i know it has been too long since i have posted.
as you can imagine, with 19 hours of college, as many hours of work as i can handle, and squeezing in fund raising in all my "free time" blogging has taken a back seat in my life.
but your comments are read and greatly appreciated, and your prayers are truly felt. your donations of even what seems a small amount are being wired immediately to feed hungry children.
i turned twenty sunday and marveled at the last year of my life. between nineteen and twenty i have learned to be a teacher, a nurse, a handyman (plumbing and electrical work included), a cook, an exterminator, a maid, a servant, a mentor, a mother, and most importantly a daughter of the King. i have built for myself a home with an adoring family and started a thus-far-successful (only by the grace of God!) business that is helping people in need. and the thing is that while it has been my hands doing the work, I HAVE DONE NONE OF IT. often people ask me how i do it, and the answer is so simple - i don't. a little coffee and a whole LOT of Jesus. this plan, these "accomplishments", they are so not my own.
i am dependent. powerless. weak. drowning. and while all those adjectives should sound scary, they have me in a beautiful place: a place where i can't go one minute without crying out to my Father or i will sink. i am grateful for this place. paul says in his letter to the philippians that he "knows the secret". he has been well fed and he has been starving. he has lived in abundance and he has lived with nothing. his revelation? that he can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens. sometimes i wish that i was still living in the hungry, needy state in which i lived in uganda. sometimes i feel that it is easier to cling to Jesus in that state of having nothing than it is to cling to him in my current state of abundance. but the thing is, although i am not physically hungry or in need, my soul is thirstier than ever. and paul's secret remains true; as i let Him strengthen me, there is nothing He cannot accomplish through me.
i owe great thanks to many who have helped me on this journey.
to those of you who keep pursuing me, you are truly servants. i know that in my consumption with doing his work i have been neglectful, unable to do anything at night but fall into bed without returning the seven phone calls and 40 emails of the day. thank you for not giving up. it is such a huge encouragement to me when people like Pastor Steve, who i have neglected to call back, call and remind me that they are doing everything in their power to help, when people like Erin email their constant encouragement and continue offering to help even when i haven't given them much to do yet, when people like my best friend caroline will drive home from knoxville to see me even when i haven't returned a phone call in two weeks. YOU are showing me the unconditional love of Christ, and i am grateful. so so extremely grateful.
to those of you who have allowed me to become family, to sit on your couch and snuggle your children while i talk about mine, the oatsvalls, the mayernicks and the mays, thank you is not enough for the love that you have shown me!
for all who are donating and praying, the faithfulness of the Lord is evident to me THROUGH YOU every single day. you are a part of my miracle! please continue with me in being His hands and feet.
i can't wait to see what happens between now and twenty-one...

yes, all five were delivered from one mother, and yes we were shocked when they just kept coming! each weighed about a pound and a half.

picking rocks out of the beans is now one of my favorite pastimes, a great opportunity to just sit and praise!

the finished product.. ready to feed as many as we can, usually around 150-200 hungry kiddos!

some of the kids getting ready for their first day of school, January 2, 2008
and of course my all time favorite role is that of Mommy! (baptism day)

the finished product.. ready to feed as many as we can, usually around 150-200 hungry kiddos!

some of the kids getting ready for their first day of school, January 2, 2008

Love! Love ! Love! it ...
I have told so many people about your blog.
I have 3 daughters your age (19, 19, 23) who are also passionate about missions. Cassie has been to Haiti, India, The Gambia, and Senegal. Lindsey has been to Costa Rica and Mexico, and is now in Germany for 6 months. Carissa has been to Mexico and Costa Rica, and is now in Argentina for two years. Oh yes ... I also have one of my sons (age 22) serving in Jordan for the next 2 years. So, we are a missions-focused family and we LOVE what you are doing!!!
mama of 13
Hey little sister. A great blog of encouragement to all who are on the team. I need to take action shot pictures like you do - love the deworming one! Every 3 months we give all our kids tablets - along with some candy. :) Thanks for sharing the pictures. Hugs to you... E
Great post! Keep up the good work and we will keep on praying. Let us know what we can do to help. When you come up for air e-mail me about coming to our church to speak. Maybe we can help out your ministry.
Remember the Joy of the Lord is your strength!!
Bless you, your children and your work.
I just found your blog last week and am so refreshed and amazed by what you are doing and your perspective on "life." I hope you don't mind if I post your blog on mine. I want my children to be inspired by you as I have. I completely "get" where your heart is, only you've been able to do much more than I've been able to. I'm praying for you and since I live close by, am praying about how I can help you fundraise.
Hi Katie~
I just wanted to touch base with you. I mentioned that I wanted to help you raise money for Amazima through my blog auctions. Unfortunately I just lost my blog permanently! I have just started a new one, and will go through the tedious process of rebuilding. In the meantime I am trying to keep my auctions going for The Berry Family that will be adopting the twins I told you about.
The new blog is
We'll be in touch!
I'm so proud to have worked with you in Africa and to be able to call you my friend. I love you and your organization and your heart.
Is it possible for you to send me the picture of Carolyn? (My sponsor child) I don't know if there are multiple Carolyn's but to refresh your memory, my Carolyn is abuot 14 and a beautiful homely sweet girl.
I would really love to have her picture up at my desk at work so I can pray for her during the day. I got a job coordinating Ethiopian adoptions...so my thing, but I miss Africa bad!!!
You can email it to me (if you have one) at fixrachel@gmail.com or send it to
5935 Parkwood Drive
Shoreview, MN 55126
I would like to be able to write to her and send her a small Christmas gift...can you also give me Amazima's address?
You are amazing Katie. If this is stressing you out and you can't get a picture- no rush. I know you are super busy!
"I love AuntieKate and I don't want her to die!"
Honestly...you blow me away. You are an open vessel for God and boy is He loving it!!
Your pictures bring stinging tears to my eyes.
I too am excited to see all that God is going to do before you turn 21.
You are in my prayers, as are your children.
Laura (mommy to the most gorgeous Ethiopian girl ever!)
katie, it is a joy to walk w/ you, to have you sit on my couch and to listen to your talk of your sweet children in Uganda, but most of all it is a privilege to love the same FATHER you do ... You have opened my mind and heart to many things and I refuse to ever be blind again ... I love you as part of my own family ... it is amazing that we only meet a few months ago ... but that is a God thing because He made us family ...you are part of my daily prayer and i long to speak w/ you each day !!!!
We are parched and dry in the land of abundance, aren't we?! Thank you for allowing the streams of Living Water to flow so freely though you! Love you!
It was so wonderful to hear you tell just a small part of your story today at Westwood. Welcome! We loved having you. I am loving following your journey. God bless you Katie!
Julie :)
Laurel told me about your blog... I have spent the past few days reading all of your posts from beginning to end during breaks from studying. Like you part of my heart is in Africa. I am studying to be a nurse so some day I can go back and touch lives with health care and the love of God. You are such and encouragement to me. Though it seems like school will never quite be finished... it will! And the work of the Lord will still be there. God is certainly using you while you are home. I know that He will continue to supply for every need. Even the needs you are unaware of. He is just awesome like that! Thank you for sharing your journey with the world. Maybe I will see you some day in Africa. A few more years until I finish my nursing degree. I will be a loyal prayer warrior until I am able to donate financially or with nursing skills. Much love to you sister! Be blessed beyond words!
When I saw your blog I just started tearing up. I just sponsored a little boy named Brayan in Uganda. I've been wondering about what life is like there. Thank you for opening my eyes and making his circumstances real. Have you heard of Good Samaritan Children's center? That is where he is. Is it possible to contact you via email?
Ok, so Im a first time reader-found this from my photographer who we both have adopted children from Ethiopia! I cried and cried and cried-you are amazing!!!! God does wonderful things!
I just ran across your blog today and am so encouraged to see your love for the orphans and your passion for missions. I hope that your fundraising comes in quickly!!
I've been to Guatemala twice to work in an orphanage and fell in love with the kids.
I am so thankful Suzanne was able to introduce my daughter and me u at the Shoahannah's Hope banquet this weekend...what a special night! I just read thel ast two posts and looked at your beautiful children in the photographs and have tears streaming down my face as I write. God has plucked you out to do this amazing and wonderful work, and we look forward to partnering with you as He calls and leads. May God sustain you, lead you, protect you and infuse you with His grace, power, strength,joy and energy to do the work He has so obviously called you to do. The passion you feel is contagious! I'm so happy you get to return to your family there and pray His protection and blessing over all that you are doing. With a grateful heart,
Renee Manuel..
Katie...you are living what I have always dreamed of doing. I'm not sure how it would ever become a reality but that is up to the Lord to work out if it IS His plan for me and my family! I loved this post...awesome pictures! The 5 babies--what a miracle!! If it was here in Canada or the US they would be all plugged in and totally covered in tubes and wires! They're so sweet..I hope they all thrive and grow healthy and strong!
The picture of you and your daughters standing by the river to be baptized is one of the most beautiful, precious pics I have ever seen....
Thank You Jesus for our salvation. For these precious hearts that now belong to You....
I pray for Your perfect will in their lives.
i LOVE this one :) I had a little journey that I blogged about as well (only a 1000 mile, 1 year journey to raise money for Jesus wells - NOTHING like yours!!) but I too go to the point where you get so wrapped up in what you're doing - that the blogging takes a back seat. I believe I even used that same phrase when I was apologizing for not blogging as often as I wanted to! hehehe
It's good though! I mean - its so good!!! Sometimes - you're living it - and its hard to describe it - because people aren't going through what you're going through, and it takes time.. time.. time to try to "catch them up"! I totally get it. But I'm glad you take the time to reach out - not just to do what you do, but to share what you do with others. God is using it to stir His people up! You can believe that! Thank you LORD for a servant and teacher and sister like Katie! :)
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