Jane decided it would be an awesome idea to give herself a haircut.

My children discovered the joys of taking all the sheets and blankets off of their beds and turning their room into the greatest fort ever.

We had the priviledge of feeding, and bathing, and loving a WHOLE lot of beautiful Karamajong children, many of whom now are working toward a beautiful relationship with Jesus and are enrolled in school. Fabulous.

My girls though it would be fun to tie yarn in their hair... So for the first time ever they were not bald... How cute are they?

We added two members to our family, Molly and Hannah. Oh, and they are goats. :)

Amazima Ministries gave out about a million pens, pencils, rolls of toilet paper, ect... in preparation for back to school today! BIG BIG thanks to all our sponsors for making this possible! (yes, school is back in, I only have two kids at home, and will probably be blogging more for all who were concerned)

These two little ones were potty trained, and except for maybe one accident a week, are doing wonderfully!

My family truly delighted in praying for all of you! Keep the requests coming and we will keep lifting you up to the Almighty Father. Which reminds me of a good story...The other night, after many nights of no power, the power began to go out again during dinner. My children instantly and simulateously lifted their hands as the lights flickered and ask Jesus not to let the power go out. It stayed on, I decided it was just a fluke. Ten minutes later the power did go all the way out, and again they lifted their little hands. I smiled to myself, what beautiful faith. Sure, I wanted the power to stay on too, but I wasn't going to ask Jesus for it... Well, my children were. A few minutes later the power came back and I thought that it was a wonderful coincidence that would teach my children the power of prayer (yes, I am this dense sometimes). After I put the kiddos to bed I looked down the street. Imagine my surprise, the power at every house on our street, and for as far as I could see, WAS indeed out. All our neighbors now think that we have a generator. Oh, my small fickle faith is a feather in the wind next to their's, ever unwavering, still believing. I am so thankful for what I learn from my precious children each day.

Lots of love from the Davis family

Love all the pics. And LOVE the "power's out" story. Oh yea, the faith of our little children ... always amazing ... always humbling. We tell them that they need to pray in faith; and when they do, why are we still amazed? Our God is AWESOME! His power is MIGHTY!
Many blessings,
mama of 13
Hooray!! So glad to hear you are all well!!
oh, praising God for the faith of your children.
thank you so much for the update. you're blog has become like caffeine to me...gotta have it!
i only recently, last week in fact, was introduced to you and your blog. what a blessing your life is and how it inspires me to live out mine more fully for Christ. thank you for sharing this! and especially thank you for following God's call.
katie--your faith is not as fickle as a feather in the wind! your children are just doing what all children do--reminding us of the truth we've taught them when we have a momentary lapse.
so good to hear from you again! just so you know, the invitations for the fundraising dinner in july that i've been working on for almost a month are DONE! they will go in the mail to gwen and suzanne tomorrow.
put THAT event on your family's prayer list!
What a precious post. Your heart is so big. I always look forward to reading your post. You always help me to see things through the eyes of someone other than myself. To think about someone other than myself. Its refreshing to say the least. Its just crazy how we all know how powerful God is, how nothing is too big for him, but then we allow ourselves to doubt or give credit to coincedence. I am ashamed to say that I catch myself falling into the same thoughts sometimes. I think we can all learn something wonderful from our children.
Hello Katie, I would love to ask you and your family to pray for my daughter, Kalyn and me. We are leaving Wed. to go to Uganda with a church here in Colorado to minister to some pastors, street children and orphans in the capital of Uganda. We are very excited about this and look forward to seeing this beautiful country and the beautiful people. Thank you so much,
Thanks for sharing your life with us! Your children are beautiful! Please pray for my house to sell! I am leaving my life here in the U.S. and joining in the work of The African Children's Choir. I also need monthly financial support. Thanks for allowing God to use you.... He has inspired me through your stories on this blog! Love, Jenny
Your posts always make me weep tears of joy!! We are spreading your blog to everyone we know....its truly a blessing indeed. Thank you for the new photos (stunning!!) and updates from Uganda. Happy Memorial Day!! We are enjoying family today:)
We pray for your family.
Please pray that our home sells (its been on the market for 2 years) so we can start our next adoption!!! God changed the way we want to spend our money:)
Katie, We sure enjoyed the new pictures! The smiles warm your heart and looking into the children's eyes, you feel the love of Christ! Praise God, that things seem to be going well there. This Davis family sends our love and prayers to your Davis family. Love, Aunt V. & Uncle D.
Sounds like you DO have a generator... of prayer! :) What a blessed moment. :)
ahhh, faith like a child. our days are full these days....but I'm always blessed to read how the Lord is working...amen!
How Beautiful is that?? Love that story. Our children low me away as well all the time. Just knowing they have so much faith helps me!!! Praise GOD for faith like a child.
mom said...what a beautiful family you have!! Only a few weeks and our family will be together. I am so glad that your have a found a way to touch other people's lives, to raise others up, and to share your passion for life. There is no greater satisfaction and fulfillment than to make a difference in another person's life--and that is what it is all about. Keep leaving the world a better place. Love you xoxoxo MOM
Katie, I love you! And can't wait to hug you in Uganda!! Keep it up Sister.
Your girls are gorgeous! I love reading about you guys and following your story. Thank you for sharing with us. I am a soon to be divorced mom of 3 in Indiana. When I start to feel down, I read everything you have gone through, and what you have done and I have the strength to pull myself up and go on.
You are an inspiration.
I pray for the safety of your family, electricity daily and hot showers. :)
Your girls are gorgeous! I love reading about you guys and following your story. Thank you for sharing with us. I am a soon to be divorced mom of 3 in Indiana. When I start to feel down, I read everything you have gone through, and what you have done and I have the strength to pull myself up and go on.
You are an inspiration.
I pray for the safety of your family, electricity daily and hot showers. :)
Hi Katie. I've read your blog for a while now and it's always so encouraging. Your faith and your children's faith have strengthened mine.
If you are still asking for prayer requests I have one. We're adopting a baby boy from Ethiopia and the courts have stopped hearing cases of abandoned children for now. Our court date is June 5th and we really want our case to be heard that day, and be able to bring our son home soon. There are so many other families also affected by this. We pray that God's will is done and He takes care of all the children and families.
God bless you and your children. We'll continue to keep you in our prayers as well.
Oh the power of our Lord! It is so encouraging to see how He is working! God Bless you and your girls Katie! You're all in my prayers everyday.
Kami Gordon
I have goose bumps reading that. Thank-you so much for sharing.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful family! My children as well teach me so much about believing God. Praying for you all! Please continue to pray for our family as we listen to God's call on our lives to serve Him and His children in Africa. God is so good! Even when our faith seems small!
Beautiful post! Beautiful babes. Beautiful faith. You are an inspiration young Katie. Lots of love and prayers for you and your babies.
Hi Katie, I found your blog through some girls in Pensacola, FL who go to Hillcrest Baptist Church. It is so amazing what God is doing through you and Amazima Ministries in Uganda!! I also share your heart/passion for Uganda, and for orphan care. My husband and I actually live in Moroto! As I was reading over your blogs, it seems you also have a heart for Karamoja! I would love to be able to help you and Amazima in any way I can. Perhaps we could talk sometime. My number is 0783594817. -Kristi van der Merwe
Thankful, ever thankful....each and every time I come to your sweet blog, your children and you, Katie, teach me to be thankful!!!
I leave here smiling and thanking our Father each visit!!!
Your lights were the only lights on.....smiling here!!! God is good all the time.....all the time God is good!!! Smiling, again!!!
Hug your children for all of us today, please....
you always know how to start my day ... i love you sister and can't wait to meet all my nieces and their goats ... i always get lost in your pictures because the Lord has made so many things real to me since i meet you ...
always growing in faith w/ you !!!
Oh what beautiful pictures, beautiful children, beautiful stories of God's goodness...tell your girls I LOVE their yarn hair! But I think they're beautiful no matter what their hair looks like!
We pray for you everyday...I love seeing the answers to our prayers in these pictures and in your stories.
Your kiddos have that faith that moves mountains...
I did not mention a prayer request in the previous post, but I feel that was my pride. I need a mountain moved...several, really. God knows. Thanks, Katie!
Laine in Alabama
Katie, thanks for the sweet pictures. you have a beautiful family. The girs are awesome with their faith, like little children right.
I am glad to know that we all are human and waver from time to time. For whatever reason we don't pray for the silly things like electricity (all though that would be a big one here). I LOVE when God says, "No, I want to show you something even if it is small."
Thanks for the prayers, mine remains the same...our kids in Ethiopia and the funds to get them here.
Beautiful photos. Beautiful children. Beautiful Jesus.
I am so thankful you are well and loving on those precious kiddos.
God bless!
Katie, thank you so much for your posts. They are truly uplifting. Would you and your family pray for me and mine? At the end of June, we have challenged our church to eat beans and rice for a week, then offer the money we would have spent to God. We will then send it to Amazima ministries. The prayer is that God would move us all closer to Him, and open our hearts to how much we have. Personally, I am greedy for your family's prayers that my son would realize how blessed he is, and that he can be a blessing to others. Thank you for your strength, and the faith that you are teaching your children, who in turn are teaching all of us!
beautiful:) ...just makes me jealous you're still there. miss you kid.
Ha! These pictures and stories made my day. I'm so excited that you got goats... Melissa can tell you of my burning desire for a baby goat while I was there. Who can resist? question is, are yours for pets or...? I'm guessing since they're both girls they're pets/milk-suppliers ;)
Love you and miss you lots! Can't wait to see your sweet face, whenever that may be.
I LOVE THE HAIR!!! Tell Prossy that her "Auntie Suzanne" CANNOT believe how old she looks!! Her beautiful smile brings tears to my eyes.....LUV LUV LUV the fort....looks like my house on any given day. I wish I was still there to experience the power outages! haha I cant wait to travel to get Josie Love....yippee! CANNOT WAIT to hang out at Gwen's pool with you. xxoo
Amazing photos of so many beautiful children. Thanks for sharing! And for praying for us!!! What a powerful story, thank you for sharing and thank you girls for inspiring my own faith! Sweet blessings, Amy in OR
looks like you bring the Lord's joy into many lives. you continue to inspire. keep shining for jesus!!
I have been sitting here reading post after post and all I can say is WOW! What you are doing is so amazing! What God is doing in and through you is amazing! All of your children are just precious!!! Thank you for being Jesus to the people there! Do you mind if I link to you on my blog? I want others to see your story so maybe they will give to the work that you are doing there.
LOVE that she cut her hair...I found Elizabeth SHAVING hers with Graham's razor the other day. No joke.
And LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that your house was the only one with lights - Yippee Jesus!!
Emmy, Dw and Graham leave in the AM...I am so jealous that I'm not going...grrrr
Love and prayers from Colorado!! xo
please pray for my adoption. i have been in uganda a week and we have gotten the process started. i want to take my beautiful little girl home with me in july. katie, please call me or text me i have some gifts for your girls and a few clothes as donations. i would love to come see ya'll for the day while i am in ug. 256 078 305 4134
I'm looking forward to more posting from you, little silent one! :) What are you trying to parent a houseful of children or something? What about US... oh, that's right, you probably didn't have time to realize you're supposed to not only feed the Karamanjong, but also feed the hungry hearts of us here... hehehe
Can't wait to see you, love on those girls for me. The hair is precious, but I still love their bald heads! :)
Katie-I want you to know you encurage me so much! You spur me on in my faith. I want you to know your family has pictures of your family posted to pray for them! They are so BEAUTIFUL! Thank you for helping open my eyes--
Here is something for you and your girls to pray about
Extreme Makeover: Jesus Edition
Because I am leaving a comment on your page, that means I am a “follower” of your story I am not a random person just posting for posting sake.
I don’t know if this breaks blog etiquette or something. But I am risking it anyway.
I have posted a blog called “Extreme Makeover: Jesus Edition” about a family that needs our help.
Go, read, if you feel led.
Side note: for you adoption/foster advocates, there is another post that is “messing” with me if you care to check it out and comment. It is the previous post and it is called “Living Freely: Foster Care and THE CHURCH”
Hear my heart fellow bloggers, I am seeking nothing selfishly. Just trying to do the will of the ONE who sent me. Praise the Lord!
Its me again.... I commented on your other "post your prayer request" post.... mine was the one about how my mom was not open to our adoption...
Anyway, a few friends and I have committed to pray for my mom on Monday (June 1st)... I will also be fasting on this day as well... I would appreciate anyone willing to pray for my mom to pray on Monday (Sorry to hijack your blog, Katie!)... please pray for her salvation, and for her to be open to God and this adoption, and for a healing of our relationship... this is so important and I know God can do such big, big things (Ephesians 3:20)...
Thank you all, and especially you, Katie, who open your life to us and help to inspire me to grow closer to my Father
(as a sidenote, please dont comment on my photo blog as my mom reads that and I wouldnt want her to be upset that I asked for prayer on the internet... I do have another blog under my pfofile)
What faith!
Please be in prayer for my son Brandon. He had contact with his bio father for the first time ever last week. He is 18 years old, and we plan to meet his bio father in person in about 4 weeks.
I trust your precious family will touch heaven for Brandon and his father.
You are amazing and God is using you to move mountains you may never even see or know...
Praise Him that you are His HANDS and FEET in UGANDA.
Thanks for sharing your power outage story... What a mighty God we serve.
Keep the photos and stories coming and we'll keep the prayers coming.
I'm in America for awhile taking care of my mother following a major surgery. During my time I've been fund raising for my next trip to Africa and God made something sooo clear. If I (You) are willing to GO and Serve... He'll provide the joy, $$, peace, health etc... all you have to do is recruit prayer warriors and He'll do the rest.
Keep up the good work!
Okay- how about if I bring Barbara home then? :0)) Thanks for being such an inspiration! Amy
Awww! Little Jane got a hair-cut? Don't worry, it will grow back :) Hannah and Molly are cute also!
Prayers for you all-
Those are some of the most beautiful faces I have ever seen. Thank you.
Beautiful pictures!
Thank you for sharing the light story. I'll have to let my 8 year old read it. She prays regarding EVERYTHING. And the neat thing is that almost all of the time, God answers her prayers. I am so often reminded of my own little faith and grateful for the faith of my children.
Oh LORD, give us the amazing faith of children!
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