Friday, August 2, 2013

I know, I kind of abandoned ship here for a while. I didn’t mean to leave you hanging.

Katherine’s death has taken me a lot longer to process than most things usually do. Maybe because it felt like a big final loss after a season of lots and lots of losses. Maybe because I have a tendency to want to see redemption here and now, to want to tie it all up in a neat little package, even though I know that His ways are not my ways and a “good ending” is not always seen in this lifetime. Maybe because I feel that I should have some kind of understanding before I bear my heart to the world.

Friends, God is still good and God is still working. In a season of much loss and much hardship, He whispers, “Look how far I have carried you. And still I go before you.”

But trying to tell you where I am at right now feels a little like trying to serve grape juice as wine. Words on a screen feel like a cheap substitute, unable to capture the grace and the mercy that God has shown us during this season, unable to explain the nearness I have felt and the new ways the Father is revealing His heart to me.

There is joy in this place. There is peace in this place. It is Jesus. He is very near to us. And I am writing it all down in hopes that one day soon I will again feel that it is time to share it with the world.

But for now there is something very sacred about sharing my heart with Jesus only.

Thank you for those of you who continue to check in on us and who continue to pray. That you would sit before the Father on our behalf means more to me than I could ever tell you here.

Betty is still living with us. She is a constant reminder of God’s love to me. Health wise, she is recovering very slowly, but she knows the Savior and she is a fighter. She is full of joy, and it is our joy to care for her.

Simon and his grandmother are also living with us while Simon gains weight and gets ready for another surgery. Simon’s grandmother is darling and extremely devoted to caring for Simon. It is always a bit stretching to share our home with new people for an extended period of time, but I am thankful for the way the Father grows us in community, the way that He can turn strangers into family.

The girls are doing phenomenally well, growing like weeds and doing great in school. Watching them grow in their knowledge and love of the Lord is by far the best part of parenting. Without a doubt, parenting reveals to me more of my own depravity and more of my loving Father’s heart than anything else ever could. I am humbled and grateful.

To all who ask the question, "Are you ok?" The answer is a resounding "Yes." I am more in love with my Savior than I have ever been before. I pray that each day my love for Him would only grow. He is good to us, friends, and He doesn't ever, ever leave.

Thank you, again for your prayers and your love. I will be back soon. You can continue to keep up with Amazima here in the mean time.


Unknown said...

Grace, grace and more grace to you, woman of God!

Unknown said...

Grace, grace and more grace to you, dear Katie!

Nikki said...

Thank you for the update Katie! God is always Good! xoxo Nikki

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

Oh, Katie, there are just no words to say after reading this heart felt post except that I am praying for you sweet girl. And, again, I say, you are one more amazing young woman! Sending hugs to you this day!

Unknown said...

I've read your book twice and you are such an inspiration to me! I keep you and all those you are serving in my prayers regularly. You take as much time as you need, and know that you are doing a great work, glorifying God! We were discussing your book at our church breakfast a couple weeks ago and more than one commented "I want a heart like Katie's". That's what a heart full of God does, encourages others to let God take over their heart. Thank you for sharing your life, and the amazing work God is using you to do!

Unknown said...

Thank you for being a TRUE role model! You're an inspiration to many.

sandy Alger said...

I have followed your blog forever. ;) You have inspired me to be more like Jesus with every reading. You are not perfect....but your faith is like a breath of fresh air for me. I read, and I cry. I feel. I want to draw closer to my Lord.....and be the hands and feet of Jesus. Because He loves me. You convey that to me every time ....and sometimes in my doubt I am reminded because of your trials....and your faith...that I am not alone. That God loves I have been fighting breast cancer for 4 months. I am almost done with last one on Monday. Then in 4 weeks I will have a bilateral mastectomy with re-construction. I have dreaded that surgery at times.......but know that it is necessary for my future. I read your blog.....and read about the friends you have lost...and the pain of that loss makes me feel ashamed.....that I would dread the path that God has me on. I have a that He has created for me. I will walk it out in confidence and stop dreading. I will rejoice that He knows my fear...and covers me. I will rejoice that He has a plan and a purpose for me. I rejoice that I know Him!
Thank you is not sufficient for your words of wisdom....hope and encouragement. They speak to me and resonate deep in my soul of the love that God has for me. I am in love with Him....and pray that someday, my life will make a difference. Because He loves......because He is.
You, Katie, make a difference.

aeolian said...

I've been following you for some time now, and wondering if you're doing ok. I am really glad to see this update, thank you for sharing some of your beautiful heart with us!

Unknown said...

I've never posted to you before, and don't really know what to say other than you've impacted my life. I read your book last Fall & am inspired by your life & devotion to God through real action during victories and true hardships. I tell everyone of your story. (I only have 3 books "liked" on Facebook & yours is one of them.) I'm grateful for your honest struggles & humbled by your willingness to serve. Your story helps me remember that our focus here in America is so often centered on the trivial complaints and issues of life. I have great opportunities to let God use me, but I don't live out my faith as you do. I pray that God continues to help me do better in actions & most of all that He rewards you with strength, His presence, & rest in all that you do, so you can not only keep inspiring us to a higher calling lived out daily, but that you see His full glory and love for you. I will pray for you & for your ministry. I hope God hugs you today.

Rachel Palm said...

I am praying for you, Katie. I know our wonderful Abba will take care of you in that way that He has. How excellent is His provision, and how marvelous are His deeds.

Londerz said...

How good it is to see the love of the Savior in your life. Katie, we've never met, but I have wept many tears over your blog and your book and God has blessed me so through you. I am making plans to come to Uganda in the beginning of next year, to work with Amani Baby Cottage and The Street Child Project, and look forward to a chance to meet you in person and give you a hug. Meanwhile, I pray for you and all the people you come in contact with. The Lord bless you and keep you and shine His face upon you. You are His beloved daughter and His love in your life is evident and radiant.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the update! I'll continue praying for Betty's healing. And yours. Though I don't know the deepest pains of your grief, I am still grieved for you. And I'll continue praying for your heart's healing!
The Lord is using you in such a mighty way, Katie! Don't give up. I heard this once: 'Your as close to your breakthrough, as you are giving up'. Remember that. Remember that our Sweet Savior promised that
He will never leave you nor forsake you. He promised that! And He can not lie.
If you need anything, just let me know!!! I gave you my email in an earlier post.

~God bless you and your girls' always! I'll be praying!!!

~Sister's in Christ,

~Isaiah 42:8-10

Sarah Penagos said...

Thanks you for the update. I've missed you. You don't know me, we've never met. I grew up in Nashville and as I read your book it felt like reading the story of my neighbor. Powerful stuff. Death and loss can seem impossible to process and wade through. Praise God that He makes all things possible!

Anonymous said...

Always nice to hear you hear...I continue to pray daily for you ...continued grace and peace and may you rest on the breast of ABBA hearings His heart beat for you .

Sarah Penagos said...

Thanks for the update. I've missed you. You don't know me but reading your book and blog have been very personal experiences for me. I grew up in Nashville so your story hits home in that respect also. Death and loss can seem impossible to process and wade through sometimes. Praise God for His glory made known in our weakness!

grace cabalka said...

Trusting our Abba to hold you close as you walk this sorrow with Him. I will be praying diligently for you and yours. Thank you for letting what needs to be sacred hold silent.

Becky said...

Ever since I read your book, a fire has been lit in my soul. It's ok that you don't have the words every day to post here. Just know that our Savior continues to carry out His words through your daily life. You are loved and prayed for!


Winona Liley said...

Thank you so much Katie! You are such an amazing person. I really look up to you. God is truly working through you. Someday I would love to meet you. I live in Nashville and sometime when you come home I would love to hear you speka.

Anonymous said...

Katie, so good to hear from you !! I just want to give you a big,long and warm hug :) I've been thinking of you often and assumed you were busy with the girls. I'm sorry such heartache has entered your life. I think we forget how much sickness,malnutrition,etc you must see EVERY day !! It would make anyone run to Jesus trying to make sense of it all. I have lost 2 friends to cancer these past few months (they were in their early 30's) and it's hard to wrap my mind around how God is good through that. I know that He is though!! It's just hard for our human minds and human nature to comprehend.I'm so grateful (and not AT ALL surprised) that you've ran into your Abba's arms to try to understand His heart. Please know that you and your girls are thought of often by me. Your words often inspire me and I consider it a joy to pray for you !! We love hearing from you anytime you feel like writing. We also understand if you don't. May God continue to bless you and give you wisdom.May He draw you ever closer to His heart :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your honesty and faithfulness. What treasure awaits those who continue to live (painfully at times) with this eternal perspective in a temporal world. God bless you sister--your love and dedication to Jesus is an inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your honesty and faithfulness. What treasure awaits those who continue to live (painfully at times) with this eternal perspective in a temporal world. God bless you sister--your love and dedication to Jesus is an inspiration.

Anonymous said...

God bless you Katie.

Aileen said...

Thanks for updating and letting us know how you've been, Katie. I keep you and your family in my prayers and although I can't presume to know your struggles, I can definitely relate to the feeling of not being able to fully express what we know of God and His workings in our lives, along with struggling with the desire to know the meaning now, even though there's no way we can know the full story. I'll be keeping you and your family in my prayers. <3

Alyssa said...

Thank you for all you do, Katie! It is amazing how God has used you and is using you.

Alyssa said...

Thank you for all you do, Katie! It is amazing how God has used you and is using you to make a difference in the world for His glory.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for your update. You speak truth. Words I needed to hear tonight.

Unknown said...

Thank you for your post. Reminded me of some important truths also.

Hope Rising Farm said...

Thank you for sharing this update...we love praying for you and remembering your work with so many beautiful folks. So excited for The Lord, Jesus Christ to be drawing you is a beautiful thing! God bless!

Diane in the Valley said...

I love reading your posts! The joy and faith you express is contagious. It must be terribly hard to watch people suffer without understanding Gods's plan. Before my oldest brother passed away of cancer, he told us God could take the cancer away in a second if He wanted to, but He had a bigger plan, and that didn't mean He wasn't there crying with us. Prayers for you and those you are helping.

katie [the bright life] said...

Praying for you and your sweet family, Katie. I recently finished Kisses from Katie and I cannot begin to tell you all of the ways that God has stirred my heart through your writing. May He continue to lead you through the difficult places and may you sense Him ever closer. Xo, Katie

katie [the bright life] said...

Praying for you and your sweet family, Katie. I recently finished Kisses from Katie and I cannot begin to tell you all of the ways that God has stirred my heart through your writing. May He continue to lead you through the difficult places and may you sense Him ever closer. Xo, Katie

Anonymous said...

Praying joy, peace and protection for your heart and soul, Katie! I feel and empathize with your desire to see redemption in the here and now. Been grappling with the concept of being sorrowful and joyful at the same time, and even though I don't have it completely figured out, I know God is good and just and present all the time, as I know you do as well. Praying the Holy Spirit would speak loudly to both of us and provide supernatural peace and joy far beyond our comprehension.
With love in Christ!

megs said...

Katie- I started reading your blog about a year ago and every single time I do, it's exactly what Jesus needs me to hear. YESTERDAY Abba Daddy started doing a work in my heart and I was busy contemplating if I should share it with people. when you mentioned there being something very sacred about something being between you and Jesus, I knew that's where I needed to be in this situation. thank you for always speaking through the Holy Spirit!! you have no idea how your words, through Him, touch me!!

love and prayers from Arizona

Unknown said...

Hello Katie, I just got your book today and have started reading it. I can't yet put into words how it is affecting me. In January I went on a 2 week medical bush trip to Cameroon, and it stretched into a month. Like Uganda gripped you when you first got there, Cameroon did the same for me and I didn't want to leave. I really think that the Lord has been shaping my life for living in a 3rd world country. I am in the process of getting my RN degree, and he is giving me so much vision for using medical help as a tool to share the love of God with these beautiful people in impoverished countries. So thank you for the encouragement through your book, I think God is using it to define my calling further. Praying for you and your beautiful girls!

Unknown said...

I am a 20 year old girl in Iowa. I just received your book today. I am only 2 chapters in and I already so stirred by it. I spent the month of January in Cameroon on a combined medical and teaching missions trip. I completely identified with you when you were describing how you felt when you first arrived in Uganda. I didn't want to leave, and was so dissatisfied with American culture, and the state of Christianity in our churches. I still think about Africa everyday, and dream of going back, but this time I want to stay for a long time. I am already in the process of getting my RN degree, and I believe that God had me started on that before I knew what I would be using it for. I am still waiting and praying for direction from the Father, but I know he will give it in his perfect timing. So thank you for the encouragement and conviction that came from your book. I really feel the Lord is using it to narrow down his calling on my life. Praying for you and your beautiful girls!

Unknown said...

Blessings to you and I pray for His peace within your heart! I have just joined you here, and I am gladdened to see your strength and husband and I are working to adopt two children from Uganda and I am so blessed to read your stories of strength, faith, the fight, and ultimately your courage!


Winona Liley said...

Oh Katie, thank you so so so much for everything! I feel like I can't thank you enough. You have been so unselfish. You care for others more than yourself and have given up everything to care for these people in need. Everytime I open up your book or read your posts, I start crying. I just can't help it. You are a good role model and a good mother for your girls. You live a life that I would give anything to have. You have a purpose in life. You have people who need you. If everyone could be like you then there would be no more suffering in the world. You are such an inspiration to everyone around you.
When I tell people that I want to open an orphanage in a "developing country" when I get out of college, they always say, "Really? Have you read Kisses from Katie?" Someday I want to be like you. I want to have tons of little children who call me Mommy. I love you so much you dear, sweet, beautiful girl. I am praying for you.
I am really sorry about Katherine. Remember, God has a purpose for everything. He had a reason for giving you Katherine and then taking her away. Maybe you will someday know the reason, maybe not. But He still had a reason. No matter how hard things get, put your trust in God and He will bring you out. He loves you and cares for you.

Anonymous said...

I am always praying for Amazima and Katie Davis. I believe Our God is all we need and he is our strength.

kathleen palese said...

God bless you Katie. thank you for being so open and honest. Your book and your blog has touched so many lives and we thank you. God often reminds me to pray for you and I'm blessed to do so. Thanks for sharing your heart. I will continue to pray.

Ashley said...

I'm reading your book now, and God is changing my heart through it. I'm actually having to take it slower than most books because there's so much to take in. You are such an inspiration and I hope that I can one day develop the same reckless abandonment with which you serve The Lord. I'll be praying for you, your family, and your ministry...

Maya J said...

Reading your book and sending you unbridled love Katie. Your strength and courage is inspirational to me and touches me in a profound manner.

Olwethu said...

Hi Katie... I'm, I'm reading this and I thank God for you. I'm living in South Africa and bought your book over a month ago. I saw the cover page and I knew I had to get it. Your testimony of all you left behind to follow God and be obedient to Him touches my heart. My Pastor and his wife are missionaries from America and they left so much to be here to preach the gospel, send out couples to plant more churches where there are needs and make Jesus known. I'm amazed every time I hear of how much people have sacrificed to serve and follow Jesus. I want to do the same, everyday. Glad for you Katie. Good is with you

Unknown said...

I just finished your book........WOW! I want to come running to Uganda. God has blessed you in tremendous ways and reading your book has both inspired me to actively spread the Gospel and God's unconditional love and it has encouraged me to dig deeper into His word, uncover His will for my life, and Love Like JESUS!!! The stories you have shared will last longer that the pages on which they were written, the love that exploded out of your heart when God chose you to be a light in Uganda will live on into eternity in heaven. Thank you for saying "YES" I hope one day we can meet. You have blessed me so much and I will remember you in my prayers forever.

Unknown said...

I have just finished reading your book.......WOW!!! I want to come running to Uganda. God has blessed you in tremendous ways. Reading your book has both inspired me to actively spread the Gospel and God's unconditional Love and it has encouraged me to dig deeper into his word, uncover His will for my life, and Love Like JESUS!!! The stories you have shared will last longer than the pages on which they were written, the love that exploded out of your heart when God chose YOU to be a light in Uganda will live on into eternity in Heaven! Thank you for saying "YES" I hope one day we can meet. You have blessed me so much and I will remember you and your beautiful girls in my prayers forever.

Unknown said...

I have just finished reading your book.......WOW!!! I want to come running to Uganda. God has blessed you in tremendous ways. Reading your book has both inspired me to actively spread the Gospel and God's unconditional Love and it has encouraged me to dig deeper into his word, uncover His will for my life, and Love Like JESUS!!! The stories you have shared will last longer than the pages on which they were written, the love that exploded out of your heart when God chose YOU to be a light in Uganda will live on into eternity in Heaven! Thank you for saying "YES" I hope one day we can meet. You have blessed me so much and I will remember you and your beautiful girls in my prayers forever.

Unknown said...

I have just finished reading your book.......WOW!!! I want to come running to Uganda. God has blessed you in tremendous ways. Reading your book has both inspired me to actively spread the Gospel and God's unconditional Love and it has encouraged me to dig deeper into his word, uncover His will for my life, and Love Like JESUS!!! The stories you have shared will last longer than the pages on which they were written, the love that exploded out of your heart when God chose YOU to be a light in Uganda will live on into eternity in Heaven! Thank you for saying "YES" I hope one day we can meet. You have blessed me so much and I will remember you and your beautiful girls in my prayers forever.

Unknown said...

ok just noticed that I have sent this post in like a thousand times......I apologize.

Juné Joubert said...

Katie, it's awesome to read your news. I only learnt of your story this past weekend (read your book, at random guesthouse in the North of South Africa), and am inspired out of the bounds of my heart! THANK YOU thank you thank you. Our God's love surprises me through your obedience. I pray more and more grace on you during this season. All my love. Juné

Unknown said...

Hi! I stumbled upon your book at the library and once I started reading, I was addicted. You are living what I have always wanted to do. I do not care about the physical things but just helping people. I will donate once a month to you because I feel very connected to what you are doing! Keep up lifting spirits to Jesus!

Anonymous said...

Katy you do a wonderful job. God bless.

Anonymous said...

So good to hear from you again, Katie. Like many other commenters here, you have inspired me for years. I check your blog almost daily and was worried when you didn't post for so long. But you know what? Every day that you didn't post, I was in prayer over you. God has a way of bringing us to the Cross.

Anonymous said...

Hi Katie,

Sheldon van Alken talked about the "Severe Mercy" and you have the change to live it. May He continue to sustain you in this challenging service and may it always be All to Him. Thank you for sharing...

Anonymous said...

Reading your post of 2Aug, I felt compelled to write. I have always heard that still waters run deep. When you express your emotions in words there is an empathy that comes through from places deep inside your soul. Though you do not write often, and your words are short, you convey so much.
I have followed your blog for about two years now. You should know that your words often express how others feel, and that you have a gift. A gift of not only being able to touch lives physically where you are but a gift of touching lives with your words across the world.
God’s Word works through you, and He promises us that it will not return void. The words you write and emotions you express remind everyone who reads them that even when life is foggy, and when we say we understand but we need reassurance, that God is there. And He brings comfort, and even if we do not recognize it but simply trust Him that He does put His arms around us and brings us close and shields us and puts angels in guard around us and will not allow harm to come to us. And even if we just close our eyes and cry simply because we do not know what else to do and stay in His arms for a time, that He hears the groaning of our soul, and that the words we can not utter come through to Him because He utters the words we can not say.
So guard your heart and soul, Katie, and do not let the cares of this world cause you anxiety. Grieve when there is a loss, as Christ grieved for his friends, but know that to persevere through till the end is what He requires. And that even as Christ died on the cross for our sins, surely He has prepared a place where we can be with Him and that there will be no more pain and no more sorrow because everything He has promised will be.
Alan Howell

mary ellen esh said...

My family lives in Chiang Mai, Thailand, as missionairies to the Thai people. Everytime I need a little 'boost', I know I can find
the encouragement I need in your wonderful book, which I am reading for the second time! Sorry for the pain you are going through...keep holding on!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, my name's Wilson. I am a college student from Nashville and went to (and go to when I'm home) church at Otter Creek, about five minutes from BA. Just wanted to let you know that God has been faithfully putting you and Amazima on my heart, and I have been and will be praying for you, your girls, and you ministry.

Love in Him from your brother,


Anonymous said...

Hi, my name is Wilson. I am a college student from Nashville who went to (and goes to when home) church at Otter Creek, about five minutes from BA. Just wanted to let you know that our Father has been faithfully putting Amazima and you on my heart, and I have been and will be praying for you, Amazima, and your girls!

Your true and loving brother in Him,


Anonymous said...

Hi Katie, I just wanted to let you know how much and profoundly your book has affected me. I picked it for our book club and was so glad that I did! While I was reading it I would cry and pray for you and the people of Uganda. It must be so hard for you to see people suffering like they are. But, like you said, God has told you one person at a time. He really is in control of everything. I love your heart and I pray that God will give me the same type of love for people everywhere like you have. I have been going through an extremely difficult time for the last six years. I totally know of that closeness to God that comes from having to rely on Him for every hour of every day. I know that it really is a blessing in our lives when God molds,and purifies us to be more like Jesus. (for all of eternity) I am thankful to God for this journey He has you on. You really are an inspiration! I am excited to say that our Book Club had decided to sponsor between 2-4 children every month. It is hard for me to fatham the suffering that these people have to go through. I think that it is a privilege to be able to help Amazima! Thank you Father for showing us in a modern human what it looks like to be like Jesus. And that you understand the love that He has for us. You have much wisdom:) Praying for you. Love in Christ, Jeri

Anonymous said...

You don't know me, but I feel like I know you! You are such an inspiration to me, and many others I know. I have followed your blog for a while, and I have missed you. After your April post, I have been praying for you in your absence on the web. I am grateful for the update just to know that you are ok. I saw your visit with Ann Voskamp - love her too! - and was glad to see you all looked so well. Continuing to pray for you and your girls.

Nancy Rowe said...

Oh was so good to read your post. Will keep praying for you and your ministry! May God give you a special hug TODAY!

Unknown said...

I have read your book once, but I'm now reading it again. I just returned from Jinja last week. i was there 7/18-30/2013. I was on a team with Sole Hope. Founders Dru and Asher Collie. Being there and actually seeing it all and being a part of it, made me want to read your book again. It's amazing how I see things differently as I read it for the second time. We went to the Acacia Community Church and I didn't know until afterwards that you were sitting two rows in front of me. I wish I had gotten the chance to actually meet you. You are a true blessing from The Lord for these people. I will be returning January with 11 high school students that go to Asheville Christian Academy in North Carolina. I hope we get the chance to meet you and let the students see what The Lord has done through you in Jinja.

eii said...

Sure have missed you. Am so thankful to see you back.

Anonymous said...

I am reading Kisses for Katy. Glad to find your blog so I can stay current with your work. It is amazing to see what God accomplishes when people truly allow Him to dwell in them. How humbling but also amazing! I am elderly and think there is nothing I can do. So wrong! Your book has raised my awareness of how I am wasting God's investment in me. Praying for you, Katie.

Unknown said...

Katie, yesterday I got home from Uganda. Our church sent 7 people there to minister to a small village in Namatumba. It was life changing and very rewarding. Many of our group read your book, and I personally read it on the plane ride home.
It is amazing what God has done through your willingness.

Anonymous said...

Our church teaches that life is like railroad tracks. There is always something good and something bad happening in your life at the same time. If you focus on the good things then the bad things don't seem so bad.

Anonymous said...

Dear Katie,
I know that witnessing the death of a dear friend is hard. And trying to understand how this fits into God's perfect plan...well, at times it just doesn't seem to make sense. But your ability to acknowledge God and your conscious choice to look at God's goodness and blessing...that is truly incredible. You are truly strong-God has made you strong. Life has not been easy for you but God is still working. And He provides rest. I have been following your blog for a while now and I am so grateful for your willingness and sincerity to serve, and to open your heart. Treasure the quiet words your beloved Saviour speaks to you.
You are truly an inspiration. God is using you in magnificent, dynamic ways. And you are not alone in the great work God has for this world. Blessings!
"Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

All in His Perfect Timing said...

Continued prayers to you and your girls, to Betty & to Simon! May God bless you and provide peace & healing to you.

Patty Lueken said...

The Father's revelations of His love and mercy are very difficult to explain, I am finding! Maybe impossible...
His peace that passes understanding is just that, beyond our understanding. Others need their own revelation through trials, just as we have had to go through. It's his unique work in each heart that brings glory to Him! So I cry out to Him to do what only he can do in each and every heart and walk in the calling He has for me, expecting him to do what I cannot do, which is transform hearts with the revelation of His grace!
Keep clinging,

Anonymous said...

I'm Katie and im reading your book Katie Davis!... I done a mission project this summer and i've realized God is calling me to be in the mission field. I love what you do and I think maybe he has a plan for me similar to yours!!!... If anyone has advice, comments, need to talk, or just want to hear about my mission project you can email me at!!!
peace be with you Katie Davis your my inspiration!!!!

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear from you again here. There is no timeline for grief. Many prayers that Jesus would hold you extra close in this season have been answered!

Fr. Stephen Watson said...

Dear Katie,
I bought your book at BWI Airport to have something to read for my long trip to Portland, OR. I didn't have much time to browse so when I saw it was about your life in Jinja, Uganda I didn't need to look further. I lived in Jinja from 2009-2011 and was connected with Philosophical Center Jinja (PCJ)so I was naturally interested in your story. I have not been so inspired and moved in a long time as when reading your book, and I do a lot of spiritual reading. I couldn't help but cry for joy. I hope to return to Uganda and when I do I want to meet you. Be assured of my prayers. Fr. Stephen Watson (connected with the Discalced Carmelite Friars of Uganda)

Anonymous said...

The perspective that comes from getting a glimpse into your life is indescribable! Oh, that God would drop even a tiny bit of your passion for Him and for His work into all of our lives! Thank you for your faithfulness and for sharing the depths of God's love with the rest of us. The blessings God provides through your ministry go much farther than what you can see with your own eyes. It does now and may it continue to touch many, many lives.

Anonymous said...

You are an inspiration, I have read your book and your love for Christ shines thru.

Anonymous said...

What a blessing you are, Katie to so many of us...young and old. Your living each day with love in your heart for our Lord is such an inspiration. Thank you, thank you!

Fr. Stephen Watson said...

Dear Katie,
I was looking for a book to read during my Baltimore to Portland flight yesterday. I grabbed your book off the shelf because it was about Uganda where I spent a couple of years. I was blown away by your love for the people and the manifestation of God's grace and love. "God is good all of the time. All of the time God is good." In fact I was in Jinja those two years, 2009-2011, and I seem to remember seeing you. I used to go to the village of the Karimojong across the railroad tracks from our house near PCJ. Anyway, your story brings tears of joy. Good bless you and I thank you for what you are doing for the beloved children of Uganda. Fr. Stephen Watson, OCD

Anonymous said...

I am an English teacher in a Christian school for high schoolers. I require that they read your book each year. Out of all the literature I have taught throughout my years as a teacher, this is the ONE and only book that students repeatedly say impacted their lives and inspired them to do more for the Lord and they would recommend for me to teach again next year. Thank you for pouring your heart and soul out for Christ and sharing how the Lord is at work in and through you and around the world.

Marti said...

Thank you, thank you dear Katie for laying down your life for the children and mothers of Uuganda. What an inspiration and challenge you are to me & many. Jesus understands your loss and pain and will empower you with His Life and Love to go on .
Blessings & Prayer-

Karen Meyers said...

I have just received this blog after not hearing about you and yours forever.Thanks so much.Iwill certainly pray for all of you and hopefully help you monetairly as well.Therefore ,I do not know who or what you are refering to in the blog.May Jesus richly bless you.With love Karen

Anonymous said...

I am so sory your enduring a season of pain, loss and grief. At the same time I praise God with you for His miracles and proximity to us as we grope through darkness. Prayer for you as you continue your journey with Jesus. He is enough!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your inspiring story. I loved the book and fell in love with you and your children. I admire your courage and conviction and reliance in the Lord. God bless you each and every day.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you Katie. Thank you for the update.

Unknown said...

I read your book and our family is coming to Jinja in November for 2 months. We have 7 kids ages 8-21 and would like to help in your ministry. How can we help? Please contact me if possible.
God Bless You!

Anonymous said...

Peace (that peace that passeth all understanding), Strength (that strength that comes only from God), Love (that Agape love that is only of Jesus, Comfort(that comfort that only God can give)May God give you just what you need at this moment!

jennifer said...

praying for you and your sweet family!

jennifer said...

You and your sweet family are getting lots of prayers and love sent from Tennessee. :-)

Rachel E said...

Katie, You continue to amaze and inspire me and I know that it is only Christ working through you. Praise be to His name! He is so good! with many prayers, Rachel

Anonymous said...

I had heard about your book, but never saw for myself what you've been up to, or rather what God has been up to through you.
I just spent hours reading every one of your posts.
I am so glad we serve a Maker that is gracious enough to use us, no matter our weaknesses. Thank you for being a willing vessel for the Lord, thank you for being love to the unloved, thank you for bringing God's light and truth into the dark places.
You honor the Father with your actions, joy and Holy Spirit strength.
I am inspired to be what God has called me to be and to walk His path, not my own.
Praying and rejoicing with you my sister in Christ, through the good times and the bad.

Anne said...

Dear Sis Katie:

Thank you for sharing your heart with us; you are an inspiration to me!
God bless you and your family always and you are in my prayers!

JulieAnn said...

Thank you for your honesty and transparency as you journey through grief and hard times in this chapter. May we all learn to see Him present even in the hardest of heartbreaks and losses. Your ministry is truly one of lasting impact! Thank you for you what you do and what you allow Him to do through you!

Anonymous said...

Courage, Dear Heart!

The LORD thy God in the midst of thee [is] mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.
-Zephaniah 3:17

Lucie Perreault said...

Dear Katie,I was very touched by your latest letter. I appreciated your discretion as much as your candor as some things are for sharing and others, not.

I am sorry for your losses. May God comfort you. May he also keep you strong, gracious, peaceful and loving amidst your trials as well as your blessings in this missionary work.

God bless Amazima and God bless the children.

Mary Akinyi said...

Katie, I can't put into words the effect you've had on me. I can't read one page of your book without tears. You speak my soul.
You bring Truth to the world and Hope to me and now I believe in both again. You've chosen Jesus and received life more abundantly. There is nothing else. I thank you. xoxo Akinyi

Alena said...

Praying for you and your beautiful ministry, Katie! Thank you for everything you're doing for Uganda, the world, and Christ. God bless you!

Ann said...

From one sister in Christ to another.... I KNOW it's HIM in you that is doing all this. It's amazing to be reminded that we are Not alone in this journey we are on. Thank you for reminding me through your book to keep our minds on things above. I love you Sister and I'm already praying HIS precious Blood's protection over you and your household. Keep holding onto hope. 1 Corinthians 1:13. Love and Grace through Christ, alm

Unknown said...


I just wanted you to know. I bought your book yesterday and read it in one day! You are such an inspiration to me. My daughter is in high school and she has such a heart to serve the Lord, she is reading your book now and I know it will inspire her to change the world also. I have 2 other children, in college and my husband and I just decided to start classes to become foster parents. I know that the blessings we will receive will be much greater than we can ever give. I am praying for your ministry, your children and you. Please know there are people who care for all of you :). In Christ's love....

Unknown said...


I purchased your book yesterday and read it all in one day. I was so moved as I read it and could almost hear God's words speaking to me through your writing. I am the mother of 3 children, 2 in college and 1 in high school. My youngest has always had such a heart to serve and I cannot wait for her to be inspired by your words as well. I have always told her that she will change the world. My husband I will begin classes to become foster parents next week. Reading your book has reaffirmed for me that this is the path that God wishes us to take. One of my favorite quotes is "you have never lived until you have done something for someone who can never repay you." How true! I am praying for you, your ministry and your family. Please know there are many of us holding you in our thoughts and prayers. I hope one day that my daughter and I can visit Uganda and help your ministry in some way. Until then, we will support you financially in any way we can and be the hands and feet of Jesus in our every day life. God Bless you :)

Lorena Vangjeli Moore said...

You are a true inspiration Katie. Your faith has increased mine in many ways. I have been a disciple of Christ about 10 years now and he has changed my life around. From being a shy teenage girl to now going for my PhD in International Trauma work and helping overseas. I came across your book and blog about a year ago and your heart has helped me be bold for God and light the path he has placed in front of me. Thank you for your vulnerable bold sharing and your love for God. I now write more about him as I grow to love him more. Here's my blog :

Lorena Vangjeli Moore said...

Thank you so much for your heart for God Katie. You have been such an inspiration while reading you from a year ago and coming across your blog and your book. Your faith has increased mine in so many ways and aspects. I have been a disciple of Christ for 10 years now and He has changed me from being a shy and empty teenage girl to now studying for PhD in International Trauma work and helping people overseas. Maybe one day our paths will cross and we will be face to face as we work for God and bring glory to him. Thank you for your vulnerability in sharing stories that are hard to share and the losses you have endured and thank you for holding tight to God through this hard times. I also write and have a blog of my own : to inspire and encourage people from the heart of God. May God be with you and heal you during the losses and strengthen you in hard times and lead you by the hand. I was born in Albania and Mother Theresa who was also Albanian is one of my heroes in the faith as I know it is one of yours. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Katie! I loved your book and am so glad to here of someone my age thats really seeking to obey God and is doing it. Thank you for choosing Christ. This might come out sounding bad, but I mean it as a loving sister in Christ. Recently Ive been researching into how God wants us to dress. I wanted to say I love the pics and what you write. However your choice in tops sometimes concerns me. Anyway from your sister in Christ. I just wanted to encourage and point out a concern I had. Keep seeking God. Its always worthit and we never have to do it all in our own strength.

Anonymous said...

We LOOOOOOVE you Katie Lou!! (I can say that because Im from Tennessee) You are carried in His loving arms like you carry so many of those precious people around you. Thank you for being real and sharing your soul with us. I'll be praying for you and the loss you are feeling of His sweet Katherine. Lots of hugs & love to you ;)

Anonymous said...

We LOOOOOOVE you Katie Lou!! (I can say that because Im from Tennessee) You are carried in His loving arms like you carry so many of those precious people around you. Thank you for being real and sharing your soul with us. I'll be praying for you and the loss you are feeling of His sweet Katherine. Lots of hugs & love to you ;)

Anonymous said...

Your book is so inspiring! You are one amazing young lady. I have been praying for you since I read your book a week ago.

amazinggracedairy said...

Psalms 139 1-5 (but really the whole chapter)
O LORD, You have searched me and known me. You know when I sit down and when I rise up; You understand my thought from afar. You scrutinize my path and my lying down, and are intimately acquainted with all my ways. Even before there is a word on my tongue, behold, O LORD, You know it all. you have enclosed me behind and before, and laid Your hand upon me.

The Lord is surrounding you, Katie. In your grief, in your tears, in your joys--He is surrounding you. In all of the languages that there are on this earth, I know of no words or combination of words that will bring peace, or comfort, or healing by merely saying or writing them. I think any words that do must be invaded by God's presence--they have to be. To experience peace that passes all understanding when your heart feels as if it is in shreds is witnessing a miracle from God's hand. It is holy ground--that peace for it only comes from the Father. I will pray for you and your family. I am thankful that you have chosen to turn to the Father in this grief. I thank you for your words of honesty and pain and truth. I thank you. I wish I knew better words. I wish I could speak words that would heal, but I do not know these words, so I will pray.

maria said...

Katie- I just finished reading your book and as a Women of God and a person who also is in love with the Ugandan people I am blown away by how GOD is using you. Thank you for sharing your message it gives me greater courage to serve unceasingly! Blessings

Anonymous said...

Katie: I read your book and I have been following your blog. You're one of my role models...what you do is amazing. Praying for you!

Anonymous said...

My family and I started reading your book for dinner devotions and it really makes us feel so blessed with all that God has given us.

Jill said...


My 16 year old daughter and I are reading your book Kisses From Katie aloud to each other. Thank you for sharing your journey. What a blessing it is to "be a part" of God's work there in Uganda by praying for you and your girls by name and the many that you serve. It sounds like there have been some tough weeks and months lately. Know that you continue to be in our prayers.

Unknown said...

Grace and Peace! When I first saw your book I was drawn by your name Katie Davis, because I have a daughter, Katy Davis... then as I read what the book was all about I was amazed again.... I have a daughter and son in law who are missionaries in the ME and Nth of Africa... everything seemed to connect, and I couldn't wait to read the book. What an amazing ministry. I would love to be involved in some way. May GOD, our loving Father, bless you and bless you as you bless others. Maureen Davis

Brad Holcomb said...

Katie, I just learned about you this morning after talking with a friend about my new gift/opportunity of being able to sponsor and mentor a 16-year old girl in Kenya to continue her high school education (and help with whatever she wants to do afterwards). Your blog and ministry is amazing. I hope to visit her in Kenya within a year. May the Lord bless you mightily every day. Brad in Dallas.

Anonymous said...

Katie, I am blown away by your blog and book about Christ's work and I love that you love what you do. This has opened my eyes in so many ways to Jesus's calling for my life. There are so many things that I could say to you but I want you to know that I'm praying for you and your beautiful, amazing family and all the people that you are loving on in Uganda. Much, much love and many prayers from the U.S., Emma