercy and Love resigns forever.

Unknown said...

Dear Katie and girls,

May you all have a blessed, blessed New Year. Your story is such a wonderful inspiration to me. There is power in your service in Africa, and I think you would be the first to agree that it is a power not of yourself, but of God. Only He can bring such beauty out of the chaos of everyday life, such certainty in the middle of uncertainty. What a beautiful paradox our God is! I pray that you all may be given the strength to rise up every morning and to say "This is the day that the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."

May He be with you in all your joys and struggles!
Carolyn in Michigan

Danielle said...

Hi Katie ! Love your book, my husband and I are in Kenya trying to start a feeding program and are wanting to look at succesful ones to get ideas. I know you are busy please comment if you have time ! Praying for you and your kids !

Danielle said...

Hey katie ! Love your book ! My husband and I are in Kenya working as houseparents at an orphanage and are trying to start a feeding program and would love to come check yours out if thats possible. Thanks for your time !

Thea said...

i'am sooo encouraged........Jesus come with youre strenght that's making this women soo strong,,,,i am stretching out to the same, just where i my family!!!
Thank you Katie!!
Love Thea from the Netherlands

Anonymous said...

Hey, Katie! My name is Gabrielle. I am 15 and i am in a freshmen Bible class at Lakewood Park Christian School in Indiana. We are reading the book, kisses from Katie and we journal after every chapter. One of my classmates had a crazy idea!! "What if we take a missions trip to Uganda! What if we meet Katie?!"

My Bible teacher is my Aunt. Her name is Lauri. She was totally moved by the Holy Spirit when she was asked to take us on a missions trip to Uganda.

We were reading chapter 10 and it was about how God made the impossible, possible. We didn't think that going to Uganda was possible, but after that chapter we all believed and had overflowing faith in this adventure to Africa. Crazy right?!

My best friend, Kendall and I have been looking up plane tickets and our class has been thinking of fund raisers so that we would be able to go. Everything seems to be pulling together. Every girl in my class is overflowing with excitement. (One of the girls literally jumps up and down every time we talk about it!)

I feel like this HAS to happen! God is moving all of us and shaping our hearts to Uganda. Being in a slump with God is not fun and I want to get out of the slump immediately! This missions trip would be life changing and I wanted to share this with you to see if you could give us a lot of prayer. If God moves us to come to Uganda, we would LOVE to help with anything we can. Maybe even meeting your beautiful daughters! Through reading this book, we feel like we already know and love your daughters!

Our theme saying for this missions trip is "simply love." We would be ecstatic to give simply love to as many kids as we can in our week there. We would love to keep in contact. Our goal is to come to Uganda early June of 2013. Thanks so much!

If you feel led to reply, please do so at,

Love, Gabrielle.

Ruthie said...

My name is Ruthie, and I am also 13 yrs old. I feel the same exact way about "being Katie when I grow up". I used to just pray because I knew it was the right thing to do, but when I read Kisses From Katie, I realized the importance of prayer and the importance of listening to God's response. I also want to go to another country and help, even though I am not sure how I'll do it. All I know is that if God wants it to happen, I will make it happen!
Your Sister in Christ,

allie_metcalf said...

Katie! I just was told to read your book, I bought it last night, found myself sobbing in a coffee shop this morning, your heart is so beautiful!

Michawn said...

hi there. just kind of catching up a bit on your blog...been a few months since i was free to venture over here. is the mother of 5 still with us? thanks for providing us a little window into your life here. prayers and hugs.

adoration said...

I just found your book today at the bookstore, what an amazing woman you are!

Marcy said...


I just finished reading your book tonight. Thank you for doing what you do and for sharing it with us all. May you and your family and your work always continue to be blessed, and may the rest of us be inspired to do our part too.

Lisa Petrarca said...

What a true and honest testament of our Savior Jesus Christ. God bless you for fulfilling His calling on your life...for trusting in Him. I pray the Lord continues to fill you and your kids up till you overflow!

I just purchased your book today at the Christian bookstore after the clerk came up to me and said, I'm giving up my last copy that I put aside for me...I think you'd really enjoy this.

Coincidence?? I truly believe there is no such thing...only God instances. I'm excited to be inspired and led towards God's good and perfect will! I will be donating as soon as I get paid...along with forwarding to several other friends and family to help in your amazing calling! God bless you and all your angels!

Unknown said...

Hey Katie,

It's been a while since we have heard from you. Praying everything is okay. You guys have been on my heart the past couple of days. Blessings and protection to you all from the Father above.


Anonymous said...

Hi Katie,

i got your book for Christmas, and have recently finished it. You have inspired me so much. I have been trying to understand what it means to serve God, the way you do. And I don't have it down yet, but I've learned that when i put my complete trust in God, He moves me so much. And I feel like you do an amazing job of that. Trusting in Him, and letting Him lead you, not the other way around. I pray for you and your children. You've become my role model. I love you so very much. Thank you for your work in Africa, for your work to the families and children, and for you love to serve. Continually praying for you, em

Alyssa said...

Hi Katie! I just finished your book, and i just wanted to say what a blessing and encouragement it was for me. It showed me how i need to just love. Love the Lord with all of me, and with His love to give it away. It is so amazing what God is doing through you! Thank you so much! I am praying for your ministry and also for you!
Alyssa A.

Anonymous said...

Dear Katie, My name is Anna and I live in Knoxville, TN. I want so much to be like you...To be able to say yes to Jesus and His mission and be so filled with joy and love that I would be willing to go to Uganda. I have a heart and a little dream to be able to go there and help you side by side and maybe God put that there. :) I am reading your book right now and it's just so amazing. I love you and your girls and your country already!!! Hoping to meet you one day, lovingly, Anna. P.S. Save a place for me okay? :)

Suzanne said...

You are such an inspiration, Katie. I am reading your book right now and it is challenging me so much to love what I'm doing; I just got down to Guatemala to live there for 3 months and teach English to second and third graders in the public school. I listened to God's call to do it, and I am asking Him to change the way I see the world and what He wants me to do. I am loving your book!

Carol Adkins said...

What a beautiful story you are telling! I loved your book and read it cover to cover in just one day. I have just returned from Haiti on a mission trip to a small orhanage in Williamson. I have been unable to communitcate effectively my recent experience there because words just aren't enough. You seemed to say it all in your book for me. I understand with all of my heart your burning dersire to be in Uganda. I yearn for the children in the village of Williamson that way. It's all I can think about these days. I accoumpanied my 18 year old son (his 3rd trip in a year) to Haiti over Christmas break of his senior year. He too seemed to struggle with how to put the experience to words. I thought for a time it was just his age or that he was a guy but I now know that its because his heart is so full it seems impossible to express. It so precious that the Lord would drag me all the way to Haiti to speak to me. (Or maybe I just dont listen intently enough at home). I am from Jackson Tennessee and the Lord has allowed me to biologically mother four beautiful children and in all of God's glory he has made room in my heart for 34 more children in Haiti that I call mine...even if the only thing I can do for them from here is pray. There is one little boy that stole my heart... not because of the wide bright smile and open arms but because of the pain I saw in his eyes and face void of a smile. His quiet and shy personality just drew me closer. No English is spoken there so communciating with Nelson is a challenge. If you could pray for this little boy they nicknamed Pepe', I would be greatful. I know God is teaching me something here. Thank you for serving Uganda and my prayer for you will always be that "one child at a time" that country and Haiti will be forever changed.
Love in Christ
Carol Adkins

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful story you are telling! I loved your book and read it cover to cover in just one day. I have just returned from Haiti on a mission trip to a small orhanage in Williamson. I have been unable to communitcate effectively my recent experience there because words just aren't enough. You seemed to say it all in your book for me. I understand with all of my heart your burning dersire to be in Uganda. I yearn for the children in the village of Williamson that way. It's all I can think about these days. I accoumpanied my 18 year old son (his 3rd trip in a year) to Haiti over Christmas break of his senior year. He too seemed to struggle with how to put the experience to words. I thought for a time it was just his age or that he was a guy but I now know that its because his heart is so full it seems impossible to express. It so precious that the Lord would drag me all the way to Haiti to speak to me. (Or maybe I just dont listen intently enough at home). I am from Jackson Tennessee and the Lord has allowed me to biologically mother four beautiful children and in all of God's glory he has made room in my heart for 34 more children in Haiti that I call mine...even if the only thing I can do for them from here is pray. There is one little boy that stole my heart... not because of the wide bright smile and open arms but because of the pain I saw in his eyes and face void of a smile. His quiet and shy personality just drew me closer. No English is spoken there so communciating with Nelson is a challenge. If you could pray for this little boy they nicknamed Pepe', I would be greatful. I know God is teaching me something here. Thank you for serving Uganda and my prayer for you will always be that "one child at a time" that country and Haiti will be forever changed.
Love in Christ
Carol Adkins

Xandra said...

I, like you, have a heart for kids in Africa. I am trying to find someone of a mentor. If you wouldn't mind (and if you have the time, haha) would you, please, email me at I have a few questions for you. Thank you!

Xandra said...

I have been called to missions and I would love to talk to you if at all possible. If you have time can you please email me at
Thank you so much!

- Xandra

Anonymous said...

You see such hard things, every single day, and point people to the only place of real hope. We lost a loved one in our community last year, a model who left this place seemingly, all to soon. If you wish to read and encourage others through one more story of hope, feel free:

May He peace your peace in the midst of such difficult things!

Anonymous said...

You see such hard things, every single day, and point people to the only place of real hope. We lost a loved one in our community last year, a model who left this place seemingly, all to soon. If you wish to read and encourage others through one more story of hope, feel free:

May He peace your peace in the midst of such difficult things!

Paige said...

Hi Katie.
My comment is the same as above. I'm young, but I've always told myself Uganda was a place that I was always going to do missionary work. Then I found your book. I'd really like to chat to you, could you email me at: ? I understand if you are busy :)

Jordan Stratton said...

Wow. I truly admire your faith in God. Your view of Him is so precious. Truly inspiring. I want to strive to be like that.

As I read the part where you mentioned the rain falling on the roof, it immediately started pouring down rain onto the building I am in. I think that was God. No, I KNOW it was God. I've been having a hardc time spiritually (spiritual warfare and such) lately and a friend of mine encouraged me to check out your blog. I'm so glad that I did. I'm not sure if you'll be able to read this or not, but that's not what matters. Thank thank you for sharing your heart. It truly has affected me.

- Jordan

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