Saturday, April 19, 2014

After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdelene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb.

There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from Heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled away the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning and his clothes were white as snow. The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men.

The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; He has risen, just as He said. Come and see the place where He lay. Then go quickly and tell His disciples: He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see Him. Now I have told you.”

So the women hurried away, terrified yet full of joy, and ran to tell His disciples. Suddenly, Jesus met them. “Greetings,” He said. They came and clasped His feet and worshiped Him. Then Jesus said, “Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.”

Terrified and full of joy. This isn’t the first time I have been here, have felt this strange mix of emotion that is both trepidation and wonder, hesitation and excitement. Fittingly, I seem to find myself here most often during the season of Easter. This isn’t the first time this story has spoken deeply to my heart, stating exactly what I do not have words for.

Our family is extraordinarily blessed to have a small, three-bedroom “house” in our backyard. Over the years we have been very privileged to have people of many kinds live with us here as they recover from set-backs and move toward what God has for them next. Sick people who have been discharged from the local hospital but still have no place to rest, homeless families looking for jobs or a means of support, friends, who have quickly become like family, all of them looking for Jesus, looking for love. People have been loved to new life here, and some have been loved straight into the arms of Jesus.

In the quiet of the evening, after I have kissed cheeks and tucked in bodies and prayed over sleepy little heads, I sneak out to the back yard and I watch the new life. Anna reads to her son, Simon, as they wait for the 8th in a series of surgeries to repair his esophagus. They stay here so that they can be close to a hospital in case of an emergency, but Anna helps me and encourages me more than she knows. Yusufu, recently homeless in the community of Masese due to illness that caused him to lose his job, serves food to his two young children, Mariam and Shafik. In the morning, he will go again to dig in the garden and save up the money he makes so that they can move out and stand on their own two feet. Agnes, partially paralyzed due to a stroke and left to die by family members who were afraid and did not understand her condition, sleeps soundly next to her three year old, Lotuke, tired from a long day of walking practice. I bet she’ll be able to do it without her cane any day now! Margaret, her tiny, twenty year-old body ravished by AIDS, discharged from the hospital but with nowhere to go, smiles brightly at me with her son, Sam in her lap.

Beauty from ashes. I don’t just know it to be true, I get to live it. We get to watch redemption take place, we get to reach out and touch it, we get to be a part of it.

And then Margaret groans that her stomach hurts. In a moment, I am in a different place at a different time with another friend whose stomach had hurt. We are at the hospital and they are telling us that there is nothing they can do. I slowly watch her get worse and worse. I hold her hand and I read the Psalms, and she breathes her last. I can hardly breathe. I reach out to hold Margaret’s hand and it looks so similar to a hand I held not toolong ago – a hand I held for hours that turned into days and days that turned into weeks until finally I got to place her hand in the hands of Jesus as He took her from this earth. I blink. It is just a stomachache.

Makerere walks by and I catch a glimpse of the scar on his leg, a scar that God used to heal my heart. I breathe long and deep all that God is doing in this place, all that He is allowing me to participate in, and my heart swells with gratitude, with deep, unshakable joy. And in the same breath, just like the women at the tomb, I am terrified. Because I know it to be true: in order to experience the deep joys of the Father, we must experience the heartaches, too. In order to know Jesus the way that I have known Him, I have had to give my heart to people in ways that I would never have chosen.

I can see the women with their eyes wide as they tremble in front of the tomb. They listen to the angel’s words – can it be? – and they scurry, terrified and filled with joy.

Is it possible to be full of joy and thankfulness and simultaneously afraid of what obedience might bring next? I feel it stirring in my heart, the strange mix of pain and excitement that I will feel as each of our friends here transitions into the new life, outside of our home, that God has planned for them; the strange and devastating love that grows when we love the way Christ has loved us.

I sit there in the candle light, 13 growing young women sleeping soundly a few yards away and all kinds of lives being transformed before my eyes. I sit, terrified and full of joy.

And Jesus meets me. And He says, “Do not be afraid.”

And I ask simply, “How?” Because as excited as I am about all He has planned, there is no denying that sometimes I am just plain scared.

His answer comes clear, steady. “Go and tell my brothers. Go and tell them the good news. Go and tell all the world that they will see me. They will see me.

And His words ring true. We see Him here, in the midst of pain and hurt and suffering, we see His glory all around. We see Him reconciling all things to Himself, drawing all nations to Himself, making all things new.

I fall at His feet and worship Him, for it is the only thing I know to do. I clasp His feet and remember all He has done for me and all He has yet to do. I remember His resurrection - Life from death. Beauty from ashes. Beauty from the torture and the nail scars and the blood red life spilling out everywhere. Beauty from the black of the tomb. And He does this here in my life, He gives us life to the fullest, and we can see Him, even here.

We tremble. Because who wouldn’t tremble at the feet of the Savior? At just a glimpse of all He might have planned? But as we trust, we fill with joy and peace, we overflow with hope, just as it is promised. We know all He has done for us, and we know all that He has yet to do when He brings us into His kingdom.

And my prayer today is that we might not be afraid. Friend, whatever it is you are facing, do not be afraid. Whatever it is He is calling you to in obedience, rest assured – you will see Him! Go and tell the world of what He has done for us, for you! We can trust Him. And today, every day, we REJOICE in Him!

*I have asked my friends if I could use their names in these stories in the hopes that you would join me in prayer for each of them. As the Lord brings us to mind would you pray? We are so grateful.


sofia nikula said...

Thank you.

Jay Mijares said...

Thanks for sharing their stories, Katie. And many thanks too for exemplifying the Great Commission. You are an inspiration to many! Just as I can imagine you holding a candle in the darkness as 13 young women sleep soundly around you -- you are His light. Continue to shine and be strengthened by Him!

Num 6:24-26

Mandi Grace said...

I'll definitely be praying, Katie!

David said...

Hi Katie, I always look forward to your posts, as rare as they are. God is using you to do such amazing things for His glory, and then giving you words to share them with us. I am following the path you are on to a certain point, I left everything in Australia to work in an orphanage in the Philippines called the Ruel Foundation. It is privileged work we get to do, but I feel the weight of responsibility in caring for these little ones every day :) Be blessed

Anonymous said...

Lying here in the dark
Reading these words of truth and life
Brings tears of joy because
My savior lives . God bless you
And all your family..Katie.
Your words gave me the encouragement I needed tonight.

Theron St. John said...

I will sure to join in prayer for them. I also thank you for sharing this point: "Because I know it to be true: in order to experience the deep joys of the Father, we must experience the heartaches, too." It is a challenging reminder but is something we need to come on coming back to because of the truth in the statement. Reminds me of Philippians 3.

Anonymous said...

As I sit on a bus back to Buenos Aires, Argentina, I keep hearing myself say aloud how I cannot believe that it is Easter today, as I am usually back in the US in my hometown of Edina, Minnesota with my huge family celebrating today. I just finished reading your book about two weeks ago, it was a gift from a great friend before I left on a four and a half month journey to study in Argentina. As I'm used to attending church back home with my family, your book acted as my own kind of church while I adjusted to this new, and somewhat scary place all by myself. And now today as I wake up on this bus ride feeling a little empty, wishing I was home with my loved ones to celebrate as normal today, I remembered you had a blog. I am very thankful that you took the time to blog yesterday as it was the perfect thing I needed to read today. Thank you for more than I can explain and I can only hope to serve the Lord's wishes as you do. Thoughts and prayers for you, your girls, and all those around you in Uganda.

Kelly Peterson

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post! I'm praying!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post! I'm praying!

Melanie said...

Katie you are such an encouragement. I am often so scared to act on what God is calling me to do, as it is so far out of my comfort zone. But you are constantly a wonderful encouragement and example of how we should follow Him. Thanks for taking time to post even when you are so busy!

Unknown said...

Thanks Katie for sharing it was both encouraging and challenging. I will be praying for you and all those you encounter.

Your brother in Christ,

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for sharing Katie! It was both encouraging and challenging. I am praying for you and all those you encounter in your daily life. May our gracious Lord and Savior bless your endeveres.

Your brother in Christ,

Unknown said...

Thank you Katie for sharing! I will be praying for you all. May the Lord strengthen you for every good thing He has planned for you.
Your brother in Christ,

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for sharing Katie. I am praying for you all. May you find all that you need in our Lord and Savior.
Your brother in Christ,

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing Katie. I am praying for you all and hope that Gods grace is abounding more and more everyday in your lives.

Your brother in Christ,

Kent M said...

These words, as yours so often do, bring me to the point of tears. I am so grateful to SEE and serve a risen savior, and yet I long desperately for him to draw others unto himself. I will pray, as God brings you to mind. I will pray that so many who are lost will see and that he will change the hearts of those he has caused me to love.

martha said...

sobbing as I read, I am so touched and humbled and inspired by your words. May God bless you in all abundance beyond measure.

Jay Mijares said...

Thanks for sharing their stories, Katie. You exemplify the Great Commission. You're an inspiration to many! Just as I can imagine you holding a candle in the darkness as 13 young women sleep soundly around you -- you are His light. Continue to shine and be strengthened by Him!

Num 6:24-26

Unknown said...

Katie I just want to express my deep gratitude for your book, which I am still Every word you have spoken resonates in my spirit. God has broken my heart for 24 children in India and my heart aches to be with them, but God has not called me to live there. They are all cared for by a wonderful pastor and God has called me to share the children's stories here where I live to give others the amazing opportunity and blessing to be a blessing in providing for these children. And I get to visit them each year for three weeks. Not long enough but what I am able to do as God allows. I pray as people read your book, many will answer the call and do what God has called us all to do, be it in our neighborhood or on the other side of this beautiful earth. God bless you.

Lauren said...

Thank you for sharing glimpses into your lives with us again, Katie ~ Your words struck a chord with this heart tonight as that place you spoke of isn't unknown :) Getting to watch God change lives in front of you, while being terrified and full of joy... a good way to put it! God's blessings to you!

Cliff and Deb said...

Dear Katie,

On this day especially, we come terrified and yet so joyful. He has done all for us and loves us and so we love Him too and our worship of our awesome King is with such a mix of reverence, gratefulness, praise and recognition of our unworthiness. It is our privilege to join you in prayer for these dear ones to you, Him and now to us. May He give you the strength to continue to share His grace. With love for Him and for you as His servant.

Anonymous said...

Oh how this is exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you Katie for being so vulnerable and so open to whatever God has in store for you. Truly this was something I needed to hear. God bless!

Anonymous said...

Oh how this is exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you Katie for being so vulnerable and so open to whatever God has in store for you. Truly this was something I needed to hear. God bless!

Anonymous said...

Oh how this is exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you Katie for being so vulnerable and so open to whatever God has in store for you. Truly this was something I needed to hear. God bless!

Anonymous said...

Oh how this is exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you Katie for being so vulnerable and so open to whatever God has in store for you. Truly this was something I needed to hear. God bless!

Unknown said...

Thanks for that word! My needs are so small and my problems insignificant by comparison - and your words remind me again that your Jesus is also my Jesus and He has the next days and weeks and months and years planned out for me too! Praise Him!

Unknown said...

Thanks for that word! My needs are so small and my problems insignificant by comparison - and your words remind me again that your Jesus is also my Jesus and He has the next days and weeks and months and years planned out for me too! Praise Him!

Unknown said...

I so admire you and all you do for the children of God! He will continue to bless you! Thank you Katie for sharing your stiry, but most of all your love and obedience to God!

Nicole L. said...

I will absolutely pray for you and your friends.

Unknown said...

"Beauty from ashes. I don’t just know it to be true, I get to live it. We get to watch redemption take place, we get to reach out and touch it, we get to be a part of it." Thank you, Katie. This one spoke straight to the very depths of my heart.

maricellep said...

I am blessed by the life you are living. I praise God for the encouragement I found in coming across an editorial review of your book for it is my first time to hear of a young woman like you experiencing firsthand what God can truly do when our will becomes joined with His! I realize all the more how easy my life has been and how much more I need to demonstrate the love He showered me with unto others. God bless!

Sarah Jones said...

Beautiful! Thank you for being so transparent and giving us such wise words to meditate on. I too, am in awe of finding both fear and joy in some of life's moments. I am living one right now. Thank you for being obedient to the great call that God has placed on your life! You and yours are a blessing to the world.

Unknown said...

Sweet Katie,
Thank you so much for sharing a small piece of your lives with us. We count ourselves blessed to be able to read portions of your heart, and hear about all that the Lord has done, is doing, and will do.

Anonymous said...

Dear Katie, I know you have heard this a million times, but you and your story truly amaze me! As my family was going through the adoptions of my youngest two siblings from Uganda, your book truly spoke to me so well, and taught me so much about myself and my soon to be siblings. As I will be visiting Uganda this summer, I love to read about your many adventures and how the Lord has used you in such an amazing way. I hope you know that you have blessed so many people and continue to bless the dear people of Uganda. With Love, your sister in Christ.

Trish said...

Your words inspired me today. You are so brave! God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your posts. you have no idea how much they have helped me. I will definitely be praying for your friends and family. God bless you!

Annette Cone said...

Hi Katie, I just finished your book this morning, crying through that last chapter. You are now "one of MY favorite people", too! I'm a 56 year old Oregon mother of 4 daughters and your age is right in the middle of them, so I would love to claim you for my prayer-daughter, as I love spending time with the Lord in prayer. I'll look forward to watching for blog updates, so I can pray constantly for you and all those whose lives you & God touch... ~Annette

Mary Lou said...

"Beauty from ashes. I don’t just know it to be true, I get to live it. We get to watch redemption take place, we get to reach out and touch it, we get to be a part of it." Mmmm.... ;)
"I know it to be true: in order to experience the deep joys of the Father, we must experience the heartaches, too." I think I needed to read those very words!! ;-D
Love you later, Raelyn

Anonymous said...

we've missed you!

Brooke said...

Dear Katie. I am currently a missionary in Pucallpa, Peru for 8 months. I go back home in 5 days. I am touched by your stories and blogs- it is one of the main things that first inspired me to serve God as a missionary. I know that I want to do more mission work in the future and I would LOVE to visit Africa. My question is there any way I could visit you and your organization in Uganda, or volunteer with you for 8 months to a year, or if I could somehow organize a short term mission trip to help. I would love to talk to you more about ideas. My email is Thanks so much! God is using you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you thank you thank you for all that you do and for sharing it with the world!
You strengthen my faith and the faith of others just through words from Him.

Thank you and God Bless.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much, Katie. I believe God just answered a prayer that has been on my heart for quite some time through the words He spoke through you. Thank you for, by His grace, being a vessel for Him to use.
And man, has He used you! Praise Him for the glory brought to His name through your precious life!!
I am really excited to get to rejoice for eternity with you. It is going to happen because one day we're going to see Him!! We'll be in His presence and then we'll never ever leave. Ever!
I know I don't know you yet, but for some reason I feel it on my heart to tell you I love you, and not in the meaning that is so overused here in America. In the Christ-like, die to self, looking up to you and desire to follow in your example of loving Christ, love that I think God would give me to share with an older sister if I had one. I love you, Katie! And I'm thankful for you and your testimony and life. Praise be to God!

Anonymous said...

Dear Katie,
God Bless you and all of your efforts. You shed new light on the word HOPE. You are an inspiration. Prayers for you and your efforts. Mary said...

Katie, yesterday a lady from our church loaned me your book, which I'm now reading. What a testimony and inspiration you are. The love and faith you have for Christ is truly a blessing, especially as such a young age. I'm thankful that I'm now aware of you, your heart for Uganda, and your amazing family. I look forward to finishing the book.

Karen Deborah said...

yes I will pray love you and what you do for all of these people that Jesus loves. Jesus is worth it all.

Unknown said...

Katie, I am praying for you today, read your book last week, and it greatly touched my heart, praying for your friends Simon, and Makere, and your ministry! Love Your Sister in Christ, Kellee Macklin

Unknown said...

Hi Katie~

I just am happy to tell you that the Amazon Company is letting people pick a charity they will send 0.5% of my orders ( we do a lot of books to friends- I bought 3 of yours to give away!). So in a tiny small way we are here thinking of you...and praying for your incredibly worthy mission for the Kingdom. God continue with you dear woman. Thank you from us here in Minnesota. Love to you!

Jessica Smith Culver said...

Katie, I've finally finished reading your book and all your posts, and I am blessed over and over by how real you are. You've put yourself right in the middle of a lot of pain, but you also get to see joy that is hard to find for people in a "normal" lifestyle. Thank you for being an example for the world to see, and may the world be changed because of you!
I also thought you'd like to know about a nine-year-old girl I was privileged to be a camp counselor for last summer who has read your book. She not only has her heart set on going to Uganda when she grows up (and studying all she can for it), but is even now praying for her family to be saved and serving the homeless right where she lives. From your passion to hers, I am immensely blessed to see people whose lives are all about Jesus. Thank you again!
Exodus 33:14

Boniface Nelsen said...

Hey Katie I just started reading your wow amazing what you chose to do.may God protect you.keep you healthy.He loves you be blessed abduntatly! !

Anonymous said...

Katie you inspire me in every way. I know you may not see this but I would just like to tell you that me and a couple of other friends are doing a leader project on you, and you are our leader. I look at your photos and think, OH I want to be like her. I'm still thinking about it, even though im still 13 Maybe God is also leading me there I don't know. But you have also made me more closer to God. You, your stories, and your book inspires me, thank you!

Joy-bird13 said...

Katie, I'm reading your book. Slowly, because I'm terrified because of the call God has placed on my life, but inspired by all he's done through you. I'm studying to be a teacher, and I had planned to teach where I'm at or in Europe, but God has laid Uganda and orphans on my heart. I have a love in my heart for the people I read about in your book, and a desire to reach them, love them, and to serve them. I don't know how it's going to happen, but in two years I'm going to Uganda, trusting that God will work out the details. You probably won't get to see this, but If you do please pray for me, that God would just be preparing me even now, and that he would be opening the doors to get me there. God bless you Katie, your ministry and your girls, and keep you safe. I'll be praying for strength as you continue to rely on him.

Anonymous said...

I have written their names and the little glimpse of their story you have shared with us.... And I will pray. Grateful and privileged for this sacred opportunity...

Anonymous said...

"Because I know it to be true: in order to experience the deep joys of the Father, we must experience the heartaches, too." Being the mother of prodigal daughters, I'm clinging to the words you spoke above. Today those words spoke to me, and I am going to trust that the difficult times I live today through my daughters, will be a blessing in the days to come. Thank you

Unknown said...

How did Simon's surgery go?

Unknown said...

How did Simon's surgery go today?

Anonymous said...

Katie, I have been following this blog since the beginning and years later your book still sits by my bedside and I read it occasionally. I have fallen in love with your story and girls. God has been calling me to do work like yours since as long as I can remember but I have not had any opportunities. My church is a megga church and I dont even think the pastor knows my name. I want to do what you are doing. Do you need help? Is there a way to visit and be a part of your ministry? I am a 21 year old just looking to follow gods calling for my life and I am reaching out. is there anything? my email is

Anonymous said...

Hi Katie, I just finished your book about a week ago and want you to know you have a new friend & prayer partner in Petaluma, Ca. Good timing too as I just recommitted my life to prayer. :) I will keep you all in my prayers and look forward to hearing about all that Jesus is doing in all of your lives. You are quite an inspiration! Sending love & hugs your way too!

Anonymous said...

Dear Katie,
Amen and amen! My heart is going through something like this, too. And every time I collect myself to bring it all before Him, he says the same things he said to you. Oh, that I would always, always live ever before Him in worship and trust and love! Committing all things to Him, by Him, through Him...Thank you for writing! God uses your words to soften my heart.

Hannah said...

Thank you for the encouraging words in the post, and for sharing these stories. I'm thirteen. I just finished reading your book. IT's beautiful and very encouraging. Your a very good example of a godly woman. Thank you for writing the book. I wish I could help you in some way. I've been interested in missionary work for quite some time. As has been one of my close friends. Maybe I'll just by some of those bead necklaces you mentioned in your book. And get my friends to too. I'll be praying for you. And the people over there.
God Bless You.

Unknown said...

Katie, I just got you book!! I love it so far and I haven't even gotten to the second chapter!!!!! lol:) We are alike. Christ is my whole life. I have been to Guatemala 4 times, and feel as though God is calling me to be a missionary there. Although I am not even a senior in High school yet, I am so excited to be a missionary!!! Please be in prayer for me as I try to finish up my last two years in High school. Thank you!!!:)

Rejoice Today said...

Dear Katie,thank you for sharing your heart with us,your sentiments echo and resonate with so many of us who are following the "Master"...God bless and keep you strong....


Deb M.

Rejoice Today said...

Dear Katie,
thank you for sharing your heart it resonates and echos the sentiments of all those who are following the "Master".Stay strong we love U...

Be Blessed,
Deb M.

Susan Peachee said...

Wow! I just read your Beautiful thoughts that you generously share with us. Thank you. You are truly an inspiration & I am praying for you, your precious family & your amazing ministry.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Katie for listening to the call God placed on your heart so many years ago. God has touched so many thru your experiences and your obedience to Him in taking the time to write a blog about His love. I can't imagine it is easy to find the time to write a blog but you do and it is a mission field in itself. Praying for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Katie for listening to the call God placed on your heart so many years ago. God has touched so many thru your experiences and your obedience to Him in taking the time to write a blog about His love. I can't imagine it is easy to find the time to write a blog but you do and it is a mission field in itself. Praying for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for your story and your willingness to share it! I check this blog frequently because your words really do inspire me in my walk with God! Thank you and I will be praying!

Mary Lou said...

It has been one month since you last posted on this Blog!! I finally started your book!! I'm lovin' it!! ;)
Love you later, Raelyn

Anonymous said...

As a 20 yr old college girl, never before have I been so unsure about my life or the plan God has for me. I just finished reading your book and have been so encouraged by your faith and the beautiful picture of God's perfect faithfulness to us!! Thank you for being so bold and honest and open so that we all can see Jesus through your story. Continuing to pray for you, those precious children, and Amazima ministries.

Anonymous said...

I just finished your book and felt as though my thoughts and feelings were being expressed on paper! It was like a story written about myself! I am so encouraged to see what God can do when one completely surrenders their life to Him! Thank you for sharing your story! :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for keeping us updated. You are our present day Mother Teresa. I was sitting in church on Mother's Day listening to the President of the. Children's Homes of the SBC. And I was thinking how much I would love to have a necklace from your ministry. I opened up my daughters gift , and there it was in the little bag. I was overwhelmed. Now I wear it to share your story. I am a Pastor's wife of 35 tears. Your book changed my life.
I will continue to always pray for you and these needs.
God bless

Nancy said...

Thank you for your book and your heart for God. "Oceans" by Hillsong United is one of those songs in which every word accurately describes the desire of my heart and during a worship service, it suddenly occurred to me that it would resonate with you as well. You probably already know it but for days I kept feeling like I should send it to you so here it is.

You call me out upon the waters
The great unknown where feet may fail
And there I find You in the mystery
In oceans deep
My faith will stand

I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise my soul will rest in your embrace
For I am Yours and You are mine

Your grace abounds in deepest waters
Your sovereign hand
Will be my guide
Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me
You've never failed and you won't start now

So I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise
My soul will rest in your embrace
For I am Yours and You are mine

Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior

I will call upon Your Name
Keep my eyes above the waves
My soul will rest in Your embrace
I am Yours and You are mine

Below is a link to the YouTube video of the song.

I offer up prayers to God for you and your family. Thanks again.

Emma Revis from Campbellsville Baptist Church said...

Our church book club just completed your book and are all amazed and inspired by your close walk with Christ. We'll continue to lift you in prayer. Thanks for sharing your fears, feelings, and blessings.

Heritage Hall said...

Oh Katie dear, you have a wisdom beyond your years and have much to teach us about trust, hope and
ultimately love. Beauty from ashes
can be lived and experienced and not only have you done this, you
manage to magnify the concept and
awaken us to its very happening in
our own lives.. if we but look around us with faith, we could recognize that His Love rescues us from the ashes and gives beautiful meaning and purpose to
all that we experience. You amaze me with your spiritual insights
and willingness to follow Him....
May you and yours be ever blessed.

Rebecca said...

Katie, you are such an encouragement to me. I will be praying for you!!!

Unknown said...

This is ABSOLUTELY perfectly said. thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to right these posts that encourage so many. I read your book when I was in 11th grade & couldn't make my way all the way through it because I was so convicted because I heard God telling me- This is what I want for you. and I didn't want it. I wanted my own like in AMerica becoming a hairstylist. BUT God has amazing ways of getting our attention for what He wants for us. It was not until this past fall in my freshman year of college that I surrendered to His plans for me. I know want to do exactly what your doing. Money is tight. I have yet to go on a missions trip. but I pray to God & ask Him to provide & open an opportunity. I want to do everything that you are doing. I want to share Jesus to all the children of the world.

Kelly Heard said...

Katie, I just finished your book and it was a holy disruption. I was in Uganda as a student the summer of 1985. A piece of my heart is still there. God used your book to break away some fears that had built walls in my heart, limiting my ability to give freely. God bless you and your precious children. Kelly Heard

Unknown said...

Katie, thank you for continuing to take time out of your life for blogging; each blog post is a blessing. I read your book last July on recommendations from several missionary friends after I returned from a mission trip to Memphis, Tennessee broken but beautiful. I like to say that "I met Jesus before Memphis, but I got to know Him while I was there". Over the last year I have accepted my call to ministry, and though I know God's plan for my life is not the same is His plan for yours, I look up to you and the way you live your life for Jesus. Your story inspires me and continues to be a tool Jesus uses to move me into action. Thank you for who you are in Christ and who you are in Africa. Your sister in Christ, Brianna. (Matthew 5:16)

Anonymous said...

praying for you and your precious family today

Anonymous said...

Our women's church group has been reading your book for discussion. We are growing in spirit as we read your words. You are a role model for us,all. Thank you for your love in action. You are changing he lives of your children but ALSO the lives of countless others who read your book.

Mary Lou said...

It has been twain months since you last posted on this Blog!! How is Life on your end of the globe? Me? I just finished reading your memoir, "Kisses from Katie", and love, love, loved it!! Very much!! ;)
Love you later, Raelyn

Melanie Johnson said...

Good afternoon, Sister!! Is there a way I can mail you a letter?
Praying for you, your girls, and your mission <3

Anonymous said...

katie! you don't know me and neither have i met you, but i came across your book and your life has been a pure picture of christ' love for us and how He calls us to minister this love to others... i pray you will keep the good fight of faith! thank-you so much.
-ambassador of Christ

Anonymous said...

katie! you don't know me and neither have i met you, but i came across your book and your life has been a pure picture of christ' love for us and how He calls us to minister this love to others... i pray you will keep the good fight of faith! thank-you so much.
-ambassador of Christ

Anonymous said...

SO fantastic that command of the Lord to preach the gospel and making disciples to him in around the world and be sowing our seed in blessing and in wisdom and really harvest in Jesus name ,thanks and bless,keijo sweden

Unknown said...

Just listened to your interview on dr. Dobson. I love your story. The Lord used your book to start opening my heart to Africa and missions. Just this past May this 52 year old woman who had NEVER done mission trips anywhere went to Ghana. I was so challenged but I just remembered what you said about loving who The Lord put in front of you and that became my daily prayer while there. Thank you for being faithful.

Hannah Peek said...

Thank you so much for sharing about your life! It is such an encouragement to read your amazing testimony.
I have been told to read 'Kisses from Katie' for years. For some odd reason, I decided that it wasn't time to read it and waited.
Last month, I took a mission trip to Ecuador, South America to work with the lost and broken of Quito. The crew I worked with went to an area completely untouched by the truths of the Gospel. Some knew of Jesus, yes, but they had wrong ideas of Him or believed His name was just a curse. Others stared at me blankly when I spoke of Him. The children I worked with wandered streets alone even in the dark of night, no matter how young. Some we saw were homeless. Some were very sick and we prayed for God's healing over them. Some were in tattered clothing. Some were so anxious for food and drink that they climbed over each other to get just a cookie and a small glass of water. They were so lost and helpless yet were loving, lively and accepting. They stole my heart immediately. In that time, God spoke to me that I was called to witness to that country and adopt its orphans and share with them the love of Christ. It was a life changing experience that opened my spiritual eyes in a way nothing ever has before.
When I returned home, a friend gave me your book and I immediately recognized my own emotions and struggles in your testimony of returning to America. I felt so alone in my depression until I read that chapter. Then I realized this was something serious and I had to return at any cost. Ecuador changed my life but your book showed me how to pursue the change.
Thank you so much for blessing me with your testimony! May God bless you and your beautiful family, beloved sister in Christ. You are in my prayers. (:

Anonymous said...

Your last post very encouraging. Waiting for another post to hear that you all are ok. May God continue to lead and bless. May the hope of the future be ever clear in our lives. Its so easy to become distracted by all that we are blessed with here.

Lauren M said...

I just finished your book, Katie. It has blessed me immensely. I am a single mother of 3 here in Tennessee. I totally understand your statement about the spiritual poverty in the States and how you'd rather be there in Uganda with the physical poverty than back in this apathy. I long to let God use my like he is using you. I grew up reading about Amy Carmichael, Gladys Aylward, and others...and now I read about you. I feel like you are a kindred spirit. My house is a mess, but we open our doors lovingly to anyone who enters. I am now starting to teach school in a rough neighborhood here in Memphis, and I'm praying for redemption there and for how God wants to use me. I want to live on the edge and to give with abandon and love others recklessly like you speak of.
Well, I doubt I'll get to meet you on Earth, but I am praying for you and your girls, and I look forward to meeting you one day in Jesus' presence!!

Wendy said...

Hi Katie! I just wanted to tell you that your book has blessed me in many ways. I am also a missionary girl.I love how you serve Jesus with all of your heart and you don't let him down. I hope to be like you every day. I learned of your book from a family that also adopted 10 children from Russia. I know that your book inspired them too. God bless you Katie.

EvErydaY EaTing said...

hi katie
i'm from Taiwan,
your book just have been relesed in Taiwan
in april 2014.
i read your book 3 day ago,
GOD~ I'M crying like a baby,
you are so amazing~
your story encourge me a lot,
when i lose my faith,
i read your story and it remind me of God's love is always there.

i so want to read your second book~
please make my dream come ture~

sent all my love to you and all your beautiful girls & boys~

Anonymous said...

hi katie
i'm from Taiwan,
your book just have been relesed in Taiwan
in april 2014.
i read your book 3 day ago,
GOD~ I'M crying like a baby,
you are so amazing~
your story encourge me a lot,
when i lose my faith,
i read your story and it remind me of God's love is always there.

i so want to read your second book~
please make my dream come ture~

sent all my love to you and all your beautiful girls & boys~

Anonymous said...

Dear katie
i'm from Taiwan,your book just have been relesed in Taiwan
in april 2014.
i read your book 3 day ago,
GOD~ I'M crying like a baby,you are so amazing,your story encourge me a lot,when i lose my faith,i read your story and it remind me of God's love is always there.
i so want to read your second book,please make my dream come ture!!!

sent all my love to you and all your beautiful girls & boys

Helen said...

Hi Katie,
I have just read your book and was so encouraged. God called me to China to work with abandoned children there. I went for 5 months last year and then came back to South Africa. I found the pollution very hard to handle but I now know I must return I left my heart there. I will be back with the children the beginning of next year. I wrote this poem while I was there.

I live inside this grey cocoon,
No beauty can I see,
Outside so far away I know,
The flowers still will bloom,
I know the Master who create,
Made rivers, stream and trees,
But inside my cocoon it’s grey,
I see no colour here,
I long to feel a gentle breeze,
To see the stars up high,
O Lord, You made all things so good,
The sunset and the rain,
But inside in this grey cocoon,
I cannot see Your works,
I cannot see the beauty Lord,
How will my soul survive?
But then I looked and saw her there,
Inside my grey cocoon,
A little child who needed love,
Created by His hand,
I saw the crown of all he made,
For those He shed His blood,
And in my grey cocoon I heard,
A melody of love.

Omaha mama said...

You have opened my eyes to a whole new way of seeing God and being of service to him!! I pray that he shows this Grandma the service He has planned for her. I will keep my eyes and ears open. Bless you in all you do. You truly are His "favorite".

I am interested in buying necklaces that the women make. How can I accomplish this??

Peace and love, Kristi

Anonymous said...

Ever since I read your book, you and the girls in Uganda have been prayed for every day. (I've always been thinking about what I would say to you if I ever met you, but now that I'm writing this comment, I can't think of anything to say!) :) I am going to tell many, many people about this website so that you may continue your wonderful work in Uganda.

Even though I am older than most of your adopted children, I have gone though much less trials than they have. You have inspired me to follow our Father wherever he directs me, no matter the cost.

Grace said...

Amy Carmichael once said in her book the Gold Cord-

" It is well to be forewarned. For the work was to develop upon lines that would not find general acceptance, and we had to learn the unchangeable truth: Our Master has never promised us success. He demands obedience. He expects faithfulness. Results are His concern, not ours. And our reputation is a matter of no consequence at all. "

Unknown said...

Does your ministry have the need/desire for a medical mission team? I have been looking for information regarding whether or not that is an area your ministry is interested in. There are plenty of medical students, PA's, and doctors over here that would love to piggyback and serve that way

Unknown said...

Mes parents récemment rénové leur robinets vente . Il a été à venir longtemps, le changement est grand! Aussi, je les robinets cascade, je veux une nouvelle cuisine pour de nombreuses installations. L'un d'eux est leur robinetterie baignoire. Vous ne vous sentirez pas comme un robinet qui fera la différence dans une telle grande robinets LED, mais il n'a pas fait.

Anonymous said...

Oh magnify the LORD with me and come, let us exalt His name together! God has been revealing Himself to me through various circumstances, difficult and precious, and I want to say an amen. When our eyes are lifted up to Him and we praise Him for His faithfulness and declare Him worth of our praise no matter what we find peace no matter what the situation. May God continue to be the lifter of your face.

Jolene van Heerden said...

Your life is an inspiration to me. I recently read your book, and God used it to fan a flame inside of me. Thank you for be a willing tool in the Maker's hands.
While I was reading your book, I came across this song by Casting Crowns, "Heroes." So whenever I hear it, I think of you and the work you are doing.

May you be blessed!
Ephesians 3:16

Unknown said...

Hi Katie, I pray for you. I shed many tears over your book. I will be near Rukinguri in November working with pastors and 200 needy elementary school kids. I truly am a nobody in the church world, but I serve my Lord and God who is everything. Thank you for strengthening my faith and compassion. You must continue on, the whole world needs your inspiration. Blessings to you, pastor jim

Anonymous said...

Just finished reading your book over the past couple of days. I'm hosting a group of friends in my home tomorrow night to discuss it. I have been so challenged by your writing and your story and am now praying about what the next step is for my family. Praying for strength for you today!

Unknown said...

Hi Katie,

I have just read your book what a life of encouragement and love you lead in Uganda.
You have encouraged mean so much in your book more than you will ever know.
I will be praying for you and your staff and your work in Africa.
May God richly bless you:0 All of Gods Love from Northern Ireland
Samantha xx

Unknown said...

Katie, you have no idea the profound effect your words have had on my heart. I am so encouraged by your stories and walk with Christ, that is has encouraged my own walk with our Lord and Savior. My heart has opened in a new way to Him and those around me. Thank you for sharing your stories, I hope you continue to do so. Have you shared more somewhere else since the April blog?
I hope you and your are safe, looking forward to hearing more soon.

Unknown said...

Hey Katie! My name is Cameron Von St. James and I had a quick question for you! I was wondering if you could email me at your earliest convenience at cvonstjames AT gmail DOT com :-) I greatly appreciate your time!!

Unknown said...

thanks you tell our this stories.

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Unknown said...

I think she is awesome!

mbj said...

just last night I read to my son out of children's story bible and read this same passage. it leapt off the page for the first time and now reading today your post. Go and tell them that I'm alive! Thank you for being a living sacrifice.

Cord of Three said...

Katie! I miss your writing and updates! It's been almost six months! Hope all is okay!! Been praying for you, your family, ministry and friends.

Unknown said...

Hard to express how much joy that our Father has given me tonight, as painful, difficult and unending as current challenges may continue to be, to find your blog and read your words. The Father spoke through you exactly what I needed. Thank you so very much for living an authentic life for Christ and sharing it humbly. It is so very rare and is the only important thing and profoundly powerful. Matthew

Anonymous said...

I am currently in graduate school and when the semester gets really hard, this blog provides added encouragement to keep going.
Recently, I found out I failed a major certification exam. I'm embarassed, frustrated, and confused over the results. However, this failure is an opportunity to witness. I don't know how, but I know I need to honor my God ib the midst of this. Reading your stories of persistent faith, confirmed how this low point may be used. Though I'm a little terrified, I pray I show faith and that I will go ahead with joy.

Bailey Frederking said...

your words have brought a deep peace to my heart. Thank you for the encouragement and for revealing just how faithful our God is. You are a treasure.

Pat said...

I've been attending BSF for a number of years & have been wondering why the great people in the Old Testament always forget God's goodness to them. Then thru the studies I learnt that though God communicated with them but there were times according to His will He waited for the right moment to act & that explained the long silence.

Your posts helped me to understand the struggles of the great people like Moses, Elijah, Job, even the Psalmist etc.,

You have added the heartaches, desperation, hopelessness, doubts, joy, insecurity, chaos, brokenness, the overwhelming pain that creates a momentary blindness & sometimes I can even visualize the sound effect.

Your sharing simply make the bible stories come alive. Thank you for the mountains & valleys in your journey. May God bless you richly:)

Unknown said...

Great challenge. Thank you